Anthocyanin Bioavailability - American Chemical Society

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Anthocyanin Bioavailability: Past Progress and Current Challenges Janet A. Novotny* U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Beltsville, MD 20705 *E-mail: [email protected]

Anthocyanins are the red, blue, and purple pigments present throughout nature. Foods rich in anthocyanins include berries, red cabbage, radish, eggplant, blue corn, and purple carrots, as well as many other red, purple, and blue fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Evidence continues to accumulate suggesting multiple roles for dietary anthocyanins in promoting health and preventing disease. Anthocyanins have been associated with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and cognitive decline. All of these beneficial health effects require that the anthocyanins be well-absorbed. However, bioavailability studies have suggested otherwise. New evidence is emerging that may begin to explain this incongruity.

Introduction Anthocyanins and Health Studies with both animals and humans suggest that anthocyanin-rich products reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. In animal studies, anthocyanin-rich products have been shown to protect heart tissue from ischemic insult (1) and to reduce aterial plaques (2, 3). Human intervention trials have shown anthocyanin-rich foods or supplements decrease lipid hydroperoxides (4), decrease LDL cholesterol (5, 6), increase HDL cholesterol (7), and reduce systolic blood pressure (7). Berries, which are very high in anthocyanins, have been shown to interfere with carcinogenesis. For example, extracts from blackberry, black raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, red raspberry, and strawberry inhibited growth of human neoplastic cell lines of oral, breast, colon, and prostate tissue (8). In animal © 2012 American Chemical Society In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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studies, berry products have been shown to interfere with carcinogenesis in models of colon (9) and esophageal cancer (10, 11). A clinical study of patients with the precancerous condition called Barrett’s esophagus, black raspberry administration decreased oxidative stress and DNA damage (12). Cognitive function also appears to be improved by anthocyanin intake. Rats fed blueberry supplements for 8 weeks showed improved performance on a spatial memory test, and performance was correlated to anthocyanin accumulation in portions of the brain related to memory (13). Similarly, older adults consuming blueberries for 12 weeks had showed improvements in memory (14). Pomegranate juice fed to pregnant dams protected brain tissue of pups from hypoxia-ralated damage during delivery (15). Anthocyanin preparations also seem to counter obesity and diabetes. Mice fed anthocyanin preparations with a high fat diet had lower body weight and percent body fat than those fed a high fat diet without the anthocyanin-rich preparations (16–19), and certain anthocyanin-rich preparations improved glycemic control in mice fed high fat diets (16–20). This effect may be partly mediated though stimulation of insulin secretion by pancreatic β-cells (21). Both animal and human studies suggest important biological actions of anthocyanins in vivo with respect to many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and age-related cognitive decline and brain function. For anthocyanins to exhibit biological effects on these processes, they must reach the systemic circulation in biologically meaningful quantities. However, a clear understanding of anthocyanin bioavailability has been elusive, as there is a consistent discrepancy between the apparent bioactivity of anthocyanins and what we’ve been able to observe with respect to their bioavailability.

