Analysis of Petroleum

Twenty-five years ago a unit of 100 men was a very large petroleum laboratory staff. .... information for placing asphalts into groups of practical si...
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Analysis of Petroleum HARRY LEVIN

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on June 2, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1951 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1951-0005.ch032

The Texas Co., Beacon, Ν. Y.

The history, progress, and development in the field of analysis and testing of petroleum, its products and auxiliaries, are reviewed and an attempt is made to forecast the likely avenues of future developments in this field. The survey considers the simple physical methods that have long been used and the technically involved instrumental and chemical methods that have been developed over these years. These include but are not limited to microchemistry, adsorption, refractometry, radiation methods of analysis, and analytical methods and devices used on plant units and streams.

T h e papers in this symposium on "25 Years of Progress i n Petroleum Technology" pre­ sent an impressive picture of development in manufacturing and processing operations on old and new products from, and relating to, petroleum. These new processes and products created needs on the one hand for new analytical methods and devices, while on the other hand the very development of some of those products and processes has been dependent upon methods of analysis which are precise enough and fast enough to evaluate progress in those developments. Exhaustive comparisons between the developments that constitute steps i n the prog­ ress of analysis and testing of petroleum and its products for the past quarter century are impossible; therefore, only those developments that impressed this .author as being mile­ stones i n that progress or which serve to illustrate the magnitude and quality of that growth are discussed. For a more detailed account of progress i n analysis of petroleum i n the last decade, the reader is referred to the reviews by Levin (35-37). Twenty-five years ago a unit of 100 men was a very large petroleum laboratory staff. Today numerous major oil companies have over 700 men i n the groups that grew from those older laboratories. The number of men engaged i n analysis and testing has grown proportionately. The analytical and testing facilities of a petroleum laboratory of that time look mighty meager by the standards of today. A comparison of the report and standards of the petroleum section of the American Society for Testing Materials ( A S T M ) for 1925 (3) and 1950 (4) reflect the expansion that has taken place. I n 1925 there were 100 pages comprising 8 chemical procedures and 18 physical testing methods. I n 1950 there were 700 pages devoted to 48 chemical procedures and 77 physical testing methods, exclusive of an additional 100 pages i n a separate volume devoted to asphalt. Qualitatively, the ex­ pansion is even more impressive. The 1925 text contains chemical procedures only for water, sulfur, detection of free sulfur, acidity, saponification number, and grease analysis. In 1950 there were included such intricate analyses as the precise determination of aro­ matics b y chromatography, benzene b y ultraviolet absorption, phosphorus b y spectro­ photometry, oil i n wax b y microchemistry. Methods for the determination of tetraethyllead i n gasoline b y polarography, hydrocarbon analysis by infrared and mass spec* trometry, etc., are under study. 385

In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.



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Hydrocarbon Gas Analysis Industrial analysis of hydrocarbon gases 25 years ago was limited almost to Orsattype absorptions and combustion, resulting i n crude approximations and inadequate qualitative information. The more precise method of Shepherd (66) was available but too tedious for frequent use. A great aid to the commercial development of hydrocarbon gas processes of separation and synthesis was the development and commercialization of high efficiency analytical gas distillation units b y Podbielniak (50). I n these the gaseous sample is liquefied b y refrigeration, distilled through an efficient vertical packed column, the distillation fractions collected as gas and determined manometrically at constant volume. The operation was performed initially i n manually operated units, more recently in substantially automatic assemblies. Unsaturated constituents of gaseous hydrocarbon mixtures were generally determined as a unit, most frequently by absorption i n sulfuric acid—with all the complications of solution of saturated constituents i n the acid and i n the undissolved polymers which resulted. The apparatus and procedure of M c M i l l a n et al. (42) for determining total olefinic unsaturation by hydrogénation over a nickel catalyst was a real improvement i n hydrocarbon gas analysis, as was his (41) scheme for analyzing a mixture of C hydrocarbons for individual members. H e employed distillation to produce two cuts and by hydrogénation and hydrochlorination determined isobutane, isobutene, and 1-butene i n the first cut; and by hydrogénation for total butènes, bromination and determination of refractive index of the dibromides, determined cis- and Jraws-butenes and η-butane i n the second cut. The hydrochlorination for isobutene was accomplished i n a special apparatus, the gaseous sample and hydrogen chloride being condensed together, then evaporated to leave the chloride as a residue of insignificant vapor pressure under the conditions of the test. W i t h application (61) of the Diels-Alder reaction to the determination of 1,3-butadiene in hydrocarbon gas b y absorption i n molten maleic anhydride a t 100° C , the analysis of C 4 hydrocarbons by chemical means was accomplished. 4

