ASSOCIATIONS - Chemical & Engineering News Archive (ACS

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ASSOCIATIONS Papers f o r Kansas C i t y Meeting C&EN for Oct. 12 (page 4 2 3 4 ) car­ ried an announcement to the effect that "potential authors . . . should contact secretaries of the divisions . . . and a spot on the program will be arranged." A divisional secretary has written to remind potential authors that papers are selected on the basis of quality and on the basis of time available, and re­ quest for a spot on the program does not imply guarantee that time will be arranged. Symposium on Methods For Testing Liquefied Petroleum Gases A symposium to be jointly sponsored by ASTM Committees D-2 on Petro­ leum Products and D-3 on Caseous Fuels, California Natural Gasoline As­ sociation, and the Natural Gasoline Association of America on Methods for Testing Liquefied Petroleum Gases will be held Sept. 27 and 28, 1954, a t Motel Statler, St. Louis, Mo. A number of other trade associations and regulator)' bodies have been invited to assist. Anyone having a paper to contribute or desiring more information should contact B. J. Heinrich, General Chair­ man, Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. Canada t o Have Forensic Society Scientists from various parts of Canada recently gathered in Ottawa to form the Forensic Society of Canada. Through the efforts of Charles G. Farmilo and Leo Levi of the narcotic section Food and Drug Laboratories; j . A. Churchman, Blake Cold well, and W. W. Sutherland of the Crime De­ tection Laboratory at Ottawa, discus­ sions were held on the need for such a society, and on the various aspects of th> forensic sciences. A second meeting was planned for next June under the auspices of the Montreal group. The following officers were elected: L. R. Rogers, Toronto, president; Rosario Fontaine and Charles G. Farmilo, vice presidents; Blake Cold well, secretarytreasurer. "Crystalline Solids" Topic of Conference A conference on Defects in Crystal­ line Solids is being planned by the University of Bristol in cooperation with the International Union of P u r e and Applied Physics and the Institute of Physics, to b e held July 13 to 17, 1954, in Bristol. I t is hoped that a number of authors from overseas will personally present papers, and with this in mind 4908

same time, covering m a n y topics of special interest t o the chemical field. Advance registration cards may be ob­ tained from Clapp & Poliak, Inc., 3 4 1 Madison Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ.

the conference has been arranged t o follow the general assembly of I U P A P . Conference is open to any scientist in­ terested in the field. Further informa­ tion may be obtained from the Secre­ tary, H. 11. Wills Physical Laboratory, Royal Fort, Bristol 8, England, or from the Secretary, Institute of Physics, 4 7 , Belgrave Square, London S.W.I, E n g ­ land.

M C A to Handle O w n Public Relations Manufacturing Chemists' Association will handle all public relations opera­ tions of the association as an internal function, integrated with general operations in the Washington head­ quarters. Public relations for MCA have been handled by Hill & Knowlton for t h e past two years. Cleveland Lane, manager of public relations for Pennsalt, has been loaned to MCA as acting director of public relations.

Soap and Glycerine Producers Convene The 27th annual Industry Conven­ tion sponsored by the Association of American Soap & Glycerine Producers, Inc., will be held Jan. 26 to 28 a t t h e Waldorf-Astoria' Hotel in New York. Theme of the meeting will be "How t o Sell More in *54." This will be covered from three angles: ( 1 ) What's new in cleanliness products, (2) What's next in business trends, and (3) W h a t ' s needed in sales strategy. The program will also include divisional meetings o n glycerol, fatty acids, and industrial and specialty soaps.

CALENDAR O F EVENTS American Chemical Society 125th National Meeting, Kansas City, Mo. March 23-April 1, 1954. 126th National Meeting, New York, Ν. Υ., Sept. 12-17, 1954. Chemical Engineering Symposium, 20th (Christmas), I&EC Division. Ann Ar­ bor, Mich. Dec. 28-29. Other Organizations American Association for the Advancement of Science. Annual Meeting. Boston, Mass. Dec. 26-31. American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Annual Meeting. Hotel Jefferson, St. Louis, Mo. Dec. 13-16. Exposition of Chemical Industries, 24th. Commercial Museum, Philadelphia, ^a. Nov. 30-Dec. 5.

Plant Maintenance Show Maintenance problems in the chemi­ cal field will get special attention a t t h e Plant Maintenance and Engineering Show to h e held in Chicago, Jan. 2 5 t o 28. The Plant Maintenance and E n g i ­ neering Conference will run at t h e



Ames, Auditorium, Chemistry Bldg., I o w a State C o l l e g e C h a t t a n o o g a , Brock H a l l , U n i v e r ­ sity of C h a t t a n o o g a Cincinnati, Engineering SocietyHeadquarters

C o r n e l l , R o o m 107, Bailey Lab., C o r i ï f î î "University, I t h a c a East Tennessee Georgia, ODK Room, Brittain D i n i n g Hall, Georgia Institute of T e c h n o l o g y , A t l a n t a Kansas C i t y M a i n e , Room 3 0 5 . Aubert Hall, U n i v e r s i t v of M a i n e . O r o n o Nashville, Furman Hall. Vanderbilt University N e b r a s k a , Avery L a b o r a t o r y o f C h e m i s t r v . University of N e braska. Lincoln N e w Y o r k . Union C a r b i d e a n d C a r b o n Cafeteria N e w York ( Metropolitan Long Island Subsection), Hotel G r a n a d a . Brooklyn N e w Y o r k ( Staten I s l a n d Subs e c t i o n ) , Old Mill R e s t a u r a n t . S t a t e n I n l a n d . Ν. Υ. Northeast Tennessee



S- W a w z o n e k



Michael Kasha

Nov. 3 0

H . H. W i l l i a m s

Intercombinations in M o l e c u l a r Electronic Spectra C h r o m a t o g r a p h i c I n v e s t i g a t i o n s of Proteins a n d A m i n o Acids Hemin and Chlorophyll—The T w o Most I m p o r t a n t P i g m e n t s on E a r t h Atomic P o w e r - P r e s e n t and F u ­ ture




P.W.K. Rotheinund Dec.


L.. W . N i e d r a c h

Dec. 3 N T ov. 3 Ο

Michael Kasha Michael Kasha

Dec. Dec.

Robert Epple


Meeting-in-Miniature A p p l i c a t i o n s of R a d i o a c t i v i t y in Research and Industry E m i s s i o n S p e c t r o s c o p y of C o m ­ plex Molecules Organic Polarography



Michael Kasha



S. Wawzonek



Robert G u n n i n g



ML L. T a i n t e r

How to Improve Writing Our G o l d e n Age





Emission Spectroscopy plex M o l e c u l e s Atomic Power—Present ture

Doc. 2

Michael Kasha

N o r t h e r n N e w York


L . W . Niedraoh

O m a h a . U n i v e r s i t y of O m a h a P h i l a d e l p h i a , Convention Hall Rochester, U n i v e r s i t y of Roch­ ester S i o u x V a l l e y , Siouv F a l l s C o l ­ l e g e , S i o u x F a l l s . S. D . Southern California, Rodger Young Auditorium Los An­ geles Syracuse, Bowne Hall, Syracuse University Virginia Blue Ridge, Roanoke W a s h i n g t o n , Cosmos C l u b

Dec. 4 Mow 3 0


Ore. 4

S- Wnw7nnelc E>. Lilienthal


