Analyses of Some Natural Gasoline Gases before and after Treatment

Analyses of Some Natural Gasoline Gases before and after Treatment. H. C. Allen. Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. , 1929, 1 (4), pp 226–227. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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Vol. 1, No. 4

Analyses of Some Natural Gasoline Gases before and after Treatment' H. C. Allen UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS,LAWRENCE, KANSAS


LTHOUGH the natural gasoline industry has been in existence a good many years, i t has been only the last year or two.that real efforts have been made t o de-

termine the exact composition of the gases from which the gasoline has been obtained, together with the composition of the residue gases. The usual tests, such as combustion analyses, gravity, absorption in oils, etc., and the different field tests have a certain value but their limitations are well known. The results differ quite widely when made on gases of varying composition and with the variations commonly used in making the tests they leave considerable uncertainty as to the design of a plant and what may be expected in practice. A knowledge of the exact composition of the gases to betreated is desirable when designing a plant, and after a plant has been installed analyses of the raw and treated gases will furnish much valuable information as to proper operating conditions. The rapidly increasing demand for the propane and butane fractions will also make analyses of this kind valuable, since the usual tests throw very little light on the individual hydrocarbons. Only a small percentage of the propane usually present in natural gas is removed by the absorption plant a t the present time, while from 30 to 50 per cent of the butane may be taken out. With a demand for these products there is no doubt but that in the future the design of plants and operating conditions will be materially altered in such a way as to obtain more of these products, which until now have been undesirable. As a matter of fact, it may not be long before plants will be designed for the purpose of obtaining these two products while any natural gasoline recovered will be considered as a by-product. Analytical Data


The following data on three natural gasoline plants using mineral seal absorption oil were selected as representing three rather different gases so far as gasoline content is concerned, and it is believed indicate about what may be expected from plants operating on such gases a t the present time. Combustion analyses of the gases are also given for the sake of comparison and, as would be expected, the percentages of the constituents calculated in this way are quite different from those actually present in the gases. It will be noted that the residues obtained from fractionation and combustion methods, which should be identical, are not in very close agreement, while the calculated heating values are fairly satisfactory in this respect. Any strictly additive property should be the same whether calculated from fractionation or combustion analyses, and heating values and gravities are very nearly additive. In each case the percentages of methane and ethane increase in the treated gases, while the higher hydrocarbons decrease, and this is probably true generally in absorption plants, The actual composition of each raw gas shows a rather regular decrease as we pass from the methane to the higher hydrocarbons, but this is not true in all natural gases, as some have been examined that show more hexane than pentane present. This point was checked up rather carefully and is believed to be correct. I n work done a t the University April 16, 1929. Presented before the Division of Petroleum Chemistry at the 77th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbus, Ohio, April 29 to May 3, 1929. 1 Received

of Kansas heptane is the highest hydrocarbon that has been determined in natural gases, but traces of octane have been detected. It will be noted that in each case the gasoline not absorbed, which may be considered as the pentane fraction left in the residue gas, amounts to about 0.2 per cent, or slightly less than 0.1 gallon per thousand feet of gas. This seems to be about the limit of absorbability in practice, though no doubt it could be diminished by using larger quantities of absorbing oil. Residue gases have been examined that contained as much as 0.9 per cent of pentane, which shows a very poor recovery,








Per cent Per cent CH4 CzHe CaHa C4HlO CSH12 C6Hl4 CiHie

85.8 6.5 3.6 1.2 0.5 Trace

86.1 7.4 3.0 0.9 0.2

0.3 2.1

0.2 2.2

.. .. ..



Residue B. t . u.


CiHlZ CsHia CiHia

... ...

... ...

l ~ e cent r

Per cent



1131 1113 Lbs. per 1000 f t . 4.19 3.49 1.84 1.38 Gallons per 1000 f t . 0.183 0.073

C3Ha C4Ha

Per cent Per cent 65.8 70.2 10.5 11.1 7.6 6.4 3.6 1.9 1.640.2-k 1.0 Trace Trace .. 0.7 0.5 9.1 9.7 1270 1138 Lbs. pev 1OOOft. 8.85 7.45 5.52 2.92 Gallons per 1000 f t . 0.584 0.088 0.41 Trace Trace . .

Pe; cent

46.1 28.7 15.5 4.3 0.2 Trace . I .

0.7 4.5

1765 1509 Lbs. per 1000 f t . 19.43 18.03 10.44 6.60 Gallons Per 1000 ft. 1.79 0.078 0 . 4 9 4 Trace 0.043 _..


I Per cent

Per cent

Pev cent 41.4 24.4 16.7 6.8 4.9 1.2 0.1 0.7 3.8

I Per cent

Per cent





Residue B. t. u.

