Aromatic Substitution. II. The Acid Cleavage of Diphenylmercury

Aromatic Substitution. II. The Acid Cleavage of Diphenylmercury...
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pcrature. On working up in the usual way 44.7 g . (08yo) of n-butyl methanesulfonate was recovered. Repetition of this experiment using ethyl benzenesulfonate and stirring with silver nitrite for 20 hours a t 0" and 72 hours at room temperature resulted in 9570 recovery of the ester. Again, with ethyl p-toluenesulfonate in ether solution, after stirring with silver nitrite for 10 hours at 0' and 112 hours at room temperature, a 9-45; recovcry of the ester was obtained .57 I t should be noted tliat the abol-e reaction times are much in excess of thc time needed for complete reaction of primary alkyl halides. (57) O u r thanks are due hliss Alary E. Chalmerc I n r this experiment.

Vol. 77

The Solubility of Silver Nitrite in Ether.'Z-A preliminary experiment established that 50 g. of silver nitrite, shaken with 500 ml. of ether for 2 days, loses \ery little weight. The solvent contained no detectable solid material but gave an oil as main residue. Under identical conditions silver nitrite from another batch lost 0.14 g. The solvent left 0.13 g . of residue which was separated with ether into 0.04 g. of oil and 0.09 g. of colorless solid. The solid (0.0930 9.) n d s dissolved in water and made up to 50 ml. A portion of this solution failed to give any precipitate 1'1ith 1: 5 hydrochloric acid. LAFAYETTE, INDIANA


Aromatic Substitution.

11. The Acid Cleavage of Diphenylmercuryl

BY FREDERICK KAUFMAN~ AND ALSOPHH. CORWIN RECEIVED M A P 2, 1955 Independeiit and sensitive methods to determine rate constants of acid cleavage of diphenylmercury are described. The reaction with large excess of acetic and formic acid was found to be first order in diphenylmercury, the rate constant independent of initial mercurial concentration, and varying as the 3.37th power of acetic acid concentration. The reaction with dilute perchloric acid was found t o be strictly second order in accordance with the proposed mechanism of acid attack on the ring carbon atom adjacent to the mercury. Protonated ethanol or dioxane give higher rates than hydronium ion. There is no salt effect for added perchlorate, but a definite rise in k for added chloride. Explanations for this behavior are discussed. The temperature dependence in three solvents shows large increases of the frequency factor overbalance the retarding effect of increased activation energy.

Introduction The acid cleavage of aromatic mercurials was recognized by Kharasch3 as a valuable tool in the general problem of aromatic substitution. Cnsymmetrically substituted diary1 mercury compounds were prepared, reacted with acid, and the resulting hydrocarbon and arylmercuric salt isolated. In most cases, only one of the two possible sets of products was formed, independent of the choice of acid or solvent, and this was attributed to the different electronegativities of the groups bonded to the mercury atom. It was later shown by Corwin and l\'aylor4 that Kharasch's proposed ionization mechanism

an electronegativity series which was in inverted order to all findings of the English school, Hammett, and other investigators. Corwin and Kaylor studied the kinetics of the reaction of diphenylmercury with large excess of acetic and formic acid in dioxane using a tapless dilatometer. They concluded that a mechanism of acid attack leading to a protonated intermediate was in agreement with experiment. This can be formulated as (?->-I{g-= ~


+ HA ->



p - H g - c L > ,


\ Y


and explains the rate dependence on acid strength ;is well as the products obtained by Kharasch in the