Anthocyanin Bioavailability: Past Progress Animal Studies of Anthocyanin Bioavailability Animal studies of anthocyanin bioavailability have been conducted primarily in rats, with additional studies in pigs and rabbits (22–39). Doses in these studies have been fairly large (several hundred mg per kg body weight, whereas a single large serving of an anthocyanin-rich food might deliver several hundred mg total). Earliest studies were conducted with bilberry, elderberry, or black currant, as these are extremely rich sources of anthocyanins (40). Other sources have included purple corn, blackcurrant, purple rice, chokeberry, and raspberry. These studies (22–31, 41–45) have consistently shown a number of phenomena, including (i) peak plasma response after the dose occurs very quickly, usually within the first two hours, (ii) peak plasma concentrations are low, usually less than one micromolar, and (iii) recovery of anthocyanins in urine are typically less than one percent. In most of these early animal studies, only anthocyanin glycosides were observed in plasma and urine, while no aglycones were detected. From these studies it was concluded that anthocyanins are absorbed mainly intact and reach peak plasma concentration very quickly. 560 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Human Studies of Anthocyanin Bioavailability Human bioavailability studies with anthocyanins have confirmed findings with animals (25, 42, 46–62). The studies with humans have used large but more realistic doses of several hundred milligrams, which could be achieved with a single large serving of berries for example, though some studies have exceeded a gram. Some of these studies have been performed with extracts or powders of products like elderberry, blueberry, blackberry, boysenberry, or chokeberry to deliver these large doses of anthocyanins, while others have involved intact foods. As with the animal studies, the time to reach peak plasma concentration has been short, usually less than 2 hours (25, 26, 42, 47, 49, 51, 54, 58, 59). This is notably faster than peak absorption times for other polyphenols (63). Urinary accumulation also occurs fairly quickly, with the fastest rate of movement into urine occurring between 2 and 4 hours after the dose (59, 61). Peak plasma concentrations have been consistently low, generally less than 100 ng/mL, and urinary recovery is typically a fraction of a percent (25, 26, 48–51, 53–56, 59, 61, 62). This is also different from recovery of other polyphenols, which is for the most part much higher (63). Many studies have shown that anthocyanins can be absorbed intact (22–31, 41–45) , and while the importance of intact anthocyanins compared to metabolic or degradation products remains unclear (16, 24, 64, 65), it has been suggested that degradation products may be important for the ultimate bioactivity of dietary anthocyanins (66, 67). Factors Affecting Absorption of Anthocyanins Chemical structure is an important determinant of anthocyanin bioavailability. The anthocyanidin backbone is one chemical characteristic that affects bioavailability. Most notably, pelargonidin-based anthocyanins, the primary anthocyanidin in strawberries, appear to be absorbed and metabolized differently than anthocyanins with other anthocyanidin backbones (29). First, pelargonidin-based anthocyanins are found mainly as glucuronidated metabolites (29, 52, 60). Second, recovery of pelargonidin-based anthocyanins (specifically, pelargonidin 3-glucoside) after consumption has been about 2 % (52, 60), whereas anthocyanin recovery from other sources has been a fraction of a percent (25, 26, 48–51, 53–56, 59, 61, 62). A study of pigs fed black currant powder suggested that cyanidin-based anthocyanins are more efficiently absorbed than delphinidin-based anthocyanins (30), and a study of humans and rats fed a mixture of berry anthocyanins showed that malvidin-based anthocyanins are more efficiently absorbed than delphinidin-based anthocyanins (51). The sugar moiety also influences bioavailability. When weanling pigs were fed black currant powder, it was found that rutinoside recovery in urine was higher than that for glucosides of the same anthocyanidin (30). Further, recovery of cyanidin 3-sambubioside and cyanidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucoside were higher than that for cyanidin monoglycosides (30). In a study of men consuming freeze-dried black raspberries, absorption efficiency of cyanidin 3-xylosyl rutinoside appeared to be higher than that of cyanidin 3-rutinoside, based on urinary recovery (68). When men and women consumed elderberry 561 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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concentrate, percent recovery of cyanidin 3-sambubioside was greater than that for cyanidin 3-glucoside (50). Acylation is another structural feature that dramatically affects anthocyanin absorption. In bioavailability studies with purple carrot, recovery of acylated anthocyanins was 11 to 14 fold less in urine and 8 to 10 fold less in plasma compared to that of nonacylated anthocyanins (59). Similarly, recovery of nonacylated anthocyanins from red cabbage were more than 4-fold that of acylated anthocyanins (61). Results reported by Wu et al. (29) after pigs consumed blackberries also showed that acylated anthocyanins were less bioavailable than nonacylated anthocyanins. Due to the polarity of anthocyanins (as well as other flavonoid glycosides), it has been presumed that they would not transfer passively across a lipid bilayer (69, 70). It has been suggested that anthocyanin glycosides may be hydrolyzed to form aglycones by enzymes such as lactase phloridzin hydrolase (71, 72), but since the aglycones have not been recovered in biological samples, this is not a widely supported hypothesis. That said, the aglycones are very unstable near neutral pH (66, 73). Another possible mechanism of absorption may be transport of the glucoside across the small intestine by the sodium-dependent glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) (74). Mulleder et al. (50) showed that sucrose ingestion with elderberry concentrate resulted in reduced absorption of anthocyanins. Bilitranslocase is another proposed transport protein, and this is supported by the competitive inhibition that anthocyanins exhibit on bilitranslocase activity (75). One possible explanation for the low apparent bioavailability of anthocyanins is the lack of detection of metabolites formed. Early bioavailability studies revealed the formation of metabolites. Methylation of anthocyanins was first reported in 1999 by Miyazawa et al. (23) in the liver of rats fed cyanidin 3-glucoside and by Tsuda et al. (24) in rat liver and kidney extracts after consumption of cyanidin 3-glucoside. Glucuronidation of anthocyanins was first reported in 2002 by Wu et al. (56) after women consumed elderberry concentrate. Later studies confirmed that anthocyanins are metabolized through methylation, sulfation, and glucuronidation (29, 30, 32, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 68, 76), though in most cases, the intact forms have been present in plasma and urine in larger quantities than conjugated forms. Tsuda et al. (24) were the first to report protocatechuic acid as a potential metabolite of anthocyanins. Recognizing that cyanidin 3-glucoside could react with peroxyl radicals to ultimately form protocatechuic acid in vitro, this group sought to show that this conversion can take place in vivo. To this end, rats were fed cyanidin 3-glucoside, and blood and tissues were analyzed at several time points over the next 4 hours. Tsuda et al. (24) reported that protocatechuic acid was detected in concentrations 8-fold higher than cyanidin 3-glucoside, and suggested that protocatechuic acid may be a major metabolite of cyanidin. Since that report, several other studies have suggested that protocatechuic acid may be an important metabolite of cyanidin (77, 78), while most studies have not reported observing this compound.

