An Approximate Expectation Maximization Algorithm for Estimating

Nov 20, 2013 - the model parameters are estimated using the approximate maximum likelihood estimation objective function developed by. Varziri et al.,...
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An Approximate Expectation Maximization Algorithm for Estimating Parameters, Noise Variances, and Stochastic Disturbance Intensities in Nonlinear Dynamic Models Hadiseh Karimi and Kimberley B. McAuley* Department of Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, K7L3N6, Canada ABSTRACT: An algorithm is proposed for simultaneous estimation of model parameters, process disturbance intensities, and measurement noise variances for nonlinear dynamic systems that are described by stochastic differential equations. The proposed fully-Laplace approximation expectation maximization (FLAEM) algorithm uses an iterative approach wherein, in the first step, the model parameters are estimated using the approximate maximum likelihood estimation objective function developed by Varziri et al.,1 assuming that disturbance intensities and noise variances are known. In the second step, process disturbance intensities and measurement noise variance estimates are updated using expressions that rely on the fully-Laplace approximation in the expectation maximization algorithm. The proposed FLAEM method is illustrated using a nonlinear two-state continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) example. The effectiveness of the FLAEM algorithm is compared with a maximum-likelihood based method proposed by Kristensen et al.2 For the CSTR example studied, FLAEM provides more accurate parameter estimates and is more robust to poorly known initial guesses of parameters and to smaller data sets. and δ(.) is the Dirac delta function.7 The diagonal elements of Q are referred to as disturbance intensities (i.e., Qd = [Q1, ..., QX]T). In eq 1.c, y ∈ RY is a vector of measured output variables. Measurement times for the rth response (r = 1, ..., Y) are denoted by tmr,j (j = 1, ..., Nr) and Nr is the number of measurements of rth response variable. g ∈ RY is a vector of nonlinear functions and ε ∈ RY is the zero-mean random measurement error. Assume that errors in measurements made at any sampling time tmr,j (j = 1, ..., Nr) are independent so that their covariance matrix is

1. INTRODUCTION Many chemical processes are modeled using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or algebraic equations (AEs) arising from fundamental laws of physics and chemistry.3−5 However, some chemical engineering processes are better modeled using stochastic differential equations (SDEs) that account for possible modeling imperfections and stochastic process disturbances.3,6 Stochastic terms that are included in SDE models can result in improved model predictions due to decreased bias in parameter estimates.3,7 Parameter estimates obtained using SDE models are suitable for online process monitoring applications because SDE models account for measurement errors and stochastic process disturbance, the two types of random errors that are accounted for by extended Kalman filters (EKFs) and related state estimators.8,9 In this article, we consider a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear SDE model of the following form: ẋ(t ) = f(x(t ), u(t ), θ) + η(t )


x(t0) = x 0


y(tmr , j) = g(x(tmr , j), u(tmr , j), θ) + ε(tmr , j)


⎡ σ 2 ··· 0 ⎤ ⎢ 1 ⎥ Σ = ⎢⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢⎣ 0 ··· σY2 ⎥⎦

The initial conditions of state variables may be perfectly known, unknown, or they may be measured. In cases where some of the initial conditions are measured, we assume that these measurements are contained in vector xm0 and that these measurements are normally distributed with mean E{xm0} = x0 and cov{xm0} = Sm0. An alternative structure for expressing SDEs is10

where x ∈ RX is the vector of state variables, t is time, f: RX × RU × RP → RX is a vector of nonlinear functions, u ∈ RU is the vector of input variables, and θ ∈ RP is the vector of unknown model parameters, η(t) ∈ RX is a continuous zero-mean stationary white-noise process with covariance matrix E{η(t1)ηT(t2)}= Qδ(t2 − t1), where Q is a diagonal power spectral density matrix with dimension X × X: ⎡Q 1 ··· 0 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ Q = ⎢⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ 0 ··· Q X ⎦

dx = f(x(t ), u(t ), θ) dt + Q dW


Since the stochastic variable W(t) has a mathematical interpretation (W(t) is a Wiener process), SDEs are often written in the differential form shown in eq 4.10,11 Mathematicians regard white noise as the time derivative of a Wiener process (or Brownian motion).12 Received: Revised: Accepted: Published:

(2) © 2013 American Chemical Society



July 25, 2013 November 19, 2013 November 20, 2013 November 20, 2013 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


latent variable models,41 and for parameter estimation in nonlinear mixed-effects models.42 To our knowledge, the FLA has not been used until now for parameter estimation in SDE models. Details regarding the FLA are provided in section 2.4. The remainder of this article is organized as follows. First, necessary notation and background information are presented. Next, the EM algorithm and FLA are presented, and the fullyLaplace approximation expectation maximization (FLAEM) algorithm is developed. The FLAEM algorithm is then tested using a stochastic nonlinear continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) simulation study. The estimation results obtained using the FLAEM algorithm are compared with results obtained using the ML-based CTSM method proposed by Kristensen et al.37 Finally, the performance of FLAEM is tested for the simpler situation when measurement noise variances are known, and the FLAEM results are shown to be superior to both CTSM and AEM.

A common method for estimating parameters in SDEs is the maximum likelihood estimation method via the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm.13−17,16 The EM algorithm is summarized in section 2.4 of this article. In nonlinear systems, the EM algorithm becomes difficult to use because of problems related to finding the required expected value of the likelihood of the parameters given the states and measurements.16,18 Approximation methods have been used to simplify the expectation and maximization steps of the EM algorithm. Some of these methods involve using an EKF,19−22 Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods that are also known as particle filter methods,16−18,23−29 and approximations using spline-based methods.1,30 Linearizationbased EKF methods are computationally attractive, but can give biased parameter estimates when there are strong nonlinearities in the system.31 MCMC methods are asymptotically efficient and consistent and do not require assumptions about the form of the density function.32 When MCMC methods are used, the required probability density functions are approximated by drawing samples from a target density function.33 MCMC methods tend to be computationally intensive because a large number of particles may be required to obtain good approximations, especially when the number of states and parameters is large.18,27 An overview of MCMC techniques and some implementation issues are presented by Kantas et al.34 and Imtiaz et al.35 Varziri et al.1 developed an approximate maximum likelihood estimation (AMLE) method for estimating model parameters in SDEs when both the process disturbance intensity and the measurement noise variance are known. Because modelers often have poor knowledge about the magnitudes of their model mismatch and the size of the stochastic disturbances that will be encountered, Varziri et al.36 extended their algorithm for estimating stochastic disturbance intensity along with model parameters. They assumed that measurement noise variances are perfectly known and used this variance information in a somewhat arbitrary objective function to estimate the disturbance intensities. Kristensen et al.2 developed an approximate ML method using an EKF. In Kristensen’s method, noise variances and the likelihood function of the parameters given the measurements are assumed to have Gaussian distributions. The mean and variance of the likelihood function are estimated recursively using an EKF. Kristensen and Madsen developed software called continuous-time stochastic modeling (CTSM) based on this method.37 The CTSM software is used in a simulation study later in this article. In our recent work,30 we derived a more rigorous method for estimating disturbance intensities using an approximate expectation maximization (AEM) objective function. Unfortunately, this AEM methodology requires the measurement variances to be known by the modeler. In this article, we propose a computationally efficient algorithm that can be used to estimate unknown noise variances along with the model parameters and disturbance intensities. This technique relies on the fully-Laplace approximation (FLA) for approximating the multidimensional integrals of the likelihood function required in the EM algorithm.38,39 Previously, the FLA has also been used for approximating posterior moments and marginal densities39 and for approximating posterior distributions in Bayesian methods.38 The FLA has also has been used for joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data via the EM algorithm,40 for estimating parameters in generalized linear

2. PRELIMINARIES 2.1. B-Spline Basis Functions. B-splines basis functions are used to approximate continuous functions and variables. Mth order B-splines basis functions are piecewise polynomials that are positive within M intervals and zero elsewhere.43−45 The sth state of the SDE model in eq 1 can be approximated by a linear combination of cs B-splines:43,46 cs

x∼ s(t ) =

∑ βs ,lφs ,l(t )

for s = 1, ..., X (5)


where βs,l is a B-spline coefficient and φ s,l(t) is the corresponding B-spline basis function. The subscript ∼ is used to indicate that the state trajectories are being approximated using empirical spline curves. In matrix form, eq 5 is x∼(t ) = Φ(t )B


where Φ(t) is a matrix of spline functions with dimensions X × ∑s X= 1cs: ⎡ φ T (t ) ⎢ 1 ⎢ 0 Φ(t ) = ⎢ ⎢⋮ ⎢ ⎢⎣ 0

⎤ ⎥ ⎥ φ2T (t ) ... 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥ 0 ... φXT (t )⎥⎦ 0

... 0



⎡β ⎤ ⎢ 1⎥ B = ⎢⋮ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ βX ⎦


where βs is the vector containing cs B-spline coefficients for the sth state trajectory: βs = [βs ,1 , ..., βs , c ]T s

for s = 1, ..., X


An advantage of using B-spline basis functions for approximating the state variables in dynamic models is that they can be easily differentiated with respect to time: cs

x∼̇ s(t ) =

∑ βs ,lφṡ ,l(t ) l=1


for s = 1, ..., X (10) | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


unknown values of θ, B, x0, Q, and Σ. This new algorithm is useful for estimating parameters when the modeler does not have prior knowledge of Q and Σ. Note that derivation of the AMLE objective function (and also the FLAEM objective function in this article) assumes that ε and ηd are independent and identically and normally distributed. In some situations where ε is not normally distributed, transformations of the output variables could be used to obtain normally distributed noise sequences.49 In cases where ηd is autocorrelated, more complex stochastic terms could be included in the SDE formulation.50,51 Nonstationary disturbances can be included by augmenting the state vector with unmeasured states.9,52 2.3. EM Algorithm. Denote Σd as the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix of measurement errors (i.e., Σd=[σ21,...,σ2Y]T). Let ζ = [θT,xT0 ,QTd ,∑Td ]T be the vector of unknown parameters in the SDE model, which includes the model parameters θ and the unknown initial conditions, along with disturbance intensities Q and the unknown noise variances Σ. In the EM algorithm, the expected value of the log likelihood of the complete data, given the vector of measurements and values of the parameters ζk̂ arising from the current (i.e., kth) parameter iteration is calculated in the first step (referred to as the expectation step or E step):15,53,54

where φ̇ s,l(t) is a simple polynomial expression. As a result, Bsplines can be used to convert differential equations to algebraic equations.43,46 For example, when B-spline approximations are used, eq 1.a becomes Φ̇ (t )B = f(Φ(t )B , u(t ), θ) + η(t )