Instrumental Methods of Analysis I n reviewing the literature one becomes aware that about 12 years ago the petroleum industry was undergoing partial transition into a synthetic chemicals industry and this is reflected i n the variety of analyses required. Production of synthetic rubber, 1,3-butadiene, isobutene, isobutane, styrene, diisobutene, alkylate, iso-octane, copolymer, cumene, and toluene was greatly aided by instrumental analysis including ultraviolet, infrared, mass and emission spectrometry. Without these methods many of the analyses would be entirely impractical because of tediousness, long elapsed time for results, and general ex­ pense of operation. Although infrared absorption analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures was described b y Lecomt and Lambert (34), the extensive application of this technique to the examination of petroleum products awaited the commercial availability of a practical instrumental unit and adequately described methods such as those of Brattain and Beeck (11) for a two component mixture and Brattain et al. (12) for a multicomponent mixture of hydrocarbon gases. B y such methods the possible qualitative constituents of the sample must, of course, be known and their number limited to a maximum probably simultaneously pres­ ent. Ultraviolet absorption is particularly useful for the determination of compounds possessing conjugated unsaturation and as far as hydrocarbon gases are concerned, this includes dioiefins such as 1,3-butadiene and its five carbon equivalents. The development of a commercial mass spectrometer and its application to hydro­ carbon gas analysis b y the method of Washburn et al. (63) made gas analysis rapid, economical, and, what is even more important, inspired a confidence i n the results of routine hydrocarbon gas analysis which was badly lacking. A complex gaseous mixture comprising the atmospheric gases, carbon monoxide, and Ci to C hydrocarbons required more than 20 hours of applied time by the previous methods of low temperature fractional distillation coupled with chemical absorption methods. W i t h the mass spectrometer such an analysis is completed i n 2 hours or less, about 15 minutes of which is consumed i n the 6

In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.

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preparation of the mass spectrogram, the balance being devoted to computation. T h e computations are greatly aided by mechanical calculators, electrical computers, and more recently by machinery of International Business Machines Corp. The analytical chemist i n the field of petroleum owes much to the projects of the American Petroleum Institute ( A P I ) . A s a result of this work reliable physical properties, ultraviolet absorption, infrared absorption, Raman, and mass spectra of a large number of hydrocarbons are now available. M a n y of these hydrocarbons can be obtained through the A P I and are pure enough to be used to calibrate spectrometers. T h i s has been tremendously helpful in extending the usefulness of the newer instrumental methods of analysis. The high purity of these hydrocarbons—many better than 99.5%—deserves special mention. So does the outstanding freezing point procedure developed b y M a i r et al. (45) and Glasgow et al. (22) which provides a practical precision method for determining the quality of such high purity hydrocarbon gases and liquids.

