APPLIED SCIENCE Laboratories, Inc

macy student willfind it a lucid compi- lation of basic concepts inanalytical techniques. Absorptionsspeklralanalyse im ul- travioletten, sichtbaren u...
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mend it. It is clearly and simply written, the author has no pretensions of exhaustively covering the material, yet he manages to extract the essence of the principles of each analytical tool he discusses and he does this at a reasonably high level of sophistication. There are however a few quibbles one can take with the author. The author is obviously enamored of titrimetric techniques and considering the limitations of this technique—i.e., sensitivity and specificity—it is perhaps overemphasized. Particularly since fluorometric assays for drugs, which are gaining more and more acceptance, are given fairly short shrift in this book. Second, it is not clear how a section on elemental analysis fits in with the author's concept of this book, especially when it could have been replaced, with a section on some of the newer approaches in determining structure—e.g., neutron activation analysis. Finally, one might question the decision of the author to give answers to only some of the problems listed at the end of each subsection.



Nevertheless, these shortcomings are mild and the book is eminently readable; it obviously reflects a great deal of thought in the organization and presentation of the material. The pharmacy student will find it a lucid compilation of basic concepts in analytical techniques. Absorptionsspektralanalyse im ultravioletten, sichtbaren und infraroten Gebiet. J. Derkosch. xi + 487 pages. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. Frankfurt/Main 1967. DM 68.

Reviewed by H. A. Flaschka, Dept. of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. 30332. In the preface the author describes the goal of his book in part as follows : " . . . wird es in diesem Buch unternommen, die unterschiedlichen Anwendungsmôglichkeiten, die unterschiedlichen Arbeitsmethoden, aber auch die gemeinsamen apparativen Grundlagen darzulegen. Es wendet sich nicht so sehr an den Fachspektroskopiker als an die Analytiker, seien es Chemiker, Physiker, Mediziner, Biologen oder ande're Naturwissenschaftler Dementsprechend werden die theoretischen Grundlagen nur soweit behandelt, als es unbedingt erforderlich schien." How much theoretical knowledge is necessary for the application of a method and the use of an instrument? This question has always been a point of heated discussion and may be debated again in connection with this book. What benefit will the nonspecialist derive from some of the rather involved formulae ?

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