2.2. Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation (AMLE) Algorithm. Varziri et al.1 discretized the SDE in eq 1 to develop an AMLE method for estimating model parameters θ in SDE models. The discretized form of eq 1 using an Euler approximation is47 x(ti − 1 + Δt ) = x(ti) = x(ti − 1) + f(x(ti − 1), u(ti − 1), θ)Δt + ηd(ti − 1)Δt


x(t0) = x 0


where x(ti) is the value of the state variable at q uniformly spaced time points ti, i = 0, ..., q and ηd(ti−1) is the discrete-time white-noise process at q uniformly spaced time points ti‑1. In eq 1, a discrete-time white-noise sequence is used to approximate and implement the continuous stochastic disturbances η(t), where the corresponding discrete process is a series of random step functions with a sampling interval Δt and covariance:7,48 ⎧Q j1 = j2 ⎪ T E{η(j1 Δt )η (j2 Δt )} = ⎨ Δt ⎪ 0 j ≠j ⎩ 1 2

R(ζ , ζk̂ ) = E {ln[p(Ym , Xq|ζ )]|Ym , ζk̂ } Xq


Note that the integral in eq 16 is a multidimensional integral with respect to each element of the state vector and that ζk̂ contains estimates of θ, Q, and Σ from the previous (kth) iteration. In the second step (referred to as the maximization step or M step), this expected value is maximized with respect to ζ:15,53,54 ζk̂ + 1 = arg max R(ζ , ζk̂ ) ζ


Varziri et al. assumed that Q and Σ are perfectly known and derived the following analytical expression for the likelihood −ln p(Ym,Xq|θ), while approximating state trajectories by Bspline basis functions:1

∫ G(χ ) exp{ψ (χ )} dχ ∫ exp{ψ *(χ )} dχ ≈ ∫ exp{ψ (χ )} dχ ∫ exp{ψ (χ )} dχ

JAMLE = − ln p(Ym , X q ∼|θ) = [Ym − g(X m ∼, Um, θ)]T Σ−1[Ym − g(X m ∼, Um, θ)]

⎛ ⎡ 2 ⎜ det⎢ −∂ ψ (Tχ ) ⎣ ∂χ ∂χ ⎜ ≈⎜ ⎡ ⎜ det⎢ −∂ 2ψ * (χ ) T ⎜ ⎝ ⎣ ∂χ ∂χ

+ (x m0 − x∼ 0)T S−m10(x m0 − x∼ 0)



[x∼̇ (t ) − f(x∼(t ), u(t ), θ)]T


× Q−1[x∼̇ (t ) − f(x∼(t ), u(t ), θ)] dt


Iteration between these two steps continues until convergence is obtained. An EM algorithm for continuous time systems was also developed by Dembo and Zeitouni.55 2.4. Fully-Laplace Approximation. The FLA of the ratio of two related multidimensional integrals is38,39,56





where j1 and j2 are positive integers corresponding to the times at which the independent random shocks occur. Consider Xq = [xT(t0),xT(t1),...,xT(tq)]T as the stacked vector of state values at the discrete times. Also consider a vector Ym that contains all of the stacked measured values: Ym = [y1(tm1,1),...,y1(tm1,N1),...,yY(tmY,1),...,yY(tmY,NY)]T. Similarly, Xm = [x1(tm1,1),...,x1(tm1,N1),...,xY(tmY,1),...,xY(tmY,NY)]T is a stacked vector of state values at the measurement times, and Um and εm are corresponding stacked vectors for the input variables and random errors: Ym = g(X m , Um, θ) + εm

∫ ln[p(Ym, Xq|Ym, ζ )]p(Xq|Ym, ζk̂ ) dXq


1/2 ⎤ ⎞ ⎟ ⎥ χ =χ ̂ ⎦ ⎟ exp{ψ *(χ ̂ *) − ψ (χ ̂ )} ⎤⎟ ⎟ ⎥⎟ χ =χ ̂ * ⎦ ⎠


x∼(t) and its time derivative ẋ∼(t) in eq 15 result in an objective function that depends explicitly on the B-spline coefficients B and model parameters θ. Optimal approximate maximum likelihood estimates for the model parameters θ can be determined by finding values of θ and B that minimize JAMLE.1 In the current article, this AMLE objective function is used as part of a more complicated algorithm for estimating

where G(χ) is a positive scalar function, ψ(χ) is a scalar function and ψ *(χ ) = ln[G(χ )] + ψ (χ )


In eq 18, χ̂ and χ̂* are vectors that maximize ψ and ψ*, respectively. 18305 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

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3. DEVELOPMENT OF THE FLAEM ALGORITHM In this section, an algorithm for estimating the measurement variances Σ and the process intensities Q along with the model parameters θ and initial conditions x0 is developed. To simplify the notation, derivations in this article are developed assuming that n measurements are available for each response. However, a derivation for the more general case where Nr measurements are available for the rth response is also shown in Appendix A. Define Z=



Σk + 1 =


× (Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk))T ⎧ 1 S exp⎨− (Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk))T ⎩ 2 S × Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk)) tq 1 S − (ẋ̂ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼S (t ), u(t ), θk))T 2 t0

(ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ ))


× (ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ))T dt

S × Q −k 1(ẋ̂ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼S (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt 1 + (Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk))T 2 × Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk))


S = (Ym − g(X m , Um, θ))(Ym − g(X m , Um, θ))T


It is shown in Appendix A that, when θ is assumed to be known, the estimates of the disturbance intensity Q and the noise variance ∑ at the k+1th iteration are Q k+1 =

1 E{Z|Ym , Q k , Σk } q

∫ Sp(Ym , Xq|ζk) dXq E(S|Ym , Q k , Σk) = ∫ p(Ym , Xq|ζk) dXq

f(x̂ ∼Z (t ),

× −

∫ 2 t


HB =




Z (ẋ̂ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk))









∂ 2J∼S ∂B∂BT

B = B̂

u(t ), θk)) dt

JAMLE in eq 28 is Varziri’s AMLE objective function defined in eq 15. JZ∼ and JS∼ in eqs 29 and 30 are

Z − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk))


J∼Z = −ln


− ln +

(x∼̇ 1(t ) − f1(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk))2 dt − ...




(x∼̇ X (t ) − f X(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk))2 dt


1 (Ym − g(X∼ m , Um, θk))T 2


⎫ − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt ⎬ ⎭


× Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X∼ m , Um, θk)) tq 1 (x∼̇ (t ) − f(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk))T + 2 t0

(x∼̂̇ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk))T

Q −k 1(x∼̇̂ (t )


B = B̂


Z (ẋ̂ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk))T



∂ 2J∼Z


1 2

B = B̂


× Q −k 1(x̂̇ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt 1 + (Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk))T 2 × Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk)) +


defined as

⎧ 1 Z exp⎨− (Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk))T ⎩ 2 Σ−k 1(Ym 1 tq

(x∼̂̇ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk))T


In eqs 26 and 27, the Hessian matrices HB, HSB and HZB are

The FLA can be used for calculating the ratios of integrals in eqs 24 and 25. After substituting the expressions for E(Z|Ym,Qk,Σk) and E(S|Ym,Qk,Σk) obtained from the FLA into eqs 24 and 25 expressions for estimating Q and Σ are (see Appendix A for derivation)

Z (x̂̇ ∼(t )



∫ Zp(Ym , Xq|ζk) dXq ∫ p(Ym , Xq|ζk) dXq



⎫ × Q −k 1(x∼̇̂ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt ⎬ ⎭

The expectations of Z and S conditional on Ym, Qk, and Σk are given by42

1/2 1 ⎛ det(HB) ⎞ ⎟ Q k+1 = ⎜ q ⎝ det(HZΒ) ⎠

1 2



1 Σk + 1 = E{S|Ym , Q k , Σk } n

E(Z|Ym , Q k , Σk ) =

1/2 1 ⎛ det(HB) ⎞ S ⎜ ⎟ (Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk)) n ⎝ det(HSΒ) ⎠

× Q −k 1(x∼̇ (t ) − f(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk)) dt

(26) 18306

(31) | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

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Chart 1. The FLAEM algorithm

step is to minimize eqs 31 and 32 with respect to B to find B̂ Z and B̂ S, using the fixed values of θ, Q and Σ from their most recent updates. The fourth step is to update Q and Σ from eqs 26 and 27, using the most recent values of θ̂, B̂ , B̂ Z, and B̂ S. The FLAEM algorithm iterates between steps two, three, and four until convergence is obtained. Note that the FLAEM algorithm might also be used for cases where the disturbance matrix Q is not diagonal since derivations of eqs 26 and 27 do not require any assumptions about the form of matrix Q. However, we have not performed any simulations to test whether it would be difficult, in practice, to obtain reliable estimates of off-diagonal disturbance parameters.


