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University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0534 ... or two (10, 11). Anticopper treatment of Wilson's disease has evolved considerably...
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Anticopper Therapy with Tetrathiomolybdate for Wilson's Disease, Cancer, and Diseases of Inflammation and Fibrosis George J. Brewer Department of Human Genetics and Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0534

Tetrathiomolybdate (TM) a copper-lowering drug, has efficacy in Wilson's disease, cancer, disease of neovascularization, and potential efficacy in diseases of inflammation and/or fibrosis. In Wilson's disease TM has been developed for initial therapy, the first two to four months of treatment, to quickly and safely gain control of copper toxicity. TM is efficacious in cancer and other diseases of angiogenesis because it has antiangiogenic effects on a number of angiogenic cytokines and promoters. T M also inhibits fibrotic and inflammatory cytokines, and is effective in a number of animal models of inflammation and fibrosis.


© 2005 American Chemical Society

Sessler et al.; Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


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Background on Wilson's Disease and its Therapy. The average human diet, at least in the U.S., contains about l.Omg of copper per day (1). Adults require about 0.75mg per day (1). The excess of 0.25mg per day is normally excreted by the liver, the organ responsible for copper balance, into the bile for loss in the stool (2). In Wilson's disease, mutations (3-5) in both copies of one of the genes (ATP7B) of the biliary excretory pathway causes this pathway to be inoperative, and these patients accumulate a little copper every day of their lives. The liver is capable of storing large quantities of copper, but sometime in childhood, this storage capacity is exceeded, and the liver begins to be damaged. The patient may present clinically with liver disease in the second or third decades of life, or sometimes even later (6-8). Alternatively, the liver disease may not present clinically and excess copper accumulates elsewhere, with the brain generally the next most sensitive organ. Patients who present with neurologic disease present with a movement disorder, with symptoms such as tremor, dysarthria, incoordination, and dystonia (9). Many patients who will present neurologically have behavioral problems that may precede their neurologic symptoms by a year or two (10, 11). Anticopper treatment of Wilson's disease has evolved considerably in recent years. For several decades, anticopper agents were limited to penicillamine, introduced in 1956 (12), and trientine (13), introduced in 1982. These drugs are copper chelators that, act primarily by increasing the urinary excretion of copper. Penicillamine causes neurologic worsening about half of the time if given as initial treatment to patients who present neurologically (14). It appears to do so by mobilizing hepatic copper stores, temporarily elevating blood copper and probably the copper in the brain. In addition penicillamine has a long list of toxicities, listed in reference 1, and provided in detail in the Physicians Desk Reference. In brief, they include a 25% incidence of an initial hypersensitivity reaction, many acute and subacute toxicities such as bone marrow depression, proteinuria, and increased susceptibility to infection, and many chronic toxicities such as autoimmune disorders, collagen abnormalities, and negative cosmetic effects on the skin. Trientine is less toxic, but shares some of penicillamine's toxicities, and prior to our work, had not been tried in patients who presented neurologically. In 1997, zinc which acts by inducing intestinal cell metallothionein and blocking copper absorption, was approved as maintenance therapy by the U.S. FDA, based primarily upon our data (1, 7, 8, 15-17). Zinc is essentially non-toxic and is rapidly becoming the maintenance therapy of choice. However, we judge zinc to be too slow acting for the initial therapy of acutely ill neurologically presenting patients. To fdl this therapeutic need, we have introduced tetrathiomolybdate (TM) therapy.

