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Nov 4, 2010 - Winslow S. Anderson has been appointed dean of men of Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, and will be associated with President Hamil...
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November 10, 1928



A m o n g Chemists Winslow S. Anderson has been appointed dean of men of Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, and will be associated with President Hamilton Holt in developing the Rollins Con­ ference Plan of Instruction. During the past two years Dean Anderson has visited over two hundred colleges and universities in the United States studying undergraduate problems. Jasper Luther Beeson, acting president of the Georgia State College for Women, Milledgeville, Ga., since January, 1927, was elected president on July 31, 1928. John R. Eoff, Jr., formerly vice chairman of the St. Louis Section and connected with the Garrett Co. and AnheuserBusch, Inc., has taken a position with the Garrett Co., at Penn Yan, Ν . Υ. W. C. Fernelius, of Stanford University, has accepted an instructorship in the Department of Chemistry, Ohio State Uni­ versity. Thome Fitz Randolph has resigned his position as assistant principal and instructor in chemistry in the Franklin High School to accept a position as professor of chemistry in charge of the Chemistry Department of the Indianapolis College of Pharmacy, Indianapolis, Ind. K. A. Forrest, formerly superintendent and consulting engi­ neer of the Camas, Wash., rnUl of the Crown Willamette Paper Co., has been appointed manager of the pulp and paper mill equipment division of the Swenson Evapora cor Co., Harvey, 111., where he will direct his efforts toward the design and develop­ ment of mount equipment and other apparatus pertaining to pulp mill operations. Stuart W . Griffin has been transferred from the Chemical War­ fare Service to the Bureau of Chemistr> and Soils, U. S. Depart­ ment of Agriculture, Jackson, Mich. His duties include a study of atmospheric pollution by various fumes and gases resulting from metallurgical and other industrial operations. William F. Hart, of Princeton University, has joined the chem­ istry staff of Lafayette College. Martin J. Hoare, chief chemist of Tooth & Co., Ltd., Sydney, Australia, who has been traveling for some months in various parts of t h e world, recently called at the offices of the Secretary of the SOCIETY and of INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY.

C. A. Hoppert has resigned his position as research chemist for the Soft Wheat Millers Association and has accepted a n associate professorship in biological chemistry at Michigan State College. C. Lr. Jones, former^ with the Vesuvius Crucible Co., on October 15 assumed charge of plant and production for the Dry Ice Corp. Ernest Victor Jones, formerly science adviser and professor of inorganic and physical chemistry at the University of Nanking, Nanking, China, after spending a sabbatical year at the Univer­ sity of California, has accepted the position of head of the De­ partment of Chemistry at. Birmingham-Southern College, Bir­ mingham, Ala. Houston C. Joyner has resigned his assistantship in chemistry at the University of Illinois to accept a position as instructor in chemistry and physics at Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, Texas. Harry G. Lindwall, formerly research chemist with B. I. du Pont de ZSTemours & Co., Inc., has been appointed assistant professor of organic chemistry at New York University. Edward R. Linner, of the University of Wisconsin, has joined the chemistry staff of Lafayette College. C D . Looker, formerly assistant professor of chemistry, Ohio State University, has accepted a position as research chemist with the Baltimore Gas Engineering Corp., Charleston, W. Va. I. R. IVÎacdonald has left the employ of the United States Rubber Company's General Laboratories to accept appointment in the U. S. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Andrew M. MacMahon has been appointed by the directors of the Rosenwald Industrial Museum of Chicago to organize and develop the Division of Physics and Chemistry for the new museum. Doctor MacMahon comes to this work from the Ryerson Laboratory of the University of Chicago. His research for the past ten years has been upon the nature of electrical conductivity. C. L. Mantell has returned to the Department oi Chemical Engineering, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, Ν. Y\, for the school year, after serving as assistant editor of Chemical and Metalhirgical Engineering for the summer months. M . B„ Matlack, who completed his work for the degree of Ph.D. a t the University of Wisconsin in June, is now connected with the Research Department of the Postum Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich.



