Analysis of Polysaccharides by SEC3

In this work, we demonstrate the application of SEC3 to several representative PSC polymers, including dextran, maltodextrin, starch, carrageenan, hya...
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Chapter 20

Analysis of Polysaccharides by SEC 1



D. T. Gillespie and H . K. Hammons 1

Chevron Chemical, L L C , 1862 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood, T X 77339 Viscotek Corporation, 15600 West Hardy, Houston, T X 77060 2


Polysaccharides (PSC) are ideally suited for SEC analysis, which consists of three detectors (Refractometer, Viscometer, Light Scattering) coupled to a standard SEC/GPC system . The overall approach and advantages of SEC for molecular weight and structural determination have been described elsewhere . 1



The RI detector is necessary because PSC polymers do not have useful absorption in the U V . The Viscometer is useful because many of these polymers are branched and the degree of branching can be measured through the intrinsic viscosity. Light Scattering permits the direct measurement of molecular weight without the use of calibrants. 3

In this work, we demonstrate the application of SEC to several representative PSC polymers, including dextran, maltodextrin, starch, carrageenan, hyaluronic acid, and chitosan. Most P S C s can be successfully analyzed in simple aqueous mobile phase solvents. Higher molecular weight starch seems to dissolve better in DMSO. The extent and path of degradation in various conditions is of particular importance for P S C s used in food processing and that can be done quite accurately using SEC to measure the distribution of both molecular weight and branching. 3


The micro-structural properties of PSC systems can be examined by determining the bulk relationships between molecular weight and molecular density within the


© 1999 American Chemical Society

289 macromolecules. Moreover, as a PSC grows with respect to repeat unit, its hydrodynamic volume (dL / molecule) will change depending upon the consistency of density across the 3-dimension growth pattern. Traditionally, intrinsic viscosity (dL / g) is used as a direct measure of hydrodynamic volume (HV). Since H V is the reciprocal of the molecular density of a solvated molecule, the measurement of intrinsic viscosity can be useful in monitoring growth mechanisms. In order to evaluate changing growth patterns as a function of chain length, Size Exclusion Chromatography, SEC, is used to provide a hydrodynamic size separation for the macromolecules. Background The Triple Detector System used in conjunction with size exclusion chromatography consisting of an on-line molecular weight, density, and concentration specific detector has been referred to as an SEC system . Typically, the molecular weight specific detector is a light scattering detector, although analogous substitutions can be made such as employing a viscometer with a Universal Calibration curve . The density detector is typically a viscometer detector, and the concentration detector is typically a refractometer or U V detector. The measurement of polymer hydrodynamic volume is made by the coupling of the viscosity and molecular weight detectors and translated to radius of gyration through the following relationship : 3





[η] = Φ





Where Φ is the Flory viscosity constant, is the mean square end-to-end distance, [η] is the intrinsic viscosity, and M is the molecular weight. The Flory constant may be modified by the Ptitsyn Eizner equation to consider the overall molecular geometry as determined from the Mark-Houwink slope (a) by the following equation: 7



Φ = 2.86χ10 (1 -2.63SJ + 2.86SJ )


Where 8j = l/3(2aj-l). Polymer size, determined as the radius of gyration, Rg, may also be determined through multi-angle light scattering techniques . However, this determination relies on the angular dis-symmetry function as related to the differences in relative light scattering intensities at multiple angles. For polysaccharides containing low molecular weight fractions, the differences between angles may become small compared to the light scattering detector noise at the lowest angle being measured . In these cases, molecular weight may still be obtainable from the absolute light scattering intensity, even though the size measurement may not . The SEC technique relies on the absolute light scattering and viscometer intensities for its direct hydrodynamic size measurement and is constrained only by the full-scale signal at each chromatographic slice. Universal Calibration is a well-proven means of molecular weight determination for systems obeying true size-exclusion mechanisms , and may be preferable in many circumstances that are not readily applicable to direct light 8





290 scattering measurement such as determinations of samples with low molecular weights and low dn/dc values. However, non-size exclusion effects which can occur in aqueous systems makes Universal Calibration less attractive than light scattering for the analysis of polysaccharides. 12

