applied mathematics - ACS Publications

the reader, the subject areas have been divided into sections; how- ever, it should be emphasized that the distribution of publications within the dif...
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Applied Mathematics This year’s review lists new journal, general books, and articles pointing out special ones of interest to chemical engineers

his review follows the format introduced last year in which pubT lications outside of chemical engineering are included. T o aid the reader, the subject areas have been divided into sections; however, it should be emphasized that the distribution of publications within the different sections is not unique. The articles and books listed cover roughly the period July 1968 to July 1969. A new journal, Cornfluting Surveys, was introduced this year and a t least one paper (27) in the first two issues is of direct interest since it covers the development of the digital computer as a viable computational tool. T h e December 1968 issue of J . Franklin Znst. also deserves special attention for its coverage of “Modern Aspects of Large Scale System Science.” In particular, the highly intriguing “tearing” method of Kron which decomposes large complex systems into smaller ones is detailed (79,27). It is important to point out the Algorithm section of the Comm. ACM which presents worked out and verified ALGOL algorithms for almost all areas of numerical calculations. As an illustration, Algorithm 351 details a program for a modified Romberg quadrature, which is one of the best and most efficient ways to evaluate a n integral. A number of new general books were published during the past year. These include a superb volume on all aspects of chemical reactor analysis ( 2 ) [see (3)also], a book on system analysis (6) and on computer process control (ZO), a book on the use of moment methods (72),another on the solution of difference equations (23), and a very readable one on numerical analysis (75). A number of articles have been concerned with various aspects of on-line automation of laboratories (7, 77), including a whole issue of a journal ( 2 9 ) . Topological and network analysis have been of interest to a number of writers (5,7, 70, 77, 24, 28), as well as the connection between economic and biological systems (4). Broad articles on the equations of transfer processes (8), the use of multivector calculus and funtions ( 7 3 , 74),random number generation techniques (78,25), Monte Carlo methods (30),and aspects of parallel-type computations (26) have been published. I n ad-

dition, a number of authors (9, 76) have been concerned with aspects of allowing the computer to derive its own differential equations to represent physical systems. Models and Analysis

As expected, a large number of papers in the past year have been devoted to the modeling or simulation of various systems. There have been publications devoted to the use of input-output data to develop mathematical models (33A, 45A) and to various forms of state (not transform) domain models ( Z I A , 46A). One paper was concerned with model simplification ( Q A ) , and another was a pioneer effort in the reaction system area (47A). Simulation details for tubular reactors ( 6 A ) , batch distillation (76A), rubber plants (79A), refining networks (34A), styrene production (35A), ammonia synthesis (36A), heat exchangers (&A), production plants (47A, 42A), and reservoir behavior ( 4 8 A ) have been presented. The special cases of staged systems have also been analyzed ( 7 A , 25A, 37A) and, in particular, for diffusion cascadcs (ZZA), reverse osmosis (23A), and plate distillation columns ( 3 9 A ) . Hybrid simulation methods have been analyzed ( 5 4 7 3 A ) and thr cell model approach to systems has been detailed (7A, 8A, 20A). T h e analysis of the models or mathematical representations of reaction systems or chemical reactors has been detailed ( 1 7 4 49A). Such items as effectiveness factors (30A, 4 3 A ) , the influence of axial diffusivity (504 57A), and mixing phenomena ( 7 4 A ) in tubular reactors have been presented. T h e pioneering analysis of the Amundson-Ark-Luss group on various aspects of reaction and biochemical systems has continued in the past year (2A-4A, 72A, 26A-29A, 3 8 A ) . These papers should be required reading for all those interested in analysis of detailed and complex systems. Residence-lime and Probability

Publications continue in the area of residence-time or moment analysis as a vehicle for model building and in those areas which VOL. 6 1

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involve stochastic phenomena. As an illustration, residence-time analysis of turbulent bed contactors (5B), mixing models ( 7 B ) , coupled and multicomponent systems (98),two-phase flow in packed beds (7413),fluid beds (23B, 27B), spray towers (25B), packed beds (77B, 35B), adsorption in packed beds (34B), and selectivity systems (32%)have been presented, Further work on specifically reducing the model of a system by analyzing its moment distribution (IOB), using imperfect pu1sr.s in fluid beds (Z8R), and for nonlinear systems where superposition does not hold ( 7 B ) have also been reported. This approach is also of interest in dispersion phenomena in different systems (4B,6B, 73B). Stochastic effects have been noted in chemical reactor problems (ZSB), in distributions in catalysts (798, 37B), and in particulate processing (ZOB). The last paper is highly recommended reading for material in this area. Further work on unfolding a distribution into its parts ( Z B ) ,on analyzing a system with random outputs derived from a deterministic tracer input ( Z Z B ) , and on the concept of fuzzy events (36B)has been detailed.

