ASSOCIATIONS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Nov 6, 2010 - Write Dr. E. L. Chambers, University of Miami School of Medicine, ... and conference department of the university's extension service. ...
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NEW M-780 by COX:


Protein Structure and Function, topic of symposium at University of Miami, Jan. 22 and 23. Write Dr. E. L. Chambers, University of Miami School of Medicine, P.O. Box 875, Biscayne Annex, Miami, Fla. 33152.

A major improvement in high-volume MICROFILTRATION • Up to 10 times the throughput life of comparable media

Symposium on Lubrication and Lubri­ cant Rheology, March 18 and 19 at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Cosponsors, American Society of Me­ chanical Engineers, American Society of Lubrication Engineers, and confer­ ence department of the university's extension service. Meeting will ex­ plore the interaction between the fields of lubrication and rheology on an in­ terdisciplinary basis. Write Univer­ sity of Michigan Extension Service, Conference Dept, 412 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104.

Institute of Food Technologists, 28th annual meeting and industrial and technical exhibit, Philadelphia Civic Center, Philadelphia, May 19 to 24. Write C. L. Willey, Executive Direc­ tor, IFT, Suite 2120, 221 North LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. 60601. 2nd International Cryogenics Engi­ neering Conference, May 7 to 10, Brighton, England. Sponsored by Cryogenics. Write J. P. Ray, Editor, Cryogenics, Iliffe Science & Technol­ ogy Publications, Ltd., 32 High St., Guildford, Surrey, England. American Leather Chemists Associa­ tion, annual meeting, June 23 to 26, at Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Mich. Write Charles A. Eisenfelder, Jr., Union Carbide Corp., 270 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017, for more in­ formation.

• Rugged, easy to handle • Autoclavable and nonflammable • Unaffected by most chemicals Cox M-780™, a new all-purpose submicron filter medium, offers a number of operating advantages and economies over fragile, fast-clogging membranes. Physically strong and easy to handle, M-780 discs are interchangeable with other media without modification of your present membrane filter equipment. High loading capacity and throughput life. Complex three-dimensional pore struc­ ture presents extremely large total area for retention of contaminants. Result: Lower ΔΡ, longer throughput life, lower process costs. Nonflammable, heat-stable. No fire haz­ ard, no problems with high-temperature operation and sterilization. Insoluble, nontoxic. Inert to most concen­ trated acids, alcohols, esters, hydrocar­ bons, other organics.

ACS LOCAL SECTIONS Place Akron. University Club of Akron California (Fresno Subsection). Fresno State College Chattanooga.

Coastal Empire. Delaware (Organic Highland School East Tennessee.


Jan. 18

Speaker Richard T. Arnold


James F. Cosgrove


M. C. Day

22 24

Paul Schleyer H. L. Goering


M. C. Day

Florida (Gainesville Subsection). 207 Leigh Hall, U of Florida Indiana (Noon Luncheon). Hotel Warren, Indianapolis Memphis.


Merle Battiste


Paul De Marco


M. C. Day

Mojave Desert.


James F. Cosgrove

Nashville. Physical Sciences Lecture Hall, Vanderbilt U


M. C. Day

Northeast Tennessee. Tennessee State U



M. C. Day

Northeast Wisconsin. Orange County. White Horse Restaurant, Fullerton, Calif. Penn-York. Fredonia, N.Y.

16 25

James F. Cosgrove Benson R.

Subject Cyclic Transition States in Or­ ganic Chemistry Activation Analysis in the Mod­ ern Analytical Laboratory Conductance & NMR Studies of Sodium Aluminum Alkyl Salts in Solvents of Low Dielectric Constant Chemistry of Carbonium Ions Conductance & NMR Studies of Sodium Aluminum Alkyl Salts in Solvents of Low Dielectric Constant Recent Carbonium Ion Studies Theoretical Interpretation of Chemical Shifts in NMR Conductance & NMR Studies of Sodium Aluminum Alkyl Salts in Solvents of Low Dielectric Constant Methods for Trace Analysis of Rare Earths Conductance & NMR Studies of Sodium Aluminum Alkyl Salts in Solvents of Low Dielectric Constant Conductance & NMR Studies of Sodium Aluminum Alkyl Salts in Solvents of Low Dielectric Constant Activation Analysis in the Mod­ ern Analytical Laboratory Fused Salts

22 24

John F. Farnsworth

What's New in Cake Making


Robert W. Murray

Ozonation and Ozonides


John C. D. Brand

Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Excited State Structures


James F. Cosgrove


Andrew Patterson W. S. Trahanovsky

Activation Analysis in the Mod­ ern Anajytical Laboratory Some New Developments in Liq­ uid Ammonia-Alkali Metal So­ lution Electrochemistry Oxidations with Cerium (IV)


Maximum pore sizes from 0.20 micron to 10 microns, biologically rated. A single grade for water, air, low- and high-vis­ cosity fluids, sterile filtrations, solvent recovery, many other applications.