Experimental 3

The SEC flow configuration for all of the experiments was a Waters HPLC dual piston pump, an Eppondorf column oven, which contained column sets that varied according to experimental conditions. The detection system was a R A L L S light scattering detector followed by viscometer and laser RI in parallel configuration from Viscotek. The viscometer - laser RI combination along with the column oven was operated at 38°C. Sample introduction was done with a Micromeretics autosampler equipped with a fixed loop injector. The injection size typically was set at 50uL per 30cm column. The inter-detector volume was measured by injecting a narrow polyethylene glycol (PEG) standard of 50,000 molecular weight obtained from American Polymer Standards. This standard was also used to verify dn/dc, viscosity, and molecular weight calibration constants for each of the detectors. For each set of polysaccharides, a dn/dc was calculated based on injected mass and the area of laser RI. It is important to note that to obtain proper dn/dc values for many polysaccharides, the samples were first dried overnight in a heated vacuum oven. Most of the polysaccharides were found to absorb 5-10% moisture. If this is not accounted for dn/dc calculations will be in error by an inverse amount. Since light scattering measurements are proportional to (dn/dc) , the errors introduced will be substantial in terms of absolute molecular weight. The dn/dc determined for the polysaccharides ranged from 0.142 to 0.150, depending upon the sample type. The mobile phase buffer for all systems was 0.05M sodium nitrate, except for the chitosan work, which contained mixtures of sodium acetate and acetic acid depending upon the polarity of the mobile phase desired. Some pectin work was completed in pure water and at 0.01 M sodium nitrate to examine molecular interaction with the mobile phase. Finally, work on some starches was in 1M sodium hydroxide and in DMSO with 0.03% lithium bromide. Flowrate was generally set at 0.8mL/min. For Figures 1-3, 2 30-cm TSK PWxL columns were used in series. A third TSK PWxL column was added for the work done in Figure 4-9. Figures 10 and 11 were using just 1 column. The broad pullulan shown in Figure 3 was obtained by mixing 5 narrow pullulan standards together obtained from Polymer Laboratories. The dextran of nominal 500,00 M W was obtained from Pharmacia. Pectin samples were donated from the USDA, ARS, ERRC, as well as Aldrich Chemical Company. The batch triple detector experiment in Figure 12 was done with a 2.5mL non-porous glass bead column manufactured by Viscotek. The chitosan sample in Figures 12-14 was obtained from Sigma Chemical Company. One TSK PWxL column was used in Figures 13-17. The chitosan samples in Figures 15-17 were obtained from Ehwa Woman's University of Korea. Figures 18-20 used two TSK PWxL columns. The Carrageenan was obtained from Fluka, and the Hyaluronic Acid was obtained from Aldrich. The DMSO work depicted in Figures 21-23 used an American Polymer 2

291 Standard 15um mixed bed column. Flowrate was established at 0.3mL/min to minimize shear degradation of the high molecular weight portions. The detector temperatures were set at 60C and the column set was heated to 85C. The starch samples were obtained from the USDA, ARS, NRRC and the pullulan polysaccharides were obtained from Polymer Laboratories. The comparison in Figure 23 was made to 0.05M sodium nitrate and a single TSK PWxL aqueous system. The starch in Table III and Table IV was obtained from the USDA, ARS, NRRC. The mobile phase was \ M sodium hydroxide and the column set was a 60cm 15um column from Jordi Associates. Examination of Detector Responses for Polysaccharides 3