J∼S = −ln ∑ [y1(tm1, j) − g1(x∼(tm1, j), y(tm1, j), θk)]2 − ... j=1 NY

− ln ∑ [yY (tmY , j) − g Y (x∼(tmY , j), y(tmY , j), θk)]2 j=1


1 (Ym − g(X∼ m , Um, θk))T 2

× Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X∼ m , Um, θk)) tq 1 (x∼̇ (t ) − f(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk))T + 2 t0

× Q −k 1(x∼̇ (t ) − f(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk)) dt


4. ILLUSTRATIVE SIMULATION STUDY: NONLINEAR CSTR STOCHASTIC MODEL In this section, a two-state nonlinear CSTR model1,5 is used to illustrate the application of the FLAEM algorithm for parameter estimation in SDEs. The two SDEs that describe dynamic changes in the concentration of reactant A and reactor temperature are

B̂ , B̂ Z, and B̂ S are vectors of spline coefficients that minimize JAMLE, JZ∼ and JS∼, respectively and x̂∼,x̂Z∼, and x̂S∼ are the corresponding estimated state trajectories. As shown in Chart 1, an iterative method can be used for estimating all of the parameters (θ, Q, Σ, and B). Note that the estimate for x0 is x∼0, which can be computed from the estimated spline coefficients. The first step of the FLAEM algorithm is to initialize all of the parameters (θ, Q, Σ, and B). The second step is to minimize the AMLE objective function (eq 15) with respect to θ and B to find θ̂ and B̂ , using the fixed values of Q and Σ from their most recent updates. The third

dCA(t ) F (t ) = (CA0(t ) − CA(t )) − kr(T (t ))CA(t ) + ηC(t ) dt V (33.a) 18307 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

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d T (t ) F (t ) = (T0(t ) − T (t )) + UA(T (t ) − Tin(t )) dt V + γkr(T (t ))CA(t ) + ηT (t )

yC (tmC , j) = CA(tmC , j) + εC(tmC , j)

γ= (33.b)

( −ΔHrxn) ρc p


In eqs 33.a and 33.b

for j = 1, ..., nC

E{ηC (ti)ηC (t j)} = Q Cδ(ti − t j)


E{ηT (ti)ηT (t j)} = QTδ(ti − t j)



yT (tmT , j) = T (tmT , j) + εT (tmT , j)

for j = 1, ..., nT

In eqs 33.c and 33.d, εC(tm C,j) j = 1,...,nC and εT(tm T,j) j = 1,...,nT are Gaussian measurement errors with variances σ2C and σ2T. The concentration CA is measured nC times and the temperature T is measured nT times using equally spaced sampling intervals. We assume that ηC, ηT, εC, and εT are independent. The model inputs are the feed flow rate F, the inlet concentration CA0, the inlet temperature T0, the coolant inlet temperature Tin, and the flow rate of coolant to the cooling coil, Fc. The known constants for this CSTR model are given in Table 1.5 The handling of known and unknown initial conditions is illustrated in this example by assuming that the initial concentration CA(0) is perfectly known and the initial temperature T(0) is unknown, but has been measured with a variance of S2T = 5.0 K2. Since the true value of the initial temperature T(0) is unknown, it must be estimated. However, T(0) does not need to be included explicitly in the list of optimizer decision variables because the temperature trajectory is computed using the B-spline basis functions so that T(0) corresponds to βT,1. Since CA(0) is perfectly known, the first spline coefficient βC,1 must be fixed at 1.569 kmol·m−3. The model parameters to be estimated are kinetic parameters kref and E/R, and heat-transfer parameters a and b. In vector form, θCSTR = [kref,E/R,a,b]T. In the majority of the situations studied in this article, the disturbance intensities QC (for the material balance SDE) and QT (for the energy balance SDE)


CA(0) = 1.569 kmol ·m−3


T(0) = 341.37 K


⎛ E⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎞ kr(T) = k ref exp⎜⎜ − ⎜ − ⎟⎟⎟ Tref ⎠⎠ ⎝ R ⎝T


where UA(Fc) =

aFcb + 1 ⎛ aF b ⎞ Vρc p⎜Fc + 2ρ cc ⎟ ⎝ c pc ⎠


Table 1. Model Constants5 model constants



cp cpc Tref V ρ ΔHrxn

4186.8 4186.8 350 1 1000 −544.154×103

J·kg−1·K−1 J·kg−1·K−1 K m3 kg·m−3 J·kmol−1

Figure 1. Input trajectories for nonlinear CSTR.46 18308 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

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⎡ Z = −ln⎢ JCSTR ⎣

and the measurement noise variances σ2C and σ2T are assumed to be unknown. As a result, the complete vector of parameters to be estimated is ζCSTR = [kref,E/R,a,b,QC,QT,σ2C,σ2T]T. In a few simulations, however, the case where σ2C and σ2T are perfectly known is also considered to permit comparisons of the FLAEM algorithm with our previously developed AEM technique. The CSTR model (eq 33) was simulated in MATLAB using the “ode45” solver. The duration of each simulated experiment is 64 min. The corresponding input trajectories are shown in Figure 1.1,46 The stochastic white noise terms (ηC(t) and ηT(t)) were simulated using band-limited whitenoise blocks with a sample time of 0.5 min, which is approximately 10 times smaller than the dominant time constant of the CSTR system. Simulated data affected by Gaussian measurement errors and stochastic process disturbances were generated using the true parameter values from Marlin5 shown in Table 2. The appropriate objective function for estimating the model parameters θCSTR and the B-spline coefficients in the CSTR model is JAMLE,CSTR =

1 σC2, k

+ +

⎞2 ⎤ − UA[T∼(t ) − Tin(t )] − γkr(T∼(t ))CA ∼(t )⎟ dt ⎥ ⎠ ⎦ + + +



∑ (yT (tmT ,j) − T∼(tmT ,j))


(Tm(0) − T∼(0))2

∑ (yT (tmT ,j) − T∼(tmT ,j))2

1 QC


Q C ,k



1 QT , k


tnT 0


⎛ dCA ∼(t ) F (t ) − (CA0(t ) − CA ∼(t )) ⎜ ⎝ dt V

1 QT


tnT 0

⎛ dT∼(t ) F (t ) − ⎜ (T0(t ) − T∼(t )) ⎝ dt V

j=1 nT

− ln[ ∑ (yT (tmT , j) − T∼(tmT , j))2 ] + + +


The third term on the right-hand side penalizes deviations of the estimated initial temperature from the corresponding measurement. Note that there is no similar term for the initial concentration, because it is assumed to be perfectly known by the modeler. The first step of the FLAEM algorithm is to initialize all parameters. In the second step, JAMLE,CSTR is minimized with respect to the model parameters θCSTR and spline coefficients BCSTR, assuming that the disturbance intensities and noise variances are known:



S JCSTR = −ln[∑ (yC (tmC , j) − CA ∼(tmC , j))2 ]

⎛ dT∼(t ) F (t ) (T0(t ) − ⎜ ⎝ dt V

B̂ CSTR = arg min JAMLE,CSTR



⎛ dCA ∼(t ) F (t ) − ⎜ ⎝ dt V

⎞2 − γkr(T∼(t ))CA ∼(t )⎟ dt ⎠

j=1 nT


− T∼(t )) − U A[T∼(t ) − Tin(t )]


1 σT2


⎞ ×(CA0(t ) − CA ∼(t )) + kr(T∼(t ))CA ∼(t )⎟ dt ⎠


∑ (yC (tmC ,j) − CA∼(tmC ,j))2

⎞2 − UA[T∼(t ) − Tin(t )] − γkr(T∼(t ))CA ∼(t )⎟ dt ⎠





1 σC2

⎞2 + kr(T∼(t ))CA ∼(t )⎟ dt ⎠






⎛ dCA ∼(t ) F (t ) − (CA0(t ) − CA ∼(t )) ⎜ ⎝ dt V


⎞2 ⎤ + kr(T∼(t ))CA ∼(t )⎟ dt ⎥ ⎠ ⎦ ⎡ tnT ⎛ dT (t ) F (t ) − ln⎢ − ⎜ ∼ (T0(t ) − T∼(t )) V ⎣ t 0 ⎝ dt

∑ (yC (tmC ,j) − CA∼(tmC ,j))2

1 + 2 σT , k


j=1 nC

1 σC2

∑ (yC (tmC , j) − CA∼(tmC , j))2 j=1 nT

1 σT2

∑ (yT (tmT , j) − T∼(tmT , j))2

1 QC


j=1 tnC 0

⎛ dCA ∼(t ) F (t ) (CA0(t ) − CA ∼(t )) − ⎜ ⎝ dt V

⎞2 + kr(T∼(t ))CA ∼(t )⎟ dt ⎠ +

1 QT


tnT 0

⎛ dT∼(t ) F (t ) ⎜ (T0(t ) − T∼(t )) − ⎝ dt V

⎞2 − UA[T∼(t ) − Tin(t )] − γkr(T∼(t ))CA ∼(t )⎟ dt ⎠ (42)



In the third step, and are minimized with respect to spline coefficients BCSTR assuming that the complete parameter vector ζCSTR is known:


where BCSTR = [βC,βT]T The appropriate objective functions for the third step of the FLAEM algorithm for the CSTR model are



(43) | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

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Table 2. True Parameter Values, Median Values and IQRs for the Estimates Based on 100 Monte Carlo Runs for Different Scenarios kref

parameter unit


true value scenario 1 CTSM FLAEM 2





















(E/R)/ 103




kmol ·m ·min






4 × 10

median IQR median IQR median IQR median IQR median IQR median IQR median IQR median IQR median IQR median IQR median IQR median IQR median IQR Median IQR

0.464 0.016 0.429 0.017 0.444 0.016 0.431 0.019 0.430 0.025 0.405 0.048 0.432 0.015 0.411 0.076 0.429 0.015 0.431 0.019 0.398 0.046 0.431 0.018 0.432 0.020 0.460 0.015

8.3300 0.2243 8.2130 0.2061 8.3164 0.2265 8.2283 0.2273 8.2958 0.3233 7.9246 0.5480 8.1928 0.1801 8.0218 1.1953 8.2298 0.1856 8.1717 0.2152 8.2634 0.7269 8.2286 0.2407 8.2308 0.2062 8.2800 0.1650

1.562 0.518 1.448 0.424 1.603 0.472 1.484 0.504 1.490 0.501 1.405 0.870 1.490 0.325 1.217 0.929 1.424 0.432 1.485 0.504 1.459 0.909 1.450 0.435 1.502 0.465 1.575 0.625

0.52 0.11 0.50 0.09 0.49 0.09 0.49 0.11 0.49 0.13 0.49 0.19 0.50 0.08 0.54 0.28 0.51 0.09 0.50 0.12 0.47 0.23 0.50 0.09 0.50 0.10 0.51 0.13

341.36 1.05 341.30 1.08 341.30 1.10 341.27 1.08 341.27 1.04 341.27 1.04 341.30 1.05 341.25 1.07 341.31 0.79 341.25 1.49 341.27 1.18 341.30 1.05 342.32 1.21 341.00 1.00

0.095 0.008 0.009 0.006 0.011 0.004 0.010 0.005 0.007 0.004 0.006 0.003 0.005 0.002 0.022 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.008 0.003 0.009 0.015 0.009 0.003 0.009 0.004 0.092 0.011