Periodic System

Periodic systems have been of interest to many workers in the past year. Such systems can evolve from a variation in the parameters of the system (8C, 9C), from the structure of the system itself (ZC, 7C, 77C-73C, 77C),including a limit cycle system (3C, 6 C ) or a vibrating string (75C), and from a periodic forcing function. I n the latter case, work has been reported on feed concentration perturbations to tubular reactors (4C) and to a diffusion flame (5C), heat pulses for conduction studies in fluids (79C), and sinusoidal inputs to general systems (74C). An analysis of cyclic distillation control (22C)has also been reported.

Analytical Techniques

In this section, we mention papers which have used analytical mathematics to solve the problem under investigation, This is taken to mean closed form or asymptotic solutions as distinct from numerical solutions. As expected, the largest area of investigation deals with the solution of partial differential equations, PDE. Thus, we note the solution of wave flow (40), moving boundary diffusion problems (?OD), liquid distribution in packed beds ( 7 ID),concentration fields near electrodes (730),photoreaction systems (750, 3 6 0 ) , nonisothermal flow between rotating disks (760),liquid drop profiles (ZOD), adsorption in fixed beds (ZZD), Stokes flow equations ( 2 7 0 ) , diffusion and chemical reaction near an interface (370), gas-solid reactions ( 3 2 0 ) , ordinary and forced diffusion ( 3 5 0 ) , laminar convection ( 3 7 0 ) , multicomponent mass transfer (do), and oxygen adsorption by blood (431)). Other papers have dealt with an asymptotic representation for parabolic PDE’s ( 5 D ) , the question of Laplace’s equation and elliptic problems in general ( 6 0 , 2 5 0 ) , and of the chromatographic column ( 2 7 0 ) . This last paper has a superb analysis of the previous literature in the field. Other papers in this area have dealt with integral transforms and methods for parabolic equations ( 2 3 0 ) , shock studies (ZO), and reaction in porous catalysts (780), with a closure method for converting an infinite dimensional problem into an equivalent finite dimensional problem ( 3 0 ) , a n imbedding procedure for connecting local and global properties ( 2 8 0 ) , and maximum properties of O.D.E.’s ( 4 2 0 ) . Finally, there has been some interesting work using Laplace transforms for drying problems ( 7 0 ) , on generalized inverse transforms ( g D ) , Fourier transforms (770), on the application of generalized finite integral transforms ( 3 3 0 ) ,and the use of transform techniques for heat flow systems ( 2 4 0 ) .


The field of optimization continues to generate a vast flow of research papers which span the spectrum from the very theoretical to the practical. Work in the linear programming area continues (4E, 29E, 47E, 49E, 55E, 58E, 64E, 70E), with the main themes being extensions or reviews of the standard approach. Three books in the nonlinear programming area have appeared (70E, 27E, 69E). Other special methods, such as separable programming (ZOE), integer programming (24E, 67E, 67E, 69E), convex 44


