American Patents - Journal of the American ... - ACS Publications

Publication Date: October 1880. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free ...
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connected, on t h e prinriple of a syphon, with t h e observation tribe and its jacket. By means of a pinch cock attached to the exit tube, t h e hot water is allowed t o flow through the jacket iiiitil t h e thermometer shows t h e temperature d,esired. I t is hardly necessary t o say t h a t the observation tube must be filled at a temperature near t h a t a t which the reading is to be made, to prevent expansion. If we desire t o make a reading a t O o , correspoiiding to 44" to the left, Clerget, we replace the water by alcohol which is cooled by a salt a n d ice b a t h t o -3' or -4". T h e appxratue is then used as before. W e have thus a means of making readings at a n y desired temperature without having to mutilate t h e polariscope, as is done by fitting it with a water bath. I will say, however, t h a t a judicious use of Clerget's principle renders readings a t a given temperature unnecessary, 'LSiey are, hojvever, useful in certain complex mixtures by doing away with certain calculations. I propose next t o extend my investigations to candies and other confections in which glucose enters as an ingredient.

Reports on American and Foreign Patents Relating to Chemistry.

American Patents. Condensed from the Official Gazette of the U. S. Pateut Omce, by A R N O~

~ K H R .

Oct. 5, 2880. 232,889.--Appnrnfus f o r extractins nzetui.front oies.


232,922.-Mnriufurfure of Soap. LOUISBABTET. A compound of soap and mineral oil, with or without the addition of borac ic acid.

JENKIXS. 232,974.- Vnfcnnizedplnsfir ronzpourtd. ALFREDB. and CHARLES Use infusorial earth as an admixture to ordinary vulcanized indiarubber. 232,99l.-MefAodand Appnrufrrsf o r obfainifignnznrouia. HAMP. LOI~ENZEN. See Gerinan Patent, p. 302. 232.995.-Frorrss and nppnrnfus forpreparing sncchnmte o f l i m e and obfnining sttgnu. HENRYA. J. MAXOURY. This process hns been sufficiently described in the crirrcnt literature. It is patented in Frnnce and Germany since 1877, nnd extensively adopted in Europe for the recovery of sugar from beet-root molosses.



Oct. 19, 1880. 233,07O.--Manu fncture o f woodpuQ for paper. JEFFERSON CKASE. I t is produced by reduction between revolving &ones of brush, twigs, and small branches of trees, in their natural state. 233,144.-Coafing rubber mifh metal. For dentistry.



233,197.--Lubrirating rontposifion. CHARLESF. BROADBENT. A mixture of milk of lime, precipitated chalk, and a solution of carbonate of soda, to be mired with any ordinary lubricating oi!. 233,217.-Process forpi~esrrvirrgf r u i f s a7zd othernr~icles. MAIUONF. DERBY. The preserving ageut is sulphurous acid gas, partly free and partly absorbed in an alum solution, to be poured over the articles. 233,29G.--Eitnnteled rubbet-clofh. EDGAR M. STEVENS.

Oct. 19, f880. 233,332.-Mrthod of and appnrntus for hot flirt^ nndbnrrelinr tirnlt nrtd ferntenicd C. DE LA VERGNEand JULIUS J. SUCKERT. liyuids, underpressure. JOHN 233,453.--Process o f purifiiirg fnfs and oils. ALEXANDER W. WINTER. The liquid or liquified fat is mixed with a certain proportion of Fuller's earth.

233,458-4GO.-Three patents relating to the manufacfure of artijcinl indigo, taken by ADOLFBAEYEK,in Munich. The first Patent claims the production of orthonitrodibromhydrocinnamic acid, from ortlionitrocinnamic acid and bromine ; the third, the production of orthonitroplienylpropiolic acid, prepared from the first named compound, by boiling with alcoliolic potash ; the second, the production of orthonitrophenyloxacrylic acid from orthonitrocinnamic acid and hypobromous acid, and subsequent treatment with alcoholic potash, Concerning the relations of these products to indigo, see Patent 227,470, p. 228. 233,4G5.--Red coloring ntntfer. HEINRICHBAUM. This is the product of the reaction of diazoazobenzole with betanaphtholedisulpho acid. 2 3 3 , 4 9 7 . - h b r i ~ n ~ t t . SAMUEL FRAZER. A compound of sal-soda. water, lime, and four qualities of rosin-oil, desrribed in the specification. 233,502.-Coiiipoztiid forpnvenzents, drnin-pipes, rtc. J. PIERSON GRANT. Coal-tar, asphaltum, sulphur, iron filings, rosin, linseed-oil and sand. 233,505.-,4jpnnztus f o r extinrting metals front ores.


233,558.--Proress of treating pyroxyline an the nrnnufartui.e ofplasfic coripounds. JULES and CHARLES SCHMERBER.


'0 ,

and /icrnace


m i u c i i t , g i>xidds to the txefallic slafe.

THOMAS SOUTliAX. Refers to the reduction of iron ore, without the production of slag.

