Application of New Microwave Reactors for Food and Flavor Research

Aug 13, 1996 - Division of Chemicals and Polymers, CSIRO, Private Bag 10, Rosebank MDC, Clayton, Victoria 3169, Australia. Biotechnology for Improved ...
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Chapter 26

Application of New Microwave Reactors for Food and Flavor Research

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on April 5, 2016 | Publication Date: August 13, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0637.ch026

Christopher R. Strauss and Robert W. Trainor Division of Chemicals and Polymers, CSIRO, Private Bag 10, Rosebank MDC, Clayton, Victoria 3169, Australia

Continuous and batchwise laboratory-scale microwave reactors have been developed for controlled heating under pressure. Reactions can be conducted safely and conveniently for lengthy periods when necessary, and in the presence of volatile organic solvents if required. The advantages of the microwave technology include the capability for rapid heating and quenching; minimal temperature gradients within the sample; and elimination of wall effects. The processes of interest in food and flavor chemistry include hydrolysis of polysaccharides (e.g. cellulose) and esters, esterification and transesterification, rearrangement, acetalization, isomerization, and synthesis of aminoreductones. High-temperature water facilitated biomimetic processes, involving linalool, nerol, geraniol, and βionone. Indole-2-carboxylic acid and its ethyl ester underwent selective degradation in water or dilute aqueous base at temperatures of 200 °C or greater.

The potential of microwave technology for expediting routine laboratory chemistry, and large-scale chemical processing, prompted our entry into the field in 1988. We believed that if we could resolve technical problems, particularly those associated with the development of microwave equipment for heating organic reactions (7), greater efficiency and new methodologies could result. Therefore our aim was to produce microwave reactors which would be capable of reliable and safe operation with volatile organic solvents at elevated temperatures and pressures. Such dedicated systems have now been developed for continuous (2) and batchwise (3) operations in the laboratory. Their scope has been explored through hundreds of reactions which have been carried out under widely ranging conditions. This report briefly discusses some applications of the CSIRO reactors in food and flavor research.

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Takeoka et al.; Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Microwave Reactors for Food & Flavor Research 273

DISCUSSION The CSIRO Microwave Batch Reactor (MBR). The laboratory-scale MBR (5), is illustrated schematically below (Figure 1). With this system, reactions could be performed under carefully controlled heating, at temperatures up to 260 °C and/or pressures up to 10 MPa (100 atmospheres), and then rapidly cooled.

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Figure 1. Features of the MBR

11 Legend: 1, Reaction vessel; 2, retaining cylinder; 3, top flange; 4, cold-finger; 5, pressure meter; 6, magnetron; 7, microwave forward/reverse power meters; 8, variable power supply to magnetron; 9, stirrer unit; 10, optic fiber thermometer; 11, computer; 12, load matching device; 13, waveguide; 14, microwave cavity (applicator). Microwaves were directed into the plate steel chamber containing the microwave-transparent, but chemically inert reaction vessel, of 20-100 mL operating capacity. The vessel was retained by microwave-transparent fittings, and was equipped with a magnetic stirrer bar, an optic fiber thermometer, and cold-finger cooler. A pressure transducer, relief valve, and sample withdrawal tube/inert gas inlet were all attached to a stainless steel flange which formed a gas-tight seal with the vessel. Wettable surfaces were fabricated from polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyether ether ketone (PEEK) or quartz. Safety aspects have been discussed (1,3). The CSIRO Continuous Microwave Reactor (CMR). The CMR (Figure 2) (2) comprised a microwave cavity fitted with a tubular reaction coil (of microwavetransparent, inert material), which was attached to a metering pump and pressure gauge at the inlet end and a heat exchanger and pressure regulating valve at the effluent end. The product stream could be rapidly cooled, under pressure, immediately after it exited the irradiation zone. Temperature was monitored immediately before and after cooling. Variables such as coil length, flow rate, and control of the applied microwave power, allowed flexible operation of the system. Feed-back microprocessor control allowed the operator to set pump rates and temperatures for heating and cooling of reactions. Changes made to the programmed reaction conditions while the unit was operating, would take effect immediately. With a reaction coil of perfluoroalkoxy

Takeoka et al.; Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



(PFA) Teflon (3 mm i.d. and 6 mm o.d.), the unit could be safely operated at temperatures up to 200 °C and pressures up to 1400 kPa.