programming (40E), quadratic programming (45E), stochastic programming (76E),and geometric programming (%E,3523) have also rcceived attention. Papers dealing with programming with increasing constraints (S‘E), rnultiple or vector objective functions (74E), the usc of the Kuhn-Tucker conditions (28E), and with many aspects of game theory (37E, 43E, 44E, 53E) have also appeared. The Davidon method of optimization has been investigated in Hilbert space (37E) and for regression problcms (G3E), while an improved version of Rosenbrock’s method has been prrscnted and used for optimization of an existing reactor system (59E). Thc two-level method of optimization has received further attention (5E, 8E), as well as a means for determining a relative minimum without calculating derivatives (7E). The question of optimization of design calculations has also been analyzed in two most interesting and readable papers (75E, 4ZE). I n the applications area, some of the theoretical approaches have found extensive use. Thus, various authors have been concerned with production scheduling (79E, 4723)and with optimization of complete chemical processes ( I E , 38E, 39E), communication networks (48E), plant location (60E), separation-blending problems (54E), allocation of resources (6223) and natural gas transmission networks (66E). Further papers have considered convex allocation ( 3 E ) ,the optimization of large interconnected systems (77E), the optimization of chemical reactors with a delayed addition of reactant (33E), and the adiabatic reacior sequence with cold shot cooling (SE, 78E, 30E). Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming continues to interest many research workers in the allocation, optimization, and control areas. I n particular, a number of authors have been concerned with the reduction of computer memory requirements (7F, 7F, 74F), with extensions and further developments of the theory (#F, 70F), and with stochastic problems (ZF, 8 F ) . Definitive applications to the Kronigsberg bridge problem ( 3 F ) , the linear-quadratic control problem (SF),water resource and capital allocations (6F, 9 F ) , hospital patient care ( 7 7 F ) , the shortest route problem (TZF), and some control systems (73F)have been detailed in the past year. Invarianf Imbedding

Invariant imbedding i? a variation of dynamic programming which has certain advantages over the more well-known Bellman technique. As such, it has found application for analyzing the asymptotic behavior of systems (1G),scattering processes (2G), calculating eigenvalues ( 3 G ) , and evaluating integral equations (5G). Further interest in its use in biological systems (4G),countercurrent dialyzers (GG), and optimization problems (76, 8 G ) have been reported. Stability

The publications dealing with stability of systems continues at a fast pace. Pioneer work comparing the adiabatic CSTK (an ODE system) with the catalyst particle (a PDE system) in all guises ( Z H ) has been presented, as well as work on stability of distributed systems which does not require steady-state information (5ZH). Other papers dealing with stability of distributed systems have been presented (4ZH, 43H, 64H, 74H, 75H). I n addition, an excellent new book (G6N) in this area has recently become available. Further papers of interest have analyzed stability in autorefrigerated reactors (57H), Marangoni phenomena in unsteady diffusion (32H), coupled reaction and diffusion in opcn systems (59H), solid-liquid interfaces (77H), an enclosed laminar flame (ZZH), stochastic equations (48H), the Kiccati equation (ZOH, 45H), and finite-difference equations (46H). Stability of various fluid devices has been analyzed (73H, 28H) and applied to viscosity stratification (74H, 47H), Poiseuille flow in pipes (78H, 37H), wave propagation in channels (30H),flow down an inclined plane (34H),fluid in a rotating pipe (60H),and a liquid jet (79H). Popov’s test for stability has been further analyzed ( 3 H ) and ap-

Leon Lapidus is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, N . J . T h i s is the author’s second year to compile the Fundamentals Annual Reuiew on Applied Mathematics. AUTHOR

plied to an adiabatic packed bed reactor (37H). Zubov’s method also has been examined and extended in terms of a Lie series for global stability ( I H ) , while a stochastic form of Lurie’s approach has been developed (53H,55H, 56H). Stability via Liapunov’s method has also received attention during the past year. A review paper is available (68H),as well as one detailing methods of construction of Liapunov functions (35H). Szego’s method of construction has been analyzed (38H) and. the use of higher derivatives examined (8H). One paper has examined the Liapunov approach to population genetics (27H),while another has applied Krasovskii’s version to high dimensional reaction systems (4H). The application of a Liapunov function as a control algorithm has also been detailed (9H, 77H, 50H, 62H). Optimal Control

