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Announcing a N E W A m e r i c a n Chemical Society M o n o g r a p h . . .



New Text




b y A . P. D U N L O P , Assistant D i r e c t o r o f Chemical Research and F. N . PETERS, V i c e President, Chemical Research, The Q u a k e r Oats Company.


This vitally important n e w m o n o g r a p h offers the first complete treatment ever p u b l i s h e d o n the subject of furan chemistry. I n direct, readable style, it p r o v i d e s a ready source of information o n the behavior and applications of all furan types, i n c l u d i n g industrially important furfural. For the practicing c h e m i s t and t e c h n o l o g i s t , the b o o k is conveniently divided i n t o t w o separate sections. T h e first deals w i t h the chemistry of furan c o m p o u n d s , i n c l u d i n g the behavior characteristics of the furan ring, type derivatives and type r e a c t i o n s w i t h special attention given to r i n g cleavages. X h e s e c o n d s e c t i o n is d e v o t e d t o the industrial application of furfural and its derivatives. Here, separate chapters describe the c h e m i c a l intermediate uses such as nylon, lycine, dihydropyran, etc., the solvent and selective solvent applications, and the commercial outlets i n the resin field. D u n l o p and Peters' m o n o g r a p h will prove invaluable t o industrial research p e r s o n n e l at all levels, and especially in the fields of petroleum, vegetable o i l s , r e s i n s and o r g a n i c chemicals. Students w i l l find the arrangement of the b o o k w i t h its extensive b i b l i o g r a p h i e s ideally suited for courses in advanced heteroc y c l i c chemistry. 864 pages, $18.00

other i m p o r t a n t reinShold reference books

Chemical Process Machinery SECOND EDITION

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edited by CARL S. MINER, Director and Founder, The Miner Laboratories, Chicago, Illinois, and N . N . D A L T O N , Past Research Director, Glycerine Producers 1 Association of America

Written and edited by leading research scientists under the sponsorship of the Glycerine Producers' Association of America, this valuable new monograph brings you for the first time complete information on the sources, recovery, refining and uses of glycerol. All of the important recent developments in the field— synthetic glycerol, purification by ion exchange, and many others—together with latest designs in equipment are fully discussed. Especially useful to chemists, purchasing agents and executives is the complete chapter on standards and specifications. This chapter, as well as those on analysis, physical and chemical properties, offers latest available data in easy-toread tabular form. As the only complete, up-to-date book available on its subject, Miner and Dalton's monograph will prove indispensable to all glycerol producers and refiners. 1 9 5 3 f 500 pages, $12.00

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REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION » Dept. M-543 * 330 West 42nd Street, New York 36, N. Y. Also Publishers of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CATALOG, CHEMICAL MATERIALS CATALOG, MATERIALS & METHODS, SIVE ARCHITECTURE, Scientific, Technical and Architectural Books, and Advertising Management for the American Chemical Society