Analysis of Liquid Hydrocarbons Compared with the methods of today, the procedures that were available 25 years ago for the analysis of liquid hydrocarbons—for example, i n the gasoline range—were limited indeed. The method of Egloff and Morrell (17) represented a substantial improvement over the then current practices. It provided a moderately reliable method for determining unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons i n gasoline b y taking distillation cuts, treating them with 8 0 % sulfuric acid, measuring the absorption, distilling the unabsorbed layer to a predetermined temperature, and measuring the increase i n residue due to polymerization of some unsaturated hydrocarbons. The sum of that which was absorbed and that which was polymerized was considered the unsaturation of the sample. The aromatics were determined i n the acid-treated distillate b y treatment with a special mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids which produced three layers, the intermediate one being the nitro derivatives of the aromatic hydrocarbons. B y changing the concentration of acid, Towne (60) modified this method to reduce errors due to alkylation which caused some of the aromatics and unsaturated hydrocarbons to combine to form high boiling aromatics which raised the value for aromatic content and lowered that for unsaturated constituents. B e fore these methods were published i t was common practice to determine unsaturated plus aromatic hydrocarbons b y direct absorption i n strong acids and to determine unsaturation by absorption i n a weaker acid or,' indirectly, by iodine or bromine number. The development of radiation methods such as ultraviolet absorption, infrared absorption, R a m a n and mass spectrometry tremendously increased the analytical possibilities on liquid hydrocarbons, particularly i n the gasoline boiling range. However, these instrumental procedures are frequently lacking i n specificity; therefore, the development of precision distillation columns which permitted isolation of narrow distillation fractions containing small numbers of hydrocarbon constituents was a prerequisite to their extensive application and utility. Among such distillation units should be specially mentioned the practical and efficient random helices packing of Fenske et al. (18), the wire screen packing of Stedman (58), and the formed wire packing of Podbielniak (51 ). W i l l i n g ham and Rossini (69) described the application of columns of high efficiency to the analysis of petroleum by ordinary as well as azeotropic and extractive distillation. Selker's et al. (55) low hold-up concentric glass tube column of high efficiency and capable of handling small samples is finding extensive application. The development of distillation columns with rotating elements, described by Baker et al. (5) and Willingham et al. (70), indicates a trend which probably will be followed i n future developments to reduce the time required to reach equilibrium and hence the time for an efficient fractionation. Hickman's (27) type of molecular distillation will certainly acquire increasing importance for analytical uses as one becomes more concerned with the higher boiling constituents. Chromatography. T h e outstanding possibilities of chromatography i n h y d r o carbon analysis were demonstrated by M a i r and Forziati (43) who determined aromatic hydrocarbons i n gasoline b y percolating i t through a column of silica gel, following the change i n nature of the percolate by refractive index on small successive fractions leaving In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.

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the bottom of the column, and extended the technique to higher boiling hydrocarbon mixtures like kerosene for which they (44) employed a 52-foot adsorption column. A l though developed t o a point where aromatic constituents can be determined very accurately and precisely, the method is nevertheless quite simple as regards manipulation and practical enough to be i n frequent competition i n many laboratories with the earlier, less precise and less reliable, faster procedures such as acid absorption, aniline point change, and specific dispersion. Radiation Methods of Analysis. T h e problem of determining i n d i v i d u a l h y d r o carbons i n liquids is m u c h more complex t h a n i n gases because of the possible greater complexity of the former; therefore, r a d i a t i o n methods of analysis are even more i m p o r t a n t here. W i t h o u t t h e m , analysis of l i q u i d mixtures for i n d i v i d u a l hydrocarbons generally would be p r o h i b i t i v e . Infrared absorption methods of analysis for hydrocarbon mixtures i n the gasoline range, which entailed prehminary distillation into narrow boiling fractions each of which contains a relatively small number of constituents, have been described b y K e n t and Beach (82), Heigl et al. (25), and Webb and Gallaway (64). Such methods have been extensively employed i n the analysis of alkylate, polymer, commercial iso-octane, n-heptane, and many other hydrocarbon mixtures i n the gasoline boiling range. Weizmann et al. (65) used ultraviolet absorption to determine benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, phenanthrene, and anthracene i n petroleum and shale o i l . The introduction of a commercial ultraviolet spectrophotometer, such as that described b y G a r y and Beckman (16), initiated the extensive application of this technique for the determination of aromatic hydrocarbons. A procedure i n much greater detail was presented b y F u l t o n (20) for determining individual members of a multicomponent aromatic hydrocarbon mixture both i n the presence and absence of nonaromatic hydrocarbons. R a m a n spectroscopy has not been as extensively applied as ultraviolet nor infrared absorption but an excellent description of the method was given b y Grosse et al. (28) and Rosenbaum (58). Unsaturation of Liquid Hydrocarbons. Estimating unsaturation of l i q u i d h y d r o carbons from their capacity for adding halogens—for example, b y iodine number and bromine number methods—frequently leaves m u c h t o be desired because w i t h m i x tures such as gasoline, assumptions must be made for molecular weight of the olefins. This is frequently a source of considerable error, i n addition to errors due to substitution, diolefins, etc. A n interesting approach for determining unsaturation b y a less indirect chemical method was taken b y B o n d (9) who employed nitrogen tetroxide which reacts with unsaturated hydrocarbons to form products of low volatility; unreacted hydrocarbons are removed by steam distillation and measured. Such less indirect methods for determining unsaturation are attractive and will doubtlessly see further development. Composition Analysis. T h e problem of determining i n d i v i d u a l hydrocarbons and classes of hydrocarbons i n petroleum mixtures becomes progressively more difficult with increasing boiling point, but progress is being made b y using methods involving consideration of sets of physical properties and more directly as described b y L i p k i n et al. (40) who modified the silica gel adsorption method of M a i r (45) b y percolating a pentane solution of lubricating oil sample through the gel, desorbing aromatics with a mixture of benzene and methanol, and evaporating the solvent to leave aromatics as residue for weighing. W i t h still higher boiling petroleum products, composition analysis is difficult i n deed, although on asphalt, for example, progress is being made. The methods are still far from satisfactory analytically, but separation into classes of constituents provides useful information for placing asphalts into groups of practical significance to service performance. The early methods for determining wax i n asphaltic products employed high temperature distillation, vigorous chemical treatment, or selective adsorption to eliminate interference of asphaltenes and resins before the wax could be determined by crystallization methods (2). The Holde method, involving destructive distillation of sample to coke, was best known and most widely used. Since solid paraffins may be decomposed or altered by such vigorous treatment, the reliability of the results was i n doubt. A new apIn PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.