562 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Anthocyanin Bioavailability: Current Challenges

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Current Challenge: Improved Chemical Detection Methods One challenge that has undoubtedly hindered progress in accurately assessing anthocyanin bioavailability is that in solution anthocyanins exist in equilibrium in a number of molecular forms, including the flavylium cation, the quinoidal base, the hemiketal base, and the chalcone (79). The distribution among forms depends on the anthocyanin and on pH (79). The distribution of forms affects color, with the relatively stable flavylium cation, which exists at very low pH, tending to be red or occasionally yellow, the quinoidal base being blue or red, and the hemiketal base and chalcone being colorless (57). Most physiologic environments are characterized by neutral pH, thus the relatively stable flavylium cation would not be the predominant form present, but rather the hemiacetal base or chalcone would be the primary forms. For bioavailability studies, detection methods are typically based on photodiode array detection of the colored flavylium cation after isolation by HPLC. If in the neutral pH of the physiologic compartments, the anthocyanin has been irreversibly transformed to a colorless form, it will escape detection by current lab methods, thus leading to underestimation of bioavailability. Thus, great opportunity exists to advance understanding of anthocyanin bioavailability through development of robust laboratory methods that could precisely and accurately detect anthocyanin forms other than the flavylium cation. Current Challenge: Exhaustive Identification of Metabolites and Degradation Products Another explanation for the discord between the apparent low bioavailability of anthocyanins and the notable biological effects may be the inappropriate focus on the intact anthocyanins and their conjugated forms in biological samples. Alternatively, degradation products and small metabolites may be responsible for the physiologic action of dietary anthocyanins. Deglycosylation of a natural anthocyanin form will produce an unstable aglycone, which at near neutral pH will spontaneously degrade to phloroglucinaldehyde and a phenolic acid (66, 73). The phenolic acids formed upon degradation of cyanidin, pelargonidin, and delphinidin are protocatechuic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, and gallic acid, respectively (73). In vitro, Kay et al. (66) found that protocatechuic acid and phloroglucinaldehyde can be metabolized to glucuronide and sulphate conjugates, thus this may also be happening in vivo. Anthocyanins that reach the colon intact may be converted to phenolic acids by intestinal microbes. A study with ileostomy patients who consumed raspberries revealed that 40% of the anthocyanins consumed were recovered in the ileal fluid (80), and a study with ileostomy patients who consumed blueberries revealed that up to 85% of anthocyanins consumed were recovered in the ileal fluid (81), suggesting that a large portion of intact anthocyanins enter the colon for possible degradation by colonic microflora. In vitro studies with human colonic microbiota have supported the possibility that these microorganisms transform intact anthocyanins to phenolic acids (67, 82). 563 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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A few animal and human studies have reported observation of phenolic acids after consumption of anthocyanins (24, 65), further supporting the potential importance of phenolic acids as bioactive products of anthocyanin consumption. Protocatechuic acid, the primary degradation product of cyanidin, which is the most common anthocyanidin in the food supply, has been shown to have numerous biological effects, including effects related to cardiovascular disease (83), inhibition of tumor metastasis (84), promotion of apoptosis in multiple neoplastic cell lines (85), reduction of inflammation (86), and antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects on streptozoticin-diabetic rats (87, 88). Gallic acid has been shown to have anti-metastasis effects on gastric cancer cells (89).

Conclusion A clear understanding of anthocyanin bioavailability has been elusive. Many studies have suggested that the bioavailability of anthocyanins is very low, yet the apparent bioactivity of anthocyanins in vivo suggest otherwise. New evidence is emerging to support the prospect that metabolites and degradation products may be the primary forms of anthocyanins absorbed and exhibiting biological activities. Promising opportunities exist for development of better laboratory methods for identifying forms of anthocyanins in plasma, urine, and tissues, and these new methods will likely open the door to a much better understanding of the role of anthocyanins in human health.

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