The field of optimal control is rapidly reaching the point where definitive textbooks are available. Thus, in the past year, a number of excellent texts (71, 731, 281, 321, 501, 621, 951) have been published. Three others are highly recommended for all workers in this area (91, 471, 691). Papers have been published dealing with time-optimal control (81),various types of delays (31, 141, 241, 271, 371, 651, 661, 981), singular control (41, 741,851),suboptimal control (21,171,541,581, 681, 921), and stochastic control (51, 461, 521, 771, 891, 971). Other papers have dealt with the synthesis of control (IOZ), the computational aspects of control (761, 271, 341, 371), control in Banach space (221),the connection of game theory to control (231), a survey of incorrect problems in control (361),a general theory of extremals (561),the inclusion of constraints (471, 571, 901), the use of singular perturbations (701), the application of the sweep method (721), the pursuit problem (801),the connection to programming techniques (201, 971), and the discrete maximum principle (291). There has been an excellent review article (191),consideration of a vector-type index (601), extensions to the linear-quadratic problem (251, 331, 862, 941), consideration of modal control which adjusts the system eigenvalues (871),work on control of growth processes (551), consideration of hospital in-patient admission (61), excellent discussions of the application of control theory to economic problems (151, 492), and application to batch polymerization reactors (351), reactors with catalyst decay (591),and tubular reactors (671). The sensitivity analysis of control systems has also been actively pursued during this past year. This work includes two superb summaries of work to date (451, 881),an adaptive sensitivity analysis (38Z), performance index sensitivity analysis (391, 441), plus others of interest in this area (261,641, 771, 751, 761, 821, 931). While most of the above references deal with the control of lumped-parameters systems, extensive work was also carried out on distributed-parameter systems. An excellent survey was presented ( 7 71), computational considerations were discussed (731), and integral constraints were analyzed (791). Other papers in this area covered such topics as the control of heated slabs ( 7 1 , 481), tubular reactors (121), and general systems (991-1071). Identification

This area of investigation spans the parameter-estimation problem in which a system model is partially specified and includes the black-box problem in which no a priori information about the model is known. I n all cases, experimental data are required to complete the specification of the problem. I n terms of parameter estimation, a number of papers have been published dealing with estimation of chemical rate constants (7.25, 33J), parameters in packed beds ( 2 7 J ) ,for plants (38J, 39J), recirculating systems (20.7, 27J), and to designing experiments to aid in the estimation (25J, 29J). Not only have ODE systems been examined in this sense, but also PDE systems (3J,5J,47J, 48J). General papers on identification have been reported (6J, 245), as well as a paper using Hermite funtions (55J), one involving residuals ( Q J ) one , using only normal operating inputs and outputs ( I O J ) , one discussing white noise corrupted output measurements ( 4 5 4 , and one deriving a feedback control law as a linear function of past observations (75). The question of observability of systems has been analyzed ( 7 5 , 74J, 30J, 37J, 44J), as well as the use of observers when state variables are only partially measurable (4J,35J, 41J). A specific learning algorithm for identification has been proposed ( 5 7 J )and an outstanding review of pattern classification algorithms pub-

lished (225). The latter paper is of decided interest since pattern recognition is, in many aspects, really identification. Optimal filtering as due to Kalman has also received considerable attention (25, 77J, 265, 32J, 435, 5.25, 53J, 60J). Here, we seek to estimate the states of a system in the presence of noise on the measurements. The connection to sensitivity analysis ( 7 8 J ) and to Monte Carlo techniques (795)has been presented, as well as an on-line filtered investigation of a tubular reactor with catalyst decay (16J). Numerical-Approximation

The past year has seen a number of interesting papers dealing with polynomial or alternate approximation of many functions. One book (77K) has presented actual computer programs and codes for evaluating Chebyshev series, continued fractions, and asymptotic series, while two papers ( I K , 3 K ) have been concerned with spline functions. Orthogonal polynomials have been analyzed (2K, 7 5 K ) and, in particular, Chebyshev approximations in all forms (8K-70K, 17K, 33K). An excellent book dealing with Chebyshev polynomials has also been published (12K). Chebyshev quadrature ( d K ) , as well as Gauss (7K, 7dK, 25K) and Clenshaw-Curtis quadratures (24K), has been investigated. The numerical evaluation of the convolution integral (32K),further remarks on Romberg-type integration (79K),and straight-line ( 2 6 K ) and exponential (31K) approximate algorithms have been detailed. I n addition, the Laguerre polynomial for smoothing and extrapolation (22K),and approximation for pure time delay (27K),and interval-interpolation for mass transfer problems (ZOK), and the evaluation of Volterra integral equations ( 6 K , 76K, 78K, 27K, 28K) have all been the subject of publications. Numerical-linear


