April 5, 1961 COMMUNICATIONS meric structure (I11 or VI).6 In these

April 5, 1961. COMMUNICATIONS. TO THE EDITOR. 1769 meric structure (I11 or VI).6 In these latter structures the ultraviolet maximum is at a some-...
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April 5, 1961

meric structure (I11 or VI).6 I n these latter structures the ultraviolet maximum is a t a somewhat longer wave length than expected for a simple cyclopentenone. This bathochromic shift may be attributed to interaction between the nonconjugated double bond in the four-membered ring and the cyclopentenone chromophore,s as indicated by excited state VIII. Light induced migration of the carbonyl carbon gives rise to excited state I X which can collapse to ground state VIIa. Hydrolysis of VIIa via the hemiketal leads directly to ester X. In accord with prediction based upon this mechanistic picture, irradiation of 7-thujaplicin methyl ether (XI) in methanol gave XI1 (other unidentified products are formed). Satisfactory analyses have been obtained for all new compounds.





VIIa j.



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Methinophosphide (HCP) has been prepared by passing phosphine through a low intensity (50-100 amperes, 25 volts) rotating arc struck between graphite electrodes contained in a watercooled copper reactor. a The average operating pressure was 40 mm. and the gaseous products were quenched in traps maintained a t - 196". In a typical arc experiment, 20 g. of PH, was treated in about one hour.4 The condensable volatile products, HCP and acetylene in 1: 4 molar ratio with traces of phosphine and ethylene, were separated on a gas-chromatographic column (helium carrier gas, ethyl N,N-dimethyl oxalamate partition fluid, silica gel support). A large excess and fast throughput of helium were necessary to minimize loss of H C P through polymerization. HCP is a very reactive colorless gas, stable to storage in the pure state only a t temperatures below its triple point of -124 A 2'. The vapor pressure a t this temperature is approximately 30 mm. The monomer polymerizes slowly a t -130' and more rapidly a t -78' to a black solid. Both the monomer and the freshly formed polymer are extremely pyrophoric when exposed to air, even a t low temperatures. However, on prolonged standing, the insoluble and infusible polymer becomes considerably less reactive. Anal. Calcd. for (HCP),: H, 2.27; C, 27.28; P, 70.45. Found: H, 2.95; C, 26.77; P, 71.07. This establishes the empirical proportions of the monomer since no other products are formed in the polymerization. There are two possible monomeric structures, H-C=P and H-P=C, and numerous polymeric structures that can be assigned. Analysis of the mass spectrum of this compound out to 204 m./e. units lends strong support to a monomeric formulation, since no peaks a t 8s (dimer) or 132 (trimer) were detectable. The data, however, do not distinguish between H C P and H P C structures because rearrangement, i.e., hydrogen migration, is common in mass spectral analyses of unsaturated m./e.



Acknowledgment.-This work was supported in part by Grants A-709(C7) and CY-4253, National Institutes of Health. The authors are indebted to Crown-Zellerbach, Inc., Dr. J. A. F. Gardner and Professor T. Nozoe for samples of thujaplicins. ( 5 ) 0. L. Chapman and D. J. Pasto, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 82, 3642 (1960). (6) National Science Foundation Cooperative Predoctoral Fellow, 1959-1961. (7) National Institutes of Health Predoctoral Fellow, 1969-1961.

45 44 43 32 31 22 15'/z 13 12

Rel. intensity

1 . 3 (theor. 1.29)5 100 16.7

1.4 12.1 4.0 0.5 3.1 3.7

(1) The literature contains relatively few references to the carbonphosphorus triple bond. W.B. Shober and F . W. Spanutius [J.A m .

DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY WILLIAM G . DAUBEN Ckem. SOC.,16, 229-232 (1894)] claim a synthesis of NaCP, without OF CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY analytical data, but their work could not be confirmed in this laboraBERKELEY 4. CALIFORNIA KAY KOCH^ tory. H. Albers [ A n g e v . Chcm., 62, 443-467 (1950)l discusses the DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY existence of HCP and HCAs. IOWA STATEUNIVERSITY 0. L. CHAPMAN (2) In ylides, RIPCRI, the P-C bond certainly has multiple bond AMES,IOWA s. L. SMITH' character but the ionic form is probably the major contributor to the RECEIVED JANUARY 23, 1961 ground state. HCP, A UNIQUE PHOSPHORUS COMPOUND

Sir: We wish to report the first' successful synthesis of a trivalent phosphorus compound that unquestionably contains a multiple P-C bond.