Pittsburgh (Coal Technology Group). Mellon Inst. Pittsburgh (Organic Group). Scaife Hall, Carnegie-Mellon U Pittsburgh (Physical-Inorganic Group). Wherrett Rm., Skibo Hall, Carnegie-Mellon U Puget Sound. Bagley Hall, U of Washington, Seattle St. Louis.

For samples, send diameter and pore size desired. Cox Instrument, Division of Lynch Corporation, 15300 Fullerton Ave­ nue, Detroit, Michigan 48227. Phone (313) 838-5780.

South Central Missouri. G-6 Chem. Eng. Bldg., U of Mis­ souri, Rolla Southeastern Pennsylvania. Hershey Motor Lodge Southern Arizona.

25 25

G. T. Kerr

Molecular Sieves


James F. Cosgrove

Southern California (Polymer Group). Faculty Center, U of Southern California, Los An­ geles Western Michigan. Calvin Col­ lege. Grand Rapids


William MacKnight

X-Ray Excited Optical Fluores­ cence as an Analytical Tool Transitions and Relaxations of Polymethane


Laurence L. Quill

The -Ide Elements

(Î^ÎÎÎW? ... for critical νν^νϋ/Ζνΐ filtration 56 C&EN JAN. 15, 1968



2nd Latin American Chemistry Semi­ nar (SELAQ) at University of Chile, Santiago, July 8 to 26. Sponsors, Or­ ganization of American States and the university. Other groups, including the Chilean Chemical Society, cooper­ ating. Lectures and discussions in English, open to research workers in the field of chemical kinetics or who use kinetic methods in their research. Write Dr. Carlos Diaz, Chemistry Dept, University of Chile, Avenida Tuper 2069, Casilla 2777, Santiago, Chile.

Contraves R H EOMETERS/VISCOMETERS Preferred throughout the world for measuring viscosity and flow behavior

Competing Spectrochemical Tech­ niques, topic of conference arranged by spectroscopy group of Institute of Physics and the Physical Society at University of Keele, July 10 to 12. Write IP&PS, 47 Belgrave Sq., Lon­ don, S.W.I, England. Polymers in Space Research, sympo­ sium sponsored by Polymer Group of ACS Southern California Section and Jet Propulsion Lab of Caltech, July 15 to 17 in Pasadena, Calif. Papers in­ vited on recent developments in ther­ mally stable and ablative polymers, properties of polymers at cryogenic temperatures, and solid propellants. Abstracts (750 to 1000 words) due by April 15. Write Dr. Alan Rembaum, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, Calif. 91103. Intersociety Energy Conversion Engi­ neering Conference, 3rd Annual, Aug. 13 to 16 at University of Colorado, Boulder. Sponsor, Institute of Elec­ trical and Electronics Engineers, with ACS, AIChE, and several other techni­ cal organizations cooperating. The conference will feature workshops, supplemented with tutorial and gen­ eral sessions. Write A. A. Sorensen, Martin Marietta Corp., P.O. Box 179, Denver, Colo. 80201, or Paul Rappaport, RCA Labs, Princeton, N.J. 08540.

CONTRAVES RHEOMAT-15-Our most sophisticated Rheometer. Features 15 rota­ tional speeds. Stationary, at all speeds readable scale. Available with built-in elec­ trical read-out to feed recorder. Set of plotting papers and value tables simplify and shorten the evaluation of measurements. Five standard concentrical cylinder meas­ uring systems, to measure absolute viscosity and flow behavior in the range of 1.5 to 12,910.000 cP. A variety of measuring systems for specific conditions is available. Examples: Temperature up to 3 0 0 C , pressure 700 psi; Temperature up to 300C., inert atmosphere; Measuring range below 1 cP, small volume. Also available: Cone and Plate measuring systems. Viscometers with one and three speeds for quality control measurements or special purposes such as the measure­ ment of viscosities up to 8 χ 10'cP at temperatures up to 300 C. Write or phone for additional information.