I n this area of investigation, a number of papers dealt either with the direct solution of a set of linear algebraic equations or with the calculation of an inverse coefficient matrix. I n particular, optimal scaling of the matrix elements (5L, 3015) and the influence of the pivot size ( 6 L ) were detailed. Further papers dealt in an equivalent sense with special tridiagonal and block matrices ( Z Z L ) , the use of conjugate gradient methods (34L), partitioning (38L), the conversion to Hessenberg form (37L), and the LR (32L), QL (33L), and QR (37L) algorithms. Another paper analyzed the special class of tridiagonal matrices which result from a finitedifference conversion of ODE (40L). The calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors was also of interest in the past year. Papers dealing with the calculation of these items for tridiagonal matrices (70L) and for general matrices (78L) have appeared, as well as papers dealing with mean eigenvalues (3L), maximum eigenvalues (73L, 74L), a separation theorem for eigenvalues (75L), the condition of a matrix to assure all negative real eigenvalues (QL),the use of iteration (42L) and inverse iteration (50L) to calculate eigenvalues, and an analysis of round-off error in such calculations (7L). Three papers have also proposed certain test matrices which can be used to check any computer routine which calculates eigenvalues (72L, 76L, 36L). The Riccati matrix equation has been the subject of a number of papers (ZOL,24L, 57L), as well as the Penrose generalized or pseudoinverse matrix (27L, 35L, 45L). I n addition, serial and parallel addition involving the pseudoinverse ( 2 L ) and a n analog method of calculation of this inverse matrix (2QL)have been presented. Other papers in the linear algebra area have dealt with round-off and stability considerations in evaluating a determinant (25L), evaluating the determinant of a pentadiagonal matrix (47L), the appearance and use of tridiagonal matrices in chemical engineering (23L)and in network synthesis (53L),the algebraic properties of certain special matrices ( I L ) ,commenting on tensor notation (77L, 79L, 47L), and calculating the eigenvalues of Fredholm integral equations (27L). Finally, we mention the use of projection methods for solving linear equations (4QL)and to generate artificial straight-line reaction paths in a Prater-Wei-type analysis

(44L). Numerical-Ordinary

Different Equations

Interest in the numerical solution of ODE’Scontinued during the past year. Excellent review articles were published which, as an illustration, compared the single- and multiple-step methods on VOL. 6 1

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different systems in terms of accuracy, stability, and computation times (ZM, 5 M , 7 7 M ) . These papers are outstanding in delineating the various features of the numerical methods. Stability features have been analyzed. Thus, one author described the use of Pade approximations to yield A-stable algorithms ( 7 M ) , another author developed a theorem for stability of predictor-corrector methods ( Q M ) another , developed a sufficient and almost-necessary condition for A-stable methods ( 7 3 M ) , and A-stable high-order methods were suggested ( 7 6 M ) . I t has also been shown that a suitable combination of the predicted and corrected values can be used to extend the region of stability ( 2 3 M )in predictor-corrector methods. Other papers have included the use of spline functions rather than polynomials ( 3 M ) , the use of multiple-step methods to solve Volterra integral-differential equations ( 74M), a n analysis of stiff equations ( 7 5 M ) , new details on implicit Runge-Kutta methods ( 2 4 M ) . and a means to accelerate converEence of single-step methods (25M). A hvbrid version of Nordsieck’s method (7OM) and a hybrid method for the case of a second-order O D E with no first derivative (6.U) have been proposed. These hybrid forms use special off-step points in the integration space to achieve higher accuracy. In addition, two further papers have proposed algorithms for the above special second-order ODE (72M,2 2 M ) . T h e integration of ODE’S in chemical reaction systems ( 7 M ,27iM) and in sequences of CSTR’s ( 4 M )have also been reported. I


