Aspects of the Morphology of Dragline Silk of Nephila clavipes - ACS

Dec 3, 1993 - Abstract: The thermal behavior of silk proteins in silkworms has been investigated in detail. As the temperature of the amorphous random...
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Chapter 18 Aspects of the Morphology of Dragline Silk of Nephila clavipes 1




D. V. Mahoney , D. L. Vezie , R. K. Eby , W. Wade Adams , and David Kaplan 4

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Department of Polymer Science and Maurice Morton Institute of Polymer Science, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-3909 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 Materials Directorate, Wright Laboratory, WL/MLPJ, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7702 Biotechnology Division, Natick Research, Development, and Engineering Center, U.S. Army, Natick, MA 01760-5020 2



Samples of golden orb-weaver dragline silk were observed to undergo large tensile and compressive deformations (~40%) without evidence of fracture in tension or kinking in compression. The absence of kinking is consistent with the absence of a fibrillar structure within the fiber such as those microfibrils observed in high performance polymer fibers. Therefore, the lack of failure prompted an examination of the morphology of the silk. Low voltage high resolution scanning electron microscopy (LVHRSEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to examine as-spun, fractured and abraded fibers. The images yielded a rich variety of features. These were examined by the original height profiles of the AFM images and by Fourier transforms of the profiles. A broad range of dimensions of features is present. These features occur on the surface of as-spun silk as well as on the surfaces exposed through abrasion and liquid nitrogen fracture. Silk is an extracellular fibrous protein which has been genetically tailored to exhibit specific properties. Spiders spin a variety of silkfibersfor a number of purposes with each silk having a different composition and being synthesized in a different gland. The uses include immobilizing prey, protecting offspring, fabricating structures, and sifting the air for food. Because the spider must expend energy to manufacture silk, the task must be accomplished with as little material as necessary. For this, the material must have properties designed specifically for the task. One example is spider dragline silk which is manufactured in the major ampullate gland. The spider uses this silk as the structural foundation of the web and as a lifeline. The material has unusual characteristics of strength, modulus and elasticity (7, 2). Some spiders 0097-6156/94/0544-0196$06.00/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Morphology of Dragline Silk o/N.



produce silk with a strength similar to some synthetic high-performance fibers and a specific energy to break which is an order of magnitude greater (2). This fiber is spun from solution with water as the solvent in a process that is a subject under much scrutiny (3, 4). We are investigating the stnictural/morphological basis of the mechanical properties of the dragline silk of Nephila clavipes. One limiting factor for many high performance fibers is their lower material properties in compression relative to those in extension (5, 6). The compressive strength of many of these fibers is approximately an order of magnitude lower than the tensile strength (5). The cause of this disparity is attributed to the presence of microfibrillar structures within the fiber (7-9) which fail by kink band formation at relatively low loads (10,11). In syntheticfibers,such fibrils occur as a consequence of the kinetics offiberprocessing. The formation of silkfibersis a process which is not fully understood. However, the fibers are formed from a liquid crystalline phase with the solvent (water) being removed in the gland (3). The apparent absence of a fibrillar structure in the silk might indicate that the compressive properties will be favorable, therefore the structure/morphology of the fibers is being investigated. There have been some microscopic investigations of the morphology of the naturally spun silkfibersof Bombyx mori (12-15). Electron microscopy studies were made of stained or shadowed samples obtained by digestion and/or mechanical fragmentation of the fibers. These revealedribbon-likecrystals approximately 10 nm in lateral extent and very much longer. Fewer studies have been made on naturally spun fibers from spiders and these have been confined primarily to optical microscopy of the outer surface (1, 2, 16, 17). In this note, we present the initial results of our investigation. Experimental Methods and Materials The female JV. clavipes spiders were obtained from Panama. The dragline silk was obtained from live specimens through mechanical silking similar to published techniques (18, 19). The spiders were anesthetized with C 0 . With the aid of an optical microscope, the fibers were located coming from the anterior pair of spinnerets and were drawn at a rate of -1.1 cm/s over a rotating drum. Some samples of silk were abraded with a glass slide and some were fractured by tensile deformation in liquid nitrogen prior to examination. The fibers used for study by atomic force microscopy (AFM) of the unabraded surface were obtained by pulling the strands from the spider by hand so that they did not come into contact with any surface prior to mounting on the sample holder. The first method employed to examine the fibers was low voltage, high resolution scanning electron microscopy using a Hitachi S-900 field emission gun, immersion lens SEM. Due to its ability to yield high resolution images with a low voltage, only a very thin conducting coating was required. The samples were adhered to the sample holder using double stick tape and sputter coated with a thin film of AuPd prior to being imaged at 1.0 keV. The second technique used was AFM (20) for which no surface modification of the sample was necessary. The fibers were mounted on holder discs with a thermoplastic adhesive which becomes tacky at -40 °C and melts at -120 °C. It was melted, applied to the disk and then cooled to the tacky state for mounting. The mountedfiberswere examined with an optical microscope to verify adhesion and that 2