(3) The hollow cathode was positioned coaxially with a cupshaped anode so that a conical arc curtain was maintained. (4) Long operating times were precluded in our arc apparatus because of plugs of red and yellow phosphorus from thermal decomposition of PHI. This disproportionation accounted for the major portion of phosphorus values introduced into the reactor and resulted in very low yields of condensable off-gases (0.5-1.0 g.). (5) T t j s value is based on intensity of 44 peak for HCnP and Clip *. +





VOl. s3

compounds and, in fact, m./e. peaks assignable to both HC+ and H P + were observed. The infrared spectrum of solid H C P monomer a t -196" is wholly consistent with the H C P structure. The fundamentals are given below and compared with those found for solid HCN a t the same temperature. There is also a band in

frared bands a t 6.28, 6.70, 6.95, 7.05, 8.05 and 14.40 p. An ethereal solution of 11, prepared from 10 g. of I, after washing with aqueous ammonium chloride and water, was treated with oxygen for 30 min. The violet color faded to orange-yellow. On bubbling dry hydrogen chloride into the solution, the odor of thiophenol immediately became (cm. -1) Assignment K (dynes/crn. 106) evident2 and a deep orange precipitate settled from HCP 3180 C-H str. 5.4 solution. The solid was dissolved in acetone, HCN 3120 C-H str. 5.4 preciDitated by water and recrystallized as dark HCP 1263 C-P str. S.7 ied nkedles (IfI) from acetone, 4.45 g. (GO%), m.p. HCK 2 120 C-N str. 16.2 193.5-195". HCP 67 1 C-H bend HCN 8306 C-H bend Anal. Calcd. for C23H1602:C, S5.20; H , 4.96. Found: C, 85.19; H , 5.09. From the mother the H C P spectrum a t 1354 cm.-' which appears to be the first overtone of the C-H bending vibra- liquors, small amounts of two colorless compounds tion and a weak broad band a t 812 cm.-l that could C23H&, m.p. 181" (0.7 g.) and 280" (0.25 g . ) be a combination band of the C-H bending with and 0.4 g. of 2,4,4,6-tetraphenylthiapyran(IV) a lattice vibration. There is no absorption in the imp. 156-157", were obtained. The red compound I11 (0.4 9.) was dissolved in 2350-2440 cm. -l region characteristic of P-H 15 ml. of acetic anhydride containing 6 drops of stretch. Further support for the HC=P structure was sulfuric acid and refluxed for 4 hr. After cooling, obtained from the reaction of the monomer with the reaction mixture was poured into 150 nil. of excess anhydrous HC1 a t -110" Under these ice-cold 20yo perchloric acid. The microcrystalline yellow product was recrystallized from glacial conditions, CH3PC12was the sole product. acetic acid as canary-yellow platelets of 3-acetoxy(6) T h e value for HCN(g) is 712 cm.-'. T h e marked shift to higher 2,4,6-triphenyLpyrylium perchlorate ( l r ) , 0.3 g. wave numbers suggests strong hydrogen bonding in solid KC>-, (GO%), m.p. 230-231.5". -4naZ. Calcd. for G5COSTRIBUTION No. 661 C E X T R A L RESEARCH DEPARTMEST H19C10;: C, 64.31; H , 4.10; C1, 7.60. Found: EXPERIJIESTAL STATION T. E. GIER C, 64.09; H , 4.16; C1, 7.53. The same product E. I. DU PONTDE NEMOURS AND COMPASY was obtained by the reaction of benzalacetophenone \ ~ I L M I N G T O N , DELAWARE with phenacyl acetate in acetic anhydride containRECEIVED JAXARY 19, 1961 ing perchloric acid. The infrared spectra were identical and there was no depression of mixture THIABENZENE. I. melting point. 1,2,4,&TETRAPHENYLTHIABENZENE, Y


Sir: 2,4,6-Triphenylthiopyrylium perchlorate'

(I, 2.5 g.) suspended in 100 ml. of ether under an atmosphere of nitrogen was treated with 3.5 equivalents of phenyllithium in ether. Solid I disappeared rapidly giving a deep red-violet solution. After 5 min., aqueous ammonium chloride was added, the ethereal layer then was washed with water and dried over potassium carbonate. After adding 50-75 ml. of purified petroleum ether (b.p. 30-60") and chilling in Dry Ice-acetone, the violet solution was decanted from ca. 0.2 g. of lightcolored solid and evaporated to dryness in nacuo. The residual violet resin was redissolved in 30 1111. of ether and poured into 250 ml. of petroleum ether cooled in a Dry Ice-acetone bath. The finely divided amorphous violet thiabenzene (11), m.p. ca. 45-48", weighed 0.7 g. Anal. Calcd. for C29HzzS: C. 56.51; H , 5.52; S, 7.96; mol. wt., 402. Calcd. for C29HzSS.1/2 EtzO: C, S4.70; H, 6.19; S, 7.29. Found: C, 85.26, 84.94; H, 5.S0, 5.70; S,7.06; mol. wt., 380 (cryos., benzene). Analysis indicated the retention of some ether. Purification was obstructed by the chemical reactivity and the non-crystalline character of the product. The principal ultraviolet maxima occurred a t 244 and 524 mp (ethanol), the major in(1) R . Wizinger and P. Ulrich, Helv chrm. acta, 39, 207 (19513).

I1 lost its violet color slowly on standing under nitrogen, in bulk or in solution. When 200 mg. was sealed under nitrogen and kept for 20 days, a pale yellow resin resulted. Recrystallization from methanol gave 50 mg. of IV, m.p. 155-156'. (2) T h e thiophenol was characterized further by conversion t o 2,4dinitrodiphenyl sulfide, m.p. 119-120'' (R.W.Bost, J. 0. Turner and R . D. Norton, J. A m . Chem. SOC.,64, 1985 (1932)).