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Vol. 2, No. 1




James M. Richmond Area Manager Research activities at Armak Industrial Chemicals Division are carried out mainly at Armak's new central r e s e a r c h l a b o r a t o r y l o c a t e d at McCook, Illinois. These research activities are d e d i c a t e d to satisfying the needs of our customers by either solving p r o b l e m s relating to currently used chemicals or by designing new molecules for new applications. In meeting these needs, process modifications, basic chemical exploration, a n a l y t i c a l methods d e v e l o p m e n t , p h y s i c a l - c h e m i c a l examinations, a p p l i c a t i o n s research, pilot p l a n t research, a n d full-scale plant trials may b e required. It is our professional objective to d o whatever work is required to solve the p r o b l e m in the minimum amount of time in concert with p r o v i d i n g t h e best p o s s i b l e product. Armak's research record supports our commitment a n d dedication to helping our customers. From a new r e s e a r c h facility, has e n v o l v e d a young vigorous staff of professionals who have only recently p r o d u c e d an entirely new line of diamine (Duomeen V series) with greater liquidity than conventional diamines, a new line of dryer a d d e d fabric softeners in a solvent free system (Armosoft DA series), a new flotation a g e n t for clarifying black ammonium phosphate fertilizer solutions (Armoflote LF), saving energy for phosphoric a c i d producers, a n d an a d v a n c e in the process for crystallizing fatty acids, resulting in a n i n c r e a s e d supply of Neo-Fat fatty acids with improved quality, all for our customers. Thus, at Armak, we believe professionalism, d e d i c a t i o n , enthusiasm, innovation, commitment, a n d service are the stepping-stones to growth a n d progress.

Armak's commitment to retaining its leadership in the fatty amine market has been underscored by two recent announcements. First the c o m p a n y announced a 30 million pound per year increase in its nitrile production capability. Then it a n n o u n c e d a 55 million pound taffy amine expansion at its Morris, Illinois, p l a n t to h e l p p r o d u c e more of the nitrogen derivatives required by the many industries served by Armak. The 55 million pound expansion of downstream processing capabilities, which is expected to b e onstream by early 1981, ensures continued availability of the many products in Armak's broad product line. Whether you need primary, secondary, tertiary amines, diamines, quats or other fatty nitrogen derivatives, Armak has the capability to supply your need. Armak's leading position in the fatty amine field is reinforced by its c o m mitment to fatty a m i n e s research, More than 100 scientists work at the company's central research labora-

tory at McCook, Illinois, a n d at other Industrial C h e m i c a l Division p l a n t locations. In these laboratories, Armak continues to investigate improved processes which lead to more efficient production a n d better quality products. The o r g a n i c g r o u p c o n structs new molecules for improved p e r f o r m a n c e in many of our customers' applications, while the applications research group looks for new uses of existing products or at the development of new molecules to help solve current industry problems. In 1938, Armak was the first to comm e r c i a l l y p r o d u c e fatty a m i n e s . Since then the c o m p a n y has led the industry in new product introductions, process innovations, a n d research a n d technical service capabilities. Put Armak's 42 years of experience to work for you in finding new a n d better ways to fatty amines. For more information on Armak Industrial Chemicals Division, send for a colorful eight p a g e brochure describing this unit of Armak.

NATURAL FATSANDOILS A RENEWABLE S00RCEFOR CHEMICAIS Most of Armak Industrial C h e m i c a l Division's products are b a s e d upon chemurgic, i.e. organically derived, raw materials such as tallow, soybean or c o c o n u t oil. This r e n e w a b l e resource base makes fatty chemicals particularly attractive. While Armak is not immune to OPEC related price increases, obviously energy is required to convert these natural c h e m i c a l raw materials, the c o m p a n y is assured of a continued supply of fats a n d oils. The processes are q u i t e simple. Water is a d d e d to tallow or coconut oil in the form of steam. The glycerine is split from the fatty acids. Ammonia


is reacted with the acids to form nitrile a n d the product may then b e hydrogenated, ethoxylated or further converted to other nitrogen derivatives. If your products are not currently b a s e d on c h e m u r g i c c h e m i c a l s , maybe they should be. For those interested in learning more about the fatty c h e m i c a l business, a limited number of 32 p a g e Neo-Fat Fatty Acids Manuals, originally printed in 1971, are still available. The book details the steps of fatty a c i d processi n g a n d d e t a i l s a w i d e r a n g e of reactions possible with this family of naturally derived chemicals.

