Analysis of Reactors with Immobilized Enzymes Subject to

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9 Analysis of Reactors with Immobilized Enzymes Subject to Deactivation

Downloaded by UCSF LIB CKM RSCS MGMT on August 26, 2014 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1974-0133.ch009

HARMIT S. LAMBA and MILORAD P. DUDUKOVIĆ Chemical Engineering Department, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701

The performance of the plugflowreactor (PFR) and the ideal stirred tank reactor (ISTR) forfiveenzyme deactivation rates coupled with four common rate expressions for enzyme catalyzed reactions is evaluated for two modes of operation. In the first, theflowrate is constant, in the second, the outlet conversion is kept constant by varying theflowrate. A mathematical technique is developed to compare efficiencies of the two reactors for an arbitrary reaction or deactivation rate. The overall performance of the two ideal reactors is mainly governed by the type of the deactivation equation, and the superiority of the plugflowreactor or thefirstmode of operation cannot be taken for granted.


ith the advancement of technology and the development of new techniques for isolating, extracting, and purifying enzymes, large quantities of some enzymes have become available for commercial use. These highly specific and active catalysts can be used most effectively in various industrial and medical processes when the enzymes are made insoluble (immobilized) by attachment to solid support (J, 2, 3). Immobilized enzymes can be kept in a tubular reactor as a packed, moving, or fluidized bed, or they can be suspended in a stirred tank reactor. The use of immobilized enzymes eliminated the difficult and costly processes of separating the enzymes from the reaction mixture and opened a new field of reactor design which has received considerable attention in recent years (4, 5, 6). Enzymes, particularly immobilized ones, are subject to deactivation whereby they lose some of their potency as catalysts. While catalyst deactivation has received much attention (7), little has been reported on reactors with enzyme deactivation (8, 9). This problem, however, is a major obstacle in commercial use of immobilized enzymes. In general, since immobilized enzymes are very expensive, it is important to minimize their loss by deactivation if they are ever to be used in large scale production of low value products. This paper analyzes continuous reactors with immobilized enzymes subject to deactivation and determines the influence of flow patterns and modes of reactor operation on the performance of such systems. It is assumed that the external mass transfer resistance around particles with immobilized enzymes is negligible. Intraparticle diffusion is also neglected. A perfectly mixed ideal stirred tank reactor (ISTR) and a plug flow reactor (PFR) are the reactor 106

In Chemical Reaction Engineering—II; Hulburt, H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.



Reactors with Immobilized Enzymes


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models. These ideal flow patterns represent the two extreme cases of flow through a reactor, and all real systems fall in between (10). Theoretically, the reactors within which catalytic reactions take place and in which the catalyst or enzyme is subject to deactivation can be operated in a number of ways. Three main modes of operation are of practical significance for a reactor which oper­ ates initially at a given exit fractional conversion of reactant (substrate) and at a fixed flow rate: (1) The exit conversion is allowed to drop in time because of catalyst (enzyme) deactivation, and the reactor is shut off (for catalyst regeneration or enzyme replacement) when a predetermined final low exit conversion is reached. (2) The flow rate through the reactor is decreased in time to compensate for the loss of catalyst (enzyme) activity and to maintain the same fixed exit fractional conversion. (3) The temperature of the reactor (and/or p H for enzymes) is changed to compensate for decreased activity to keep the exit fractional conversion constant. The third method has some limitations when operating reactors with immobilized enzymes because of a very narrow temperature range within which enzymes remain active. Therefore, only the first and second mode are con­ sidered here. While the first appears to be convenient since it requires almost no control, the second has attractive features since it maintains a constant quality of the product. We wished to develop a method to compare the performance of the two ideal reactors during both modes of operation, subject to a general type of reaction and deactivation rate. In this way the right reactor type could be chosen at the early design stages. The whole profit equation was not used since it is generally cumbersome, lengthy, and specific for each case. A quantity named profit indicator, η, defined as the amount of the desired product produced per unit of enzyme lost by deactivation, is used throughout this work. Equations 1 and 2 define the profit indicator for ISTR and PFR, respectively.

η ST


qS x(t) dt Eo[l - y(t)]Vst Q

Γ' Jo qSo χ (L,i)dt E [l - y{Z,t)\AdZ





where AL -



Profit indicator is a measure of the system's efficiency; it is considered a good criterion for comparing alternative reactor designs and modes of operation since the costs of enzyme purification, isolation, immobilization, and replace­ ment are very high with respect to operating and capital costs. Therefore, to maximize profit, enzyme loss from deactivation must be minimized and the profit indicator maximized. To compare the two ideal reactors in an operation, it is sufficient to examine the ratio of their profit indicators. This quantity was named "profit ratio."

In Chemical Reaction Engineering—II; Hulburt, H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.