0.6 1.3 4.1 1.8 4.0 1.7 5.5 2.6 4.0 1.4 4.0 1.5 2.0 0.9 8.1 3.5 3.7 1.0 4.0 1.2 8.1 4.7 4.6 1.1 4.9 1.4 1.5 0.4

kmol ·m 2

σ2T −6


0.640 0.00000 0.00000 0.00037 0.00018 0.00036 0.00019 0.00024 0.00042 0.00031 0.00022 0.00028 0.00036 0.00037 0.00009 0.00037 0.00017 0.00019 0.00010 0.00059 0.00042 0.00041 0.00035

1.026 0.339 0.660 0.256 0.637 0.349 0.523 0.432 0.538 0.349 0.411 0.436 0.651 0.159 0.658 0.323 0.324 0.161 1.052 0.431 0.654 0.612

HβC = HB,CSTR (1: nC )


HβT = HB,CSTR (nC + 1: nT )


HZβC = HZB,CSTR (1: nC )


Z HZβT = HB,CSTR (nC + 1: nT )


HSβC = HSB,CSTR (1: nC )


HSβT = HSB,CSTR (nC + 1: nT )



1/2 1 ⎛⎜ det(HβC) ⎞⎟ Z |Ĉ Z , T̂ Z − JAMLE,CSTR |CÂ ∼ , T∼̂ ] exp[JCSTR A∼ ∼ q ⎜⎝ det(HZβC) ⎟⎠

(45) 1/2 1 ⎛⎜ det(HβC) ⎞⎟ S exp[JCSTR |Ĉ S , T̂ S − JAMLE,CSTR ̂ ] A∼ ∼ CA ∼, T̂ n ⎜⎝ det(HSβC) ⎟⎠ ∼

(46) 1/2 Z exp[JCSTR |Ĉ Z

̂Z A ∼ , T∼

where the notation 1:nC indicates columns 1 to nC of the Hessian matrix and

− JAMLE,CSTR |CÂ ∼ , T∼̂ ]

(47) σT2, k + 1 =

K ·min




1 ⎛⎜ det(HβT ) ⎞⎟ q ⎜⎝ det(HZβT ) ⎟⎠


QT −1


In the fourth step, QC, QT, σ2C and σ2T are updated:

QT , k + 1 =




σC2, k + 1 =

QC 2


S S B̂ CSTR = arg min JCSTR

Q C ,k+1 =



1/2 1 ⎛⎜ det(HβT ) ⎞⎟ S exp[JCSTR |Ĉ S , T̂ S − JAMLE,CSTR |CÂ ∼ , T∼̂ ] A∼ ∼ n ⎜⎝ det(HSβT ) ⎟⎠



where q = 128 is the number of discrete random shocks used to generate the disturbance sequences. Ĉ A∼, T̂ ∼, Ĉ ZA∼, T̂ Z∼, Ĉ SA∼ and T̂ S∼ are estimated state trajectories corresponding to estimated B-splines coefficients βĈ , β̂T, β̂ZC, βZT̂ , β̂SC, and β̂ST, respectively. In eqs 45−48, Hessian matrixes HβC, HZβC, HSβC, HβT, HZβT and HSβT are defined as

HSB,CSTR = 18310



B = B̂


B = B̂






B = B̂ | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

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Figure 2. Box-plots for estimates of model parameters using the CTSM and FLAEM methods in scenarios 1 and 2. The dashed horizontal lines show the true values used to generate the simulated data.

IPOPT57 was used as a solver to optimize objective functions in eqs 39, 41, and 42. AMPL58 was used to define the model for the IPOPT solver. Optimization settings in IPOPT were set at their default values. Fourth order (cubic) B-splines were used for simulation studies in this article. Several different choices for placement of the spline knots were studied, and the corresponding results are presented below. To determine the integrals in eqs 39, 41, and 42, five Gaussian quadrature points were used between every two knots. The “gjh” function in IPOPT was used to determine the required Hessian matrixes. The iterative procedure in Chart 1 was used for estimating the parameter vector ζCSTR = [kref,E/R,a,b,QC,QT,σ2C,σ2T]T. In the first step, the parameter vector ζCSTR and B-spline coefficients are initialized. In the second step, the objective function in eq 39 is minimized with respect to θCSTR and BCSTR, using the most recent values of QC,QT,σ2C and σ2T. In the third step, eqs 41 and 42 are minimized with respect to BZCSTR and BSCSTR to find B̂ ZCSTR and B̂ SCSTR, respectively, using the most recent values of QC,QT,σ2C and σ2T. In the fourth step, updated values of QC, QT, σ2C and σ2T are calculated using eqs 45−48, using the most recent values of θ̂CSTR, B̂ SCSTR, B̂ ZCSTR and B̂ SCSTR. In step 4 of the FLAEM algorithm, estimates of the disturbance and noise parameters were considered to have converged when the change in the sum of the squared relative errors e(k) is less than 10−3 where

5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The FLAEM method was tested using simulated data for 10 different scenarios. In each scenario, 100 simulation runs were performed using different initial parameter guesses and different Gaussian random noise sequences for the disturbances and measurement errors. The initial guesses of the eight parameters in ζ were chosen randomly between 50% and 150% of the corresponding true values, using the “rand” function in MATLAB (i.e., each initial value was selected by multiplying the true value of the corresponding parameter by 0.5+rand(1)). The quality of the parameter estimates in different scenarios was compared by determining medians and interquartile ranges (IQRs) for the 100 parameter estimates in each scenario. These medians and IQRs are shown in Table 2. Scenarios 1 and 2 in Table 2 were used to study the influence of B-spline knot placement on the quality of parameter estimates obtained using FLAEM; 128 temperature measurements and 128 concentration measurements (once every 0.5 min) were available in these simulation studies. In scenario 1, 128 equally spaced B-spline knots (one at each measurement time) were used, while in scenario 2, 256 equally spaced knots were used for FLAEM algorithm. For comparison, the parameter vector ζ was also estimated using an ML-based method proposed by Kristensen et al.37 In Kristensen’s method, a Gaussian distribution is assumed for the likelihood function and the mean and variance of the likelihood function are estimated using an EKF.2 When CTSM was used to estimate parameters, default values of optimization settings were used. Note that the CTSM software requires parameter bounds to be specified by the user. The lower bounds of parameters were set at zero and the upper bounds were set at 10 times the true

⎛Q − Q ⎞2 ⎛ Q − Q ⎞2 C ,k C ,k−1 T ,k T ,k−1 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ e(k) = ⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ Q C ,k QT , k ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ σ 2 − σ 2 ⎞2 ⎛ σ 2 − σ 2 ⎞2 C ,k C ,k−1 ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ T , k 2 T , k − 1 ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ 2 σ σT , k ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ C ,k

(58) 18311 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

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Figure 3. Box-plots for disturbance intensity estimates obtained using the CTSM and FLAEM methods in scenarios 1 and 2. The dashed horizontal lines show the true values used to generate the simulated data.

parameter values. Parameter bounds are optional using FLAEM, and none were specified when generating the results in this article. The CTSM results when there are 128 temperature measurements and 128 concentration measurements are shown at the top of Table 2. Twenty-seven simulated data sets encountered convergence failures when using CTSM, wherein the optimizer selected intermediate parameter values where the differential equations could not be solved. Box plots for parameter estimates obtained from the 73 remaining simulated data sets using CTSM and all 100 data sets for FLAEM for scenarios 1 and 2 are compared in Figures 2 and 3. These boxplots correspond to the medians and IQRs in the top three rows in Table 2. The estimates of model parameters obtained using CTSM appeared to be unbiased while the estimates of QC, QT, σ2C and σ2T obtained using CTSM were noticeably biased. For example, most of the estimates of σ2C obtained using CTSM are nearly zero. The accuracy of the estimates of the model parameters (kref, E/R, a, and b) obtained using CTSM are similar to those obtained using FLAEM in both scenarios 1 and 2. However, the estimates of noise parameters QC, QT, σ2C, and σ2T obtained from FLAEM are less biased than those obtained using CTSM. In fact, no noticeable bias can be observed for any of the model or noise parameters in scenario 1 (see Figures 2 and 3), except for some minor bias in kref. The parameter estimation results for one of the simulation studies obtained using FLAMLE (i.e., the first simulated data set) for scenario 1 are shown in Table 3. The results in Figures 2 and 3 indicate that using 128 spline knots was sufficient and that using additional knots (i.e., 256 knots in scenario 2) resulted in no improvement in parameter precision (see IQR values in Table 2). The average parameter estimation times for a typical simulated data set are ∼3 min for scenario 1 using FLAEM

Table 3. Estimates and 95% Confidence Intervals for LAMLE Parameter Estimates from One of the 100 Monte Carlo Simulations parameter


kref (E/R)/103 a/106 b T(0)

min−1 K


true value

initial guess

estimate ±95% confidence interval

0.435 8.2487 1.678 0.50 341.38

0.309 6.0615 1.570 0.41 374.82

0.434 ± 0.019 8.2403 ± 0.243 1.860 ± 0.755 0.42 ± 0.15 341.03 ± 1.02

and ∼3 min for CTSM, using a laptop computer with Intel Core 2, Duo CPU, 1.86 GHz. The predicted responses obtained using the FLAEM algorithm for one simulated data set and the corresponding parameter estimates from scenario 1 are compared with the true responses in Figure 4. As expected, the state trajectories from the estimated spline coefficients are close to the true trajectories. The estimated noise parameters for this run are Q̂ C = 0.012 kmol2·m−6·min−1, Q̂ T = 3.7 K2·min−1, σ̂2C = 3.7 × 10−4 kmol2·m−6 and σ̂2T = 0.770 K2. Point estimates and approximate confidence intervals for the corresponding model parameters are shown in the final column of Table 3. These confidence intervals were determined from52,59 θ ̂ ± zα /2 diag(∂ 2JAMLE /∂θ∂θT)−1|



Note that corresponding confidence intervals for QC, QT, σ2C, and σ2T are not shown. When FLAEM is used for parameter estimation, numerical values for the elements of the Hessian ∂2JAMLE/∂θ∂θT are available from IPOPT, assuming that QC, QT, σ2C, and σ2T are known. Since estimates of QC, QT, σ2C, and σ2T are updated using eqs 43 to 46, Hessian information for these parameters is not available. 18312 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

