Armour Chemical Division ARMOUR AND COMPANY - C&EN

applicable in over 20 fields of industry which use more than 200 different products in at least 100O different applications, from lipstick to fuel...
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A r m o u r Chemical Division A R M O U R A N D COMPANY

1355 West 31st St., Chicago 9, III. Who Is Armour Chemical? I h e Armour Chemical Division has become an important part in the growth of Armour and Company, which has become 10th among all American corporations in sales, and 7th among those classified as manufacturers. Armour chemicals are commercially applicable in over 20 fields of industry which use more than 200 different products in a t least 100O different applications, from lipstick to fuel additives. Today Armour Chemical is the world's largest producer of cationic chemicals and leader in progressive development of fractionated fatty acids.

a roultimillion dollar operation that provides the utmost in quality control and manufacturing excellence.

Training in Marketing

Achievements By Armour People M e n in the Chemical Division have made many noteworthy contributions to fatty acid chemistry and are considered pioneers in the field. Armour was the F I R S T t o separate fatty acids on a commercial scale by fractional distillation; F I R S T to erect a unit for the commercial production of fatty nitriles and amine salts; F I R S T to complete a unified fatty acid and derivatives plant.

Products by Armour Armour Chemical produces two prim a r y classes of products—but many individual products stem from this pair. The first class is fatty acids, produced from fats of animal and vegetable origin. The second class consists of fatty acid derivatives. I n the line of fatty acids, Armour produces short and long chain saturated acids, oleic acids and unsaturated acids. F a t t y acid derivatives include: nitriles, amine acetates, amides, quaternary, ammonium chlorides, and ethoxylated fatty chemicals. New product development is continuous in t h e research and development laboratories t o keep Armour the leader in progressive fatty acid chemistry.

Location A r m o u r Chemical's administrative and executive offices are located in Chicago with sales offices in principal cities throughout t h e country. Manufacturing facilities are in Chicago and at the new McCook (Chicago suburb) plant— (ADVERTISEMENT)

equipment and obtains first-hand knowledge of the skills and efforts he must expect from workers. He also is trained in the theoretical and planning aspects of each operation. On a production job, his training in management problems continues. Under the guidance of key personnel, Armour helps the man develop to the fullest extent of his capabilities.

Fractionating tower a t M c C o o k

Your Opportunity A t Armour Men in college and in industry who join Armour Chemical will be part of the management team in future years. Rapid, continued growth of the Division has created new jobs and new opportunities, for Armour is pioneering new fields. Qualified, alert men, trained in the practical application of their knowledge, will be given the opportunity and encouragement to advance in the area of their specialty. Armour is assisting its chemists and chemical engineers to develop their abilities to the maximum. This is being accomplished through planned job rotation, attendance a t association work shops and university programs. Due to rapid growth, the Chemical Division needs experienced chemists and chemical engineers for interesting assignments in research and development, production and marketing. Men who show unusual promise and interest will be given every opportunity for lateral transfers to positions of greater responsibility. Recently graduated chemists and chemical engineers are oriented at Armour through training programs. A description of these programs follows.

Training I n Manufacturing The chemical engineer operates the

In the Quality Control and Applications Laboratories the Marketing Trainee learns those physical and chemical specifications that are important in the production, sale, and use of Armour's fatty chemicals. All facets of marketing—planning, techniques, correspondence, and use of sales tools are covered in this training program. Field work with experienced men followed by part-time assignment in a territory are the steps prior to full responsibility in t h e field.

Market Development Openings are available in Armour Chemical's Market Development Department for organic chemists or chemical engineers with B.S. or M.S. degrees. This department, which was started a few years ago and is growing rapidly, offers a broad challenge to interested men. The Market Development Department cooperates with the Research and Development L a b in developing new chemicals for specific uses in industry. Another special function of the Department is in Market Research. Here the Department searches to determine potential customers for existing chemicals and those in development.

Employee Benefits Paid vacation, sick leave, holidays; hospitalization, medical, and group life insurance, as well as retirement pension programs, are all available at Armour Chemical.

Information Contact To investigate opportunities for you, write the Personnel Manager, Armour Chemical Division, 1355 West 31st St., Chicago 9, 111. APRIL