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proach to the elimination of the interfering asphaltenes-resin fraction was described b y Knowles and Levin (33) who made a nondestructive separation with liquid propane at 70° C . The methods of Strieter (59), Hoiberg and Garris (28), and Hubbard and Stanfield (29) who modified and extended Marcusson's (46) principle of empirical group separations, and the much more comprehensive separations of O'Donnell (48) based on molecular size and type, involving solvent fractionation, distillation, silica gel adsorption using a graded series of eluants, thermal liquid diffusion, and urea complexing, may be the encouragement needed for more extensive development i n this difficult field of analysis. Viscosity Determinations. N o t a l l developments have been so glamorous as hydrocarbon analysis. E v e n so prosaic a test as viscosity determination has undergone significant variations. The Saybolt U n i v e r s a l viscometer was the universal standard i n petroleum laboratories for some 50 years, despite its limitations. W i t h it the viscosity of lubricating oil is determined and reported i n seconds required for 60 m l . of sample to flow from the thermostated reservoir into a calibrated receiver kept at room temperature. More stringent requirements caused the A S T M about 14 years ago to standardize and adopt an alternative method of greater precision and reliability involving an all-glass apparatus i n which the arms of a U-tube constitute the reservoir and receiver, both of which are within the thermostated bath. The Saybolt instrument requires about 75 ml. of sample and the kinematic viscometer about 10 ml. M i c r o viscometers, requiring a drop or two of sample, have been described by L e v i n (38), Cannon and Fenske (15), and Sommer and Wear (57). Instruments that continuously indicate viscosity are available for installation on plant streams and Franzen (19) reported the use of one for motor oil distillates. E v e n the possibilities of a torsionally vibrating crystal as a rapid means of determining viscosity of lubricating oils have been investigated (47). Tetraethyllead in Gasoline. T h e determination of tetraethyllead i n gasoline is another good example of the ever-broadening approach to the determination of constituents i n petroleum products. T h e earlier methods involved precipitation with chlorine or bromine. Then came improvements i n the chemical methods, such as Baldeschwieler's (6) use of nitric acid to extract the lead i n a rapid method for the determination of tetraethyllead in gasoline and then Schwartz's (54) improvement upon this procedure by use of a solution of potassium chlorate i n nitric acid to extract the lead, the determination being completed gravimetrically as sulfate or chromate. The most extensively used chemical method is doubtlessly that of Calingaert and Gambrili (13) which uses a special apparatus combining the features of a reflux still and a separatory funnel to digest the sample w i t h concentrated hydrochloric acid, completing the determination gravimetrically as chromate or volumetrically by molybdate titration. This method became the A S T M standard which is still i n use. More recently instrumental methods have been gaining popularity for this determination. Borup and L e v i n (10) applied the polarograph to the hydrochloric acid extract of the sample. Hansen et al. (24) determined tetraethyllead polarographically after dissolving the gasoline sample i n Cellosolve containing hydrogen chloride; however, u n saturated hydrocarbons interfere. Offutt and Sorg (49) employed a direct reading polarograph applied to the acid extract of the sample, using antimony as pilot ion. Recently Hughes and Hochgesang (30), Calingaert et al. (14), Liebhafsky and Winslow (39), and Vollmar et al. (62) described x-ray absorption methods and Birks et al. (7) employed x-ray fluorescence for the determination of tetraethyllead i n gasoline. The use of x-ray absorption for determining tetraethyllead i n gasoline, because of its speed and relative simplicity, is finding growing favor. Surprisingly, Aborn and Brown (1) i n 1929 described an x-ray absorption method for determining lead i n gasoline and claimed an accuracy of 0.1 cc. of tetraethyllead per gallon. The failure of industry to utilize the teachings of this paper earlier is doubtlessly attributable to the lack of a commercially available x-ray unit and of adequately trained personnel to construct such units before they became commercially available. Determination of Auxiliary Products. I n addition to more conventional petroleum products, petroleum companies today are concerned w i t h miscellaneous organic and inorganic materials either as a u x i l i a r y products of their own manufacture or In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.