In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



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they were primarily in the plane of the adhesive. The optical lever type AFM, TopoMetrix 2000, was used in the repulsive mode under ambient conditions. The scanning tip was silicon nitride with pyramidal geometry. The aspect ratio was 1 to 1 and the tip radius was less than 50 nm. Two scanning modes were used and both yield calibrated lateral displacements of the sample by the piezoelectric scanner. In the variable height mode, the scanner displaces vertically to maintain a constant force on the tip during scanning. In this mode, calibrated vertical displacement information may be obtained. In the constant height mode the piezoelectric scanner does not displace vertically during scanning and the image is generated with vertical dimensions given in units of feedback current which exaggerate contour variations. Results The dragline silk from N. clavipes appears smooth when viewed using the LVHRSEM at lower magnification (Figure 1). Longitudinal striation marks, which are usually seen on the surface of extruded synthetic fibers, were not observed at this magnification. The loop of the fiber with a small radius of curvature prompted an examination of fibers undergoing further deformation. The knot shown in Figure 2 was tied by hand. A looped portion near the center of thefigureappears to lie nearly perpendicular to the direction of view. In Figure 3, it can be seen that the surface of this loop shows a variety of surface features (as well as some dirt). At high magnifications such features are evident on all the fibers studied. A simple calculation of the surface strain (tension and compression) in the bend of the fiber yields a value of approximately 40% (27). This value is close to but within the upper limit of the maximum strains reported for thesefibersin tension (22, 23). There is no evidence of failure either by kinking at the inner radius of the bend, where the fiber is in a state of compression, or by breaking at the outer radius of the bend, where the fiber is in a state of extension. High performance fibers of polyethylene, Kevlar, carbon, poly(p-phenylenebenzobisthiazole), and poly(pphenylenebenzobisoxazole) all fail compressively by kink band formation (24) which is not seen in the silk fibers. The lack of kinking is consistent with the absence of fibrils or with the presence of fibrils in which the lateral interactions between them are just as strong as the interactions parallel to them. In the present case, the ability to undergo large compressive deformations is probably facilitated by a rapid stress relaxation as is observed in tension for B. mon (25, 26) and N. clavipes. The absence of kinks for uniaxial compression was also verified to a strain of 5% by using an axial compression apparatus (27). Because the fibers did not fail compressively by kinking, the presence or absence of microfibrils became a subject of interest. Therefore, the inner morphology of the fibers was also examined. An example of the images observed with abraded fibers is shown in Figure 4. It reveals a striated interior morphology. In order to reduce the possibility that these features are artifacts of deformation during the abrading, fibers that were fractured in tension at the temperature of liquid nitrogen were also examined. Figure 5 shows a fracture that has propagated along the length of the fiber. The surface observed in this image is similar to that observed for the fibers abraded at room temperature. In the absence of kink formation, it seems likely that the striations do not represent fibrils but are the result of fracturing a highly oriented, non-fibrillar structure. Such features can be seen in fractured, extended chain lamellae of bulk polyethylene and polytetrafluoroethylene (28, 29).

In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Morphology of Dragline Silk o/N. clavipes


Figure 1 LVHRSEM micrograph of Nephila clavipes dragline silk fibers. The scale bar is 12,000 nm.

Figure 2 LVHRSEM micrograph of knot tied in dragline silk. The scale bar is 30,000 nm.

