an error in the present official method for the determination of

By Harry Snyder. In the determination of nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method di- rections are given for the addition of potassium sulphide to pre- cipitat...
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AK EHROli IN T H E PRESEKT OFFICIAL METHOD FOR T H E DETERMINA’PIOK O F ALBUMINOID NITROGEN, AS11 T H E E F F E C T OF T H E PItESENUE O F METALS PRECIPITAl3LE BY l’OllASSIUM S U L P H I D E I K THE DETERMINATION O F XI’TROGES BY KJELDAHL’S METHOD.* HY HARRY SSYDER. I n the determination of nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method directions are given for the addition of potassium sulphide to precipitate ctll mercury from the solution in order to prevent the formation of mercuro-ammonium compounds which are not completely decomposed by soda solutioii. The determination of albuminoid nitrogen according to the present official method, requires the use of 0.7 to 0.8 grm. of copper hydroxide previous to the determination of the nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method. T h e copper oxide is carried aloiig i l l the determination, and is freely soluble in the sulphuric acid; no provision is made for its removal, and when the potassium sulphide is “added to precipitate a?l mercury in solution,” copper sulphide is alike precipitable in the acid solution with the mercury. The copper present is more than enough to combine with all the potassium sulphide ; the result is that neither metal is completely precipitated, and a large and variable portion of the mercury is left i l l the solution and all the conditions are favorable for the formation of mercuro-ammonium compounds. The work given to the potassiiim sulpl~ideis doubled and the object for which it is added is not attained. I n order to determine to what extent the mercury so left in t h e solution would effect the results a number of determinations were started; to some the official ‘(20 C.C. of potassium sulphide ” were added, and t o others a sufficient quantity ‘of the same solution to

* Presented to t h e A. A. 0. A. C . , a t their annual meeting held in Wash ington, August, 1891, and read by Prof. Caldwell, President of t h e Association.



precipitate nZ2 the copper as well as nll mercury in solution. The large amount of precipitate formed in the latter case caused so much bumping that only one determination oat of six could be completed. I n order to obviate this 3ifficulty the operation was carried on exactly as required by the official method except thac previous to distillation the aoid solution was made up to 200 C.C. and divided into two 100 C.C. portions. One portion was distilled with the relative official amount of potassium sulphide, and the second with enough of the same solution to complete the reaction. This gives ti more satisfactory basis for t h e comparison of resnlts, since all the conditions previous to the distillation are the same as to the degree of oxidation and the amounts of mercury and copper in solution. The foilowing results were obtained : 50 C.C. K,S

Ensilage No 1-- - - - 1.2s per cent. 1.25 '' No. 2 O.GG



0.GG So. 3 _ _ .1.3G _ _ 1.20 KO. 4 . - - - 1.53 1.54 KO. 5 - _ _ _ _1.1s 1.83

*' ((


'( i' "


30 C.C. K,S.

1.12 per cent. 1.14 " 1.53 "


0.11 0.13 0.OG 0.09 0.05 0.0;






0.10 0.11





1.15 1.45 1.45 1.0s 1.12

Average _ _ _ _

Diff ereace. 0.1G per cent.





" *( (i


'i " ((


Since all the conditions previous to distillation and addition of the potmsinm sulphide were the same iii each portion as to the degree of oxidation, and amounts of mercury and cop1)er in solution the constant larger proportion of iiitrogeii yielded with tlic 50 C.C. of potassium sulphide must be due to the iiicomplete precipittttioii of all the mercury in solution when only 20 C.C. is added. T h e average difference in the ten portions amount to nearly a tenth of one per cent. Blank determinations with both PO and 50 C.C. portions of potassium sulphide showed no quantity of nitrogen. A difference of

a tenth of one per cent. of nitrogen when, multiplied by tlie protein factor would make a difference of over six-tenths of oiie 1)er cent. of protein, a difference which is too great to be overlooked. Some change must therc:fore lie rnnclc i i i coirihining Stutzir’s a n d Kjeldahl’s methods. The followiiig ~mqiortionsof substance and solutions will give satisfactory results. Start with gins. of substance instead of 1 gram, t&e a quantity of CoijlJer li,vdrosidc? a n d glycerine solution equivalent to . 5 to .ii grams of the 1iydrosid.e instead of .7 to .S, and fiii;dly use 30 C.C. of potassinm su11)liicle instead of 20. Trials with these proportions on the cornniittee sample of corn meal gave 1.56 per cent. and 1.55 pt’i’ cent. of tilbuminoid nitrogen with tlie old proportions, nitli all of the copper and mercury precil)itated, 1.26 per ccnt. of ;tlbuniinoid nitrogen. (1) In the determination of nitrates by the official method 2 grams of zinc dust are used b u t the previous addition of 2 gr;tms of salicylic acid converts tho zinc into a n insoluble and crystalline form ‘at the close of tile digestion. ~ l i i is s s~iownto b o true by tlie following results of the aiialysis of piire l’otsssinni nitrate, when the solution was divided as in the case of the determination of albuminoid nitrogen. 20 C.C. K,S. 40 C . C . II,Y 1. R’itrogen 14.62 per cent. 14.02 per cent. 2. (‘ 13.93 “ 13.9s I(

If in t h e above tests the salicylic acid is omitted the results obtained are not uniform, and fa,ll short of the actual amount of nitrogen present. This is due to the presence of the zinc in solution, which causes the same trouble as the copper. Any other metal precipitable by potasqium sulphide would be equally liable t o produce the same effect, as all of the conditions would be equally favorable for the formation of mercuro-ammonium compounds. CORKELLUNIT., Lab. of Agr. Expt. Station. (1)These changes as given above have been adopted in t h e official method.