AstraZeneca Excellence in Chemistry Award 2003 - C&EN Global

DOI: 10.1021/cen-v081n038.ifc. Publication Date: September 22, 2003. Copyright © 2003 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives...
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Past Award Recipients 2002



2001 2000




1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals proudly announces the 2003 Excellence in Chemistry Awardees:

1987 1986

Professor David Liu 1985

Harvard University

Professor Dalibor Sames Columbia University

Past Distinguished Lecturers

2002 2001 Awards Ceremony Distinguished Lecturer: 2000 1999 Professor George M. Whitesides 1998 Harvard University 1997 1996 At AstraZeneca, we recognize that advances in medicine rely on innovations in chemistry. 1995 In order to reward outstanding contributions to the art of organic chemistry, the 1994 AstraZeneca Excellence in Chemistry Award is presented annually to two talented 1993 academic researchers who have demonstrated excellence in synthetic, mechanistic or 1992 bioorganic chemistry. The awardees are selected by a team of our senior scientists in 1991 consultation with a world-leading chemist who will also serve as the distinguished leaurer at the awards ceremony. Now in its nineteenth year, this Award, which includes an 1990 1989 unrestricted research grant, will be presented at a symposium at AstraZeneca Wilmington. With best wishes for continued excellence in chemical research, 1988 AstraZeneca congratulates this years award winners. 1987 1986 1985

AstraZeneca^ life inspiring ideas

RG. Harran J.R Morken D.W.C. MacMillan E.J. Sorensen DJ. Austin M.D. Shair J.L. Leighton K.A. Woerpel D. Romo J.L. Wood RA. Evans C.J. Forsyth E.M. Carreira L.L. Kiessiing RT. Lansbury, Jr. R Wipf S.D. Rychnovsky G.L. Verdine B. Imperiali E.N. Jacobsen J.M. Berg D.E. Kahne D.A. Dougherty M.H. Gelb R.E. Klevit A.G. Myers D.R Curran RS. Kim J. Stubbe RA. Wender RA. Bartlett S.E. Denmark S.L. Schreiber C.A. Townsend R.L. Danheiser D.J. Hart

R.H. Grubbs VA. Snieckus W.R. Roush K.C. Nicolaou R.A. Lerner RA. Wender B. Ganem L.E. Overman B.M. Trost S.L. Schreiber D.A. Evans RB. Dervan C.H. Heathcock J.R. Knowles S.J. Danishefsky A.I. Meyers A.B. Smith, III G. Stork