Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: January 20, 1964. Copyright © 1964 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Borax, Technical Coarse, Fine Gran­ ular and Powdered Boric Acid Technical & U.S.P. Gran­ ular and Powdered V-Bor® Refined Pentahydrate Borax Pyrobor® Dehydrated Borax

In borosilicate glass and enamel, Borax and Boric Acid are sources of Boric Oxide required to impart durability, s t r e n g t h and resist­ ance to thermal shock. Borax is also used in the manufacture of soda-lime-silica glasses, for con­ tainers and tableware, to improve quality and facilitate melting. In glazes, the use of Borax and Boric Acid materially improves the appearance of such products as brick, coping, sewer pipe and electric conduits. Heavier, clearer and brighter glazes result and the danger of crazing is reduced.


LITHIUM Lithium Carbonate BIKALITH® Lithium Ores

In glass, lithia results in m o r e economical batch, lower density, lower thermal expansion, chemi­ cal resistivity, greater durability and desirable electrical proper­ ties. Its s t r o n g f l u x i n g p o w e r improves melting and permits a reduction in total alkali. In glass, e n a m e l s a n d glazes, lithia is useful in a p p l i c a t i o n s which take advantage of its abil­ ity to lower the fusion tempera­ tures. TRONA Lithium Carbon­ ate is a concentrated and refined s o u r c e of l i t h i a , m o s t useful where high purity is important. B I K A L I T H L e p i d o l i t e is a n ideal low melting source of alu­ mina and lithia. Petalite, Spodumene and Amblygonite ores are also available.

Large scale production of LIND­ SAY* rare earth chemicals makes them available for prompt ship­ ment by the gram or the carload. For radiation protective glass, TV tubes, optical lenses, camera lenses, special glasses: C e r i u m Hydrate, Cerium Oxalate, Thor­ ium Oxide, Lanthanum Oxalate, Lanthanum Oxide · For colored glass, sunglasses, goggles, stem­ ware: Cerium Hydrate, Didymium Salts, Neodymium Salts · As opacifiers for vitreous enamel: Cerium Oxide, Cerium Hydrate • As coloring agents for porcelain enamels and stains: Praseodym­ ium and Neodymium Salts · In ceramic control materials for nuclear reactors: Samarium Ox­ ide, Gadolinium Oxide, E u r o ­ pium Oxide · In electronic ceram­ ics: D i d y m i u m S a l t s , Y t t r i u m Salts, Gadolinium Salts. 'TRADEMARK


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