An inexpensive level control device for constant temperature baths

An Inexpensive Level Control Device for Constant Temperature Baths. Many chemical reactions and experiments may take several days to complete, and ver...
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An Inexpensive Level Control Device for Constant Temperature Baths Many chemical reactions and experiments may take several days to complete, and very often these reactions must he carried out a t temoeratures between room temoeratures and 70 "C. Because water evawrates so raoidlv at elevated temperatures and must he constantly replenished, oil baths are commonly used in these situations. oil is expensive ($34/kg silicone oil) and mess".,. and the vaoors are harmful to the lunes. ~~~, ~,convenient solution to the ~"~ We offer an ineaoensive. prulrlem: a simple setup making use of a float control valve surh as commonly used in furnace humidifiers. The valve1 is atuched roa short pierr of ',-in. copper cubing by a compresrion filling that is supplied with the valve; the copper tubing is connected to a piece of rubber tubing, which in turn is connected to a water reservoir such as an aspirator bottle. The reservoir is used rather than direct attachment to a city water line to minimize the amount of potential damage in case of valve failure.










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Maid-O-Mist float control valves, catalog #70971, The Harry Alter Co., 81 Russell PI., White Plains, NY 10607; approximate cost $8.



Hosms Community College Bronx. NY 10451

lrlna Zemel City College of New York New York. NY 10031

Volume 65

Number 12

December 1988