ASSOCIATIONS - Chemical & Engineering News Archive (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - This includes a subscription to either of the publications, Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas , published in English, French, o...
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AMERICAN C H E M I C A L SOCIETY Special Subscription Rates for Foreign Journals Continue


The reciprocal arrangement between the AC'S and The Chemical Society ( London) and the Netherlands Chemical Society will continue in 1953. In each case a 10% discount from regular subscription prices is available. Chemical Society ( London ) rates to the public and to ACS members are as follows:

Journal of the Chemical Society Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Quarterly Reviews α

Price to1 Public* £ s. d.

Price to ACS Members 1 £ s. d.

10. 0. 0.

9. 0. 0.

1.10.0. 1. 10. 0.

1.7.0. 1.7. 0.

Includes postage

The discount also will apply to orders ior back numbers. Back numbers of the Journal are priced at £6 per annum to the public ( 1 9 5 2 and earlier), back numbers of ' Quarterly Reviews at £1.10s.0d., An­ nual Reports £1.5s.0d. (Reports for 1951, published in 1952, and earlier years). Orders should be sent to The Chemical Society, Burlington House, London W l , England. The foreign member dues in The Netherlands Chemical Society, regularly 22 guilders, are 19 guilders 8 0 cents to members of the ACS. This includes a subscription to either of the publications, Recueil des travaux chimiques des PaysBas, published in English, French, or Ger­ man, {price to nonmembers, 2 6 guilders 50 cents), or to the weekly Chemisch Weekblad, published in Dutch, (price to

iioimiembers is 22 guilders). Both pub­ lications are available to foreign members who belong to the ACS for 2 9 gurilders 80 cents. Price to other foreign members, 32 guilders. Orders should b e s e n t t o Nederlandsche Chemische Vereenuging, Lange Voorhaut 5, T h e Hague. Before entering an order for a n y of these publications, a member s h o u l d con­ sult his local bank for the exchange rate.

Olin Chosen C h a i r m a n by St. Joseph Valley Section Stephen M. Olin, Miles-Ames Research Laboratory, Elkhart, Ind., has been e l e c t e d chairman of t h e ACS St. Joseph "Valley section. Dr. Olin served the section as chairman-elect and program chairman in 1952, and previ­ ously as treasurer. He succeeds James V. Quagliana of the University of Notre S. M. Olin Dame. The chairman-elect is Elton Huff, U. S. Rubber, Mishawaka, Ind. Helen Free, Miles-Ames Research Laboratory, w a s re­ elected secretary and Leslie A. Sherman, Whitehall Pharmacal Co., was elected treasurer.

Christmas Symposium on Flow Through Porous M e d i a The ACS Division of Industrial and Engineering- Chemistry has selected flow through porous media as the topic for its 20th annual chemical engineering sym-

Dan Mcintosh Chosen f o r Winheim A w a r d Dan L. Mcintosh (left) receives the A. H. Winheim Memorial Award from W. H . Elliott, chairman of the ACS St. Louis Section, at a recent meeting of the section. A. V. Schopp, chairman of the Award Committee, is at center. The a w a r d w a s established in memory of Ade H . Winheim, an alumnus of Washington University. The award is given annually to an outstanding senior chemical engineer at the university




posiuxn to be held Dec. 2 8 - 2 9 , 1953, at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Tentative plans are t o assemble papers which demonstrate the similarity of under­ lying principals of such diverse applied fields as filtration, packed beds or towers, sludge settling, and flow i n oil and g a s reservoirs. J. L. York of t h e University of Michi­ gan's department of chemical and metal­ lurgical engineering is program chairman for the meeting. Abstracts of papers to b e considered for the symposium must be in his hands by Sept. 19. Inquiries for fur­ ther information should be addressed di­ rectly to Professor York.

Thompson Elected Chairman By Northeast Wisconsin Section The Northeast Wisconsin section of t h e AMERICAN


J. O. Thompson



elected James O. Thompson as chair­ man for 1953. Last year Dr. Thompson, w h o is a research associate at the I n ­ stitute of Paper Chemistry, was chairman-elect and program chairman; h e had served as publicity chairman

in 1951. James H. Dinius, chemical engineer w i t h Kimberly Clark Corp., Neenah, Wis., w a s named chairman-elect. Herbert T. Peeler, Western Condensing Co., Appleton, w a s continued as secretary-treasurer.

Daniels Appoints A C S Representatives President Daniels has announced the following appointments of ACS representa­ tives : Third Annual Conference of the Ameri­ can Association tor the United Nations, held in Washington March 1-3, A. K. Brewer, R. E. Gibson, Raleigh Gilchrist, Walter H. Hartung, G. E. Hubert, George W. Irving, Jr., Charles C. Price, Mark W. Westgate and Edward Wichers. Eighth National Conference on Higher Education, Chicago, March 5-7, Warren C. Johnson. Fifty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Academy o f Political and So­ cial Science. Philadelphia, April 10-11, Thomas O. Jones and Floyd T. Tyson. The Inauguration of Raymond B. Allen as Chancellor, University of California. LOS Angeles Campus, March 2 0 , Harry L. Fisher. The Inauguration of Clark Kerr a s Chan­ cellor, University of California. Berkeley Campus, March 23, Robert E. Swain. AND