In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Figure 3 LVHRSEM micrograph of tight bend in knot of dragline silk. The scale bar is 3,000 nm. Surface contamination is apparent in this image. Note the lack of evidence of failure by kinking in the inner compressed portion of the fiber and by fracture in the outer extended portion of the fiber.

Figure 4 LVHRSEM micrograph of abraded dragline fibers. The scale bar is 3,000 nm. Note the smaller features apparent in this image.

In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Morphology of Dragline Silk of N. clavipes


Figure 5 LVHRSEM micrograph of fracture surface of dragline fiber achieved through liquid nitrogen temperature fracture in tension. The scale bar is 3,000 nm.

In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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In order to examine the morphology at a higher magnification, similar investigations were undertaken utilizing the AFM. Figure 6 is an image which reveals that the exterior surface of the fiber has considerable undulation in both the lateral and longitudinal directions. A higher magnification, curvature-corrected image of the exterior surface is shown in Figure 7. It reveals marks similar to extrusion lines in the longitudinal direction. It also can be seen in this image that the channels are not continuous, and that the depths of the channels vary along the length of the fiber. Undulation in the direction of thefiberis also apparent. The possible origin of these features covers a wide range of possibilities involving the material and the spinning process. Because the contour information is digitized, image analysis may be done. A measure of the surface roughness is the average of the absolute value of the variation from the mean height of the profile over the length of the contour. Of course, a great many areas must be examined to be sure that an accurate sampling of the overall structure of the material has been obtained. Also, considerable caution must be used in interpreting the resulting numbers. Values of roughness were calculated over a number of scan lines perpendicular to thefiberdirection for each image area after the images were corrected forfibercurvature. A variety of areas and area sizes were also used. The value for the average roughness of the silkfibersin the transverse direction is 9 ± 6 nm. The variability in the roughness is indicated by the magnitude of the standard deviation. It is due to the considerable variation of the roughness from region to region which persists even for silk obtained from a single spider. The inner morphology of the abraded fibers was also studied with the AFM. An example of the images obtained is shown in Figure 8. The undulation of the silk both along and perpendicular to the fiber direction is apparent, with the latter being considerably more pronounced in the abraded images than it was on the exterior surface of the fibers. The undulations which run perpendicular to the fiber direction might indicate the presence of a fibrillar structure. However, the depth of the channels between these possible fibrils appears to be too shallow to indicate definitely independent entities. Further, as noted above, a fibrillar structure is not a prerequisite to achieving this type of polymer fracture surface. In fact, the structure that can be seen in the abraded surface images is similar to the fracture surface structure that is observed for fractured extended chain lamellae of a bulk polymer (28-30). Material crossing the channels was observed as seen in Figure 8. This material appears to be a contiguous portion of the silk bordering the channel, suggesting the absence of a fibrillar structure prior to abrading the silk. Another example of the type of morphology observed for the abraded silk is shown in Figure 9. The unabraded surface of the fiber is seen in the left portion while the right portion shows an area where the scanning tip has lost contact with the sample. Material crossing the channels is more prevalent in this image. Figure 10 shows a constant height image of abraded silk containing a bit of material crossing the channels. This material appears to be a contiguous portion of the material bordering both sides of the channel. This image also reveals considerably smaller features with dimensions down to tens of nanometers. In all the images that been have examined, rather large scale undulations with dimensions that vary considerably have been observed. These are persistent both on the outer and the interior surfaces. By examining the surface profiles taken both parallel and perpendicular to the fiber direction, simple measurements were made of the lateral dimensions. On the unmodified fiber surfaces, there is an average In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

Figure 6 AFM constant force image (200x200 data points) of surface of dragline silk with the fiber axis aligned parallel with the right-hand axis. Note the undulation in both the lateral and longitudinal fiber directions. The image is 2499 nm by 2499 nm and approximately 333 nm in elevation.

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In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

Figure 7 Curvature-corrected AFM constant force image (200x200 data points) of surface of dragline silk with the fiber axis aligned parallel to the right-hand axis. The considerable undulation of the silk is apparent in this image. Note that the extrusion lines are not completely continuous. The image is 1037 nm by 1037 nm and approximately 14 nm in elevation.

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In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

Figure 8 AFM constant force image (400x400 data points) of abraded dragline silk with the fiber axis aligned parallel to the right-hand axis. Note the large lateral undulations in the silk. The image is 5000 nm by 5000 nm and approximately 433 nm in elevation.