A pullulan PSC mixture was injected on the SEC system for the purpose of comparing the detector response factors. The mixture consists of a pullulan 400,000 molecular weight at 0.2 mg/mL and a pullulan 10,000 molecular weight at 0.4mg/mL injected concentration. The resulting chromatogram (Figure 1) illustrates the difference in signal intensities of the detectors. The refractometer is proportional to the concentration of the PSC, the viscometer is proportional to the product of intrinsic viscosity and concentration, and the light scattering detector is proportional to the product of molecular weight and concentration. A dextran standard (Figure 2) with a broad molecular weight polydispersity shows a noted detector skewness as the light scattering and viscometer detectors respond more strongly to the higher molecular weight and viscosity fractions. The dextran does not increase as rapidly in viscosity as do the previous pullulan standards. This phenomenon is caused by the higher density of the dextran molecules versus the linear pullulan, due to the addition of long chain branches. The addition of fairly regularly spaced shorter chain branches causes the overall intrinsic viscosity to be lower throughout the entire molecular weight distribution, while the addition of longer chain random branches causes the intrinsic viscosity to fall much faster across the high molecular weight distribution. This is directly observable in an overlay of a Mark-Houwink plot of a broad dextran and pullulan standard (Figure 3). Comparison of Polysaccharide Structure Maltodextrin (Figure 4), high-amylose starch (Figure 5), and corn syrup solids (Figure 6), are examples of PSC with very large polydispersities commonly depicted by the differential molecular weight distribution (Figure 7) directly obtainable from the SEC method. The three samples (as well as the previous dextran) were run in 0.05M sodium nitrate. A structural overlay shown by the Mark-Houwink plot (Figure 8) ranks the amount of branching, at the same molecular weight, in these samples from lowest to highest in the following order: 3

Dextran High Amylose Starch Maltodextrin Corn Syrup Solids




-1 .οο-ι 4.00



• 5.50


' 6.50

Log(Molecular Weight) Figure 3. Mark-Houwink Overlay of Branched and Linear Polysaccharides



1 1 — 1 1









Retention V o l u m e (mL) 3

Figure 4. SEC Chromatogram of Maltodextrin





Retention Volume (mL) 3

Figure 5. SEC High Amylose Starch


20.4 3

22.8 25.2 27.6 Retention Volume (mL)

Figure 6. SEC Chromatogram of Corn Syrup Solids



2.00 Corn Syrup Solids Maltodextrin Starch Dextran

1.50 rj) Ο •σ LOO


o.oo 2.00







Log(Molecular Weight) Figure 7. Wide Ranging Molecular Weight Distribution Overlay 0.50 Com Syrup Solids θ Maltodextrin -B—Starch



Dextran -Β

ο CO


> ο C

"co -0.50


-1.50 3.00


5.00 6.00 L o g ( M o l e c u l a r Weight)

Figure 8. SEC Mark-Houwink Structural Comparison


296 It is evident that in the high amylose starch, there is a distinct break in the Mark-Houwink plot. Starch consists of two major components, linear amylose, and branched amylopectin. The Mark-Houwink plot for the starch readily shows the difference between the amylose and the amylopectin fractions. There is incomplete chromatographic resolution between the species so the resultant plot is a curve (linear and branched material co-eluting at the same hydrodynamic volume) rather than two distinct lines. However, it is clear that both the lower half and the upper half can be readily fit to a straight line for the estimation of the slope of each fraction (Mark-Houwink a value). Since both of these molecular fractions have similar characteristic repeat units , the Mark-Houwink intercept value (Log K) should be obtained by fitting the lowest molecular weight species only (amylose). This value can then be applied to calculate the branching within the higher molecular weight amylopectin fraction. It should also be noted that the amylopectin fraction has a slope that approaches zero. This strongly suggests that the volume of the molecule is expanding as a direct function of the mass which is present in a spherical model (the amylopectin fraction is approaching a sphere). It is important to note that the interpretation of triple detector results in general will not include why an overall shape change is occurring. Rather, the results must be combined with information about the general nature of the macromolecule. For example, three competing explanations for the behavior in the previous starch example are: 13




The high molecular weight amylopectin is not fully solvated and the molecules are not swelling properly in this mobile phase. There is heavy branching within the amylopectin fraction. The amylopectin is aggregating (molecules are sticking together). Some starch fractions did not solubilize fully in 0.05M sodium nitrate. Therefore, all three mechanisms are likely. In such a case, studies should be made to plot results as a function of concentration, molarity of the mobile phase, and type of mobile phase. For example, aggregation should be less of a problem at lower concentrations. Substituting the mobile phase with DMSO may solve the solvation problem. Changing the salt to 1M sodium hydroxide will also change the solubility (but may also yield limited sample life due to probable hydrolysis of the backbone and branches.)