Reaction and Deactivation Rates Here only single substrate reactions are considered at constant temperature and p H . Under these conditions the reaction rate can be represented as: (4)

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The rate of enzyme deactivation is an empirically evaluated expression. It was found that most deactivation data can be fitted by Equation 5: * - " ar -

E n



g ( S )

Table I. No.



Michaelis-Menten irreversible


Michaelis-Menten reversible

Mechanism Κι Ε + S Ε + Ρ


Ε +





The power m was taken to be unity while a value of 1 or 0 was assigned to n. Four different rate expressions of substrate consumption, most often encountered in the literature (II, 12, 13), were chosen for analysis and are given in Table I. All of them conform to the general rate equation (Equation 4) with m = 1. Five different enzyme deactivation equations were selected from the litera­ ture (8, 9, 14) (see Table II). Very little is known about the mechanism of enzyme deactivation. The rates of deactivation given in Table II seem to match best the reported qualitative and quantitative findings in the literature. They also conform to the general equation (Equation 5) with η = 1 or 0. Zero- and first-order deactivation were reported by many workers. Haldane (14) was the first to report that deactivation could be slowed by the presence of substrates or products, and others supported his findings (15, 16). O'Neill (8) used deacti­ vation expressions (D2) and (D3) in his study. The complex deactivation expressions (D5) was experimentally determined for the enzyme catalase (9).

In Chemical Reaction Engineering—II; Hulburt, H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.

Downloaded by UCSF LIB CKM RSCS MGMT on August 26, 2014 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1974-0133.ch009



Reactors with Immobilized Enzymes


Enzymes can lose some of their efficiency to catalyze specific reactions for two main reasons—i.e., inhibition and deactivation. Enzyme elution may be considered another form by which reactors with immobilized enzymes lose some of their activity. Inhibition is temporary, can generally be reversed, and can be accounted for by incorporating its effect into the rate expression for the main chemical reaction. Inhibition can be caused by substrates, products, or impurities in the feed. Inhibition effects are incorporated in rate expressions (R3) and (R4) in Table I. Deactivation involves the destruction or modifica­ tion of one or more functional group of the enzyme, is more permanent, can result from excessive temperature, shear, p H , or impurities, and can be en­ hanced or hindered by substrates and products. Whatever the microscopic Substrate Rate Equations Dimensionless Rate Expression: yf(x)

Rate Expression: f(S) KES K +S

KEQSQ (1 -




π A



+ ^-*




K ES - Κ,ΕΡ K + S + K«P

EpSolKz - x(Kz + K )] y K + S — xS (1 — Κι)





KB =




= (K + Κ6 = Κ 4/Κ γ K



K )/Kt 3



S ^ Kr

K\ =


( 1 - * ) + So (1 ~ *)

K Ki

+ KiS

K Ki

KKjEpSo (1 - x) + K\S + S x(K




+ So (1 - x)





KES + K [l + Ρ/Κι] Κ = K\Kz m


Table II.





Deactivation Rate Equations Dimensionless form: y g(x)

Deactivation Rate: E g(S)




zero order



first order



substrate protected



product protected





Dimensionless Time, θ Kt d






Kt d

y 1 - χ


ΚΕ K' + Ρ

yS Κ' Λ- Sox


Γ Αχ LB +SoX


KdE +



Kd So Kd So KdtSo

+ Cx]

In Chemical Reaction Engineering—II; Hulburt, H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.

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mechanism of the deactivation process, it can be considered an additional chemical reaction that is occurring in addition to the main reaction. Deactiva­ tion effects have to be accounted for by a separate rate equation such as those in Table II. Each substrate consumption equation has been coupled with each enzyme deactivation equation. This combination was called a reaction scheme. Twenty reaction schemes were obtained, and each has been studied for ISTR and PFR models and for two modes of reactor operation. Some kinetic parameters were varied to observe this effect on reactor performance. To compare performance of the reactor systems and to evaluate the profit indicator, the following quantities are needed: (1) reactor size, (2) total product obtained, and (3) the enzyme lost by deactivation. These were calcu­ lated for each reaction scheme and for both modes of operation. Details of the calculations and many numerical results were represented by Lamba (17). Only the general approach taken is given here. In most enzyme-catalyzed reactions of practical significance, deactivation is relatively slow. Its characteristic time is large compared with the mean transit time through the reactor. Therefore, the pseudo-steady-state approxi­ mation can be used—i.e., a steady-state concentration profile can be assumed for any particular value of the activity profile at any moment in time. To make the analysis comprehensive, the following dimensionless variables are used: Fractional conversion

g β χ ——^


Ε Fractional activity

y =


Dimensionless time

θ = ^


where Ν is a proper combination of constants for a given deactivation equation. The rate and deactivation equations in terms of dimensionless variables are given in Tables I and II, respectively. First Mode of Reactor Operation The initial exit conversion, x , is chosen, and the flow rate, q, through the reactor is kept constant in this mode of reactor operation. The reactor is sized to satisfy these requirements. Since the flow rate is kept constant, the exit conversion decreases with time because of the loss of enzyme activity. Equal enzyme loading was assigned to both reactors, and the same substrate concentrations are used in the feed. Analysis of the ISTR. According to the pseudo-steady-state assumption the equations describing an isothermal operation of the ideal stirred tank reactor (ISTR) are: e


yf(x) % -

- y g(x) n

η - ο,ι


Equation 9 is the basic design equation for an ISTR where yf(x) is the reaction rate; Equation 10 describes the deactivation process. Clearly, both

In Chemical Reaction Engineering—II; Hulburt, H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.