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Figure 2. Features of the CMR


Legend: 1, Reactants for processing; 2, metering pump; 3, pressure transducer; 4, microwave cavity; 5, reaction coil; 6, temperature sensor; 7, heat exchanger; 8, pressure regulator; 9, microprocessor controller; 10, product vessel. Advantages of Microwave Heating. Compounds with high dielectric constants (e.g. water and ethanol) tend to heat readily under microwave irradiation, while less polar substances (such as benzene or decane) or compounds with no nett dipole moment (e.g. carbon dioxide) and highly ordered materials (such as ice) are poorly absorbing. This circumstance arises because energy transfer is not primarily by conduction or convection, as with conventional heating, but by dielectric loss (1). The difference in mechanism of heating offers the following advantages for microwave-assisted chemistry with the MBR and CMR: (i) Rapid response. The sample absorbs the energy directly, so the times required for heating up reaction mixtures are short, allowing selectivity in some reactions and enabling operators to efficiently manage their work. (ii) Because the reaction mixture is heated directly, the irradiation chamber does not heat up substantially. When the power is turned off, heat input ceases immediately, an important safety consideration. (iii) There are minimal temperature gradients across the reaction vessel (in the case of the CMR, the vessel is a tube), so the temperature of the material on the wall is not significantly different from that in the body of the reaction mixture. Pyrolysis on the inner wall of the vessel is thus minimized. (iv) Reactions which are known to require high temperatures and consequently high boiling solvents can be carried out under pressure at these temperatures, but in lower boiling solvents, thereby facilitating work-up. (v) Low boiling reactants can be heated to high temperatures under the applied pressure and then cooled before removal from the pressurized zone. Losses of volatiles are thus minimized. Takeoka et al.; Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Microwave Reactors for Food & Flavor Research

(vi) Moderate to high temperature reactions can be carried out in a vessel (or tubing) which is fabricated from an inert material such as PFA Teflon, PTFE, or quartz. This is beneficial where reactants or products are incompatible with metals or borosilicate glass. (vii) Sampling can be carried out whilst material is being processed. In both systems, the conditions can be readily changed during the run. With the CMR, if necessary, reaction mixtures can be subjected to multiple passes. (viii) Both reactors allow unstable products to be quickly cooled at the completion of the reaction. (ix) If solvents of differing polarities are used in a two-phase system, it is possible to differentially heat each phase, or to selectively heat one phase (1,3). (x) The reactors often can be employed complementarity, with small-scale reactions optimized in the MBR, and then readily adapted for continuous processing. Examples. Either or both microwave reactors have been useful for processes such as esterification, amidation, transesterification, rearrangement, acetalization, nucleophilic substitution, hydrolysis of esters and amides, isomerization, decarboxylation, oxidation, elimination, etherification, and formation of aminoreductones. Examples of such reactions have been tabulated (2,3). Solvents. An array of organic solvents has been employed, including acetone, chloroform, methanol, ethyl acetate, ethanol, butanone, acetonitrile, z-propanol, toluene, pyridine, acetic acid, chlorobenzene, propionic acid, DMF, DMSO and hexamethylphosphorous triamide (HMPTA). In some cases, temperatures have been more than 150 °C higher than the boiling point of the solvent at atmospheric pressure, and the heating has been maintained within a narrow temperature range for minutes or hours (in the MBR) as required. By comparison with literature preparations carried out conventionally at lower temperatures under atmospheric pressure, reaction times have been reduced by up to three orders of magnitude. Some procedures which had required many hours at reflux, or days at ambient temperature, have been completed within minutes, and with high selectivity, under microwave heating (1). REACTIONS IN HIGH-TEMPERATURE WATER Interest is developing in the use of aqueous media as an alternative solvent system for organic reactions. Temperatures of 100 °C and below have been employed for synthesis (4-7), often to exploit the hydrophobic effect (8). Conversely, at temperatures approaching supercritical (T = 374 °C) and beyond, water has found degradative applications (9). An objective of our work is to study biomimetic reactions in an aqueous environment at temperatures between 100 and 300 °C. Water has a dielectric constant which decreases from 78 at 25 °C, to 20 at 300 °C (1,9), this latter value being comparable with that of solvents such as acetone at ambient temperature. Thus water can behave as a pseudo-organic solvent, dissolving otherwise insoluble organic compounds at elevated temperatures. This property has allowed us to study the behavior of naturally occurring organic compounds in water directly, without the requirement that such molecules first be derivatized with characteristic waterc

