Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: November 29, 1948. Copyright © 1948 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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ADVANCED FEATURES INTO THE MODEL "Β" INCLUDE . . . CONVENIENCE: Direct reading w a v e l e n g t h scale 3 2 0 4o 10O0 millimicrons . . . readings reproducible 4o great accuracy. Direct reading transmission and «absorbante (optical density) scales on large easily-read meter. 4 Continuously variable slits f o r smooth, precise settings. 4-Position sensitivity multiplier permits r e o d ings to be made on most advantageous portion of scale. Four position cell carriage permits ajwjdc posi­ tioning of any of 4 cells by €m external c o n t r o l ACCURACY: Photometric accuracy t o 0 . 5 % transmission or 1 % absorbance. Negligible stray light-less than 1 1 6 % of 3 2 0 millimicrons. Resolution—permits less than 5 enîJlimloron spectral band width over most o f spectrcd

Note cnxdroff. A b o jpoœ» Jhaf p e n n e s

The new Model "B" Spectrophotometer is by far the outstanding routine instrument available. It provides advancements pioneeied in the Beckman Quartz and Infrared Spectrophotometers but never before offered in a low priced instrument. These advantages are important because they combine simplicity9 convenience and versatility without sacrificing accuracy and reliability.

VERSATIIITY: Liquid, solid) a n d gaseous nples m a y b e analyzed. Monochromatic light beam is easily brougjhi outside the instrument for long path measurements and special uses. Accommodates l a r g e cells up to 50 m . en. p a t h length in standard cell carrier. Interchangeable photocells—red or blue-sensitive to utilize the high resolving power of she Model " B " . Easily-attached M o d e l " B " accessories