The instrument uses solid-state cir cuitry and has a continuous power out put of 2 amp. I t has a control stabili zation of ± 2 mv. with ± 1 5 % line voltage variation at maximum output, a controlled range of assigned voltage of ± 3 volts, and a maximum error in con trolled potential of ± 1 mv. The poten tiostat is 13V 4 X 9 X 7 V 2 inches and can be used for most electrochemical applications such as: polarization, cor rosion, electroplating, metallurgy, and fuel cell research. Magna Corp., 1001 South East St., Anaheim, Calif. 4 1 7
TS METER (A GOLDBERG REFRACTOMETER Signal generator and modulator form a complete system of AM and FM UHF signal sources. The signal gen erators, Models 8614A and 8616A, are equipped with an automatic con trol system which levels their output power within i/ 2 db across the entire frequency band, thus permitting a rapid sequence of measurements. The modulators, Models 8714A and 8716A, respond rapidly t o rec tangular pulse modulating signals: less than 0.02 /xsec. f o r RF output rise time and 0.01 ^sec. for RF decay time. A combination of Models 8614A and 8714A operates in the 800- t o 2400-megacycle range, while that of Models 8616A and 8716A covers the 1800- to 4500-megacycle interval. Hewlett-Packard Co., 1 5 0 1 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, Calif. 418 Laboratory Thermometers T h e r m o m e t e r s available in s t a n d a r d a n d precision grades feature a p e r m a nently etched stem with insoluble, spe cial pigment, engravings of lines and n u m b e r s . T e m p e r a t u r e ranges are from - 1 5 0 ° t o 1125° F . o r centigrade equivalents. Thermometer lengths v a r y from 6 t o 24 inches and can b e built with special scale ranges. T h e p r e cision grade t h e r m o m e t e r s are accurate to one subdivision and b o t h precision a n d s t a n d a r d grades meet g o v e r n m e n t a n d A S T M specifications. Moeller I n s t r u m e n t Co., R i c h m o n d Hill, Ν . Υ. 419
Serum, plasma or urine determinations quickly and accurately... from a single drop THE NEW AO TS METER* requires just one drop of sample to provide immediate, accurate determinations of total solids, specific gravity, refrac tive index, protein concentration or water concentration in serum, plasma and urine. MINUTE SAMPLE REQUIRED: As little as 0.02 ml . . . a single drop . . . of sample is sufficient for the most precise determinations. TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED: Unique, hermetically-sealed liquid prism eliminates error due to temperature changes. Samples, whether at body or refrigerated temperatures, can be read immediately when the ambient temperature of the instrument is between 65-95° F. URINE SPECIFIC GRAVITY: N o more "Q.N.S." reports. Ideal for pediatrics, oliguric patients and in collections from ureteral catheters. Readings are consistently obtained with a degree of accuracy, speed or reproducibility significantly better than those obtained with urinometers, the fallingd r o p method or with instruments uncompensated for temperature. SERUM PROTEINS: Ideal for rapid screening of serum proteins. Samples as small as those obtained from a microhematocrit tube are ample. DIRECT READINGS: You make an immediate analysis directly from the built-in scale . . . readings to 0.1 percent total solids . . . without refer ences to graphs, tables or thermometer readings. *Total Solids Meter. This method of analysis using the Goldberg Refractometer was developed in close cooperation with Or. A. V. Wolf, Head of the Depart ment of Physiology, University of Illinois, College of Medicine, Chicago, III.
COMPANY I N S T R U M E N T D I V I S I O N , BUFFALO 15, N E W Circle No. 14 on Readers' Service Card
VOL. 34, NO. 8, JULY 1962
101 A