0LK0N CORPORATION · Contraves Viscometer Division American Affiliate of Contraves Switzerland

999 Bedford Street, Stamford, Connecticut 06905 · Phone: (203) 323-2141

Here are a few of the reactions of this versatile, bifunctional compound.


Denver Conference on Applications of X-Ray Analysis, Aug. 21 to 23 at Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colo. Theme: Diffraction Metallography. Papers are invited. Write G. R. Mallett or J. B. Newkirk (cochairmen), Dept. of Metallurgy, University of Denver, Denver, Colo. 80210. 9th International Congress of Soil Science, Aug. 6 to 16 in Adelaide, Australia. Soil Science Society of America will make travel grants avail­ able to society members. Requests from nonsociety members genuinely interested in the congress are being considered. Write for new form from M. Stelly, Soil Science Society of America, 677 South Segoe Rd., Madi­ son, Wis. 53711.

See our ad in Chemical Materials Catalog and Buyer's Guide. SEND FOR S A M P L E S A N D DATA SHEET


250 fast 43rd Street New York 17, Ν Y. Phone 212 MU 3-0071

JAN. 15, 1968 C&EN 57

MEN AND MOLECULES . . . released for broadcast after Jan. 19 is titled The Research Factory at Murray Hill and features Dr. Cecil Coker and Dr. Harold Schornhorn of Bell Telephone Labs. See "Men and Molecules" listings beginning on page 42 of C&EN for Jan. 1 for stations broadcasting in your area. Each week C&EN announces here the "Men and Molecules" program to be released the following Friday. Call your local station to find out when specific programs you are interested in will be broadcast.

Eastern the most forgettable centrifugal pump

International Geological Congress, Aug. 19 to 28, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Write A. I. Tugarinov, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry, Moscow, U.S.S.R. 1968 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Cleveland, Aug. 19 to 21. Papers invited that deal with the technical and applied aspects of engineering in the area below 150° K. Deadline April 1. Write Dr. Richard H. Kropschot, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder Labs, Boulder, Colo. 80302. 5th International Congress on Rheology, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 7 to 11. Sponsors, International Committee on Rheology and several Japanese scientific societies. The Society of Rheology is arranging a charter flight. For information on the meeting write M. Horio, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan; on the flight, Robert E. Coulehan, 13 Allen St., Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. 10522.

Stays on the job The most forgettable pumps ever installed in your pilot plant, chemical processing, or laboratory equipment. With Trouble Free Performance you can install and forget. The only way an Eastern centrifugal

pump calls attention to itself is in delivering exactly the performance you need — year after year after year. Some continuous-duty pump installations by Eastern are still doing exactly that after many years of steady churning.* "Installations on request·

So: If you need flexibility and performance in centrifugal pumps with flow ranges to 70 gpm, pressures to 70 psi, write for the new catalog #140.



A Division of Laboratory For Electronics, Inc. 100 SKIFF STREET · HAMDEN, CONN. BRANCH OFFICES: Nashua, N.H., Lyndhurst, N.J., Wilmington, Del., Chicago, llr. Los Altos, Calif., Torrance, Calif. Also available in Canada 58 C&EN JAN. 15, 1968

CALENDAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society 155th National Meeting. San Fran Cisco, Calif. March 31-April 5. 156th National Meeting. Atlantic City, N.J. Sept. 8 - 1 3 . 157th National Meeting. Minneapolis Minn. April 13-18, 1969. 158th National Meeting. New York, N.Y. Sept. 7 - 1 2 , 1969. 159th National Meeting. Early spring Houston, Tex. Feb. 2 2 - 2 7 , 1970 Late spring. Toronto, Ont. May 2 4 29, 1970. Joint with Chemical In stitute of Canada. ACS 3rd Middle Atlantic Regional Meet ing. Marriott Motor Hotel, Phila delphia, Pa. Feb. 1-2. (C&EN Dec. 18, 1967, page 72). ACS Central Regional Meeting. Akron Ohio. May 9 - 1 0 . ACS Northwest Regional Meeting. Port land State University, Portland, Ore June 1 2 - 1 4 . ACS Great Lakes Regional Meeting Sheraton Shroeder Hotel, Milwaukee Wis. June 1 3 - 1 4 . ACS 4 t h Biennial Polymer Symposium Division of Polymer Chemistry. Am herst, Mass. June 2 6 - 2 8 .