Another success story of Shawinigan acetal resins magnet wire

Nov 6, 2010 - Another success story of Shawinigan acetal resins magnet wire insulation. Chem. Eng. News , 1959, 37 (46), p 83...
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A n o t h e r success story of S h a w i n i g a n a c e t a l resins

magnet v/ire insulation For more than 1 5 years, magnet wire insulating enamels based on Shawinigan Resins' Formvar (polyvinyl formal) have been chalking up an impressive record of dependability. In combination with thermosetting resins, Formvar provides a thin coating with excellent wet and dry dielectric properties, exceptional adherence, flexibility and elongation, and outstanding resistance to heat shock, abrasion, solvents, acids and bases. No other resin so well satisfies all of the rigorous requirements of magnet wire insulating enamel. As a result. Formvar is the standard in the industry. This is just one illustration of how7 acetal resins are l^eing used to advantage in industry. These versatile resins might be the answer to your product improvement problem. Polyvinyl acetal resins. Butvar (polyvinyl butyraO and Formvar, are unusual polymers because they contain three different functional groups distributed in the molecular chain. Available in a variety of molecular weights and chemical compositions, the acetal resins are compatible

F O R M V A R ® polyvinyl

with a wide range of resins and plasticizers. This variety of grades allows users great flexibility in the choice of solvents. Under suitable conditions Butvar and Formvar are reactive with phenolics. melamines and other thermosetting resins, and. even in fairly minor quantities, impart significantly improved adhesion, toughness and flexibilit\r. Why not put these unique properties to work in your product. Well be glad to help. Write for full information and product literature to Shawinigan Resins Corporation, Dept. 1246, Springfield 1. Mass. Shawinigan does not produce wire enamels . . . we supply acetal resins which make them possible. SALES O F F I C E S ! .\EW

f o r m a i and

BUTVAR® polyvinyl hiwiyral resins by



