Announcing another superior new chloride process pigment

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Our Curious Chemists have developed a TiO2 "pigment of the future" ...and its ready NOW

The sparkling brightness, opacity and tinting strength of TRONOX CR-812 shows up in lab tests.

Announcing another superior new chloride process pigment... TRONOX CR-812...with improved scattering power for all flat paints When A m e r i c a n Potash & Chemical Corporation first announced that our Curious Chemists had developed a ΤΊΟ2 pigment comparable in quality to any, there were some doubters. After all, sev­ eral Old-Timers at manufacturing pig­ ments had stubbed their toes on the complex technology involved in manufac­ turing chloride-process titanium dioxide. Met the test. But our TRONOX CR-801 grade rutile pigment for general-purpose trade sales paints met paint-makers' tests with flying colors, and doubts disap­ peared. Then, less than a year later, we produced a second new grade, TRONOX CR-800, a unique pigment for industrial paints, lacquers and enamels. Proof of the Industry's confidence is the fact that our CR-801 pigment is being ordered as fast as we can produce it, and our CR-800

grade is rapidly gaining wide acceptance. Now our Curious Chemists have an­ other superior T1O2 pigment —TRONOX CR-812 —ready for the market. CR-812 was developed to meet the p i g m e n t needs of tomorrow, and it's available for delivery, in quantity, today. Ultra-high dry hide. CR-812 pigment is designed to meet your latex coating needs now and in the future. Our Curious Chemists developed a special surface treating procedure that gives this pig­ ment ultra-high dry hiding properties. The particles are closely controlled at a uniform size, resulting in a pigment with great scattering power, which produces excel lent opacity and tinting strength. The film integrity of CR-812 is outstanding. Brilliant whiteness. TRONOX CR-812 brings to manufacturers of trade sales

flat coatings all the superior advantages of rutile chloride-process p i g m e n t s diamond bright, cool, brilliant whiteness, better hiding power, maximum t i n t i n g strength and grit-free dispersion. Let our marketing and technical sales-service people show you how this new pigment can improve your products. American Potash & Chemical Corpora­ tion, 99 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016; 3000 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles, California 90054.



Pigment Sales Offices: New York · Los Angeles · Atlanta · Chicago · Cleveland · Portland (Ore.) · San Francisco · Shreveport