It can be clipped to a shirt or coat pocket and provides a continuous record of the amount of gamma- or x-radiation to which the carrier has been expo...
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tain pen. It can be clipped to a shirt or coat pocket and provides a continuous record of the amount of gammaor x-radiation to which the carrier has been exposed. It is both charged and read on a Model 2050 electrostatic voltmeter charging box or other related instrument. The total capacity is 0.2 roentgen.

*>*«*£&*** Ammonia Quinine A t a brine

For Pressures up to 100,000 psi.

Rubber Pharmaceuticals Rare Chemicals Perfumes Alcohols Crystals H i g h Octane Fuels O t h e r Organic Compounds

Temperatures up to 7 0 0 0 T .

F i g u r e 2.



Tubing Reaction Vessels « g YEARS A G O , Aminco " • " b u i l t the first high-pres­ sure apparatus in the U n i t e d States, and ever since has maintained its leadership in designing and manufacturing a c o m p l e t e line of standard and special high-pressure equip­ ment for research, d e v e l o p ­ m e n t , and p r o d u c t i o n . A c o m p e t e n t engineering staff and most modern plant facilities stand ready to pro­ duce e q u i p m e n t for all phases of Superpressure t e c h n i q u e .

If y o u have a p r o b l e m i n ­ volving high-pressure appa­ ratus, w e can engineer the proper e q u i p m e n t to solve it.

Pumps Compressors Pressure Generators & Intensifiers Instruments Dead-weight Gages

P o c k e t C h a m b e r P r o t e c t i v e Device

The unit is hermetically sealed from the atmosphere by a diaphragm which, when depressed, closes a contact with the central electrode for the charging or reading operation. The cathode of the chamber is molded of a special conducting plastic which simulates the radiation absorption of the human system. The safety cap covers the diaphragm and is held to the case by friction ribs. Each unit is numbered for keeping records. A self-indicating dosimeter is the Model 3360, which requires charging, but is self-indicating. It utilizes the principle of the Lauritsen quartz-fiber electrometer. As shown in Figure 3, the unit is of fountain pen dimen­ sions and the position of the gold-plated quartz fiber can be read at any time by pointing the unit toward a source of light and looking through the eyepiece. An ocular scale is calibrated directly in milliroentgens. Inquiries about these instruments from the East may be directed to Nucleonic Sales Co., 34 W. 28th St., New York, Ν. Υ.

Pilot Plants

Write for Catalog AC-406 26 YEARS' Experience

Superpressure Division AMERICAN INSTRUMENT CO.


Figure 3.

Self-Indicating Dosimeter