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expressions for estimating QC, QT, σ2C, and σ2T in Step 4 of the FLAEM algorithm; or (iv) approximating the state trajectories using B-splines. Scenarios 6 and 7 were used to study the influence of larger and smaller disturbance intensities on the quality of the parameter estimates. In scenarios 6 and 7, the values of QC and QT were changed to the 50% and 200% of their values from scenario 1, respectively (i.e., true values of QC are 0.005 and 0.02 kmol2·m−6 min−1, respectively, and true values of QT are 2.0 and 8.0 K2·min−1, respectively). The number of measurements and all of the other settings were the same as those in scenario 1. As expected, in scenario 6, the widths of the IQRs for all parameters are smaller than those obtained in scenario 1 because smaller stochastic disturbances were encountered. Since larger disturbances occurred in scenario 7, wider IQRs were obtained in this scenario. Scenarios 8 and 9 were studied to examine the influence of small and large measurement noise variances on the effectiveness of FLAEM. The true values of the measurement noise variances σ2C and σ2T were changed to 50% and 200% of their values from scenario 1. All other settings are the same as those in scenario 1. Since smaller measurement noise variances were used in scenario 8, smaller IQR values were obtained for parameter estimates. Similarly, in scenario 9 wider IQRs were obtained for the parameters because of the noisier data. In scenario 10, parameters were estimated using only the temperature measurements, with the concentration as an unmeasured state. All other settings were held at those from scenario 1. σ2C was not estimated because no concentration data were obtained, and the corresponding terms did not appear in the objective functions. On average, parameter estimates have larger variability than those in scenario 1 because fewer data values were available. In scenario 11, the values of σ2C and σ2T are assumed to be perfectly known to permit comparisons of the FLAEM algorithm with our previously developed AEM technique. The knot placements, number of measurements, and initial parameter guesses are the same as those in scenario 1. The AEM objective function for estimating the model parameters θCSTR = [kref,E/R,a,b]T and disturbance intensities QC and QT in the CSTR model is

Figure 4. Measured, true, and predicted concentration and temperature responses for the FLAEM method in scenario 1, using simulated data from one of the 100 Monte Carlo simulations: (•) simulated data, (---) response with true parameters and true stochastic noise, () FLAEM response.

For all of the remaining scenarios shown in Table 2, 128 equally spaced B-spline knots were used for approximating the concentration and temperature trajectories. Scenario 3 in Table 2 was used to study the robustness of the FLAEM algorithm to poorer initial guesses of parameters. In scenario 3, the initial guesses were chosen randomly between 50% and 400% of the true parameter values. Using worse initial guesses had only a small influence on the FLAEM parameter estimation results. The estimates have larger variability than those obtained using the good initial values in scenario 1. Note that some simulated data sets resulted in convergence to local minima when the worse initial guesses were used, leading to larger IQR values for parameter estimates; 67 of 100 attempts to estimate the parameters in this scenario using CTSM failed (results not shown) suggesting that the use of CTSM requires good values of initial guesses to obtain convergence. Scenarios 4 and 5 in Table 2 were used to investigate the influence of a smaller number of measurements on the quality of the parameter estimates obtained using FLAEM. In scenario 4, 64 equally spaced concentration measurements and 64 equally spaced temperature measurements were available for parameter estimation from the simulated data sets. Knot placement and initial parameter guesses were identical to scenario 1. As expected, the medians and IQRs for parameter estimates are worse than those in scenario 1 due to the smaller data sets. CTSM could not provide parameter estimates for any of these data sets, indicating that the use of CTSM requires a relatively larger number of measurements compared to FLAEM. Parameter estimations using CTSM were not attempted for most of the remaining scenarios in Table 2. In scenario 5, only 22 concentration measurements and 22 temperature measurements were available for parameter estimation. Despite this smaller number of measurements, the estimates of the parameters are still quite good, but the estimates have larger variability than those in scenarios 1 and 4. Note that the estimates of kref and QC are slightly biased in this scenario. These biases might be related to (i) the finite number of data values used for parameter estimation, which can lead to bias in any ML-based method; (ii) approximating the likelihood function L(θ|Ym) = p(Ym|θ) by the likelihood L(θ|Ym,Xq) = p(Ym,Xq|θ) in eq 39; (iii) the use of the FLA when developing


1 σC2 +

+ +


∑ (yC (tmC ,j) − CA∼(tmC ,j))2 j=1

1 σT2


∑ (yT (tmT ,j) − T∼(tmT ,j))2 j=1

(Tm(0) − T∼(0))2 1 QC

+ q ln(Q C) + q ln(QT ) ST2 tnC ⎛ dC (t ) F(t ) − (CA0(t ) ⎜ A∼ t0 ⎝ V dt

⎞2 − CA ∼(t )) + kr(T∼(t ))CA ∼(t )⎟ dt ⎠ +

1 QT


tnT 0

⎛ dT∼(t ) F(t ) ⎜ − (T0(t ) − T∼(t )) ⎝ dt V

⎞2 − UA[T∼(t ) − Tin(t )] − γkr(T∼(t ))CA ∼(t )⎟ dt ⎠ (60) 18313 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

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performance for estimating model parameters, disturbance intensities, and measurement noise variances and was more robust than CTSM, which uses a classical ML-based method,37 particularly when the number of measurements was relatively small or when initial guesses of parameters were relatively poor. For the cases where CTSM was able to converge, parameter estimates for model parameters obtained from CTSM are accurate. In these cases, the estimates of disturbance intensities and noise variances obtained from CTSM suffer from bias and tend to be less accurate than the corresponding noise parameter estimates from FLAEM. Although the FLAEM algorithm was developed for situations where model parameters, disturbance intensities and noise variances must all be estimated from the data, a few simulations were also performed assuming that noise variances were known. These simulation results suggest that FLAEM performs better than our previous AEM algorithm. Implementation of the FLAEM algorithm is relatively easy. The user must supply information about the knot location for the B-spline basis functions, along with the initial parameter guesses. If the user is not certain about the number of knots that are required, additional knots can be added until the resulting parameter estimates and estimated state trajectories do not change appreciably when additional knots are used. In the future, it will be important to test the FLAEM algorithm using larger-scale parameter estimation problems and to compare FLAEM results with MLE-based methods that use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for parameter estimation.16−18,29,18,61 It will also be interesting to investigate whether other potential approximations (e.g., a Laplace approximation62 for the likelihood function) can lead to further improvements in parameter estimates without resorting to computationally intensive MCMC-based techniques.

The AEM objective function is similar to the AMLE objective function in eq 39 but it has two additional terms q ln(QC) and q ln(QT). This objective function can be used for estimating model parameters and disturbance intensities in a single step. Attempts were also made to estimate the parameters using CTSM. As expected, the parameter estimates obtained from FLAEM and AEM have negligible bias. However, the AEM parameter estimates in this scenario have slightly larger variability than those obtained using FLAEM. Recall that FLAEM uses the FLA for approximating the E step of the EM algorithm. As explained in our previous work, AEM uses the mode of the expected value of the E step in the EM algorithm.30 The results from this case study suggest that FLAEM uses a better approximation. Using CTSM, a successful parameter estimation was only obtained for 36 of the 100 Monte Carlo cases attempted for this scenario. The remaining 64 cases experienced convergence difficulties due to parameter values that made a numerical solution of the differential equations unstable. As shown in Table 2, the 36 CTSM estimates of QC and QT have more bias than the estimates obtained using FLAEM and AEM. In summary, the results in Table 2 and Figures 2 and 3 suggest that the FLAEM parameter estimates are less biased and more accurate than corresponding estimates obtained using CTSM for the CSTR example studied. Since the FLAEM algorithm is an approximate MLE method, some bias in parameter estimates was expected in situations involving sparse data sets. Some of the minor bias observed in Figures 2 and 3 and also Table 2 may also be due to the B-spline approximations and the FLA. Since computationally intensive MCMC-based MLE techniques are asymptotically efficient and consistent estimators that do not make B-spline or fully-Laplace approximations, we recommend that the performance of the FLAEM algorithm should be compared to several MCMC methods. The FLAEM computational times encountered in the CSTR examples in this article are modest (∼3 min using a laptop computer with Intel Core 2, Duo CPU, 1.86 GHz) and are expected to be significantly shorter than the corresponding MCMC computing times. The relative computational benefits of the FLAEM algorithm are expected to become more important for larger-scale problems, because FLAEM does not require the drawing of numerous samples from high-dimensional probability density functions.60 As a result, the performance of FLAEM and MCMC should be compared using a larger-scale example problem than the illustrative CSTR problem used in the current article.

APPENDIX A: DERIVATIONS In this appendix, equations for updating process intensities in Q and measurement noise variances in Σ are developed when θ is assumed to be known. These equations are derived by approximating the E step of the EM algorithm using the FLA and using B-spline basis functions to approximate the state trajectories. Note that the corresponding spline coefficients are also assumed to be known because they are estimated along with θ. The likelihood function of complete data p(Ym,Xq | ζ) has a closed form, which was derived in our previous work:30


6. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, the fully-Laplace-approximation expectation maximization (FLAEM) algorithm is presented for estimating parameters, stochastic disturbance intensities, and measurement noise variances for nonlinear SDE models. In the first stage of the FLAEM algorithm, model parameters θ are estimated by minimizing Varziri’s AMLE objective function, assuming that the disturbance and noise parameters are known.1 In the second stage, disturbance intensities and noise variance estimates are updated. The expressions used to obtain these noise parameters were derived by approximating the E-step of the EM algorithm using the FLA and B-spline basis functions. The proposed FLAEM algorithm iterates between these two stages until convergence is obtained. The effectiveness of the FLAEM algorithm was tested using a two-state nonlinear stochastic CSTR model. The FLAEM algorithm showed good

p(Ym , Xq|ζ ) = C1[det(Σ)]−n /2 exp −

1 2


× [Ym − g(X m , Um, θ)]T Σ−1[Ym − g(X m , Um, θ)]

