Applied Research Laboratories, Inc

affordable for every laboratory.Since then, the 3510has established a solid reputation as a cost-effective, high- performance analytical instrument. N...
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TheARL3510PC Spectrometer ARL Expands ICP Capabilities With IBM Technology It was the ARL 3510 that made the benefits of sequential ICP analysis affordable for every laboratory. Since then, the 3510 has established a solid reputation as a cost-effective, highperformance analytical instrument. Now, ARL has optimized the 3510's performance with the incorporation of the IBM PC. The 3510 PC, driven by custom software, represents the stateof-the-art in ICP analysis. And it's still affordable. The 3510 PC offers an expanded color graphics program, for faster, more

accurate methods development. New menu-driven programs, selected via function keys, mean faster, easier operation. For instant procedural assistance, simply strike the HELP key; hit it once for a three-line prompter, or twice to view the operator's manual right on your monitor. Your organizational capabilities will be increased with a software companion program. It gives you an on-screen "notebook" for application notes, an instrument scheduling function, and a calculator you can call up at anytime.

ARL Applied Research Laboratories, Inc. 9545 Wentworth St., P.O. Box 129, S u n l a n d , C A 9 1 0 4 0 (818)352-6011 CIRCLE 5 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Of course, the 3510 PC still offers all its original benefits: the industry's highest resolution for minimal spectral overlap, the widest range of sample introduction systems available, and guaranteed wavelength stability without constant rechecks or time-consuming recalibration procedures. The 3510 PC provides a rare combination of affordability and state-of-the-art performance. To learn more about how it can benefit your operation, contact ARL today.