Background on Tetrathiomolybdate (ΤΜ)· The discovery and development of TM unfolded over a period of about 60 years. First it was noted that ruminants, but not non-ruminants, feeding on Sessler et al.; Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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254 certain pastures in Australia and New Zealand, developed a serious disease (1820). After a time it was realized the disease was due to copper deficiency, and then it was realized that the soil of these pastures was high in molybdenum content. Molybdenum fed to ruminants reproduced the copper deficiency syndrome, but molybdenum had no effect on non-ruminants (21-23). Finally it was realized that the rumen is rich in sulfur metabolism, and was generating thiomolybdates (24). Thiomolybdates given to non-ruminants produced copper deficiency, with the tetra-substituted compound, tetrathiomolybdate (TM), being the most potent (25-27). Experimental studies with TM have shown it to be a very potent anticopper compound (25-28). It forms a stable tripartite complex with copper and protein (26-28). Given with food, it prevents the absorption of copper. Given away from food, it is absorbed into the blood and complexes available copper and albumin. The copper in this complex is unavailable for cellular uptake. This complex accumulates in the blood, and is slowly cleared by the liver, where it is excreted in the bile (29, 30).

Tetrathiomolybdate Therapy in Wilson's Disease. We introduced T M into the treatment of the neurologic presentation of Wilson's disease because of the therapeutic need discussed earlier. Our first study was an open label study which eventually involved 55 patients, each given an eight week course of TM (31-34). The dose with meals was generally 20mg three times daily, but the away from food dose was varied from 60 to 200mg. We found that higher doses seemed to offer no benefit and settled on 60mg as the away from food dose. We used quantitative neurologic and speech tests to evaluate preservation of neurologic function. Only 2 of the 55 patients (3.6%) reached our criteria for neurologic worsening (34), compared to the estimated 50% worsening rate for penicillamine. Patients went on zinc maintenance therapy and most showed substantial neurologic recovery over the next two years. We next compared TM to trientine for treating neurologically presenting patients in a double blind study. The rationale for testing trientine was that it had never been tried for initial treatment of these patients, and is a somewhat gentler chelator than penicillamine. Trientine was given in a standard dose of l.Og daily for eight weeks, and TM was given 20mg 3 times daily with meals and 60mg at bedtime away from food, for eight weeks. Zinc therapy at 50mg 2X daily was given in both arms. This study is not yet completed, but in preliminary data trientine has about a 20% incidence of worsening while TM continues to have a low incidence of 3-4% (35). Thus, based on preliminary evidence, it seems that TM may be the treatment of choice for initial therapy of neurologically presenting patients.

Sessler et al.; Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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Side effects of TM in Wilson's disease include about a 10-15% incidence of mild anemia and/or leukopenia, and about a 10-15% incidence of a mild increase in serum transaminase enzymes. The anemia/leukopenia is due to overtreatment bone marrow depletion of copper, since copper is required for cellular synthesis and replication. The cause of the elevation of transaminase enzymes is unknown but likely has something to do with TM movement of copper in the liver, since we haven't seen transaminase elevations in T M treatment of other diseases, such as cancer. Both side effects tend to occur four to five weeks into treatment, and both respond to halving the TM dose to 10mg 3X daily with meals and 30mg at bedtime. For this reason we are carrying out another double blind study of TM in the neurologic presentation. In this study we are comparing the original TM regimen (120mg daily for eight weeks) with a new regimen consisting of 120mg for two weeks, then 60mg for 14 weeks. In this manner we hope to retain the excellent efficacy of TM in the original regimen, but eliminate, or greatly reduce, the side effects. Finally, we are now initiating a double blind three arm study of TM, trientine, and penicillamine in the hepatic failure presentation of Wilson's disease. There are reasons to think TM will work well in this setting - it is life saving to copper poisoned sheep, who usually die of acute liver failure. In one patient we have studied, restoration of liver function tests to normal was about twice as fast with TM as we typically see with the best current regimen, a combination of trientine and zinc (36). This study is just beginning.