Environmental Considerations in Polysaccharide Analysis When P S C s are dissolved in aqueous buffers, several effects can occur including polyelectrolyte expansion , aggregation , and de-branching . The first study involves the polyelectrolyte expansion of a solution of pectin in neutralized form. 17



297 The Mark-Houwink plot (Figure 9) examines the effect of three different buffer concentrations ranging from 0.05M sodium nitrate to pure water. The effect of reducing the salt concentration in the mobile phase greatly effects the expansion of the pectin molecules. This is evident by the dramatic slope change of the MarkHouwink plot, indicating that the structure is elongating from a true random coil type molecule to more of a rod-like structure due to lack of counter-ions in the mobile phase. Note that although the molecule becomes more rod-like, a true rod is not obtained, as there will always be some flexibility within the molecule. It should be noted that intrinsic viscosity must therefore be a function of the ionic strength of mobile phase buffer. However, it should be noted that the hydrodynamic volume is also a function of size as can be seen readily from the overlay of the RI chromatograms. Furthermore, this implies that the calculated radius of gyration, which is a function of the overall molecular volume, also varies as a function of the molarity of the mobile phase. Pectin in the protonated form (Figure 10) can also aggregate depending upon sample preparation. A Mark-Houwink plot overlaid with a linear reference and a molecular weight distribution plot (Figure 11) is a useful qualitative tool for monitoring the population of aggregated material within a given sample. Mark-Houwink plots can be overlaid and compared for overall aggregation content. Chitosan solubility is a function of the pH of the mobile phase. A chitosan sample that was dissolved at a pH of 4.3 was tested for solubility across different pH ranges. As the pH was increased to 5.8, the chitosan precipitated. The intrinsic viscosity of chitosan was measured as a function of pH to examine the relationship between molecular folding and intrinsic viscosity. The chromatography columns were removed from the system and a 5cm column filled with non-porous, silanized, glass beads was used to retain the sample. The glass bead column was chosen for two major reasons, it provides good peak shape (normal distribution versus exponential separation on tubing alone) and it provides adequate sample dilution (necessary for dilution and numerical integration). Additionally, the batch holdup column is resistant to fast solvent changes and has a total volume of approximately 3-mL. The batch triple detector analysis (Figure 12) gives no separation, but yields weightaverage molecular weight, molecular density, and molecular size results in under 5 minutes. The batch results (Table I) at several different pH conditions illustrate the contraction of the molecule prior to precipitation. At these measurements close to infinite dilution, the intrinsic viscosity (at any given molecular weight) readily indicates changes in molecular swelling. 2

Table I. Intrinsic Viscosity Relationship with pH of Chitosan IV at 25°C Mobile Phase pH 2.7










1.001 dWF/dLogM Log (IV) Log (IV) Reference

D) 0.751 Ο 0.501




-2.0f> 2.00






Log(Molecular Weight)

5.00 5.50

Figure 11. Mark-Houwink Plot of Pectin with Suspected Aggregates

10Oi Refractometer Viscometer Light Scattering






Retention Volume (mL)

Figure 12. Batch Triple Detector Detection of Chitosan



300 Chilling of the chitosan also caused precipitation. A n experiment was run at two equilibration temperatures. Chitosan was equilibrated for 24 hours at a subambient temperature (5°C) and an elevated temperature (60°C). The chitosan was then injected directly on the chromatographic system (Figure 13). Surprisingly, the effects of molecular folding were still evident after several minutes when the sample eluted through the detector at ambient temperature. Some material was lost as shown by the decrease in refractive index area. However, the ratio of the light scattering area and viscometer area to the refractometer area yields the molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity, respectively. The decrease in both molecular size (retention volume) and intrinsic viscosity (IV/RI) is immediately evident in the sample pretreated at 5°C. It should be noted that the light scattering detector shows a signal consistent with a constant molecular weight (LS/RI has an equivalent area) for both the sample pretreated at 60°C and the sample pretreated at 5°C. The Conformation Plot (Figure 14) also shows the molecular contraction in terms of radius of gyration decrease at a constant molecular weight for the chitosan pretreatment at 5°C. The exact mechanics of this molecular contraction and expansion were not investigated. The batch triple detector experiment was then run at several 24 hour pretreatment temperatures to examine the temperature dependence of heat pretreatment of intrinsic viscosity (Table II). It is clear that the intrinsic viscosity shows an upward trend with temperature as the molecules may begin to unfold to a greater degree.