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items of purchase relating to their operations. Twenty-five years ago inorganic analysis was a very minor phase of analytical work i n the petroleum laboratory. The advent of catalytic cracking, hydrocarbon synthesis, additives to modify the properties of lubricating oil, etc., has changed the picture so that now a large number of chemists and practically all methods of analysis are used for this purpose. I n addition to wet chemical procedures, emission spectrometry, flame photometry, electrodeposition, polarography, and x-ray diffraction are regularly employed. Further indication of how much more chemical the analytical requirements of the petroleum industry have become is evident from the nature of the problems on which the Committee on Analytical Research of the American Petroleum Institute is engaged. These problems include precise determinations of oxygen, nitrogen, and trace metals i n crude oils, charge stocks, and cracking catalysts.

Microchemical Analysis U n t i l a few years ago, i n petroleum laboratories, i t was a happy or unhappy " o u t , " depending on the temperament of the investigator, too often to report "sample too small for analysis." There is little excuse for this today. Though it is of course impossible to make an empirical test on a few drops of oil when the empirical method specifies that a liter should be used, i t is surprising how often one skilled i n microchemical methods can modify an existing method or develop an equivalent one that will enable him to obtain, on a few drops of sample, information that can be expressed directly, or at least interpreted, in terms of the results from the large sample and the standard method. Semimicro methods of analysis have been extended to the application of such a "down to e a r t h " problem as the determination of oil i n wax b y Wiberly and Rather (67). This procedure is certainly no academic development and is at the present time undergoing standardization i n the A S T M . I t will probably replace the existing macro method. These authors (68) adapted and employed analysis under the microscope to analyze sediments and deposits collected from systems employing petroleum lubricants. T h e pétrographie and binocular microscopes are used for this purpose. Miscellaneous physical chemical measurements, some quite empirical, are of great importance to the petroleum industry because they are used for control i n manufacture and are included i n customer's specifications. M a c r o methods are of course available, but occasionally the sample is too small and this is frequently the case when the problem is particularly important. M i c r o modifications of these macro methods have often proved extremely helpful. Microchemistry is not a fad but i t is not a panacea either. I t should be employed where i t is necessary, as where the sample is very small or where i t offers a definite and substantial advantage i n accuracy, precision, or economy of time or m a terials. If i n a particular case it offers none of these advantages there is no good reason to employ i t .

Future of Petroleum Analysis Reviewing the progress of the past 25 years was easy compared to speculating on what the next 25 years will bring i n the field of analysis related to petroleum. B u t the paths of advances i n analysis and testing for the next few years is indicated by the current trend. Instrumentation will be extended not only i n the laboratory but also i n the plant. Analytical and testing devices to continuously indicate, record, or control manufacturing or refining operations will surely increase i n number. A few are already available but the reluctance of production superintendents to rely on such devices is still to be overcome by performance. Commercial laboratory instrument makers are developing devices for continuously determining and indicating the vapor pressure of gasoline and, on the basis of the indication, controlling the proportions of constituents going into the blend—a continuously indicating refractometer equipped to control a manufacturing operation on the basis of its indications; an automatic and recording distillation unit for reproducing the performance of the conventional A S T M Engler distillation on gasoline, kerosene, etc. Several automatic titrimeters, one recording, are already on the market. A number of such devices have been described i n the literature. A continuously recording refractomIn PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.

