ASSOCIATIONS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Sponsors are the National Association of Soil Conservation Districts and the ... economists, farm and industrial interests, federal, state, and local ...
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evaluate current thinking and methods for achieving maximum productivity from the nation's technical manpower and resources.


Water Research Symposium National Water Research Symposium will be given at the Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D.C., March 28 to 30. Sponsors are the National Association of Soil Conservation Districts and the National Reclamation Association. They are calling on water resource experts, including engineers, agriculturists, economists, farm and industrial interests, federal, state, and local authorities and others concerned with water problems to attend. The conference will explore possibilities for increasing water supplies in areas threatened with shortages, for reducing waste in storage of water, improving water quality, and related subjects. Further details are available from NASCD at 307 Washington Bldg., 1435 G St., N.W., or from NRA at 897 National Press Bldg., 14th & F Sts. N.W., both in Washington, D.C.

BRIEFS Radioisotopes for Industry is the subject of a conference to be sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of Greater Pittsburgh, the American Nuclear Society Pittsburgh chapter, and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Feb. 22 and 23 at Penn-Sheraton Hotel, Pittsburgh.

American Physical Society, division of high polymer physics, will hold a meeting in Monterey, Calif., March 21 to 23. A program of 53 papers has been scheduled in six sessions. Program chairman is Dr. David W. McCall, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J.

Textile Quality Control Association will hold its spring meeting March 23 and 24 at the Hotel Charlotte, Charlotte, N.C. Programs are designed to provide information on successful techniques of mill operation, maintenance of quality standards, and management methods. Dr. Henry Rutherford of Textile Research Center, North Caro74


FEB. 2 0, 1961

lina State College, will be a featured speaker.

Textile Research Institute will hold its 31st annual meeting March 16 and 17 at the Hotel Commodore, New York City. In addition to technical papers, an exhibit of instruments will be shown. Further information is available from the institute's secretary, P.O. Box 625, Princeton, N.J.

Western Petroleum Refiners Association will hold its 49th annual meeting at the Granada Hotel, San Antonio, April 10 to 12.

Uranium Carbides as Reactor Fuel Materials is the subject of an unclassified symposium to be held at the headquarters of the Atomic Energy Commission, Germantown, Md., April 4. Purpose is to acquaint industry representatives with the research being conducted by AEC to develop uranium monocarbide and uranium dicarbide as fuel materials for nuclear reactors. Agenda items include: reactor application of uranium carbides, methods of preparing uranium carbides, fabrication of uranium carbides by casting and powder techniques, and irradiation testing and postirradiation examination of uranium carbides. Send inquiries to Industrial Cooperation Branch, Division of Reactor Development, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 25, D.C.

X-Ray Protection is the subject of a course in radiological health training activities, sponsored by the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center of Cincinnati. The course will be held April 3 to 14 in Rockville, Md. Address applications for registration or requests for information to the center at 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati 26, Ohio, or to a Public Health Service Regional Office.

The Sixth Institute on Research Administration will be held at American University, Washington, D . C , April 24 to 28. It is designed to report and

The 15th Annual Eastern Colleges Science Conference will be held May 4 to 6 at the State University College of Forestry, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. College men and women majoring in science at 60 to 100 colleges and universities east of the Mississippi are expected to participate.

Nutrition Society of Canada will hold its fourth annual meeting at the Ontario Agricultural College, May 30. Meeting includes morning and afternoon scientific sessions and a banquet in the evening. The second annual Borden Award for outstanding contribution to nutritional research will be given. Further information is available from the secretary, E. V. Evans, Department of Nutrition, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont.

American Scientific Glassblowers Show for 1961 will be held at the New Yorker Hotel, May 24 to 26. A series of technical papers will also be presented.

Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry will hold its 12th Annual Coating Conference in Buffalo, N.Y., May 8 to 10. This is a change in date from May 22 to 24, originally scheduled.

Third Annual Symposium on New Coatings and New Coatings Raw Materials will be held June 5 to 8 at North Dakota State University, Fargo. Sponsor is the coatings technology department of the university. Chief topic of discussion will be the newer developments in pigments, followed by additives, water-thinned vehicles, and new coatings studies.

Air Pollution Control Association will hold its 54th annual meeting June 11 to 15 at the Hotel Commodore, New York City. The Frank A. Chambers Award will be presented, and there will be an exhibit of the latest instruments in the field. The Richard Beatty Mellon Award will also be presented.

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International Measurement Confer­ ence will be held in Budapest, Hun­ gary, June 25 to July 1. Sponsors (IMEKO) expect visitors from Ger­ many, Hungary, Poland, U.S.S.R., U.K., and U.S.A., as well as several other countries.