Table II. Intrinsic Viscosity Relationship with Heat Pretreatment of Chitosan IV at 25°C Pretreatment °C 7.21 5 25 10.15 60 10.50 100 11.85

The aggregation phenomenon in chitosan is also a function of chitosan type and preparation . The triple detector chromatogram easily distinguishes an aggregated chitosan (Figure 15) from a non-aggregated chitosan (Figure 16). It should be noted that since chitosan is a linear molecule , branching is ruled out as a possible structural change mechanism. However, in the extreme case of a large amount of aggregation, the Mark-Houwink plot (Figure 17) gives valuable insight into the mechanism itself. The Mark-Houwink plot of the aggregated chitosan actually produces a negative slope at the high end of molecular weight. This is generally not seen with most long-chain branching models which predicts that intrinsic viscosity will always increase as a function of molecular weight (although the increase will approach zero at high branching frequencies and high molecular weights). Exceptions to this general rule are possible in dendritically branched and hyper-branched molecules. The negative slope that is found in the Chitosan plot indicates that the molecule is expanding faster in density than in radial growth. When molecules "stick" to each other, a spherical agglomeration encompassing a single hydrodynamic volume is created rather than each molecule forming its own 21






J 3.0









Retention Volume (mL)


Figure 15. SEC of Chitosan Containing a High M W Aggregate


3Γ.0 3









Retention Volume (mL)

Figure 16. SEC of Chitosan without a High M W Aggregate



-1.00* 4.50




Log(Molecular Weight)


•» 6.50

Figure 17. SEC Mark-Houwink Plot of Chitosan with a High M W Aggregate

304 hydrodynamic volume. Thus, the overall density in solution is increased at approximately a proportional rate to the rate of aggregation. Molecular Weight Determination at the Column Exclusion Limit The definition of molecular density can be referred to as backbone molecular weight per repeat unit volume. When comparing random coil molecules, the density can be expressed as the relationship between backbone molecular weight per repeat unit length. Carrageenan (Figure 18) and hyaluronic acid (Figure 19) are linear molecules possessing very low molecular densities and both are shown to be random coil type molecules in aqueous buffers. This implies that the molecules will elute at very early retention volumes because they have a large hydrodynamic volume to molecular weight ratio. As the molecules approach the upper limit of the size exclusion column, separation no longer occurs. This is evident in the raw chromatogram of the carrageenan, which shows very low detector skewness from the light scattering and viscometer in reference to the refractometer. The differential radius of gyration distribution (Figure 20) has a very sharp rise in front, indicating that the column efficiency is inadequate for all of the molecular sizes contained in this molecule. This sharp rise is caused by a high population density, which is calculated as possessing the same radius (not being separated into a distribution). However, weight-average molecular weight values, weight-average intrinsic viscosity values, and weight-average radius of gyration values may be obtained across this excluded section of the chromatogram. This is analogous to the batch triple detector measurement discussed in the chitosan work. 24,25

Mobile Phase Considerations in the Preparation of Starches Starch solubility is a problem because of the very high molecular weights of the molecules. Furthermore, the intense branching on starch samples with high amylopectin content also affects the rate of solvation of the molecules . A concentration normalized comparison (Figure 21) of a dent starch and a pullulan PSC of 850,000 molecular weight (both prepared and run in DMSO) illustrates the signal differentiation of the detectors. The refractometer shows that the pullulan PSC has a very narrow hydrodynamic volume polydispersity while dent starch has a very broad elution profile. The viscometer demonstrates that the starch sample has an overall lower intrinsic viscosity than the pullulan (although its molecular weight is approximately 200 fold higher). The molecular weight difference is clearly detected by light scattering, which shows an extremely large peak height difference. It should be noted, however, that the light scattering detector has a sensitivity disadvantage at retention volumes past 6.5 mL. This disadvantage comes from the decreasing molecular weights past 6.5 mL coupled with the poor dn/dc of polysaccharides in DMSO (approximately 0.06). The viscometer signal (which is not proportional to dn/dc and which retains stronger signal for linear macromolecular fractions) does not experience the sensitivity problem nearly as much. Although raising the concentration could increase the detector signals, this would cause solubility problems and separation problems on the high molecular 26




