Anion Transport with Pnictogen Bonds in Direct ... - ACS Publications

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Communication Cite This: J. Am. Chem. Soc. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Anion Transport with Pnictogen Bonds in Direct Comparison with Chalcogen and Halogen Bonds Lucia M. Lee,† Maria Tsemperouli,† Amalia I. Poblador-Bahamonde, Sebastian Benz, Naomi Sakai, Kaori Sugihara,* and Stefan Matile* School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, NCCR Chemical Biology, University of Geneva, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland

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ABSTRACT: In this Communication, we introduce transmembrane anion transport with pnictogen-bonding compounds and compare their characteristics with chalcogen- and halogen-bonding analogues. Telluriumcentered chalcogen bonds are at least as active as antimony-centered pnictogen bonds, whereas iodinecentered halogen bonds are 3 orders of magnitude less active. Irregular voltage-dependent single-channel currents, high gating charges, and efficient dye leakage support for the formation of bulky, membrane-disruptive supramolecular amphiphiles due to “too strong” binding of anions to tris(perfluorophenyl)stibanes. In contrast, the chalcogen-bonding bis(perfluorophenyl)tellanes do not cause leakage and excel as carriers with nanomolar activity, with P(Cl/Na) = 10.4 for anion/cation selectivity and P(Cl/NO3) = 4.5 for anion selectivity. The selectivities are lower with pnictogen-bonding carriers because their membrane-disturbing 3D structure also affects weaker binders (P(Cl/Na) = 2.1, P(Cl/NO3) = 2.5). Their 2D structure, directionality, hydrophobicity, and support from proximal anion−π interactions are suggested to contribute to the unique power of chalcogen bonds to transport anions across lipid bilayer membranes.

Figure 1. Candidates tested for anion transport with pnictogen, chalcogen and halogen bonds, with KD values for Cl binding,11 EC50 values for anion transport, and M06-2X/6-311G**/aug-cc-pVTZ structures of nitrate complexes of 2, 4, and 6 (red arrow: possible anion slide).


he integration of unorthodox interactions into functional systems is of fundamental importance because it promises access to new activities.1 Synthetic transport systems2 have emerged as an attractive tool to assess the functional relevance of such interactions. Realized examples include anion−π interactions in many variations,1 halogen bonds,3,4 and, more recently, also chalcogen bonds.5,6 In the following, we elaborate on anion transport with pnictogen bonds in direct comparison to chalcogen and halogen bonds. These so-called σ-hole interactions7,8 originate from highly localized areas of highly positive charge density that appear on heavier p-block elements. Associated with σ* orbitals, the σ holes appear at the opposite side of the covalent bonds and deepen with increasing electron deficiency of the atom. As a result, there is one σ hole available per atom for halogen bonds,9 two for chalcogens,10 three for pnictogens,11,12 and four for tetrel bonds (Figure 1).7,8 Increasing with polarizability, the depth of the σ holes increases from top to bottom and from right to left in the periodic table (Table 1, entry 2).7,8,11 With tetrel bonds suffering from overcrowding, pnictogen bonds in general and © XXXX American Chemical Society

antimony in particular have emerged as the most promising for integration into functional systems.11 We have already reported the synthesis, chloride binding in theory and experiment, and catalytic activity of compounds 1− 7 (Figures 1 and 2).11 Ion transport was explored first in planar or “black” lipid bilayer membranes (BLMs).2−5 The addition of 200 μM bis(perfluorophenyl)tellane (4) to 1-palmitoyl-2oleoyl-sn-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) BLMs and the application of voltage caused the appearance of macroscopic currents without resolved single-channel on−off steps, thus supporting that tellane 4 functions as an ion carrier (Figure 2C).3,6,13 The I−V curve showed non-Ohmic behavior characterized by a formal gating charge of zg = 0.72 ± 0.06 (Figure 2A).3,13 With perfluorinated systems, zg increased with increasing depth of the σ holes (7 > 4 > 6, Table 1, entry 3). Received: November 22, 2018


DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b12554 J. Am. Chem. Soc. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of the American Chemical Society Table 1. Characteristics of Anion Transporters transporterm−p entry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

a −l





elementa αb zgc PCl/Nad PCl/NO3d

Sb 43 0.9

Sb 43 0.4 2.1 2.5

Te 38 0.7 10.4 4.5


I 32 0.4 5.0 3.3


EC50Cl (μM)e nf EC50NO3 (μM)e nf EC50NO3/EC50Clg EC50Cl,FCCP (μM)h EC50NO3,FCCP (μM)h KDCl (mM)i EintCl (kcal mol−1)j EintNO3 (kcal mol−1)j EC50Br (μM)e EC50I (μM)e EC50Br,FCCP (μM)h EC50I,FCCP (μM)h KDBr (mM)i KDI (mM)i EintBr (kcal mol−1)j EintI (kcal mol−1)j EC50Cl (10% PG) (μM)k EC50CF (μM)l

