New CORNING® Model 12 pH Meter lets you calibrate on one range, then read on others without recalibration. Unit's reliability cuts service requirements.
Announcing the n e w CORNING" Model 1 2 p H Meter Read about the remarkable new precision, versatility and reliability it brings into your lab at a surprisingly low price Precision—reproducibility t o ± 0.002 pH or ±0.20 millivolt on a full, 7inch scale deflection of any 1 p H unit or any 100 mv range.
All our electrodes are ruggedly made. Model 12 accessory kit—included are a Triple-Purpose electrode for p H measurements from 0-14, a calomel reference electrode with fiber junc tion, electrode support and clamp, saturated KC1 and a buffer solution, an adapter plug, and an instru ment cover.
Versatility—its expandable scale al lows you to calibrate on one range and read on others without recalibration; utilize automatic temperature compensation, make oxidation-reduc tion measurements and Karl Fischer titrations.
Price—$495, sory kit.
Reliability—the critical circuits in the Model 12 use ± 1 % tolerance components made by our Electronics Division, supplier to t h e nation's space/missile industry. These com ponents drift less than 0 . 1 % per year to insure stable operation. CORNING®
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This coupon will bring you complete information on t h e Model 12 and CORNING Electrodes.
Mail it today. Try t h e Model 12 soon. Its precision and dependability will make it t h e most constantly used instrument in your lab.
and development on electrode glasses have set standards for 30 years. Now we have developed a low-sodiumerror, Triple-Purpose electrode for the Model 12 t h a t permits readings in t h e high pH range which previously re
complete with acces
quired a special electrode. Our elec trodes couple low resistance with fast response. T h e calomel reference elec trodes include sleeve and fiber types.
SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT DEPT., Corning Glass Works, 7404 Crystal St., Corning, N.Y. Π Please send me the brochure on the new CORNING® Model 12 pH Meter and CORNING Electrodes. • Corning Scientific Instruments dealer contact me for a demonstration in my lab. Name
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