The 4th International Conference on Medical Electronics, combined with the 14th Annual Conference on Elec­ trical Techniques in Medicine and Biology, will be held at the WaldorfAstoria in New York City, July 16 to 21. The technical program includes instrumental diagnostic methods and physical-chemical procedures, as well as touching on many other fields. Other features include a banquet, a ladies' program, guided laboratory tours, and other tours. Chairman of the conference committee is L. E. Flory, David Sarnoff Research Center, Princeton, N.J.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS American Chemical Society 139th National Meeting, St. Louis, Mo. March 21-30, 1961. 140th National Meeting, Chicago, 111. Sept. 3-8, 1961. Division of Rubber Chemistry. Louis­ ville, Ky. April 18-21. 35th National Colloid Symposium. ACS Division of Colloid and Surface Chem­ istry. Rochester, N.Y. June 15-16. Division of Analytical Chemistry. Sum­ mer Symposium on Solution Chro­ matography. Case Institute of Tech­ nology, Cleveland. June 22-24. 17th National Organic Symposium. ACS Division of Organic Chemistry. In­ diana University, Bloomington, Ind. June 25-29. 11th National Chemical Exposition. ACS Chicago Section. International Am­ phitheater, Chicago. Sept. 5-8. Other Organizations 12th Pittsburgh Conference on Analyti­ cal Chemistry and Applied Spectros­ copy. Penn-Sheraton Hotel, Pitts^ burgh. Feb. 27-March 3. XVIIIth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Aug. 6-12) and XXIst IUPAC Conference (Aug. 2-5). Montreal, Que.



Turners ( Noon


Northeastern. (Elastomer and Plastics Groups) Morse Audi­ torium, Boston Museum of Science North Jersey. Seton Hall Uni­ versity, South Orange, N.J. ( Analytical Group ) ( Biochemical Group—Joint with Theobold-Smith Society )

Indiana. Athenaeum Club, Indianapolis Luncheon Meeting ) Milwaukee. Elks Club


The Polypropylene Stoiy


Bernhard Witkop


M. L. Studebaker

Protein Accountants and Protein Auditors The Role of Zinc in Vulcaniza­ tion: Some Facts and Some Speculation

27 Charles E. White J. O. Lampen H. T. Huang J. E. C arm ah a n H. H. Wasserman

(Organic Chemists Discussion Group) (Physical Chemistry Group)

Lester H. Germer

( Polymer Group ) Pittsburgh. ( Coal Technology Group ) Fisher Scientific Co. ( Biochemistry Grop ) Mellon Institute (Organic Group) Mellon In­ stitute Quincy-Keokuk. Carthage Col­ lege, Carthage, 111. Sacramento. State of California Division oh Highways and Ma­ terials University of Missouri. Schlundt Hall, Columbia Ark-La-Tex. Texas Eastman Cafeteria, Longview, Tex. Eastern North Carolina. Atlan­ tic Christian College, Wilson Florida. (Orlando Subsection). T. G. Lee Dairv (Joint with Sigma Xi Club ) Hampton Roads. College of Wil­ liam & Maiy, Norfolk, Va. Mississippi. Millsaps College, Jackson North Carolina. North Carolina State College, Raleigh

Norman G. Gaylord 23

R. F. Stewart


Lester Krampitz


M. J. S. De war


C. Chester Stock


W. Hirschkind


C. Chester Stock

arch 1 Gilbert H. Ayres 2

G. Frederick Smith


John Firor


G. Frederick Smith


Gilbert H. Ayres


G. Frederick Smith


Ronald F. Brown

2 3

Gilbert H. Ayres Ronald F. Brown


G. Frederick Smith

San Diego. South Arkansas. Holiday Inn Motel, Monroe, La. Southern Arizona. Student Union Memorial Bldg., University of Arizona, Tucson Virginia Blue Ridge. Lynwood Golf Club, Martinsville, Va.


Charles Wagner

Fluorescence Analysis Action of Nystatin on Yeast Metabolism Microbial Synthesis of Amino Acids Bacterial Nitrogen Fixation The Chemistry of Prodigiosin and Related Pigments Electron Diffraction from Clean Crystal Surfaces Polymerization of Dienes with Ziegler-Natta Catalysis Nuclear Gasification of Coal Modes of Action Diphosphate



Experimental Cancer Chemo­ therapy Studies The Growing Chemical Industry in the West Experimental Cancer therapy Studies


Fundamentals of Spectrophotometric Analysis Role^ of Perchloric Acid in the Wet Chemical Oxidation of Or-* ganic Compositions Radio Stars Role of Perchloric Acid in the Wet Chemical Oxidation of Or­ ganic Compositions Fundamentals of Spectrophotometric Analysis Role of Perchloric Acid in the Wet Chemical Oxidation of Or­ ganic Compositions Electronegativity, Inductive Charge Transfer and Dipole Moments Fundamentals of Spectrophotometric Analysis Electronegativity, Inductive Charge Transfer and Dipole Moments Role of Perchloric Acid in the Wet Chemical Oxidation of Or­ ganic Compositions

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