Analysis and algorithms for multistage separation processes [Erratum

Analysis and algorithms for multistage separation processes [Erratum to document cited in CA110(26):233809a]. Lakshmi N. Sridhar, and Angelo Lucia...
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1572 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 28, No. 10, 1989

ceptable approximation, since it is a short line. I had originally considered this point in my earlier analysis (Govind, 1982) and later realized that assuming the intersection line to be a straight line resulted in a very minor error. Hence, in my fiial analysis, I made the assumption of a straight intersection line. This fact was pointed out earlier in my response to Bitter’s comments (Bitter, 1983).

Lines”. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 1983, 22, 684-686. Govind, R. Analytical Form of the Ponchon-Savarit Method for Systems with Straight Enthalpy-Composition Phase Lines. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 1982,21, 532-535. Lemlich, R. Private communication, 1982. Peters, W. A. The Efficiencyand Capacity of Fractionating Columns. Ind. Eng. Chem. 1922,14,476-479.

Rakeeh Govind

Literature Cited

Chemical Engineering Department University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio 45221

Bitter, R. Comments on “Analytical Form of the Ponchon-Savarit Method for Systems with Straight EnthalpyComposition Phase

ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Analysis and Algorithms for Multistage Separation Processes [Volume 28, Number 6, page 7931. Lakshmi N. Sridhar and Angelo Lucia* Page 795. Equation 14 (Chart I) contains two incorrectly subscripted block matrices. The correct equation for the ?Jacobian matrix, G’, is

Page 796. In the left-hand column in the paragraph beginning with “To apply this theorem...”, the phrase “let Dobe the set intersection of the two-phase regions for each stage” should read “let Do be the Cartesian product of the set intersections of the two-phase regions of adjacent stages”. Page 796. Equation 25 contains an incorrect inequality associated with dLj/aTk. The correct equation is

Page 799. The condenser in Table IV is a partial condenser, and the starting values and solution on stage 1 are stage




starting values and solution h-’ v*, kmol h-*

y o , kmol







Page 800. The word condenser is spelled incorrectly in Table V. Page 800. In the leftihand column, second sentence after eq 53, the spectral radius of the nonnegative matrix A should be p(A) = 0.5199, which still easily satisfies the bounds given by eq 22. Page 800. The (1,l) element of J given by eq 54 should be 69.57, not 69.75. Page 801. In eq A13, the k + 2 element of the vector R should be -Pk+l(l - P k + ? ) . Page 802. The second inequality following eq A18 is aLj/aTk =

O j < k

Page 802. In the second bracketed term in eq B3, the quantity (dLk+l/VTk) should be (dLk+,/dTk).