Differential Equalions

T h e numerical solution of PDE’s has been the subject of a large number of papers in the past year. Considering purely parabolic PDE’s work dealing with the method of moments (IN), the explicit Saulyev stable algorithms ( 7 N , 4 5 N ) , various versions of the successive over-relaxation method (46N, 6 7’V, 7 8 N ) , generalized alternating direction methods (23’VV, 26!V, 27N, 37N, 3 9 N ) , various boundary conditions (5IAr, 751V), round-off error analysis ( 5 Q N ) , high order and stable procedures ( 2 N , 28N), and periodic systems ( 5 2 N )have all been reported. I n terms of elliptic PDE’s, invariant imbedding ( 5 N ) and dynamic programming ( 6 N ) have been proposed to solve this essentially boundary value problem. Further, convergence of difference schemes (9.\’),special boundary conditions ( 3 8 N ) ,successive line over-relaxation ( 7 9 N ) ,and accelerating a relaxation algorithm (441V) have been detailed. A conversion to boundary-value form for hyperbolic PDE’s has also been presented (3ON),as well as the use of multistep methods in two-space variables ( Z 8 N ) . I n more general terms, three new books in this area have been published (Z5N, 29N, 7 Q N ) ,the use of weighted residuals has been discussed (24iV), and analog and hybrid techniques have been outlined (77N, 48N, 4 Q N ) . Other work of interest has involved a preconditioning of matrices to achieve convergence in iterative methods ( Z l N ) ,finite diffcrencing for high-order derivatives ( S Z N ) , convergence of general matrices in a Jacobi iteration (65.V), construction and comparison of different difference schemes (7UN, 72N), use of parallel solution methods (841X’), convergence and stability of difference schemes (341V, 47X), and iterative solution of large problems (68N, SZiV). I n an applications sense, PDE’s involving cold front motion (3N), transport of turbulence ( 4 N ) , supersonic two-dimensional gas flow (SlV), the Navier-Stokes equation ( 7 I N , 72N), ion exchange bed problems ( 7 4 N ) , a global ocean model ( 7 5 N ) , neutron transport (76iV), diffusion in pulsating flow ( Z Z N ) , almost compressible flow ( 3 2 N ) , transient flow in porous media (36N), stochastic control systems ( 4 3 N ) ,Stokes flow (SON),laminar flow over spheres ( 5 7 N ) , two-dimensional elastic flow ( 5 6 N ) , parametric pumping ( 5 7 N , 64iXr, 7 3 N ) , diffusion-convection problems (58h‘),thin plate heat transfer ( 6 7 N ) , dissolution of solid cylinders by a laminar flowing fluid ( 6 9 N ) ,freezing of a saturated solution ( 7 4 N ) ,countercurrent heat exchange (7G1V, SON), inviscid compressible flow (77N), transient shock waves (87iV), and reverse osmosis ( 8 3 N ) have all been investigated.


Value Problems

Two-point boundary value problems occur in many fields of scientific and engineering interest. A new book covers both the theory and appIications in a superb fashion (740),while a second book presents many interesting cxamples (50). A series of papers



on nonlinear boundary value problems has been presented which emphasize Galerkin’s method (60-80), and an equivalent method has been applied to convection (700) and reactor design problems (720). Other papers have proposed a globally convergent shooting method ( I O ) , analyzed the use of contraction mapping (ZOO), detailed the use of invariant imbedding ( 2 0 )and quasilinearization ( l Q O ) , and suggested the use of cubic spline functions (30). Further work has analyzed the integration of inherently unstable boundary-value problems (QO), the use of Banach space (730),asked questions on convergence ( 7 7 0 , 780) and instability of discretization algorithms in such problems (250), and discussed the problems in reaction systems (260) and boundary layer equations ( 7 7 0 ) . An initial adjoint boundary value search method in optimal control problems has been described ( 7 5 0 ) , as well as in general adjoint systems ( 2 7 0 ) . Numerical-Data


Data and statistical analysis continues to interest many workers. New books on evolutionary operation ( 4 P ) and spectral analysis ( 73P)are recommended. Least-squares and regression procedures have been applied in many situations. These include a special data form ( 6 P ) , a comparison with the method of averaging ( Q P ) , a two-dimensional analysis ( 7 8 P ) ,and a superb paper on the whole question of least-squares (ZOP). Applications for the Schrodinger equation (ZP), a crystallization process (74P), and chemical reaction orders (7QP) have been reported. T h e stepwise regression method ( 5 P ) , design of experiments for regression ( 7 5 P ) , pitfalls of regression (23P), and the use of the Davidon algorithm (24P) are also of interest. Other papers have indicaied methods of transforming experimental data (3P, 7OP),of fitting non-Newtonian viscosity data ( S P ) , and they have presented case histories of the statistical analysis of real complex systems (12P, 76P). Numerical-Root


A number of papers have discussed various versions of Newton’s method for solving nonlinear algebraic equations ( 4 4 , 74,SQ). Another papcr showed how to obtain an optimal initial approximation for Newton’s mpthod of evaluating a square root ( 5 Q ) , and another square root algorithm was proposed ( Q Q ) . Other topics in this area of investigation included a general method for solving nonlinear algebraic equations ( 3 Q ) , another which operated in Banach space ( I Q ) , and a detailed investigation of parallel-type algorithms (GQ).

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