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Figure 9 AFM constant force image (400x400 data points) of abraded dragline silk with the fiber axis aligned parallel to theright-handaxis. The unabraded fiber is visible on the left, while the scanning tip has lost contact with the surface on the right. Note the striations and the connecting material crossing them. The image is 7680 nm by 7680 nm and approximately 1616 nm in elevation.

In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Morphology of Dragline Silk of N. clavipes


Figure 10 AFM constant height image (400x400 data points) of abraded dragline silk with the fiber axis aligned nearly parallel to the right-hand axis. Note material crossing the channels. Also seen in this image is the resolution of smaller features down to tens of nm. The image is 1000 nm by 1000 nm.

In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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dimension for these large scale features of 113 ± 20 nm and 98 ± 13 nm in the perpendicular and parallel directions to thefiberdirection, respectively. Again, some caution must be used in interpreting these numbers. Note that although the dimensions perpendicular and parallel to the fiber direction are similar, they do not arise from identical ensembles of features. The large standard deviations are associated with the large range of feature dimensions. Along with these relatively large scale features is a nearly continuous range of other features having dimensions down to -40 nm. The latter dimension approaches lateral dimensions of the crystallites found in B. mori silk (12-15). These smaller features are less pronounced and frequent. Therefore, they are more difficult to measure. The dimensions for the abraded surfaces might reflect the fracture process as well as the inherent morphology and are therefore, not presented. It can be noted, however, that they are of the same magnitude as those given above. Fast Fourier transforms are another method of examining the contours of the surfaces. By performing two-dimensional fast Fourier transforms of the curvaturecorrected image, it was found that the peaks of the intensity spectrum fall primarily on the axes of the transform plane. Therefore, an analysis of the features of the silk was obtained by examining the power spectra of one-dimensional transforms taken parallel and perpendicular to the fiber direction. These were effectively continuous with a peak at longer wavelengths and a tail extending to much shorter ones. The spectra of the unabraded silk samples had a higher intensity tail (to shorter wavelengths) than did those for the abraded silk images. The minimum number of the highest peaks in the transform spectrum required to reproduce the prominent features of the original image in the inverse transform ranged from three to five. The weighted average and the standard deviation of these were determined to be 220 ± 24 nm and 342 ± 40 nm for the unabraded silk perpendicular and parallel to the fiber direction, respectively. These are of the same order as those determined from the raw contour plots, however, the numbers must be interpreted with some caution. (For the reasons given above, the similar numbers for the abraded silk are not reported.) Discussion/Conclusion The dragline silk fiber of N. clavipes is able to undergo large deformations, both in compression and in extension, without evidence of failure. This is consistent with a material of crystalline and amorphous domains with the amorphous domains able to move in a fashion that permits the stress to be relaxed. There is the appearance of a possible fibrillar structure upon abrading of the silk fibers; however, it probably results from the longitudinal fracture of the oriented fiber. This structure is not as evident on the surface of the unabraded silk and the work performed so far shows no conclusive evidence of a fibrillar structure. The lack of a fibrillar structure is further supported by the absence of kinking of the fibers under high compressive deformation. Kinking occurs in all highly oriented fibers possessing a fibrillar structure. The silk exhibits a rich variety of prominent features on both the outer surface and on the surface exposed through abrading the fibers. These features are measurable through examination of both the raw traces and the Fourier transforms of the surface contours of AFM images. Both measurements show similar average dimensions and are consistent with a wide distribution of feature sizes.

In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


Morphology of Dragline Silk of'N. clavipes


There is a need for much more microscopy and other work. For example, we know of no small angle X-ray scattering performed on the silk to clarify the existence of a fibrillar structure. Such measurements and further microscopic investigations are underway to confirm the apparent absence of a fibrillar structure. Acknowledgments

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Portions of this work were supported by TopoMetrix and by Wright Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, through a contract with Lawrence Associates, Inc. (D.V.M., D.L.V., and R.K.E.). We are indebted to I. Jangchud for his valuable guidance in AFM and D. Thomas for assistance with the axial compression device. Literature Cited 1

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R E C E I V E D July 7, 1993

In Silk Polymers; Kaplan, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.