Oct. 86, 1880. 233, o f ~ r e c l a i i ~ z ru6Ler;irotti in~ old i7mf waste, vulcanized rubber, and ufilizinar the same in r~i~rrtu,'arfrci-iit~,rr ruhhcrpods. ,JOIIX H. CHEEVER.

The old vulcanized rubber is boiled in raw petroleum. 233,60O.-Cnlvnrric




233,68O.--Ma,ruf(7r/ur~ of' rnrbon bisuiphide (77ta'sti(phuric nciu'fronrpyn'fes, and upgaratus therefur. ELIEC. E. and LEON1,. LABOIS. Part of the sulphur is extrated from eyrites by distillation, and

serves for the manufacture of carbon bisiilphide in the ordinary way ; the rest is obtained by roasting, and used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid. 233,716.-Compound

f o r Soap.


EDWIN R. CLEVELAND. Concentrated cider or apple juice with salicylic and aromatic sulphuric acids.

233,728.--Condensed cidrr compound.

233,?5O.-De~iccating eggs.


V. POMEROY. 233,799. --Extracting gold and silver f r o m ores. JAMES Introduces chlorine gas or chloride of lime with an acid, into the pulverized ore with the mercury in the amalgamating process. 233,86O.--Prucess

and uppardus f o r generating gas,



A fluxing material is added to the coal used for making water gas, which, uniting with the ash of the coal, produces a fluid slag. To prevent the latter from clogging, a birth of molten iron is kept in the base of the furnace. 283,861. --Process o f producing hydrogtn. ERAZ M J . JEHZMANOWSKI. A mixture of mater gas and superheated steam is passed over Iiigh-

Iy heated blocks made essentially of alkaline aluminates. Under these conditioDs the carbonic oxide is transformed into carbonic acid, which is afterwards eliminated by absorption. 233,862.--Proress of' nnd nppnrdus f o r nrakin,u- iliuiirinafinp 6"s. J . JERZIXANOWSKI.


2 3 3 , ~ 7 5 . - ~ l ~ i i x e d ~ h o s g h n~t itca ~ t u w .JOIIS . C. PERKIXS.


ofprepnrinc w a s f e wgetable pto:fucts .for use a n d tnznsportnfiun. JvM. HAHROLD SMITH.

Compresses the material in a heated state (150-500" F.) in moulds, and forms solid blocks of it, without any other admixture.



233,886.--An article for rafiit food. Compressed bran.


233,887.-FWi. 'WM. HARROLD BMITH. Compressed saw-dust. 233,9OO.--Producing aluntiniuni bronze. JAMESWEBBTER. Copper electroplated with aluminium is melted altogether with a n alloy of copper, nickel, aluminium and tin. 233,916.-Manufacfure of aluminous rake. GEORQEF. €31" and ROBERT HEERLEIN. Sulphate of alumina containing iron is treated in a semi-fluid state with alkaline sulphites. 233,948.-Afanzi fnrfure of nttijcial marble 01 sfone. ALVINM. RICHARDSON. 233,96O.--Arfijcinl sfone a i d nrarlZe. WILLIAMH. YOUNG. 234,025.--Appntnfus GLOVER.


6trnting siriphur to produce su(phutl'c arid.


Foreign Patents, Condensed from R . B i m e R > t m N ' s Report to the German Chemical Society. by OTTO H . KRACSE.

KARL MOELLER, Kupferhammer, near Brackwede : Improvements i n npparatus forfiltering vnpors aizdgnses. (Germ. P., No. 10451, Jan. 22, 1880, being 2, 191.)-The adadditional Patent to Germ. P., No. 8806. See this JOURNAL, ditions relate to arrangements for keeping the filters moist, for scraping off dust and soot, and 'for regulating the temperature. T. H. COBLEY,Dunstable: Method of workin~up inarzure sirnw. (Engl. P., No. 3312, August 16,1879.)-Tlie manure is digested with calcium sulphide and boiled with water. to obtain ammonia. After separating the liquid, the straw is treated with alkali, and the cellulose which results is used in the manufacture of paper. PAULSTUBE,Paris: Mnnufnrfuve of illumina/ing and heating gas. (Engl. P., No. 3302, August 16. 1879.)-Water gas, prepared in a retort from heated coal and steam in the usual way, is carburetted in a second retort by means of oil, fat, rosin, tar, etc., in the usual way, and freed from carbonic acid Ly milk of lime in the usual way. The carbonic acid, however, is removed by means of an ammoniacal solution of copper, which can be regenerated by heating. Besides this, the patent contains Mallet's process for preparing oxygen from air, and Tessik du Motay's method of obtaining it also from air, by means of alternate treatment of heated sodium permanganate with air and superheated steam. EMILDREYSSIQ, Itavensburg Tnr varnish. (Germ. P., No. 10685, Nov. 13, 1879.)-Tar heated to 70" C.,with equal weight of liflranlie lime, Honinn or Portland cemeut. This varnisli is not acted upon by acids, and is adapted for coating wood exposed to water, etc. JACOB ENQELS, IZnlk : Explosizie vznde front pi*roxyline, nifrog(ycen'ne, pyropaper, xyloidirie, nifi~onrnrz~zite n n d silicnte of soda, which explodes a t R low tempera-