American Patents - Journal of the American ... - ACS Publications

Soc. , 1880, 2 (8), pp 372–375. DOI: 10.1021/ja02139a601. Publication Date: August 1880. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is t...
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Reports on American and Foreign Patents Relating to Chemistry.

American Patents. Condensed from the Official Gazette of the U. S. Patent O f i c e , by A R N R~ e H R .

Auy. 3, 1880. 11. MORT. 330,64ti.-CC(osing drums contnining- rnzistir soda. FREDERICK The cover of the drum is provided with internal projections, whicli are held firmly by the solidified soda, and thus secure the cover to the drum. 230,:53.--I.i6iicalioti of onjlx ,fi.onr nxate. (‘9RL P. C‘CLLXANN and CARL A . LORENZ. Immersing one side in a bath of dilute nitric acid and iron, the other sidc in a bath of carbonate of potassa and water, then drying the st,ones on n stove and then burning them. 230,841.- Tmnittg- conrpourtd. SIMUNULLNO. For 100 lbs. of skins, 30 Ibs. divi-divi, 30 lbs. garouillc or oakbark, 30 lbs. alum. 14 Ibs. sour barley-flour, I Ib. sulpliate of copper.

Aug. 10, 1880. 230,8$2.-Sohtion f o v nickel plating. IIARHY L. Formate of nickel with excess of acid.


230,~74.-Z’ulz~rrzrI~~nlp~eparariu~r ofphosphoric ncid. EBEN N.HORSFORD.

The solution of phosphoric acid and monocalcic pliosphate, resulting from the action of su!phuric acid on bone-ash is, after concentriitioii, mixed with starch, tliorouglily dried and pulvcrized. This preparation, mixed with a dry alkaline carbonate. can be used as a baking powder 230,878. -fnstclatitig



L. KANE. &,phaltutn mixed with paraffine oil, petroleum residuum or candle tar. 230,898.-Paint o i l fvoiii peh~deuiitacid uesidurs. ANDREWG . SHADEand GEORGEH. MOORE. 230,903. --/ncrustation



WRIGHT. Chloride of ammonium, sweet oil, lard oil, Virginia black oil or residuum of petroleum and sugar. E?O,912.--/r’uoJi??g co~~zpou?ia’. PIXILEMON W R I G H T . h mixture of the “ flyings ” of ground calcined gypsum and coal tar.



230,919.-Comnpound for water p r o o j n g ond preserviq- luilding maicrials. ROBERTM. CAFFALL. Consists of creosote, 1 lh. ; turpentine, 5 lbs., and paraffine, 25 lbs. 230,965.-EnanrelinC omp pound GEO. RUSSELL. Consists of asphaltum, naphtha, shellac, protoxide of lead and Loiled linseed oil. 230,99l.--Process of obtaining the glutinous and starchy substances f r o m Indian corn. LEWIS T. BENNETT. Consists i n R mechanical separation of t.he hulls and germs from the starchy portions of the corn. 231,035,- Tannin extract. PAUL GONDOLO. The material containing tannin is extracted with slightly acidulated water, the free acid neutralized by an alkali, and the extract then clarified by the addition of blood and the application of heat. 231,064.-Eler./to-d~osition of' afzinrinum and gold alloy.



231,106.--P~eparing moss f o r upholstety. CHARLES 31. SARTWELL. Treating the moss with lime-water.

Auq. 17, 1880. 231,328.--Process o f rertiLvins spirits. CASPERKALTHOFF. Before redistillation a small quantity of nitrate of silver is dissolved in the crude alcofiol. 231,335.--Filter. JOHANN KROOQ. A new filter press.

A,ug. 24, 1880. 231,419.--Process for preserving wood. JONAS D. FxANcxs. The process consists in saturating the wood with a mixture of lime. water and urine in a heated state. 231,484.-Proress f o r fhe conversion o f naarinr piants inio puip. EDOUARD V. T. L. GORQES. The plants are macerated in caustic lye, after draining plunged into dilute sulphuric acid, and the resulting pulp finally washed in an alkaline bath. 231,489.--06taining tannic acid. JULIUS HOLTZ. B r i e f : The acid is obtained in acidular form, at a low temperature, by forcing the evaporated extract through a perforated floor into a heated chamber, in which a partial vacuum is formed. 231,532.-Process o f uniting wrought and c m l iron. MORGAN BURNS. That part of the wrought iron object around which the fluid iron is to be cast, is coated with a mixture of kerosene oil and chalk.



232,07l.--Proress of trentiiig spirituous liquors. ADDIBONM.SAWYER. For the purpose of aging such liquors, air is forced through them which is " charged with the fumes of quick-lime."

232,11O.-Prepntafion of mngnesin and fhe nranufocfttre of refrartoiy bricks f heref ?,om. A L F R E D BRA CON NI E H . Calcined dolomite is treated with a solution of chloride of ammonium, which dissolves the lime.

Sept. 22, 1880. 232,38l.-Explosive compound. >fAK TSCHIRNER. A mixture of picric acid and chlorate of potassium.

SeTt. 28, 1880. ?32,615.-Solution for n i c k e l p h f i n g . CHARLES 0.PENDLETON. A solution of acetate of nickel containing an excess of acetic acid. 232,685.--Recovr~ing su(phun'c acid f r o m sludge ncid. EDWARDCLARK. 232,755.-.Solution f o r the elecfro-deposition of nickel. JOSEPHH. POTTR. A solution of the acetates of nickel and of lime containing free acetic acid.

Foreign Patents. Condensed from R .

RIEDERVANS'S Report to the German Chemical Society, by OTTO H . K R A I S E .

F. PECHIKEY, Salindres : Recovery of sulphur froni nlkali 7unsk. (Engl. P., No. 3194, Augnst 8 , 18$0.)-Tlie yellow liquors from alkali waste are oxidized hy passing a current of air tlirdugh them, as has often been done before. The inventor proposes, however, to interrupt the injection of air wlien all the calcium monosulphide has been oxidized and before calcium sulpliite has heen formed. Calcium tliiosulphate and polysulphide are obtained from whicli, upon the addition of acids, all the sulphur is precipitated and not partly evolved in the form of sulpliurous acid, as is the case with lyes which have been completely oxidized. S. G . THOMAS : M n n u f i c h r e o f phosphafrs f r o m slag. (Engl. P., Xo. 3 1 M , August 9, 1879.)-The slag resulting from Thomas' process of dephosphoyizing iron contains 15-20 per cent. of phosphoric acid. I t is pulverized and treated with liydrocliloric acid. The filtered solution is oxidized with chlorine or mnnganic peroxide to obtain ferric phosphate, which is then precipitated from a boiling solution by limc or dolomite. The precipitated ferriC phosphate is lieatcd with sodic sulphate and coal. Air is admitted toward the end of the operation in