⎤ ⎡ 1 × [det(Sm0)]−1/2 exp⎢ − (x m0 − x 0)T S−m10(x m0 − x 0)⎥ ⎦ ⎣ 2 t ⎧ 1 q [ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ)]T × [det(Q)]−q /2 exp⎨− ⎩ 2 t0 ⎫ × Q−1[ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ)] dt ⎬ ⎭ (A.1)

where C1 is a constant. Taking the negative natural logarithm of eq A.1 gives the likelihood: 18314 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research −ln p(Ym , Xq|ζ ) = −ln C1 +


n ln[det(Σ)] 2

Setting the right-hand side of eq A.4 to zero and rearranging to solve for Q, gives the following expression for Q:

1 [Ym − g(X m , Um, θ )]T Σ−1[Ym − g(X m , Um, θ)] 2 1 1 + ln[det(Sm0)] + (x m0 − x 0)T Sm−01(x m0 − x 0) 2 2 tq q 1 + ln[det(Q)] + [ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ)]T 2 2 t0 +













(ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ))


× (ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ))T dt

− x 0)

S = (Ym − g(X m , Um, θ))(Ym − g(X m , Um, θ))T T

(ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ))

× Q−1(ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ)) dt + n ln(det(Σ)) + q ln(det(Q))]|Ym , Q k , Σk}


Taking the partial derivative of eq A.3 with respect to Q gives: ∂ E ln p(Ym , Xq|ζ )|Ym , Q k , Σk ∂Q ⎧⎡ 1 tq (ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ))T Q−1Q−1 = E⎨⎢ − ⎣ t ⎩ 2 0

Σk + 1 =


q −1⎤ Q ⎥ ⎦ 2

⎫ × |Ym , Q k , Σk⎬ ⎭


Note that development of eq A.4 relies on the following expressions for the derivative of the determinant of a matrix:63

∂ln(det(Q)) = Q−1 ∂Q


1 E{S|Ym , Q k , Σk} n


To estimate Qk+1 and ∑k+1 from eqs 22 and 23 expressions for E{Z|Ym,Qk,∑k} and E{S|Ym,Qk,∑k} should be obtained for use in the kth iteration. These expectations are given by42

× (ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ)) dt +


With the use of the definition for Z and S from eqs 20 and 21 in eqs A.6 and A.7, the estimates of the disturbance intensity Q and the noise variance ∑ at the k+1th iteration are 1 Q k + 1 = E{Z|Ym , Q k , Σk} q (22)




Recall that

× Σ−1(Ym − g(X m , Um, θ)) + ln[det(Sm0)] + (x m 0 −

(ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ))


× |Ym , Q k , Σk}

1 E{[−2 ln C1 + (Ym − g(X m , Um, θ))T 2 x 0)T S−m10(x m0


Similarly, setting the partial derivative of eq A.3 with respect to Σ to zero and solving for Σ gives 1 Σ = E{[(Ym − g(X m , Um, θ))(Ym − g(X m , Um, θ))T ] n

Substituting the log likelihood of the complete data from eq A.2 into the E-step of the EM algorithm (eq 16) gives E ln p(Ym , Xq|ζ )|Ym, Q k , Σk


× (ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ))T dt |Ym , Q k , Σk}

× Q−1[ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ)] dt

1 E{ q

E(Z|Ym, Q k , Σk) =

∫ Z p(Ym , Xq|ζk)dXq ∫ p(Ym , Xq|ζk)dXq


E(S|Ym , Q k , Σk) =

∫ S p(Ym , Xq|ζk)dXq ∫ p(Ym , Xq|ζk)dXq


Substituting p(Ym,Xq|ζk) from eq A.1 into eqs 24 and 25 and simplifying to remove the C1, [det(∑)](−n/2), det(Sm0)](−1/2), (−q/2) exp[(−1/2)(xm0 − x0)TS−1 terms m0(xm0 − x0)] and [det(Q)] in eq A.1 gives


tq ⎧ ⎫ (ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ))(ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θ))T dt ⎪ ⎪ t0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 exp − [Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)]T Σ−1[Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)] ⎬dXq ∫⎨ 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎧ ⎪ t ⎫ q T −1 ⎪ exp⎨− 1 ⎪ ⎬ [ x ( ) f ( x ( ), u ( ), )] Q [ x ( ) f ( x ( ), u ( ), )] d − θ − θ t t t t t t t ̇ ̇ k k ⎪ ⎩ 2 t ⎭ ⎪ ⎩ ⎭ 0 E(Z|Ym , Q k , Σk) = ⎧ ⎫ 1 exp − [Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)]T Σ−1[Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)] ⎪ ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎬dXq ∫⎨ t ⎧ ⎫ q 1 ⎪ ⎪ T −1 ⎨ ⎬ ⎪ exp⎩− 2 t [ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk)] Q [ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk)]⎭ dt ⎪ ⎩ ⎭ 0






(A.8) | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


⎧ ⎫ [Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)][Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)]T ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎪ exp − [Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)]T Σ−1[Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)] ⎬dXq 2 ∫⎨ ⎪ ⎪ tq ⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎧ 1 T −1 − [ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk)] Q [x(̇ t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk)] dt ⎬ ⎪ ⎪ exp⎨ ⎭⎭ ⎩ ⎩ 2 t0 E(S|Ym , Q k , Σk) = ⎧ ⎫ 1 exp − [Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)]T Σ−1[Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)] ⎪ ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎬dX ∫⎨ t ⎫⎪ q q ⎪ ⎧ 1 T −1 − [ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk)] Q [ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk)] dt ⎬ ⎪ ⎪ exp⎨ ⎭⎭ ⎩ ⎩ 2 t0





Note that x0 is assumed to be known because it is estimated from Bspline coefficients. B-spline coefficients are estimated along with θ. As a result, exp[(−1/2)(xm0 − x0)TS−1 m0(xm0 − x0)] term in eq A.1 is constant. Since θ is assumed to be known, the FLA can be used to approximate the integrals in eqs A.8 and A.9: ⎛ det(H ) ⎞1/2 x̂ ⎟ E(Z|Ym , Q k , Σk) = ⎜ Z ⎝ det(H x̂ ) ⎠



H Sx̂ =


(x̂̇ (t ) − f(x̂ Z(t ), u(t ), θk))



Z Q −k 1(x̂̇ (t )

× +


J = (Ym − g(X m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)) +

− f(x̂ Z(t ), u(t ), θk))dt +

1 (Ym − g(X̂ m , Um, θk))T 2

− g(X̂ m , Um, θk)) T

(x̂̇(t ) − f(x̂(t ), u(t ), θk))


Q −k 1(x̂̇(t )



(ẋ x (t ) − f X(x(t ), u(t ), θk))2 dt



1 (Ym − g(X̂ m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1 2

j=1 NY

− ln ∑ [yY (tmY , j) − g Y (x(tmY , j), y(tmY , j), θk)]2 j=1



1 (Ym − g(X m , Um, θk))T 2

× Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)) tq 1 (ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk))T + 2 t0


× Q −k 1(ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk)) dt

2 Z

Z X q = X̂ q


J S = −ln ∑ [y1(tm1, j) − g1(x(tm1, j), y(tm1, j), θk)]2 − ...

∂J = ∂Xq∂XqT


× Q −k 1(ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk)) dt

tq 1 (Ym − g(X̂ m , Um, θk)) + (x̂̇(t ) − f(x̂(t ), u(t ), θk))T Q −k 1 2 t0 (ẋ̂(t ) − f(x̂(t ), u(t ), θk)) dt } (A.11)

X q = X̂ q

(x1̇ (t ) − f1(x(t ), u(t ), θk))2 dt − ...


∂ 2J H x̂ = ∂Xq∂XqT


× Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X m , Um, θk)) tq 1 (ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk))T + 2 t0

(ẋ̂ (t ) − f(x̂ S (t ), u(t ), θk))T Q −k 1


H Zx̂


1 + (Ym − g(X m , Um, θk))T 2


(ẋ̂ (t ) − f(x̂ S (t ), u(t ), θk))dt +


− ln

⎧ ⎪ 1 S S (Ym − g(X̂ m , Um, θk))T exp⎨− (Ym − g(X̂ m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1 ⎪ 2 ⎩ 1 S (Ym − g(X̂ m , Um, θk)) − 2 0

(ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk))T


J Z = −ln

⎛ det(H ) ⎞1/2 S x̂ ⎟ (Ym − g(X̂ m , Um, θk)) E(S|Ym , Q k , Σk) = ⎜ S ⎝ det(H x̂) ⎠




− f(x̂(t ), u(t ), θk)) dt }



× Q −k 1(ẋ(t ) − f(x(t ), u(t ), θk)) dt


(x̂̇ (t ) − f(x̂ Z(t ), u(t ), θk))T

Σ−k 1(Ym tq 1

∫ 2 t




1 2

S X q = X̂ q

J, JZ, and JS in eqs A.12, A.13, and A.14 are defined in eqs A.15, A.16, and A.17.

× (x̂̇ (t ) − f(x̂ Z(t ), u(t ), θk))T dt ⎧ ⎪ 1 Z Z exp⎨− (Ym − g(X̂ m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X̂ m , Um, θk)) ⎪ 2 ⎩ −

∂ 2J S ∂Xq∂XqT



Using B-spline basis functions for representing state trajectories in eqs A.10 and A.11 gives

(A.13) 18316 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ⎛ det(H ) ⎞1/2 x̂ ∼ ⎟ E(Z|Ym , ζk) = ⎜⎜ Z ⎟ ⎝ det(H x∼̂ ) ⎠






(x̂̇ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk))



∂JAMLE ∂x∼(t0) ∂J ∂x (t ) + AMLE ∼ 1 + ··· ∂x∼(t0) ∂B ∂x∼(t1) ∂B



×(x̂̇ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk))T dt ⎧ ⎪ 1 Z Z exp⎨ − (Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk)) 2 ⎪ ⎩ tq 1 Z (ẋ̂ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk))T − 2 t0 Z × Q −1(x̂̇ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt




⎛ det(H ) ⎞1/2 x∼̂ ⎟ ((Ym − g(X̂ ∼S m , Um, θk)) E(S|Ym , ζk) = ⎜⎜ S ⎟ H det( ) ⎝ x∼̂ ⎠


⎧ ⎪ 1 T Um, θk)) exp⎨− ⎪ 2 ⎩



H Sx∼̂ =

∂ 2J Z ∂Xq∂XqT ∂ 2J S ∂Xq∂XqT

Z X q = X̂ ∼ q




∂ 2JAMLE ∂G = ∂B ∂B∂BT


∂J ∂ ⎡⎢ ∂JAMLE Φ(t0) + AMLE Φ(t1) + ··· ∂x∼(t0) ⎢⎣ ∂x∼(t0) ∂x∼(t1)



