Among Chemists - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

For some time past, Professor Haslam has acted as a technical consultant and adviser on research and development projects for the Standard Oil Company...
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November 20, 1927




Among Chemists W . T . Bovie has given u p his appointment as assistant pro­ fessor of biophysics a t H a r v a r d University in order t o become professor of biophysics a t Northwestern University. D r . Bovie is now a t Northwestern inaugurating his department a n d it is planned t o organize t h e d e p a r t m e n t for research a s well as instruction. R a y m o n d M . H a n n has resigned a s assistant chemist a t t h e B u r e a u of Chemistry a n d as instructor in organic chemistry a t George Washington University, t o accept a fellowship a t Mellon I n s t i t u t e , Pittsburgh, P a . R o b e r t T . H a s l a m , of the D e p a r t m e n t of Chemical Engineer­ ing, h a s resigned from t h e faculty of t h e Massachusetts Institute of Technology, effective November first. F o r some time past, Professor Haslam has acted as a technical consultant a n d adviser on research and development projects for t h e S t a n d a r d Oil Company (New Jersey) and its affiliated companies, giving t o this work an increasing proportion of his time. H e will continue his connection with the I n s t i t u t e a s non­ resident professor of Fuel a n d Gas Engineering b u t will devote practically his entire time t o development work relating t o t h e oil i n d u s t r y as a member of t h e executive staff of the Standard Oil Development Company a t 26 Broadway, New York City. N o r m a n C. Hill, formerly with the Atlantic Refining Company, is a t present in t h e Production Division of xhe D u Pont R a y o n Company, Old Hickory, Tenn. A. A. Jackson h a s resigned as vice president of t h e Darco Sales Corporation, with which he has been associated since i t s organization in M a y , 1922. F o r the present his address is 140 | Claremont Ave., New York, Ν . Υ. J o h n J . Luening has resigned t h e position of secretary and treasurer of the Compressed Gas Manufacturers Association a n d is now associated with the K e n t u c k y Oxygen-Hydrogen Co., on the engineering stalf, in connection with operation control^and process development. J . W . Neckers, who received his P h . D . at the University of Illinois last J u n e , is now teaching in the chemistry d e p a r t m e n t a t t h e Southern Illinois State Normal University, Carbondale, 111. Charles M . P a l m e r has left Van Buren, Ark., after eleven years with t h e Arkansas Zinc & Smelting Corporation (later the Falcon Zinc Co.), t o become one of t h e operating staff of t h e new elec­ trolytic zinc plant t h a t is being built jointly by the Bunker HiU & Sullivan M . & C. Co. a n d t h e Hecla Mining C o . , a t Kellogg, Jdaho. P a u l Robinson, formerly a t Yale University, has accepted a position with E. I . du P o n t de Nemours & Co., a n d is now at t h e Experimental Station, Wilmington, Dei. R . B . W a i t e , formerly instructor in chemistry at I o w a State College, received his P h . D . last July from that college and is now associate professor of analytical chemistry at the Texas A. & M . College, College Station, Texas. L. F . Warrick is now S t a t e Sanitary Engineer of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., C. M . Baker having accepted the position of Chief of Pollution Control for t h e American Pulp and Paper Association.

"Number ^.O 4-° Papers Ο. Κ* Like them very much" This terse comment of the head of the large Metallurgical Laboratory is echoed daily by Chemists in every line of work whose overwhelming preference has made WHATMAN Filter Papers, «'the U n i v e r s a l S t a n d a r d for A n a l y t i c a l Purposes." Tell us what you filter that we may send you samples. K. REEVE ANGEL & CO., Inc. 7-11 Spruce St., New York, Ν . Υ.


Predict Metric Victory in New Congress T h a t t h e United States during the coming session of Congress will t a k e final legislative action to place its merchandising on t h e decimal metric basis in weights and measures was the declaration m a d e a t t h e recent executive conference of t h e All-America S t a n d a r d s Council, held in San Francisco. " M e t r i c legislation is to be prominent before b o t h houses of Congress," stated Aubrey Drury, director of the Council. Hon. Frederick H . Gillett of Massachusetts will present t h e Metric S t a n d a r d s Bill to t h e Senate, a n d Hon. Fred A. Britten will in­ troduce it in the House of Representatives. ' O b s t r u c t i o n i s t s h a v e always fought bitterly t o kill in com­ mittee any metric action. T h e great basic strength of this issue in Congress was shown t h e one a n d only time it was allowed to come up for a general v o t e . " Declaring t h a t decimal metric weights and measures for t h e United States h a v e been endorsed by 7 congressional com­ mittees, b u t with never a general v o t e in Congress, metric ad­ vocates throughout the country are urging a "show-down" this winter a n d predict a definite victory a t t h e roi!-call. T h e Commercial Solvents Corporation, Terre H a u t e , Ind., has announced t h a t it is in position t o supply synthetic methanol 99 per cent pure in t a n k cars or drums, made b y a process per­ fected b y the corporation a n d covered by United States p a t e n t s .


The Label Tells the Story

"Baker's Analyzer" C« Pο C Chemicals & AAcids J. T. BAKER CHEMICAL CO. Phillipsburg, New Jersey