Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: October 21, 1957. Copyright © 1957 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. Cite this:Chem...
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A M ICJ3LLS- Ά NEW RESOURCE Get α grip on your plastisol storage problems with PANAFLEX BN-1 Plasticizer PANAFLEX BN-1 Plasticizer can b e a trouble shooter for you if you a r e having problems with plastisols gelling in storage. This low-cost sec­ ondary plasticizer has demonstrated excellent capabilities as a viscosity stabilizer of plastisol formulations during storage after manufacture, in shipping and while in the plant awaiting use. Here are results o f one plastisol storage sta­ bility test conducted at 115° F.:

Relative Viscosity Initial Day With DOP. With Secondary Plasticizer A With PANAFLEX B N - 1 .


0 0

5th î Oîh 30th 50th Day D a y Day Day 135 2 1 0 3 0 5

55 45

65 55

85 65

340 90 70

PANAFLEX BN-1 is a hydrocarbon plasticizer, compatible with vinyl chloride polymers and copolymers. It has excellent electrical resistance properties, moderate volatility and color stability. Get more facts about PANAFLEX BN-1 as a secondary plasticizer in plastisol formulations. Your inquiry will receive immediate attention.

AMOCO C H E M I C A L S CORPORATION 910 S. Michigan Ave. · Chicago 80, III.