+ X q = X̂ ∼ q

∂G ∂x∼(tq) ∂x∼(tq) ∂B

Substituting G from eqs A.26 and A.25 into eqs A.28 gives the second derivative of JAMLE with respect to the spline coefficients:


H Zx∼̂ =



∂G ∂G ∂G = Φ(t0) + Φ(t1) + ··· ∂B ∂x∼(t0) ∂x∼(t1) ∂G + Φ(tq) ∂x∼(tq)


X q = X̂ ∼ q

Φ(t1) + ···

Substituting partial derivatives from eq A.24 into eq A.27:

(x∼̂̇ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk))T

∂ 2J ∂Xq∂XqT

∂x∼(t0) ∂x∼(t1) ∂J + AMLE Φ(tq) ∂x∼(tq)

∂G ∂G ∂x∼(t0) ∂G ∂x∼(t1) = + + ··· ∂B ∂x∼(t0) ∂B ∂x∼(t1) ∂B

where Hx̂∼, Hx̂Z∼ and Hx̂S∼ are defined in eqs A.20, A.21, and A.22: H x̂ ∼ =




× Q −k 1(x∼̇̂ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt }

Φ(t0) +

Using the chain rule for finding the partial derivatives of G gives

× Q −k 1(x̂̇ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼S (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt 1 + ((Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk))T 2 × Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk)) tq







S S × ((Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk)) tq 1 S − (ẋ̂ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼S (t ), u(t ), θk))T 2 t0

1 2


Substituting partial derivatives from eq A.24 into eq A.23 gives



∂x∼(ti) = Φ(ti) ∂B

1 + ((Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk)) 2 tq 1 (x∼̇̂ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk))T + 2 t0 × Q −k 1(x∼̂̇ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt } (A.18)

×(Ym −


Finding partial derivatives from eq 6:

S g(X̂ ∼ m ,

∂JAMLE ∂x∼(tq)


The AMPL software used to implement the AMLE algorithm provides HB the Hessian matrix with respect to B. The relationship between Hx∼ (i.e., the Hessian matrix with respect to Xq∼) and HB (i.e., the Hessian matrix with respect to B) is derived below. Using the chain rule for partial derivatives to find the partial derivative of JAMLE (eq 15) with respect to matrix of B-spline basis functions B gives

⎤ ∂ ⎡⎢ ∂JAMLE Φ(tq)⎥Φ(t0) + Φ(t0) ∂x∼(tq) ∂x∼(t1) ⎢⎣ ∂x∼(t0) ⎥⎦ ∂JAMLE

∂JAMLE ∂x∼(t1)

Φ(t1) + ··· +

⎤ Φ(tq)⎥Φ(t1) + ··· ∂x∼(tq) ⎥⎦ ∂JAMLE


∂J ∂ ⎡⎢ ∂JAMLE Φ(t0) + AMLE Φ(t1) + ··· ∂x∼(tq) ⎢⎣ ∂x∼(t0) ∂x∼(t1)


⎤ Φ(tq)⎥Φ(tq) ∂x∼(tq) ⎥⎦ ∂JAMLE


Simplifying eq A.29 gives 18317 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ∂ 2JAMLE ∂B∂BT

= Φ(t0)

+ Φ(t1)

∂ 2JAMLE ∂x∼(t0)∂x ∼T(t0)



Ψ = [Φ(t1)Φ(t 2)...Φ(tq)]T


and HB is the Hessian matrix with respect to B-spline basis functions:

ΦT(t0) + ···

∂x∼(t0)∂x ∼T(t1)



Φ(t0) + Φ(t0)

∂x∼(t0)∂x ∼T(tq)

∂ 2JAMLE ∂x∼(t1)∂x ∼T(t0)

Φ(t1) + Φ(t1) ∂ JAMLE

∂x∼(t1)∂x ∼T(tq)

∂ 2JAMLE ∂x∼(t1)∂x ∼T(t1)




+ Φ(t0)

H x∼ H Sx∼


∂x∼(tq)∂x ∼T(t0)

Φ (tq)

+ Φ(tq)

∂ JAMLE ∂x∼(tq)∂x ∼T(t1) ∂ 2JAMLE ∂x∼(tq)∂x ∼T(tq)

ΦT(tq) + ··· Φ (tq) (A.30)






1/2 1 ⎛ det(HB) ⎞ ⎟ ⎜ q ⎝ det(HΒZ ) ⎠




(x̂̇ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk))


Z × (ẋ̂ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk))T dt ⎧ ⎪ 1 Z exp⎨− (Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk))T ⎪ 2 ⎩

In matrix form, eq A.30 becomes: ⎡ ∂ 2J ∂ 2JAMLE ∂ 2JAMLE ⎤ ⎢ AMLE ⎥ ... ⎢ ∂β12 ∂β1 ∂β2 ∂β1 ∂βc ⎥ s ⎢ ⎥ 2 2 ⎢ ∂ 2J ∂ JAMLE ∂ JAMLE ⎥ ⎢ AMLE ⎥ ... ⎢ ∂β2 ∂β1 ∂β2 ∂βc ⎥ ∂β22 s ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎥ 2 ∂ 2JAMLE ⎥ ⎢ ∂ JAMLE ∂ JAMLE ... ⎢ ⎥ ∂βc2 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ∂βcs ∂β1 ∂βcs ∂β2 s = [Φ(t0)Φ(t1)...Φ(tq)]×

Z × Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk)) tq 1 Z − (ẋ̂ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk))T 2 t0 Z × Q −1(ẋ̂ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼Z (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt


1 + (Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk)) 2 tq 1 + (x∼̇̂ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk))T 2 t0 × Q −1(x∼̇̂ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt } (26)

⎤ ⎥ ∂x∼(t0)∂x ∼T(tq) ⎥ ⎥ ∂ 2JAMLE ⎥ ⎥ ... ∂x∼(t1)∂x ∼T(tq) ⎥ ⎥ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥ ⎥ 2 ∂ JAMLE ⎥ ... ∂x∼(tq)∂x ∼T(tq) ⎥⎦ ...



1/2 1 ⎛ det(HB) ⎞ S ⎟ (Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk)) Σk + 1 = ⎜ S n ⎝ det(H Β) ⎠ S

× (Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk))T ⎧ ⎪ 1 S exp⎨− (Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk))T ⎪ 2 ⎩ S

× Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X̂ ∼ m , Um, θk)) tq 1 S − (x̂̇ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼S (t ), u(t ), θk))T 2 t0


× Q −k 1(ẋ̂ ∼(t ) − f(x̂ ∼S (t ), u(t ), qk )) dt 1 (Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X∼̂ m , Um, θk)) 2 tq 1 + (x∼̂̇ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk))T 2 t0 × Q −1(x∼̇̂ (t ) − f(x∼̂ (t ), u(t ), θk)) dt } (27)



Or equivalently HΒ = ΨTH x ∼Ψ


Q k+1 =


⎡ ∂ 2JAMLE ∂ 2JAMLE ⎢ ⎢ ∂x∼(t0)∂x ∼T(t0) ∂x∼(t0)∂x ∼T(t1) ⎢ ⎢ ∂ 2J ∂ 2JAMLE AMLE ⎢ ⎢ ∂x∼(t0)∂x ∼T(t1) ∂x∼(t1)∂x ∼T(t1) ⎢ ⋮ ⎢ ⎢ ∂ 2JAMLE ∂ 2JAMLE ⎢ ⎢ ∂x (t )∂x T(t ) ∂x (t )∂x T(t ) ∼ q ∼ 1 ⎣ ∼ q ∼ 0 ⎡ Φ(t )⎤ 0 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ Φ(t1) ⎥ ⎥ ×⎢ ⎢ ⋮ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ Φ(tq) ⎦

ΨTH x ∼Ψ


Thus, in eqs A.18 and A.19, the Hessian matrices with respect to B can be used instead of the Hessian matrices with respect to X∼q, so that


+ Φ(t1)


Since ΨT and Ψ are constants:

ΦT(t1) + ···




The ratio of two Hessian matrixes is


+ ··· + Φ(tq)


HB =


+ Φ(tq)



where Ψ is a matrix of B-spline basis functions defined as.


18318 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


In eqs 26 and 27, the Hessians HB, HZB and HSB are defined as σr2, k + 1

HB =


⎛ ⎞1/2 1 ⎜ det(H βr ) ⎟ = Nr ⎜⎝ det(H Sβ ) ⎟⎠ r




exp{ln ∑ [yr (tmr , j) − gr(x̂ S(tmr , j), y(tmr , j), θk)]2


B = B̂





∂ 2J∼Z ∂B∂BT

B = B̂



1 − 2Q k

∂ 2J∼S

+ T


B = B̂



eq 15.



J∼Z = −ln − ln





1 2σr2, k

1 + 2Q k

JAMLE in eq 28 is Varziri’s AMLE objective function defined in J∼Z

1 2σr2, k


∑ [yr (tmr ,j) − gr(x̂ S(tmr ,j), y(tmr , j), θk)]2 j=1



S (ẋ̂ r (t ) − f r(x̂ S , u(t ), θk))2 dt



∑ [yr (tmr ,j) − gr(x̂(tmr ,j), y(tmr ,j), θk)]2 j=1



(ẋ̂ r (t ) − f r(x̂ , u(t ), θk))2 dt }



eqs 29 and 30 are defined in eqs 31 and 32.

where H β = HB(Nr − 1 + 1: Nr )


H Zβ = HZB(Nr − 1 + 1: Nr )


H Sβ = HSB(Nr − 1 + 1: Nr )



(x∼̇ 1(t ) − f1(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk))2 dt − ...



(x∼̇ X (t ) − f X(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk))2 dt


1 + (Ym − g(X∼ m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X∼ m , Um, θk)) 2 tq 1 + (x∼̇ (t ) − f(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk))T Q −k 1 2 t0


Note that other equations do not change for this case.