3.2 1.5

0.02p −52p −48

1.0 2.3 2.2 0.9 2.2 0.05 0.2 0.6p −44p −43


7.8 >104

0.2 1.9 0.8 4.6 4.0 0.03 0.06 0.5p −40p −35 0.4 0.6 0.03 0.03 1.7 4.3 −35 −30 1.2 >104

272o 2.7o 459 1.2 1.7 80 119 1.4p −28p −23 256 379 143 338 2.0 6.3 −24 −21 575 >104

Figure 2. Ion transport characteristics of 4 and 7 in BLM conductance measurements. (A) I−V profile of 4 with 2 M NaCl in the cis chamber and 2 M (○), 1 M (□), or 0.5 M NaCl (●) in the trans chamber. (B) Same as (A) with 2 M NaNO3 (○), 2 M NaClO4 (□), or 1 M Na2SO4 (●) in the trans chamber. (C) Macroscopic current of 4 with 2 M NaCl cis and 1 M trans under increasing voltage V. (D) Same as (C) for 7 with 2 M NaCl cis and trans. (E) Same as (D) for 7 at 200 mV time-resolved for channel-like currents; the structure, KD for Cl binding,11 and EC50 for transport are also shown.

Donor of σ-hole interactions in transporters. bComputed polarizability of elements based on MP2 calculations (a.u.).7 cFormal gating charge, from I−V curves in BLMs (Figure 2). dPermeability ratio in BLMs from the GHK equation applied to Vr with NaCl (2 M cis, 1 M trans) or NaCl/NaNO3 gradients (Figures 2 and S16−S18). e Effective concentration to reach 50% of maximal activity in the HPTS assay with internal NaCl and variable external anions (NaX, EYPC LUVs; Figures 3A,B and S6−S10). fHill coefficient. gAnion selectivity ratio according to the HPTS assay. hAs in e with FCCP (1 μM). iDissociation constant from NMR titrations with TBAX (X = Cl, Br, I) in THF-d8. jInteraction energy for 1:1 complexes computed at the M06-2X/6-311G**/aug-cc-pVTZ level. kAs in e with 9:1 EYPC/EYPG LUVs. lEffective concentration to reach 50% of maximal activity in the CF assay (NaCl, POPC LUVs; Figure S15). mSee Figures 1 and 2 for structures. nSelected pertinent data only because of different modes of action (Figures 2D,E and 3D). oData from ref 3, in part remeasured. pData from ref 11, in part remeasured. a

most powerful pnictogen-bond donor 7 because the latter produced irregular bursts in conductance experiments (Figure 2D,E). The randomly varying channel-like currents in these bursts suggested that stibane 7 disturbs the membrane order by forming transient large, disordered pores (Figure 2E). Transport activity in large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) was determined with the HPTS assay (Figure 3).3,13,14 LUVs composed of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (EYPC) were loaded with the ratiometric pH probe HPTS and exposed to a pH gradient. The dissipation of this gradient in response to the addition of carrier 4 was then followed over time until completion after the addition of excess gramicidin D (Figure 3A). The fractional activities Y were then plotted against the concentration of the carrier and fitted to the Hill equation (Figure 3B▲). The EC50Cl value of 200 ± 20 nM obtained for chalcogen-bonding carrier 4 revealed outstanding activity, particularly considering the simplicity of the structure (Table 1, entry 6).15 The halogen-bonding homologue 6 was already known3 to be 3 orders of magnitude less active. In clear contrast, pnictogen-bonding carrier 2 and detergent 7 were not much more but even slightly less active than tellane 4 (Figure 3B◆,▼ and entry 6; (pentafluorophenyl)diphenylstibane was less active than 2, i.e., EC50 = 2.9 μM). Replacement of extravesicular chlorides by nitrates decreased the activity of all transporters without changing the Te

The application of NaCl gradients across the BLMs resulted in different currents at negative and positive voltages (Figure 2A,C). A positive reversal potential Vr = +14.5 mV, i.e., the potential needed to stop spontaneous “zero” current from flowing along the salt gradient, demonstrated that carrier 4 is anion-selective (Table S1). GHK analysis gave an anion/cation permeability ratio PCl/Na = 10.4 (Table 1, entry 4). The same procedure applied to a chloride/nitrate gradient with 2 M NaCl and NaNO3 in the cis and trans chambers, respectively, gave an anion/anion permeability ratio PCl/NO3 = 4.5 (entry 5, Figure 2B○). Chloride was also preferred over perchlorate (PCl/ClO4 = 1.8) and sulfate (PCl/SO4 = 8.3) (Figures 2B□,● and S17). The anion/cation and anion/anion selectivities found with chalcogen bonds in 4 decreased with halogen bonds in 6 and even more with pnictogen bonds in 2 (entries 4 and 5). The less activated stibane 2 was used instead of the B