-2.00 Ο) CE Ο) -4.00-1 Ο -6.00 J

-8.00-1 1.50




L o g ( R a d i u s of Gyration)

Figure 20. Radius of Gyration Distribution of Hyaluronic Acid Light Scattering



DENT Pullulan








Retention Volume (mL) 3







DENT Pullulan


Retention Volume (mL)


volume (mL)

Figure 21. SEC Chromatogram Comparison of Dent Starch and Pullulan

307 weight fractions. It is important to note this limitation of light scattering on ultrabroad molecular weight distributions. The starch sample could be dissolved in DMSO and then run in an aqueous system (with a very large solvent impurity peak). This procedure can be shown to increase the upper end molecular weight distribution from a potato starch sample prepared in an aqueous buffer (Figure 22). However, the resultant downward trend of the high molecular weight fractions in the Mark-Houwink plot (Figure 23) uncovers an inherent solubility problem across the ultra-high molecular weight region as compared to similar work in DMSO. Starch could also be dissolved and run in sodium hydroxide. However, the branches and even the backbone may undergo hydrolysis. A Starch sample was prepared in 1M sodium hydroxide and injected onto the system. Subsequent injections show that the molecular weight deteriorates rapidly over time (Table 3). However, the intrinsic viscosity rises slightly over the same span. The conclusion is that the hydrolysis is preferentially affecting the branches of the molecule because the molecular weight and the molecular density are simultaneously being reduced (The molecule is less dense with the absence of the branches so the intrinsic viscosity can rise even though molecular weight has decreased.) The intrinsic viscosity is still very low considering the high molecular weights for the starch. This leads to the conclusion that not all of the branches have hydrolyzed, and, therefore, the hydrolysis occurs over a long time. After a longer period, both the molecular weight and the intrinsic viscosity begin dropping together (Table 4). This now can be explained by the molecular backbone also breaking as a function of the hydrolysis process. By 24 hours, a very low molecular weight, compared to the starting material, is observed by the triple detector.

Table III. Starch Degradation in NaOH - First 100 minutes Minutes 20 60 80 Mw 218,000,000 183,000,000 160,000,000 IV 1.485 1.579 1.641

Table IV. Starch Degradation in NaOH - Over 24 Hours Minutes 100 360 Mw IV

160,000,000 1.641

40,000,000 0.821

100 140,000,000 1.651

1440 200,000 0.090

Conclusions 3

SEC is a powerful technique to determine not only the molecular weight, but also the microstructure of polysaccharides. As the molecular weight of polysaccharides increases, the growth pattern may become linear, branched, or even aggregated. The addition of the viscometer detector allows these changes to be measured and


0.20 Aqueous Dissolution DMSO Dissolution




0.00 3.00




Log(Molecular Weight)

Figure 22. Molecular Weight Distribution Comparison of Potato Starch Dissolution Technique





Log(Molecular Weight) 3

Figure 23. SEC Mark-Houwink Comparison of Potato Starch Dissolution Technique

309 compared between samples. Furthermore, measurements can be made showing differences as a function of sample preparation techniques and running conditions. The triple detector concept is useful in cases where there is little or no chromatographic resolution, as it can still yield weight-average molecular weight, weight-average intrinsic viscosity, and weight-average size information. With triple detector analysis operating in batch mode, running conditions can be varied quickly and sample throughput can be increased allowing timely studies of sample conditioning. Triple detector analysis is particularly useful for analyzing solubility problems and macromolecular reactions to environmental stresses. The usefulness of SEC has distinct advantages even for systems using multi-angle light scattering detection and Universal calibration because it, in general, possesses additional structural sensitivity at low molecular weights and it can still provide structural information across regions of non-separation. Furthermore, when combined with multi-angle light scattering, it provides independent additional confirmation of structural changes occurring within polysaccharide samples. When combined with Universal Calibration techniques, it provides independent additional confirmation of molecular weight distribution within polysaccharide samples. 3

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