American Optical COMPANY

The instrument uses solid-state cir cuitry and has a continuous power out put of 2 amp. It has a control stabili zation of ±2 mv. with ±15% line vol...
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The instrument uses solid-state cir­ cuitry and has a continuous power out­ put of 2 amp. I t has a control stabili­ zation of ± 2 mv. with ± 1 5 % line voltage variation at maximum output, a controlled range of assigned voltage of ± 3 volts, and a maximum error in con­ trolled potential of ± 1 mv. The poten­ tiostat is 13V 4 X 9 X 7 V 2 inches and can be used for most electrochemical applications such as: polarization, cor­ rosion, electroplating, metallurgy, and fuel cell research. Magna Corp., 1001 South East St., Anaheim, Calif. 4 1 7

TS METER (A GOLDBERG REFRACTOMETER Signal generator and modulator form a complete system of AM and FM UHF signal sources. The signal gen­ erators, Models 8614A and 8616A, are equipped with an automatic con­ trol system which levels their output power within i/ 2 db across the entire frequency band, thus permitting a rapid sequence of measurements. The modulators, Models 8714A and 8716A, respond rapidly t o rec­ tangular pulse modulating signals: less than 0.02 /xsec. f o r RF output rise time and 0.01 ^sec. for RF decay time. A combination of Models 8614A and 8714A operates in the 800- t o 2400-megacycle range, while that of Models 8616A and 8716A covers the 1800- to 4500-megacycle interval. Hewlett-Packard Co., 1 5 0 1 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, Calif. 418 Laboratory Thermometers T h e r m o m e t e r s available in s t a n d a r d a n d precision grades feature a p e r m a ­ nently etched stem with insoluble, spe­ cial pigment, engravings of lines and n u m b e r s . T e m p e r a t u r e ranges are from - 1 5 0 ° t o 1125° F . o r centigrade equivalents. Thermometer lengths v a r y from 6 t o 24 inches and can b e built with special scale ranges. T h e p r e ­ cision grade t h e r m o m e t e r s are accurate to one subdivision and b o t h precision a n d s t a n d a r d grades meet g o v e r n m e n t a n d A S T M specifications. Moeller I n ­ s t r u m e n t Co., R i c h m o n d Hill, Ν . Υ. 419

Serum, plasma or urine determinations quickly and accurately... from a single drop THE NEW AO TS METER* requires just one drop of sample to provide immediate, accurate determinations of total solids, specific gravity, refrac­ tive index, protein concentration or water concentration in serum, plasma and urine. MINUTE SAMPLE REQUIRED: As little as 0.02 ml . . . a single drop . . . of sample is sufficient for the most precise determinations. TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED: Unique, hermetically-sealed liquid prism eliminates error due to temperature changes. Samples, whether at body or refrigerated temperatures, can be read immediately when the ambient temperature of the instrument is between 65-95° F. URINE SPECIFIC GRAVITY: N o more "Q.N.S." reports. Ideal for pediatrics, oliguric patients and in collections from ureteral catheters. Readings are consistently obtained with a degree of accuracy, speed or reproducibility significantly better than those obtained with urinometers, the fallingd r o p method or with instruments uncompensated for temperature. SERUM PROTEINS: Ideal for rapid screening of serum proteins. Samples as small as those obtained from a microhematocrit tube are ample. DIRECT READINGS: You make an immediate analysis directly from the built-in scale . . . readings to 0.1 percent total solids . . . without refer­ ences to graphs, tables or thermometer readings. *Total Solids Meter. This method of analysis using the Goldberg Refractometer was developed in close cooperation with Or. A. V. Wolf, Head of the Depart­ ment of Physiology, University of Illinois, College of Medicine, Chicago, III.



COMPANY I N S T R U M E N T D I V I S I O N , BUFFALO 15, N E W Circle No. 14 on Readers' Service Card


VOL. 34, NO. 8, JULY 1962


101 A