Gallons per 1000 ft. (about) Shrinkage, per cent (about)







0 1

0 9






2 2 14

The quantitative connection between the volume of the raw gas and the residue gas is not very certain from the data usually obtained; however, where there is a considerable residue in a gas it may be assumed that this is only slightly affected in the absorbing process. With this assumption it has calculated in a number of cases that the total gas absorbed will be slightly more than twice the pentane and higher hydrocarbons actually absorbed. This value checks fairly well with the measured volumes when it has been possible to obtain such data. Methods of Analysis

Details of the method used in the analyses would require considerable space, but in a general way the published meth-

October 15, 1929


ods, with numerous modifications, were followed. The gases were fractionated by means of liquid air a t different temperatures and as much of the work was a check on modificatioi.s of the apparatus and manipulation as well as on the gases, the fractions were analyzed by combustion methods. To eliminate variations in molecular volumes and any absorption of carbon dioxide after combustion, the higher fractions were calculated from the combustion data by combining


the carbon dioxide and contraction and using this combined value with the oxygen consumed. This involves no additional manipulation, since there are no residues in these higher fractions. Three or four fractionations gave a rather pure product, but in practically all cases the combustion analyses indicated the presence of two hydrocarbons. For some reason the propane fraction seemed to be the easiest to obtain in a fairly pure condition.

Detection and Determination of Carbon Disulfide and Sulfur in Fluids’ A Colorimetric Method J. A. Pierce2 THBJOHNS HOPEINS UKIVBRSITY, BAGTIMORE,MD.

HE practice of adulterating pressed oil with pulp-extracted oil has resulted in the presentation, from time to time, of qualitative methods for the detection of traces of carbon disulfide in the product. The literature has also brought up the problem of determining the presence of free sulfur in those pulp oils that have been so thoroughly refined that carbon disulfide is absent. Most of the recognized tests for carbon disulfide are not reactive with free sulfur. I n 1926 Saccardi ( B ) , for instance, presented his lead plaster method for the detection of carbon disulfide and claimed it to be sensitive to 1 part in 1,160,000 of carbon disulfide in olive oil. Conzoneri (1) objected t o it on the grounds that it was useless in those oils that had been so super-refined that no carbon disulfide was present. Saccardi’s description of his own technic is evidence that it is useless in detecting free sulfur. Its general application is therefore limited. The method of Fachini ( 2 ) was tried out in the author’s laboratory and found to give the cherry-red color with any olive oil, either virgin or extracted. Other methods have been presented which are sensitive either to carbon disulfide or t o sulfur, and which are credited with giving very satisfactory results, but their technic is too involved and too much time is consumed in arriving at a result. Thus, the Milliau test ( 4 ) is stated as being se~isitive t o 0.05 per cent of carbon disulfide, but it has the disadvantage of requiring the use of a sealed tube and several hours of manipulation. Again, the thallo-acetylacetone method of Kurowski, discussed by Utz ( i ) ,is also tedious, and has been found sensitive to only 1 per cent with certainty. Such processes have no place in the commercial laboratory where rapid work is imperative. One method of detecting carbon disulfide readily is that which results in the precipitation of easily identified crystals of metallic xanthates. This is official in the U. S. Pharmacopeia X for testing carbon tetrachloride for carbon disulfide. Even this method may require 3 hours of waiting. A study of the literature in regard to the xanthate test fails to disclose any authoritative claim for great sensitiveness, and Milliau (5) vigorously disapproves of it on this ground. Evidently its popularity is largely dependent upon its simplicity. The purpose of this paper is to present what the writer believes is an original method for the detection of carbon disulfide, which combines extreme sensitiveness with ease of manipulation and speed. The test can be carried out in less than 5 minutes, and is sensitive at least to 1 part of carbon



Received June 14, 1929 Hopkins University.

* Fellow, T h e Johns

disulfide in 30,000 parts of oil or other inert liquid. The work has been carried on chiefly with olive oil, but exhaustive tests were also made with carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and ether. Results have been so uniformly satisfactory that its use is recommended in all liquids in which carbon disulfide is likely to be found with the exception of those that are opaque, very highly colored, or are themselves reactive with the reagent. As an instance of the last case, the reagent reacts with carbon tetrachloride with the formation of a transient port-wine color, but the test easily identifies the presence of carbon disulfide by the formation of a precipitate not found when carbon disulfide is absent. The Reagent

In 1905 Von Xagy Jlosva (8) presented his paper on the determination of the triple bond in organic compounds, with special reference to acetylene. During the course of an experiment with allylene the present writer discorered, quite accidently, that \‘on Xagy Ilosva’s reagent gave a characteristic reaction with carbon disulfide, and became so interested in the peculiar characteristics of the Ilosva solution that work was undertaken which resulted in this paper. Von Kagy Ilosva’s directions for making his reagent are as follows: Dissolve 1gram of copper sulfate (nitrate or chloride) in a small amount of water in a 50-cc. graduated flask. Add 4 cc. of strong ammonium hydroxide, and then 3 grams of hydroxylamine hydrochloride. The latter completely decolorizes the copper solution. Then add water t o the mark and shake the flask. The resulting reagent is that used in our work. It must be kept in the dark and should not be used when it is much more than a week old. Deterioration is shown by a blue color which sometimes appears with startling suddenness. Materials

The chemicals used in the preparation of the reagent, as well as the chloroform, were of analyzed quality. Oils were obtained from a reputable importer, had passed standard tests for purity, and were further tested for carbon disulfide by the xanthate method with negative results. The history and origin of these oils were known. Method of Determination

The oil to be examined is diluted one-half with pure chloroform to reduce its viscosity and to increase the specific gravity of the solution to the extent that the reagent may float on the top after shaking. Five cubic centimeters of the oil solution