Ralph R. Matthews, formerly chairman of the St. Louis Sec­ tion, has resigned from the Roxana Petroleum Corp. to become affiliated with the Battenfeld Grease & Oil Co., Kansas City, Mo., as vice president in charge of sales. Tins company is the largest grease manufacturer in the Middle West. P. S. Menough has recently joined the organization of the Duraloy Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., as assistant to the president. Mr. Menough was for nine years chief engineer with the Eastern Malleable Iron Co., Bridgeport, Conn. J. C. Munch, formerly associated with and. in charge of the Pharmacological Laboratory of the Food, Drug, and lusecticide Administration, Washington, D. C, has succeeded Pa.ul S. Pittenger as director of the Pharmacological Research Labora­ tories of Sharp & Dohme, Baltimore, M d . Laurence L. Osborn, recently associated with Swift & Co., Chicago, 111., is now employed as instructor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Harold B. Pierce, former secretary of t h e Central Pennsyl­ vania Section, has resigned his position as associate professor of food and dairy chemistry at the Pennsylvania State College, and has become assistant professor of physiological chemistry in the Department of Vital Economics at t h e University of Rochester, Rochester, Ν. Υ. C. E. Plummer has been appointed to t n e position of chief chemical and metallurgical engineer for Robert W. Hunt Co., engineers, 2200 Insurance Exchange Bldg., Chicago, 111. Robert N. Pollock, for the past year research fellow at the Carnegie Institute of Technology and the Bureau of Mines, has joined the staff of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the University of Maine as instructor. Bennett Preble is now instructor i n sciences at the Catalina Island School for Boys, Avalon, Calif. H. B. Riffenburg has resigned from t h e faculty of the Michigan College of Mining and Technology to accept a position as assist­ ant professor of chemistry at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. F. A. Steele has completed his graduate work at the Pennsyl­ vania State College, and is now doing research on rubber pig­ ments for the New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton, Pa. J. W. W. Sullivan, formerly of the Tide Water Oil Co., is now engaged in the capacity of research engineer by the A. O- Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wis. W. E. Tierney has been appointed représentative in the South and Southwest of Botfield Refractories Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Tierney's headquarters will be irt New Orleans. J. E. Trieschmann, after a year of graduate work in chemistry at Northwestern University, has takien charge of the work in chemistry in the Thornton Junior College. He was assistant professor of chemistry in Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, for three years preceding the year of graduate s-tudy. William Ore has taken a position as assistant professor of chemistry at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C. He received his Ph.D. at the California Institute of Technology this summer. Harold Van Deman is now assistant superintendent of the Fort Worth plant of the White Eagle Oil and Refining Co. Robert E. Wheeler is now assistant chemist in the chemical laboratory of the Halcomb Steel Co., Syracuse, Ν. Υ. Willis R. Whitney, director of the research laboratory of the General Electric Co., has been elected a vice president of the company. Aaron Winograd, who for the past five years was associated with the Pease Laboratories, Inc., ISTew York City, has resigned to join the chemistry staff of the Celanese Corp. of America, Cumberland, Md. J. Wrench, sales manager of the Industrial Chemical Sales Co., Inc., 200 Fifth Ave., New York, Ν. Υ., has sailed for an extensive tour of Kuropé. F. H . Yorston, who has been studying in Huropean laboratories, is now with J. T. Donald & Co., consultants, Montreal, Canada.

Calendar of Meetings American Ceramic Exposition—Stevens Hotel, Chicago, 111., February 4 to 9, 1929. American Chemical Society—77th Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, April 29 to May 3, 1929. American Electrochemical Society—Toronto, Canada, May 27 to 29, 1929. American Institute of Chemical Engineers—Annual Meeting, New York, Ν. Υ., December 6 a n d 7, 1928. Second International Conference on Bituminous Coal—Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa., November 19 to 24, 1928.