Analytical chemistry: The working tools. Volumes I and II

In 1928 Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., established an. Analytical Chemists' Committee to select, standardize, and unify the analytical technics, ...
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nium salts and diazwprinting papers. In this third edition the authors again have maintained the principle of including s. larger number of exercises dealing with aliphatic compounds and a Edited by C. R. N. Stmuts, 3. H. GiIfillan, and H.N.Wilson. smaller number dealing with aromatic compounds. For the first Odord University Press, New York, 1955. Val. 1: 494 PP. time, the reader is provided with individual laboratory experiMany figs, Val. 11: ix f 570 PP. Many X ments which evolve the idea of homology and isomerism. The 24.5 cm. Set, $16.80. annendix has been extended to include a three-oaee eeneral an summary of organic reactions, common atomic weights, the 1928 ~ ~ ~chemical ~ ~ ~ i ~ ad ~l ~LM,, t r i ~ , Analytical Chemists' Committee to select, standardize, and unify physical constants of common organic compounds, and concenthe analytical technics, methods, and procedures used in this trations of laboratory agents, as well as the reagents and supplies. The book is conveniently printed on good quality paper and great British company. These two volumes describe what has century, spirally bound to lie flat when used A widely diversified collecbeen selected through the intervening quarter of tion of 79 exercises provides ample selection from which the ~ l t h no ~ ~~~~i~~~ ~ ~ b industry has published any sources, traditional 36 or 24 can be made for courses with from one to oollection of methods, we do have available, in substantially the same kind of information. As space precludes three laboratory seasions Per week. Blank wares are provided for laboratory data, for observations, and for answers to related adequate review of the details of the various topics questions. Provision is made for instructor approval of most only abbreviated successive chapter titles are listed. apparatus arrangements and preparations1 procedures. In genVolume I includes accuracy of analysis, manipulation, eral a "pro ratan packaging of the required amounts of materials pling, weighing, volumetric apparatus, temperature and pressure, each jndividual has been density and specific gravity, cryst~llizingand melting points, This well known, loose-leaf, spiral laboratory manual made its distillation, reagents and indicators, pH, volumetric ultimate organic analysis, organic microanalysis, and gas analysis. first appearance in 1927. Its consistent and repeated reprintings volume 11 includes potentiometric titration, conducbmet,jc and revisions are evidence of its wide popularity and acceptance. This third edition equals or exceeds in mechanical qquality, a p analysis, polarography, electrodeposition, introduction absorp pearance, and content all previous editions. The type form, iltion speotrophotometry, colorimetric analysis, ultraviolet s , equations are clear and attractive. sorption spectraphotometry, infrared absorption spectrophotom- 1~0trationa,f ~ ~ u l aand etry, emission speotrography, X-ray diffrsctian,chromatography, This laboratory manual can he highly recommended, far large classes because of the clarity of its directions. These and statistical methods. ~h~ twovolumes are contiuuous~ypaged, with the index in allow the instructor to devote the major portion of his time to oral quiz and laboratory supervision. the second volume. In general, this is not a collection of analytical procedures for RALPH E. DUNBAR given materials, dthouglraome operating directions are included, NORTR DAKOFA STATECOLLEBE such as those far standardizing titrants. Primarily, the coverage F u o a . NOR= DAKOTA is limited to presentation of the principles involved in each technic, to a description of some important examples of equip ment available, and to kinds of common applications. A LABORATORY MANUAL OF QUALITATIVE The various technics of separation are not discussed from the 0 ORGANIC ANALYSIS viewpoint of distinct operations often necessary before measure ment of desired constituents can be made. Distillation (Chapter H. T. Openshow. Third edition. Cambridge University Press, 9), electrodeposition (Chapter 19), and chromatography (Chap- Cambridge, England. 1955, mi 92 pp. 3 5 tables. 14 X 22 ter 27) are treated in some detail; but extraction, general volatil- cm. $2. iaation, precipitation, and absorption are mentioned only rather ACCORDING to the author of this excellently written and very incidentdly as separative technics. Inasmuch as the contents of this set a7e broadly competitive concise laboratory manual the most important change from the with several American works, probably its principal interest to previous edition is in the treatment of polyfunctional compounds. Americans will be as a reference for a British viewpoint on the In the previous editions when one characteristic group had been topics covered. The reviewer expects to use it for this purpose, detected in a compound, further tests, with the exception of the as the over-all perspective is interesting and the writing is well one for uns&uration, were omitted. In the new edition, after rhe detection of a functional group the student is directed t o done. carry out further indicated tests, where appropriate, in the search M. G MELLON for other functional groups that might be of aid in identification. PUBDUBU ~ l v m a s r ~ 7 Other important changes have also been incorporated. DirecLIFAYETTC.INDIANA tions are now given for the detection of the individual halogens. The analvtieal orocedures for the haloeens are the usual ones with the &eeptcon of the one for the d e k i o n of chlorine in the LABORATORY OUTLINES AND NOTEBOOK FOR 0 presence of iodine and bromine. In the opinion of the reviewer ORGANIC CHEMISTRY this procedure (p. 4) is of dubious value. The author indicates that the change to the use of saturated potansium bicarbonate Cecil E. Boord, Research Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University, Wallace R. Brode, Associate Director, National instead of sodium bicarbonate solution in the testing for acids Bureau of Standards, and Roy G. Bossert, Professor of Chemistry, is a marked improvement in procedure. A new section has been Ohio Wesleyan University. Third edition. John Wiley & Sons, added on the investigation of metallic salts. Revised and new Inc., New York, 1955. xi 314pp. 38 figs. 3 tables. 22.5 X methods have been given for the preparation of a number of derivatives. The iodoform reaction has been added as an addi28 om. Paper bound. $3.90. t,iond ...- t,e& . - The -~ verv ~ ~-" brief ~ list of reference works unfortunatelv INTKP. prepmation of the third edition of this manual the has been still furtber reduced. he section on the preparation authors have retained the approach and basic form of the previous of Special Reagents has been deleted. The procedures for the classification tests are well written and editions. The new revision places emphasis upon the correct details of experimental procedures, a revision of the questions for their order of presentation is quite systematic and logical. Iufermost exercises. and the addition or modification of five new ences to be drawn fmm tests are clearly indicated. Only one error in directions, a minor one, was noted by the reviewer. This tion of acetone by the unidnlion of icoprop~l~ l w h o lIhr , prrpnrl- error is on page 13 where section iii is not divided into parts a tion and propcrti~sof n-propylnminr, 1l.r pny,arnrion of p - t ~ r l - and b as is called for by the directions. The section on derivatives has been exoellently done a8 in the nmyl pharwl by the Friedel-Chfts n.:,rtiorr, n ~ st:~l,ilir~d d dixrrr 0




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