Background on Angiogenesis and Cancer, and Copper and Angiogenesis. Folkman pioneered the concept that tumor growth is dependent on angiogenesis, while angiogenesis is relatively unessential for adults (37-39). This suggested that agents targeting angiogenic factors might be effective anticancer drugs. In the last 15 years this field has seen a great deal of activity, with many pharmaceutical companies searching for and developing antiangiogenic agents (40, 41). The results have been somewhat disappointing (42-44). The reason for the disappointment probably relates primarily to the large number of angiogenic promoters that exist, and are generally available to be recruited by the tumor (40, 41). Pharmaceutical agents generally target one angiogenic promoter. If the tumor is at least partially dependent on that factor, cessation of growth may occur. But the cessation is usually quite temporary, because the tumor, particularly large and advanced tumors, with billions of

Sessler et al.; Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


cells, many constantly mutating, find ways around the block by recruitment of additional angiogenic promoters, and the disease progresses. In the early 1980s work was initiated showing that copper was required for angiogenesis. One model that was used was the cornea of rabbits made modestly copper deficient with a combination of penicillamine and low copper diet (45). Angiogenic substances, such as prostaglandin E placed in the cornea produced angiogenesis in control animals, but angiogenesis was markedly less in copper deficient animals. Brem et al (46) took this a step further and showed that growth of tumors explanted to the brains of rats or rabbits was markedly less in animals made modestly copper deficient, again with a combination of penicillamine and low copper diet. Brem et al (47) also showed that invasion of normal brain tissue by blood vessels was absent in the copper deficient animals, but was occurring aggressively in control animals.

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Tetrathiomolybdate in Cancer Therapy. Being aware of the connections discussed in the preceding section, and coming along with a new, potent, nontoxic anticopper drug in TM, we decided to try TM as a cancer therapy. After a pilot successful initial study of MCA (methylcholanthrene-induced) sarcoma in the mouse (Brewer, unpublished), I joined forces with an oncologist, Dr. Sofia Merajver. She designed an elegant study in Her 2/neu transgenic mice, all of which develop breast cancer during thefirstyear of life. This study was strongly positive in that none of TM treated animals developed visible cancer while most of the controls did during the 221 days of followup (48). Histologic examination of the breasts of TM treated animals revealed small, avascular, clusters of cancer cells. Release of TM treated animals from treatment resulted in growth of typical mammary cancers resembling those of untreated controls. We have gone on to study several other rodent tumor models, including another breast (48), and prostate (49), head and neck (50, 51), and lung (52), all with positive results. TM in combination with either radiation therapy (52) or chemotherapeutic agents (49, 53) leads to at least additive effects. A canine study (pet dogs presenting with a variety of advanced and metastatic cancers), has been positive in that almost half of the TM treated animals had unexpectedly long periods of freedom from progression (54). We have carried out a phase I/II* clinical trial involving 42 patients with a

•Phase I studies primarily look at toxicity of a drug, while phase II studies look at indications of efficacy. A phase I/II study combines the two.

Sessler et al.; Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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257 variety of types of advanced and metastatic cancer (55 and unpublished). In 18 evaluable patients, freedom from progression averaged 11 months, quality of life stabilized, there were occasional exceptional results, with one patient with metastatic chondrosarcoma now out five years without progression. In the meantime, at the University of Michigan and collaborating institutions, we have initiated nine phase II studies of TM treatment in specific cancers. For the most part these involve therapies of advanced disease, some using TM in combination with other agents, some using TM as sole therapy. One paper has been published, on renal cell cancer, with only modest potentially positive results (56). It is too early to report on the others, but results in some seem to be encouraging. My own predictions are that TM will be best in micrometastatic disease (such as modeled by the Her 2/neu study), or at least metastatic disease where the tumor has been greatly reduced by prior or concomitant therapy. An example would be breast cancer with positive nodes, treated by lumpectomy and chemotherapy, and then treated with TM. TM could also play a role in chemoprevention in patients at high risk for cancer. It appears that TM may be a more global inhibitor of angiogenesis than agents developed so far by pharmaceutical companies (48, 57). The reason appears to be that many angiogenic promoters appear to require copper at normal levels. The mechanism of the copper dependence may vary. In some cases the molecule contains copper, in other cases the molecule requires copper for functioning, and in other cases transcription of the molecule appears to be inhibited by lowered copper levels. It is particularly interesting that activity of N F K B , a master regulator of transcription of many cytokines, is copper dependent (48). Cancer is not the only disease dependent on neovascularization. For example, retinopathy is another angiogenic disease. In one animal model of retinopathy, the retinopathy of prematurity, we have been able to strongly inhibit neovascularization with TM (Einer, S, Einer, V, and Brewer, unpublished results).