Takeoka et al.; Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




solubilizing groups such as phosphate esters or glycosidic units. In addition, isolation of products is normally facilitated by the decrease in the solubility of the organic material, which occurs upon post-reaction cooling. Significantly, the ionic product (dissociation constant) of water also is greatly influenced by temperature, increasing by three orders of magnitude from 1 0 " at 25 °C to 1 0 - at 300 °C (9). Water is therefore a much stronger acid and base at elevated temperatures than at ambient. These properties of water can be exploited with the microwave reactors, so biomimetic reactions that would normally be acidcatalyzed, can be carried out in the absence of added acidulant. 1 3

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Treatment of Monoterpene Alcohols. In one such series of experiments, geraniol(l), nerol (2) and linalool (3) were each heated in water at 220 °C for 10 min in the MBR. These three terpenols are practically insoluble in water at ambient temperature (10). Additionally, although they are acid labile (11-14), they do not readily react in water at moderate temperature and neutral pH. In unacidified water at 220 °C in the MBR however, the terpenols (1), (2) and (3) rapidly decomposed. The major products and their relative proportions (Table 1), were consistent with those previously reported by others for the carbocationic rearrangement chemistry of derivatives of linalool, nerol, and geraniol under acidic conditions (13,15-16).













Takeoka et al.; Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Microwave Reactors for Food & Flavor Research 277


In the present work, geraniol (1) predominantly afforded the monoterpene alcohols a-terpineol (4) and linalool (3), along with lesser amounts of each of the hydrocarbons, myrcene (5), oc-terpinene (6), limonene (7), y-terpinene (8), the ocimenes (9), a-terpinolene (10) and alloocimenes (11). The cyclic oxide, 2,6,6trimethyl-2-vinyltetrahydropyran (12) was also present as a trace component. Nerol (2) and linalool (3) both underwent considerably more elimination, and hence afforded substantially less of the isomeric monoterpene alcohols (of MW 154), and a greater proportion of the above array of hydrocarbons (of MW 136) than did geraniol (1). The product distributionfromthe reaction of geraniol (1) was also similar to that which is known to resultfromacid-catalyzed degradation of naturally occurring linalyl and geranyl glycosides infruitjuices and wines (77). Table 1. Products from Treatment of Alcohols (1), (2), (3) in Water at 220 °C COMPOUND 2,2,6-trimethyl-2vinyltetrahydropyran Myrcene oc-Terpinene Limonene Ocimenes y-Terpinene a-Terpinolene Linalool Alloocimenes a-Terpineol Nerol Geraniol


(12) (5) (6) (7) (9) (8) (10) (3) (11) (4) (2) (1)

*Product percentagesfromGCMS

PRODUCT DISTRIBUTIONS (%)* Linalool (3) Nerol (2) Geraniol (1) 3 6 3 11 9 2 10 16 4 18 3 9


1 6 12 28 6 9 24 1 2 3 2

10 21 7 7 35 11 3 2

analysis. Products listed in order of increasing retention time.

Treatment of (J-Ionone (13) in Water. Traditional methods for the dehydration of a- and p-ionones to give ionene (14) have involved catalysis by hydriodic acid along with small amounts of phosphorus, or distillative heating in the presence of 0.5% iodine (18). This latter procedure is now known to co-produce about 10% 1,1,6trimethyl-l,2-dihydronaphthalene (19). However, we have found that the cyclization could be effected by merely heating p-ionone in water at 250 °C for twenty minutes in the MBR. The microwave-assisted reaction was not optimized, and proceeded with only moderate conversion. Unlike in the literature method (18), however, the work-up did not require exhaustive washing procedures. O Water/250°/20 min, 30% conversion



Takeoka et al.; Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on April 5, 2016 | Publication Date: August 13, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0637.ch026



Applicability of High-Temperature Water. At first glance, an aqueous environment would not seem a useful medium for conducting dehydrations, such as those observed here for the terpenols and P-ionone. However, dehydration reactions in hightemperature water are not novel, with the conversion of cyclohexanol to cyclohexene having been recently investigated by Kuhlmann et al. (20). Acid catalyzed dehydrations of alcohols usually proceed by El mechanisms, via carbocation intermediates (24-26), so the product distributions obtained here from the monoterpenoids in high temperature water were not unexpected. The results of the thermolyses demonstrate the potential of high-temperature water for the study of biomimetic transformations. Furthermore, they confirm that for certain reactions, elevated temperatures under neutral pH conditions can offer advantages over the use of more acidic (or basic) reagents at lower temperatures. Some microwave-assisted reactions proceed rapidly, in the presence of: (i) less catalyst, (ii) a milder catalyst or, (iii) no added catalyst, as found here. Reactions under Aqueous Conditions in the Presence of Acid. The rapid heating and cooling capabilities of the microwave reactors have also allowed us to conduct high-temperature microwave-assisted reactions in acidic or basic media, to obtain thermally labile products. An example is the acid-catalyzed depolymerization of polysaccharides such as cellulose (15): the generated monosaccharides and oligosaccharides are susceptible to degradation under the conditions of high temperatures in aqueous acid that were conventionally required to hydrolyze the glycosidic bonds at an acceptable rate. Although several sets of satisfactory conditions were obtained with the MBR, the most successful method involved heating a suspension of cellulose in 1% aqueous sulfuric acid,fromambient to 215 °C within 2 minutes, maintaining this temperature briefly, and then rapidly cooling. The entire operation was completed within 4 minutes and glucose (16) was obtained in good yield (3,27). CH OH