(x∼̇ (t ) − f(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk)) dt


Corresponding Author


*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

■ ■



= −ln ∑ [y1(tm1, j) − g1(x∼(tm1, j), y(tm1, j), θk)] − ... 2

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial support provided by Hatch, MPRIME, and NSERC is acknowledged.

j=1 NY

− ln ∑ [yY (tmY , j) − g Y (x∼(tmY , j), y(tmY , j), θk)]2 j=1

1 + (Ym − g(X∼ m , Um, θk))T Σ−k 1(Ym − g(X∼ m , Um, θk)) 2 tq 1 + (x∼̇ (t ) − f(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk))T Q −k 1 2 t0


AEM = approximate expectation maximization AE = algebraic equation AMLE = approximate maximum likelihood estimation AMPL = a modeling language for mathematical programming CSTR = continuous stirred tank reactor CTSM = continuous time stochastic modeling EKF = extended Kalman filter EM = expectation maximization FLA = fully Laplace approximation FLAEM = fully Laplace approximation expectation maximization IQR = interquartile range MCMC = Markov chain Monte Carlo MIMO = multi-input multioutput ML = maximum likelihood MLE = maximum likelihood estimation ODE = ordinary differential equation SDE = stochastic differential equation

(x∼̇ (t ) − f(x∼(t ), u(t ), θk)) dt



and B̂ , B̂ S, and B̂ Z are spline coefficients that maximize JAMLE, JZ∼ and JS∼, respectively. x̂∼, x̂S∼, and x̂Z∼ are the corresponding approximated state trajectories. Equations 26 and 27 can then be used to update Q and Σ, using the most recent estimates of the model parameters θ and spline coefficients B. For the case where the number of measurements for the rth response is Nr, an expression similar to eq 27 for updating the rth measurement noise variance σ2r is 18319 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research


JS = objective function defined in eq A.17 JZ = objective function defined in eq A.16 JS∼ = objective function defined in eq 32 JSCSTR = objective function defined in eq 42 JZ∼ = objective function defined in eq 31 JZCSTR = objective function defined in eq 41 kref = kinetic rate constant at temperature Tref (min−1) kr = rate constant defined in eq 34 L = likelihood function M = order of B-spline basis functions n = number of measurements nC = number of measurements for concentration of reactant A Nr = number of measurements for rth response nT = number of measurements for temperature P = number of unknown model parameters p(.) = probability density function q = number of discretization points for SDE model (eq 12) Q = diagonal power spectral density matrix Qd = vector of disturbance intensities as Qd=[Q1,...,QX]T QC = process disturbance intensity for concentration (kmol2·m−6·min−1) QT = process disturbance intensity for temperature (K2·min−1) Qs = process disturbance intensity for state s R(ζ,ζk) = expected value defined in eq 16 S = sum of squared error terms defined in eq 21 S2T = measurement noise variance for T(0) Sm0 = covariance matrix for measured initial states x0 t = time (min) t0 = initial time (min) ti = times used for discretizing SDEs (min) tm C,j = jth measurement time for concentration (min) tm T,j = jth measurement time for temperature (min) tmr,j = jth measurement time for the rth response (min) tnC = final time for concentration SDE (min) tnT = final time for temperature SDE (min) tq = final time (min) T = temperature of reactor contents (K) T0 = reactant feed temperature (K) T̂ ∼ = estimated state trajectory corresponding to estimated B-splines coefficients βT̂ T̂ S∼ = estimated state trajectory corresponding to estimated B-splines coefficients βST̂ T̂ Z∼ = estimated state trajectory corresponding to estimated B-splines coefficients βZT̂ Tin = inlet temperature of coolant (K) Tref = reference temperature (K) Δt = sampling interval used for discretizing SDEs and disturbances (min) u = U-dimensional vector of input variables for the SDE model UA = heat transfer coefficient defined in eq 35 U = dimension of the input vector Um = stacked vector of input values at measurement times with different sampling interval V = volume of the reactor (m3) W(t) = Wiener process x = state vector X = dimension of state vector x0 = state vector at the initial time t0 xm0 = vector of measured values of initial conditions Xm = stacked vector of state values at measurement times xs = sth state variable

Roman Letters

a = CSTR model parameter relating heat-transfer coefficient to coolant flow rate b = CSTR model exponent relating heat-transfer coefficient to coolant flow rate cs = number of B-spline coefficients for sth state trajectory CA = concentration of reactant A (kmol·m−3) CA0 = feed concentration of reactant A (kmol·m−3) Ĉ A∼ = estimated state trajectory corresponding to estimated B-splines coefficients βĈ Ĉ SA∼ = estimated state trajectory corresponding to estimated B-splines coefficients βSĈ Ĉ ZA∼ = estimated state trajectory corresponding to estimated B-splines coefficients βZĈ cp = heat capacity of reactor contents (J·kg−1·K−1) cpc = coolant heat capacity (J·kg−1·K−1) C1 = constant in eq A.1 cov{.} = covariance det = determinant e = sum of the squared relative errors defined in eq 58 E{.} = expected value E/R = activation energy divided by the ideal gas constant (K) f r = nonlinear function on the right-hand side of the SDE model for the rth state f = X-dimensional nonlinear function on the right-hand side of the SDE model (eq 1.a) F = reactant volumetric flow rate (m3·min−1) Fc = coolant volumetric flow rate (m3·min−1) gr = nonlinear functions on the right-hand side of the rth output equation g = Y-dimensional vector of nonlinear functions on the righthand side of eq 1.c G = positive scalar function G = matrix defined in eq A.26 HB = Hessian matrix defined in eq 28 HSB = Hessian matrix defined in eq 30 HZB = Hessian matrix defined in eq 29 HβC = Hessian matrix defined in eq 49 HSβC = Hessian matrix defined in eq 53 HZβC = Hessian matrix defined in eq 51 HβT = Hessian matrix defined in eq 50 HSβT = Hessian matrix defined in eq 54 HZβT = Hessian matrix defined in eq 52 Hβr = Hessian matrix defined in eq A.38 HSβr = Hessian matrix defined in eq A.40 HZβr = Hessian matrix defined in eq A.39 HB,CSTR = Hessian matrix defined in eq 55 HSB,CSTR = Hessian matrix defined in eq 57 HZB,CSTR = Hessian matrix defined in eq 56 Hx̂ = Hessian matrix defined in eq A.12 HSx̂ = Hessian matrix defined in eq A.14 HZx̂ = Hessian matrix defined in eq A.13 Hx̂∼ = Hessian matrix defined in eq A.20 HSx̂∼ = Hessian matrix defined in eq A.22 HZx̂∼ = Hessian matrix defined in eq A.21 ΔHrxn = enthalpy of reaction (J·kg−1·K−1) j1 and j2 = positive integers in eq 13 J = objective function defined in eq A.15 JAMLE = objective function defined in eq 15 JAEM,CSTR = AEM objective function for CSTR model defined in eq 60 JAMLE,CSTR = AMLE objective function for CSTR model defined in eq 39 18320 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 18303−18323

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ηT(t) = continuous zero-mean stationary white-noise process for temperature SDE θ = vector of model parameters θCSTR = vector of model parameters for the CSTR model ρ = density of reactor contents (kg· m−3) ρc = coolant density (kg· m−3) Σ = covariance matrix for measurement errors defined in eq 2 Σd = diagonal elements of the covariance matrix defined as Σd=[σ21,...,σ2Y]T σ2r = measurement noise variance for rth response σ2C = measurement noise variance for concentration σ2T = measurement noise variance for temperature φs(t) = vector of B-spline basis function for sth state trajectory φs,l(t) = lth B-spline basis function for sth state trajectory Φ(t) = matrix of B-spline functions defined in eq 7 χ = vector argument in FLA integrals in eq 19 χ̂ = vector that maximize ψ χ̂* = vector that maximize ψ* Ψ = matrix of B-spline basis functions A.33 ψ = scalar function ψ* = scalar function defined in eq 19

Xq = stacked vector of state values at discrete times X̂ m = stacked vector of state values at measurement times evaluated at X̂ Sm = stacked vector of state values at measurement times evaluated at X̂ Zm = stacked vector of state values at measurement times evaluated at x∼ = B-spline approximation of the vector of state trajectories x x∼̇ (t) = time derivative for vector x∼ x̂∼ = estimated state trajectory corresponding to B̂ x̂S∼ = estimated state trajectory corresponding to B̂ S S x̂∼S = estimated state trajectory for the sth state corresponding to βSŜ x̂S∼S = estimated state trajectory corresponding to B̂ Z Z x̂∼S = estimated state trajectory for the sth state corresponding to βZŜ yC = concentration measurements yr = rth measured output yT = temperature measurements y = Y-dimensional output vector Y = dimension of output vector Ym = vector of stacked measured values at the measurement times Z = penalty term defined in eq 20 zα/2 = (1 − α/2)th quantile value of the standard Gaussian distribution


i = index of times used for discretizing SDE j = index for the sampling times k = index of iterations used in the EM algorithm for estimating ζ l = index for B-spline coefficients m = measurement r = index for response variable s = index for state variables ∼ = subscript used to indicate smoothed state trajectories estimated using B-splines

Greek Letters

α = significance level for confidence intervals B = stacked vector of B-spline coefficients B̂ = vector of spline coefficients that minimize JAMLE BCSTR = stacked vector of B-spline coefficients for the CSTR model B̂ S = vector of spline coefficients that minimize JS∼ B̂ SCSTR = vector of spline coefficients that minimize JSCSTR B̂ Z = vector of spline coefficients that minimize JZ∼ B̂ ZCSTR = vector of spline coefficients that minimize JZCSTR βs,l = lth B-spline coefficient for sth state trajectory βC,1 = first B-spline coefficient for concentration state trajectory βT,1 = first B-spline coefficient for temperature state trajectory βs = vector containing cs B-spline coefficients for the sth state trajectory γ = constant defined in eq 36 δ (.) = Dirac delta function ε = Y-dimensional vector of zero-mean random variables εC = measurement noise for concentration (kmol·m−3) εT = measurement noise for temperature (K) εr = normally distributed measurement noise for rth measured state εm = stacked vector of measurement noise values at measurement times ζ = vector of unknown parameters defined as ζ = [θT,θT0 ,QTd ,∑Td ]T ζCSTR = complete vector of parameters in the CSTR case study η(t) = X-dimensional continuous zero-mean stationary white-noise process ηd(t) = X-dimensional discrete zero-mean stationary whitenoise process ηC(t) = continuous zero-mean stationary white-noise process for concentration SDE


T = transpose


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