Background on Cytokines and Inflammatory and Fibrotic Diseases. Organ injury of almost any type can lead to excessive and dysregulated inflammation followed by an excessive and dysregulated fibrotic response. Common examples are various liver injuries (virus, chemical, drug, autoimmune) causing hepatitis and leading to cirrhosis, lung injuries (infection, smoke, near drowning, chemical, autoimmune) leading to pulmonary fibrosis,

Sessler et al.; Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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and kidney injuries of a similar varieties of types, including diabetes, leading to interstitial renal fibrosis (58). The excessive inflammation is mediated by inflammatory cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) and interleukin-1-beta (IL-lp). The excessive fibrotic response is mediated by transforming growth factor beta (TGFß), which activates connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), which activates a whole cadre of collagen genes and other profibrotic genes. In recent years, considerable effort by pharmaceutical companies has been aimed at finding ways to inhibit these cytokines for therapeutic purposes. Considerable success has been obtained with antibodies directed at TNFa or its receptor. Two commercial TNFa antibody products have been proven very successful at treating certain diseases associated with excessive TNFa levels, such as rheumatoid arthritis (59-61), Crohn's disease (62, 63), and psoriasis (64-66).

Tetrathiomolybdate in Treatment of Inflammatory and Fibrotic Diseases. This work started because it seemed to us that the TGFß and CTGF cytokines involved in fibrotic diseases had a high likelihood of sharing the copper dependence of angiogenic cytokines. As a first test of this hypothesis, we studied TM treatment of the bleomycin mouse model (67). In this model, bleomycin instilled into the trachea results in an explosive inflammatory reaction, primarily mediated by TNFa, which peaks at seven days. This is followed by a progressive fibrosis which is severe by 21 days, is dependent on TGFß function and is associated with weight loss. The fibrosis can be visualized histologically, or quantitated biochemically by measuring hydroxyproline, a major amino acid constituent of collagen. TM treatment completely prevented the fibrosis as measured by hydroxyproline and as seen visually, and prevented the weight loss (68). The bleomycin animals had marked increases in TGFß in the lungs, and this increase was largely and significantly prevented by TM therapy (69). We also observed that TNFa expression (in RNA levels) increased markedly in the lungs of bleomycin animals at seven days, and this increase was largely and significantly prevented by TM therapy (69). We were able to show that the TGFß inhibition was independent of prior inhibition of TNFa and inflammation by starting TM therapy after the seven day peak of TNFa and inflammation, and still show inhibition of TGFß and fibrosis. We have extended these studies to the liver, where we are able to show inhibition of the hepatitisfrominjection of concanavalin A by TM (70, 71), and

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inhibition of hepatitis and cirrhosis from carbon tetrachloride injection for 12 weeks (71). These observation open up the possibility of TM therapy for human diseases of excessive inflammation and/or excessive fibrosis, both of which are very numerous, and some of which are quite common. A clinical trial in idiopathic pulmonaryfibrosishas been initiated and others are being planned for psoriasis, primary biliary cirrhosis, scleroderma, and spondyloarthropathies.

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Acknowledgements and Financial Disclosure This work has been supported by grants FD-R-000179 and FD-U-000505 from the US Food and Drug Administration's Orphan Products Office, and by the General Clinical Research Center of the University of Michigan Hospitals, supported by the National Institutes of Health (grant number MO1-RR00042). Dr. Brewer is supported in part by a grantfromAttenuon LLC, San Diego, CA. The University of Michigan has recently licensed the antiangiogenic uses of TM to Attenuon LLC, and Dr. Brewer has equity in and is a paid consultant to Attenuon LLC.

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Sessler et al.; Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.