An experiment for the determination of ... - ACS Publications

An experiment for the determination of transference numbers by electromotive force methods—A correction. J. Chem. Educ. , 1940, 17 (2), p 96...
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HIGH-SCHOOL NOTES ELBERT C. WEAVER1 Bulkeley High School. Hartford, Connecticut

Other scheduled meetings which readers of THIS may attend are January 6, Attleboro, MassaH E Natiunul Commillee on Science Teaching has chusetts, trip to the Balfour Company, jewelry manuheld four meetings. Six sub-committees are a t facturers, and a talk by Dr. J. W. Irvine of the Massawork on a reorganization program of sciencein the first fourteen grades. Some material which these com- chusetts Institute of Technology, on "Synthetic Radiomittees are developing has been sent to a great many active Elements"; February 3, Milton Academy teachers for evaluation and suggestions. The Com- (Massachusetts); March 2, Wilbraham Academy mittee will meet a t St. Louis, Feb. 23-24, 1940. It is (Massachusetts) ; April 5, Westerly, Rhode Island ; composed of five representatives of the National May 4, Andover Academy (Massachusetts). The New England Association of Chemistry Teachers Education Assodation and one member each from ten is planning another summer conference. Theodore W. organizations interested in science education, including the Division of Chemical Education of the A. C. S. Sargent, Swampscott High School, Swampscott, MassaDr. Ira C. Davis, University High School, Madison, chusetts, Chairman, announces August 13-16 a t the Wisconsin, is acting as chairman of the Committee. University of Mainefor the 1940 conference. Many science teachers about the country are acting as INQUIRY consultants and are working on sub-committees. "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The Division of Chemical Education's Committee on If you wind up a clock Work is a form of energy." High School Chemistry is H. W. Baker, Instructor in spring you do work. Now tie a platinum wire about Chemistry, James Ford Rhodes High School, Cleveland, Ohio; Nicholas Cheronis, Wright Junior College, the spring in order that it cannot expand. Slowly disChicago, Illinois; R. E. Davis, Head of Chemistry solve the spring in acid from the bottom to the top. D. LONGANECKER, Department, Lane Technical High School, Chicago, Where does the energy go?-J. Uniontown, Pennsylvania. Illinois; Robert L. Ebel, Instructor in Chemistry, Edison Institute, Dearborn, Michigan; Elbert C. Weaver, Instructor in Chemistry, Bulkeley High School, Hartford, Connecticut; Martin V. McGill, AN EXPERIMENT FOR THE DETERInstructor in Chemistry, Lorain High School, Lorain, MINATION OF TRANSFERENCE Ohio, Chairman. This committee will meet as a group NUMBERS BY ELECTROMOa t the Cincinnati meeting of the A. C. S. NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS





The Northeastern Ohio Chemistry Feathers Organizasme appear in this article by C, M, Mason tion met a t Hubbard, Ohio, December 2,1939. A trip and E. F. Mellon (J. c m ~EDUC., . 16, 512-3 (1939)). through the plant of the Ohio Leather Company a t The corrections are as follows: Girard and talks by Dr. H. S. Booth of Western Resenre Equation should read Universitv Dr. Scudder of Youn~stown (Ohio), - - - - ~ and " College were features. "Neo-Chemto," this organization, is cooperating. with the Division of Chemical ducati ion committee in developing a course of study in Equation 2 should read: high-school chemistry. RT Q The New England Association of Chentistry Teachers E,, = 2T. In ; held its one hundred ninetv-seventh meeting. a t North' 1 ' U, eastern University, ~ o s t o i ~assachusetts,-on , DecemCell I11 should read: ber 9, 1939. Professors Luder and ZuBanti of the host institution delivered papers, and John Hogg, Exeter Ag, AgC1, HCI (a,), HZ(1 atm.). . .H, (1 atm.), HCl (a*) (New Hampshire) Academy described present chemisAgCL Ag trv teachinr in Eneland. Dr. H. H. Sheldon. American ~ i s t i t u t eoFthe C& of New York, discussed the exDanThe electrodes in the fimre should be labeled A .. B.. C, and D from left to right: sion of the ~nstitutk'sclub program. T. and T, in Columns 6 and 7 in Table 1 should be 1 Present address: Polytechnic High School, Long Beach, interchanged, the higher value being that for T,. California. ~