l%aq.H S0 MBR/215°/30 sec' 2


HO^V^^°\ OH



J n




Reactions under Aqueous Conditions in the Presence of Base. Many indole derivatives are potent odorants, and others possess highly significant, diverse biological properties which directly influence the metabolism of plants and animals (28-29). Accordingly, reactions involving the indole nucleus are of importance to food and flavor chemistry. In this context, the degradation of 2-carboethoxyindole (17) and indole 2carboxylic acid (18) were investigated. The study confirmed that highly selective reactions could be effected with microwave heating in the MBR. For example, ester (17) was readily hydrolyzed with 0.2 M NaOH, at 200 °C within 10 minutes to afford indole-2-carboxylic acid (18). However, at 255 °C in 0.2 M NaOH for 20 minutes, ester (17) gave indole (19) in excellent yield.

Takeoka et al.; Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Microwave Reactors for Food & Flavor Research 279



0.2 M NaOH

N C0 H H

^ A o




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2000/10 m i n


0.2 M NaOH

E t

2 5 5 0 / 2 0





r^Nj H 9




In neutral water, at 255 °C and 4.2 MPa (c. 42 atmospheres), decarboxylation of indole-2-carboxylic acid (18) was quantitative within 20 minutes, but the corresponding ester (17) underwent only about 20% conversion to indole (19) under these conditions. The presence of only traces of the acid (18) in the product mixture indicated that the hydrolytic step was rate-limiting.

QLl ^



r n C

° 2


QO \\

255^/20 min quantitative



2M*S!mm O L ^ p o 20% conversion \\ ° C

Et 2 E t


Ease of Optimization. In high-temperature water, the thermal range available for synthetic reactions and controlled degradation studies can extend to about 300 °C. For such reactions, optimal conditions may be found to occur only over a narrow range of time and temperature. Yet in other instances, several sets of optima can be established for a given reaction, if longer times are accepted in return for a lower operating temperature or the use of less catalyst (7). WORK BY OTHERS Although the preceding sections have focussed predominantly upon the work of our group, others have recently entered this field and made significant contributions. Among them, Tong et al. (30-31) produced continuous and batchwise microwave reactors for the study of food chemistry, and applied these to thiamin degradation, and Maillard reactions. The latter reactions have also been the subject of separate investigations by Parliment (32), Shibamoto and Yeo (33-35) as well as Hidalgo and Zamora (36-37). Studies on isomerization of eugenol (38), syntheses of dihydroactinidiolide (39), isoflavones (40), and the catalytic transfer hydrogenation of soybean oil (41), highlight the diversity of applications for microwave technology in food and flavor chemistry. CONCLUSION The directness of microwave heating offers several advantages in flavor research. The reaction vessels are usually fabricatedfrommicrowave-transparent inert materials such as PTFE, thereby benefiting product stability and isolation. With microwave heating, thermal gradients within the sample can be minimized, and pyrolytic wall effects are eliminated. The heating and subsequent cooling of samples are rapid, so thermally labile products can be readily isolated.

Takeoka et al.; Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on April 5, 2016 | Publication Date: August 13, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0637.ch026



The CSIRO CMR and MBR were developed for safe, convenient reactions with organic molecules at high temperature and moderate pressure, under controlled and monitored operation. They have afforded excellent reproducibility, essential for process optimization and kinetics studies (42-43). So, despite earlier misgivings by others (44), it has now been demonstrated that microwave-assisted organic reactions can be conducted advantageously without incident, at elevated temperatures, and even for lengthy periods with volatile solvents. Without the development of such reactors, microwave-assisted organic chemistry would have been largely restricted to niche applications involving either open-vessel reactions, or small-scale operations in closed systems (1). Since this technology is new there have been few opportunities so far for its exploitation in the food, flavor and fragrance areas. Hence it offers considerable promise for highly novel research and development activities. LITERATURE CITED

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