Another· new development
B. F. Goodrich Chemical
raw materials
Β. F. Goodrich Chemical Co. does not rrzakt xhest floats. We sttpp/y the Geon resin only.
R&hiuq (pt a&ifiuq IdectfStop torn©! T floats to support the h u g e nets in the business of catching tuna fish off H E S E globes
in the p i c t u r e
the coast of California. T h e s e floats are a big j u m p ahead o f other types L· they derive m a n y a d v a n t a g e s from Geon vinyl r e s i n . They are made of expanded vinyl s p o n g e with closed cells—non-absorbing and permanently buoyant. They resist sun, fungus, corrosion and abrasion and can b e made in any of Geon's wide range of colors. But don't stop a t this float idea! Here are other uses for Geon vinyl sponge. It can be used as thermal insulation o r
t o deaden sound. It makes excellent "crash p a d s " . G e o n paste resin, the base material for this plastic sponge, has many nonsponge-type uses also. It can b e used for molding, coating, casting o r dip ping operations—offers a range of ad vantages that can help you improve or develop m o r e saleable products. This is just o n e o f many G e o n materials, each designed for specific uses. They can m a k e products resistant t o heat and cold, abrasion, aging, water and many chemicals. We'll gladly help you select the one best suited t o your needs, t o help you turn a selling idea into a
sales success. For technical information, please write D e p t . G A l l , B.F. G o o d r i c h Chemical C o m p a n y , Rose Building, Cleveland 15, O h i o . Cable a d d r e s s : G o o d c h e m c o . In Canada: Kitchener, Ontario.
GEOM RESINS · GOOD-RITE PLASTICIZERS.. the ideal team to make products easier, better and more saleable GEON polyvinyl materials · HYCAR American rubber · GOOD-RITE chemicals and plasticizers · H A R M O N colors V O L U M E
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