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b12554 J. Am. Chem. Soc. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of the American Chemical Society

convincingly (4 > 6; entries 4−6, 8, and 10). With pnictogen bonds, however, the consequences of increasingly stable anion complexes were different. Anion binding produced supramolecular 3D amphiphiles17 that with increasing stability increasingly disturbed the membrane organization. At maximal stability of the anion complexes with 7, transient large, disordered pores formed. They were clearly detected in conductance experiments (Figure 2D) and from dye leakage in the CF assay (Figure 3D, contrary to all other carriers, including 4, Figure 3C). Increasing membrane disorganization caused by 3D pnictogen-bonding amphiphiles already before bilayer rupture was reflected in decreasing anion selectivity (2 < 4, entries 4, 5, and 10) and decreasing activity (2 < 4, 1≪ 3; Figure 1) compared with the respective membrane-matching 2D chalcogen-bond donors. Although these interpretations were remarkably consistent throughout a series of independent experiments, the possible influence of other contributions should not be underestimated. These include differences in partitioning, differences in fluorophilicity to enhance the detergent effects of 7, or, less likely, that decomposition of 7 causes membrane disorder. In summary, these results explicitly introduce pnictogen bonds to ion transport and disclose bis(perfluorophenyl)tellane as a very powerful anion carrier for its size. Chalcogen bonds outperforming pnictogen bonds for transport is contrary to expectations from binding and catalysis. The availability of two in-plane σ holes with adjacent π-acidic surfaces for secondary anion−π interactions could account for the high activity and selectivity of tellane 4 (Figure 1). The significant differences found between halogen, chalcogen, and pnictogen bonds confirm that their directionality and hydrophobicity, exceeding those of all conventional interactions, including hydrogen-bond donors, by far, provide access to new levels of precision on the molecular level. Their integration into functional systems deserves high attention for this reason.

Figure 3. (A, B) Anion transport of 2 (◆, ◇), 4 (▲, △, A), and 6 (▼, ▽) and (C, D) dye leakage of (C) 4 and (D) 7. (A) Change in ratiometric emission (λem = 510 nm; λex1 = 404 nm, λex2 = 454 nm) upon addition of 4 (0 (black) to 2.0 μM (red); ∼0 s) and excess gramicidin D (260 s) to EYPC vesicles with internal HPTS, a pH gradient, and 100 mM internal and external NaCl. (B) Dependence of the fractional activity Y in the HPTS assay (A) on the concentration of 2 (◆, ◇), 4 (▲, △), and 6 (▼, ▽) in the absence (◆, ▲, ▼) and presence (◇, △, ▽) of FCCP (1 μM), with fits to the Hill equation. (C) Change in emission (λem = 517 nm; λex = 492 nm) upon addition of 4 (1 mM, 0 s) and excess Triton X100 to POPC vesicles with internal CF. (D) Same as (C) for 7 (0 (black), 4, 8, 20, 40, 80, 100 μM (gold)).

> Sb > I sequence (entry 8). These results were consistent with the PCl/NO3 value obtained in BLM experiments (entries 5 and 10). In the presence of the proton carrier FCCP at concentrations that do not cause activity alone, the activity of all carriers increased (entry 11). This trend supported the observation that in the HPTS assay, anion/hydroxide antiport dominates without FCCP and coupled anion/proton symport with FCCP.13,14 The preserved Te > Sb > I activity and Cl > NO3 selectivity with FCCP (entries 11 and 12) and decreasing activity in increasingly charged EYPC/EYPG membranes (entry 24) confirmed that σ-hole interactions with anions dominate carrier activity. Anion binding studies in THF and computed binding energies of 1:1 complexes were in good agreement with the anion selectivities found for transport (Cl > NO3, Cl > Br > I; entries 13−23). The computed chalcogen- and pnictogenbonding complexes with nitrate were particularly interesting because besides the dominant σ-hole interactions, they also showed possible edge-to-face nitrate−π interactions16 with one of the adjacent pentafluorophenyl rings (Figure 1). Their absence in the underperforming halogen bonds implied special importance of these coupled chalcogen(pnictogen)/anion−π “slides” for anion translocation. In general, these results supported the conclusion that the increasing stability of anion complexes with increasing depth of the σ holes chiefly determines the transport characteristics. Increasing gating charges zg, i.e., current rectification,3,13 with deepening σ holes in 7 > 4 > 6 (pnictogen > chalcogen > halogen) were well-explained with increasingly stable anion complexes (entry 3). For the chalcogen bonds in 4 compared with the halogen bonds in 6, increasingly stable anion complexes also explained the increase in activity and selectivity


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The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b12554. Detailed experimental procedures (PDF) XYZ files (ZIP)


Corresponding Authors

*[email protected] *[email protected] ORCID

Kaori Sugihara: 0000-0003-3512-6036 Stefan Matile: 0000-0002-8537-8349 Author Contributions †

L.M.L. and M.T. contributed equally.


The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the NMR and MS platforms for services and the University of Geneva, the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Chemical Biology, the NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering, and the Swiss NSF for financial support. C

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b12554 J. Am. Chem. Soc. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of the American Chemical Society

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DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b12554 J. Am. Chem. Soc. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX