Applied Biosystems - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 1, 1989 - Applied Biosystems. Anal. Chem. , 1989, 61 (10), pp 642A–642A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00185a714. Publication Date: May 1989. Copyright © 1989...
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In the fast-moving field of capillary electrophoresis, only the Model 270A puts you in the lead. Harness the power of capillary electro­ phoresis (CE) with high performance instrumentation. For meaningful quan­ titation and reliable analysis, CE's inherent selectivity and resolution must be complemented with accuracy and precision. The Model 270A Analytical Capillary Electrophoresis System is the first fully integrated system designed to meet the stringent demands of quantitative CE. The system you need when every minute, every result, counts.

True quantitation begins with precision and accuracy in both sample injection and column temperature control.The Applied Biosystems Model 270A com­ bines automation with a unique injector design, a thermostatted capillary compartment and proven detector technology to achieve unsurpassed reproducibility of peak areas and electrophoretic mobility. Count on your first results within minutes after installing the Model 270A. Select a preprogrammed separation protocol,

The human serum albumin digest was provided courtesy of Delta Biotechnology Ltd., Nottingham, U.K.

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or create and store your own methods using the interactive display and keypad. The Model 270A is designed for both the novice and the seasoned user of analytical instrumentation. Contact Applied Biosystems today, and join the leaders in advancing capil­ lary electrophoresis from theory to application.

Applied Biosystems