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eter for industrial control was described b y Jones et al. (31). Heigl et al. (26) described a recording R a m a n spectrometer for analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures and White et al. (66) described a recording infrared spectrometer for continuous determination of six com­ ponents i n a stream. Instruments will doubtlessly be simplified i n performance requirements so that less skilled personnel will be able to utilize them effectively and efficiently. Further development of direct reading instruments for analysis may be expected, for example i n poiarographs, x-ray and emission spectrometers. One type of chemical approach to the analysis of liquid and solid hydrocarbons that will probably see considerable development is that involving reaction or complex forma­ tion to yield precipitates that can be separated from the unreacted mass and subsequently be treated to regenerate the hydrocarbons or class of hydrocarbons so precipitated. This field is certainly not extensively developed. I n fact very few examples come to mind but among these are Gair's (21) determination of naphthalene b y precipitation with picric acid; determination of benzene by Pritzker and Jungkunz (52) b y an aqueous solution of specially prepared nickel ammonium cyanide; Bond's (8) nitrous acid method for styrene; and more recently the determination of normal alkanes i n hydrocarbons of more than 15 carbon atoms b y adduct formation with urea as described b y Zimmerschied et al. (71). Inevitably developments i n all fields of analytical chemistry find their applications to the problems of the chemist i n the field of petroleum. Thus ion exchange, microwave techniques, nuclear resonance, radioactive isotopes, activation analysis, high frequency vibrations, and other developments of fundamental research should find applications i n the field of petroleum analysis.

Acknowledgment The author expresses his sincere appreciation to H . G . Sprague, J . H . Shively, C . R . Reed, R . Pomatti, J . Furtnett, A . B . Morrison, and D . W . Hurlburt for their valued as­ sistance i n the preparation of this paper.

Literature Cited (1) Aborn, R. H . , and Brown, R. H . , Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 1, 26 (1929). 2) Abraham, H., "Asphalts and Allied Substances," 4th ed., pp. 992-5, New York, D . Van Nostrand Co., 1938. (3) Am. Soc. Testing Materials, "ASTM Standards for Petroleum," Philadelphia, 1925. (4) Ibid., 1950. (5) Baker, R. H . , Barkenbus, C., and Roswell, C. Α., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 12, 468 (1940). (6) Baldeschwieler, E. L., Ibid., 4, 101 (1932). (7) Birks, L . S., Brooks, E. J., Friedman, H., and Roe, R. M., Anal. Chem., 22, 510 (1950). (8) Bond, G. R., Jr., Ibid., 19, 390 (1947). (9) Bond, G. R., Jr., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 18, 692 (1946). (10) Borup, R., and Levin, H . , Proc. Am. Soc. Testing Materials, 47, 1010 (1947). (11) Brattain, R. R., and Beeck, O., Phys. Rev., 60, 161 (1941). (12) Brattain, R. R., Rasmussen, R. S., and Cravath, A . M . , J. Applied Phys., 14, 418 (1943). (13) Calingaert, G., and Gambrill, C. M . , Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 11, 324 (1939). (14) Calingaert, G . , Lamb, F . W., Miller, H . L . , and Noakes, G. E., Anal. Chem., 22, 510 (1950). (15) Cannon, M . R., and Fenske, M . R., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 10, 297 (1938). (16) Cary, H . H . , and Beckman, Α. Ο., J. Optical Soc. Am., 31, 682 (1941). (17) Egloff, G., and Morrell, J. C., Ind. Eng. Chem., 18, 354 (1926). (18) Fenske, M . R., Tongberg, C. O., and Quiggle, D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26, 1169 (1934). (19) Franzen, A. E., Proc. Am. Petroleum Inst., Sect. III, 28, 40 (1948). (20) Fulton, S. C., Symposium of the Tech. Advisory Comm. of Petroleum Industry War Council, New York City (May 12, 1944) (available in Reprint form from API). (21) Gair, C. J. D., J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 24, 1279 (1905). (22) Glasgow, A . R., Jr., Streiff, A. J., and Rossini, F . D., J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 35, 355 (1945). (23) Grosse, Α. V., Rosenbaum, E. J., and Jacobson, H . F . , Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 12, 191 (1940). (24) Hansen, Κ. Α., Parks, T . D . , and Lykken, L . , Anal. Chem., 22, 510 (1950). (25) Heigl, J. J., Bell, M . F . , and White, J . U . , Ibid., 19, 293 (1947). (26) Heigl, J . J . , Dudenbostel, B. F., Jr., Black, J . F., and Wilson, J . Α., Ibid., 22, 154 (1950). (27) Hickman, K . C. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 42, 36 (1950). (28) Hoiberg, A. J., and Garris, W. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 16, 294 (1944).

In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.


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R E C E I V E D A P R I L 19, 1 9 5 1 .

In PROGRESS IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1951.