Arsenite Retention Mechanisms within Estuarine Sediments of

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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2004, 38, 3299-3304

Arsenite Retention Mechanisms within Estuarine Sediments of Pescadero, CA B E N J A M I N C . B O S T I C K , * ,†,‡ C Y N T H I A C H E N , †,‡ A N D S C O T T F E N D O R F † Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-2115, and Department of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755

Arsenic, a toxic metalloid, is commonly associated with sulfide minerals in anoxic sediments. Here we characterize arsenic(III) retention on sediments from a sulfidic estuarine marsh using a series of sorption experiments, and probe the structure of retained arsenite with X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Although the extent of sorption varied with sampling locations, several adsorption characteristics were apparent. A fraction of arsenite adsorbed over the entire pH range examined, although it was most extensive at pH greater than 7, and conformed to a Langmuir isotherm. Iron sulfide phases were responsible for As partitioning in these sediments. Initially, an FeAsSlike precipitate formed with a structure similar to those reported for As(III) sorbed on iron sulfides, a complex that is highly reactive. Following reaction for 21 d, much of the FeAsS-like precipitate was converted to As2S3. A drop in the redox potential accompanied this conversion, suggesting that the evolution of sulfide and other reduced species stabilizes bound arsenic. Processes discerned in this study reveal the importance of sulfide minerals in As sequestration within anoxic environments.

Introduction Arsenic is a toxic heavy metalloid released through the oxidation of sulfide-bearing material such as mine spoils and coal. Redox transformations and adsorption processes control the fate and transport of arsenic in soils, sediments, and groundwater (1, 2). Arsenate [As(V)] formed in oxic conditions partitions strongly to the solid phase through adsorption on iron and aluminum (hydr)oxides (3-5) and precipitation of insoluble arsenate minerals (6, 7). Reduction of these minerals under suboxic (iron-reducing) conditions releases arsenate into solution, leading to contamination of associated waters (8, 9). Arsenate may also be reduced to arsenite [As(III)] under similar reducing conditions. Arsenite adsorbs strongly to iron (hydr)oxides (10, 11), but adsorbs to aluminosilicates less strongly (12). Dissolved arsenite is of particular concern due to its elevated toxicity relative to arsenate (13). Dissolved arsenic is sequestered in sulfidic environments (14-18). Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain As enrichment in these anoxic systems, including orpiment (As2S3) or realgar (AsS) precipitation (19), incorporation into * Corresponding author phone: (603)646-3624; fax: (603)646-3922; e-mail: [email protected]. † Stanford University. ‡ Dartmouth College. 10.1021/es035006d CCC: $27.50 Published on Web 05/06/2004

 2004 American Chemical Society

arsenopyrite (FeAsS) or pyrite (FeS2) (14, 15), and sorption on sulfide minerals (20). Additionally, arsenic forms both surface complexes (21, 22) and surface precipitates (23, 24), potentially providing a beneficial As sink in sulfide-rich systems. Much of previous research on As sequestration in anoxic environments is based on correlations of dissolved As, Fe, and S concentrations or sequential selective extractions (e.g., see refs 25 and 26). While these data have established the importance of sulfidic phases in As retention, they have not resolved the mechanism of As incorporation within the solid phase (27-29). Spectroscopic approaches such as X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), which provide an elementspecific probe of As local structure and oxidation state (30, 31), are thus imperative to fully understand the retention process. Accordingly, here we characterize arsenite retention to uncontaminated sediments within a sulfidic salt marsh near Pescadero, CA, using batch adsorption and spectroscopic methods to determine mechanisms responsible for As sequestration.

Materials and Methods Sediment Collection and Handling. Samples were collected from a salt marsh near Pescadero Slough. The estuary is located about 60 km south of San Francisco, CA, on the Pacific coast of California; it is tidally inundated but protected from wave action by barrier dunes. Sediments in this wetland are derived from fine sediment transported from Pescadero Creek through a lateral salt marsh. The salt marsh sediments have a background As concentration of about 14 µg/g, typical of other uncontaminated soil and sediments (32). The specific surface area of the sediments was determined using a threepoint BET isotherm using N2 as the adsorbate. Cores were taken along a transect from the center (core A1) to the eastern margin (core C1) of the marsh using a 3 cm diameter piston coring device. Cores A1 and B1 were isolated from the lower salt marsh that is subject to daily tidal action (the wettest region), while core C1 is subject to only occasional flooding. A thick algal mat was removed from the samples, and the top 5 cm of the core was homogenized and stored at 4 °C prior to use. The water content was measured to permit the normalization of adsorption data to sediment mass. The water content was determined for each of the homogenized cores by measuring the mass of a core before and after drying at 110 °C. Precautions were taken to minimize oxidation of the sediment and reagents during all experiments. Experiments were performed in a glovebox equipped with a mixed H2/N2 atmosphere (5% H2) that maintained O2 concentrations below 1 ppm. Sediments were used immediately following extraction, and all reagents and solutions were prepared fresh for use (within 24 h) using degassed and N2-purged water. Adsorption Experiments. Fresh sediments (wet, less than 24 h old) were resuspended in distilled water for adsorption experiments. Initial investigations showed that sorption reached a relatively constant value within 0.5 h; therefore, sorption experiments were carried out for this duration. Longer reaction times were explored for core A1 (2 g/L suspension density), which was reacted with 55 µM As(III) at pH 7 over 21 d. For comparison, FeS and FeS2 suspensions (1 g/L) were reacted with 55 µM As(III) at pH 7 over the same period. Several experiments were performed to determine the macroscopic sorption characteristics of arsenite within suspensions of each of the three sediment cores. Initial arsenite concentrations in sediment suspensions (2 g/L, dry VOL. 38, NO. 12, 2004 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



TABLE 1. Selected Mineralogical and Chemical Characteristics for Three Core Sections (0-5 cm Depth) along a Transect in a Salt Marsh near Pescadero, CA core

% sand

% silt

% clay

[organic matter], g kg-1

[Mn],a g kg-1

[Fe],a g kg-1

sediment pH

∑[H2S], µM


A1 B1 C1

1 2 9

1 1 11

98 97 80

343 371 280

0.03 0.06 0.06

29.0 27.5 23.0

4.78 4.31 4.26

41 30 8

Q, P, S, V Q, P, S, V Q, P, S, V

a Measured by extraction with dithionate-citrate-bicarbonate, which extracts both crystalline and amorphous oxides. n Mineralogy determined for the