Reactors with Immobilized Enzymes


conversion and activity are functions of time only. The derivative of activity with respect to time may be evaluated by chain rule as follows: dy _ dydx άθ ~ dxde



Downloaded by UCSF LIB CKM RSCS MGMT on August 26, 2014 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1974-0133.ch009

Evaluating dy/dx from Equation 9 and substituting this along with an expres­ sion for y obtained from Equation 9 into Equation 10 yields Equation 12 for dx/άΘ: dx de

_ xc "" xg(x)[f(x)ff(x) - xfix) 1


( K

m )

Equations 10 and 12 can now be integrated. In the simplest cases of zero- and first-order deactivation with g(x) = 1, Equation 10 can be integrated directly (8), yielding explicitly y as a function of θ. Substituting this into Equation 9 gives an implicit relationship between χ and Θ. For the more com­ plex cases considered, Equation 12 can be integrated analytically giving explicit, very lengthy relationships for θ as a function of x. Resolving Equation 9 for x, which can be readily accomplished when the resulting expression is a quadratic but becomes cumbersome for a cubic, and substituting into the above expression for Θ — θ (χ) yields a relationship between θ and y. These results will be presented elsewhere (18). We found it more useful to integrate Equations 10 and 12 numerically by a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to obtain values for conversion and activity at equally spaced values of time, Θ. These results were used to evaluate the profit indicator for various times of reactor operation, 6 , corresponding to dif­ ferent final exit conversions. The profit indicator was calculated using the following formula: t

/N\ \7j

" \Bl)

J. 1 -

χ(θ)άβ y(BÙ

( 1 3 )

Analysis of the PFR. Using the pseudo-steady-state assumption the equations describing the performance of an isothermal plug flow reactor (PFR) can be written as: - TpKffr)

I 2

• -












( i 5 )

The reactor space time, τ , is obtained by: ρ

Tp =




while ζ represents the dimensionless distance along the reactor. For the zeroand first-order deactivation, Equations 14 and 15 were solved analytically (10). In general, both conversion and activity are functions of time and position, and Equations 14 and 15 have to be solved simultaneously. Ozawa (19) and Bischoff (20) considered packed bed reactors with catalyst deactivation and developed analytical solutions for Equations 15 and 16 when η = 1 and g(x) =/(*)·

In Chemical Reaction Engineering—II; Hulburt, H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.




Lamba (17) numerically solved the general system of Equations 15 and 16 using a modification of a numerical method of Gonzales and Spencer (21). When the exit conversion, χ(Θ,Ι), and the activity profile in the reactor are obtained, the profit indicator can be calculated as a function of reactor operating time, 6f.



-pT, T ^ T / [1 - y(e z)]dz

- \To)





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If it is not necessary to examine the activity profile as a function of position in the reactor and the profit indicator is the only quantity to be calculated, a new lumped variable called total activity, Y, may be defined by: (18)

Υ (θ) =£y(e,z)dz

Total activity is a function of time only. The following solution can be applied to Equations 14 and 15 when η = 1. Equation 14 can be solved for activity, y, which is then substituted into Equation 15. Upon integrating the resulting expression along the reactor length, the following equation is ob­ tained for total activity, Y:

τ Jo









Similarly, Equation 14 may be solved for y and integrated with respect to ζ from 0 to 1. This gives an implicit relationship for the exit conversion as a function of total activity: ι /·*fl



Heaviside s unit step function

V x x Xf} Y y Ζ ζ

reactor volume fractional conversion of substrate exit conversion initial exit conversion total activity; average activity in PFR activity; fractional activity distance along the reactor length dimensionless distance

Greek Letters η θ 9 λ τ

profit indicator dimensionless time dimensionless reactor operating time dimensionless flow rate space time



In Chemical Reaction Engineering—II; Hulburt, H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.



Reactors with Immobilized Enzymes


Subscripts ideal stirred tank reactor plug flow reactor plug flow reactor ideal stirred tank reactor


Superscripts initial first mode of operation second mode of operation

Downloaded by UCSF LIB CKM RSCS MGMT on August 26, 2014 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1974-0133.ch009


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In Chemical Reaction Engineering—II; Hulburt, H.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.