Atomic-Layer Electroless Deposition: A Scalable Approach to Surface-Modified Metal Powders Patrick J. Cappillino,† Joshua D. Sugar,† Farid El Gabaly,† Trevor Y. Cai,† Zhi Liu,‡ John L. Stickney,§ and David B. Robinson†,* †
Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California, United States Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, United States § Department of Chemistry, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, United States ‡
S Supporting Information *
ABSTRACT: Palladium has a number of important applications in energy and catalysis in which there is evidence that surface modification leads to enhanced properties. A strategy for preparing such materials is needed that combines the properties of (i) scalability (especially on high-surface-area substrates, e.g. powders); (ii) uniform deposition, even on substrates with complex, threedimensional features; and (iii) low-temperature processing conditions that preserve nanopores and other nanostructures. Presented herein is a method that exhibits these properties and makes use of benign reagents without the use of specialized equipment. By exposing Pd powder to dilute hydrogen in nitrogen gas, sacrificial surface PdH is formed along with a controlled amount of dilute interstitial hydride. The lattice expansion that occurs in Pd under higher H2 partial pressures is avoided. Once the flow of reagent gas is terminated, addition of metal salts facilitates controlled, electroless deposition of an overlayer of subnanometer thickness. This process can be cycled to create thicker layers. The approach is carried out under ambient processing conditions, which is an advantage over some forms of atomic layer deposition. The hydride-mediated reaction is electroless in that it has no need for connection to an external source of electrical current and is thus amenable to deposition on high-surface-area substrates having rich, nanoscale topography as well as on insulator-supported catalyst particles. STEM-EDS measurements show that conformal Rh and Pt surface layers can be formed on Pd powder with this method. A growth model based on energy-resolved XPS depth profiling of Rh-modified Pd powder is in general agreement. After two cycles, deposits are consistent with 70−80% coverage and a surface layer with a thickness from 4 to 8 Å.
INTRODUCTION Palladium has a wide variety of applications that include hydrogen storage and sensing,1−3 chemical catalysis,4−6 and fuel cell catalysis.7−9 In each of these areas, formation of atomic-scale surface and subsurface layers of other metals has been identified as a promising avenue for enhancement of properties.10−13 In the case of hydrogen storage and sensing, computational investigations suggest that such surface and near-surface layers have surface hydride energetics that differ from those of Pd, and this may enhance the kinetics of hydrogen absorption and desorption.12 It has also been demonstrated that the catalytic properties of noble metals are sensitive to an overlayer of a metal in several important industrial reactions, including electro-oxidation of formic acid,14,15 oxygen reduction,16 and alcohol oxidation.17 In addition, the element present at the surface affects catalyst inactivation by poisons.18 In recent decades, several strategies for atomic layer deposition (ALD) have been reported in attempts to prepare materials such as those described above.19 In these techniques, self-limiting reactions are sequentially carried out at the surface of a material, creating a binary or multilayer film. These © 2014 American Chemical Society
processes are usually performed in the gas phase and at low pressure. Advantages include precise thickness control, based on the number of cycles performed, and the ability to deposit on high-aspect-ratio substrates. It has been recognized, however, that the high temperatures required for ALD of metals such as Pt (200−300 °C) are unsuitable for temperature-sensitive substrates.20,21 For example, nanopores in Pd and Pt display significant restructuring at temperatures above 200 °C, well below the melting points of the metals.22,23 The low temperatures to which these materials are limited to preserve nanostructure are insufficient to volatilize precursors or to remove ligands on adsorbed precursors, blocking subsequent cycles of conventional ALD.24 To mitigate this problem, room-temperature ALD of Pt has recently been reported, in which an O2 plasma was used to assist in ligand decomposition.21 Although this strategy was demonstrated to be effective for deposition of films, nanoporous substrates or those with complex surface topology, in which the access of the Received: February 5, 2014 Revised: March 17, 2014 Published: April 4, 2014 4820 | Langmuir 2014, 30, 4820−4829
deposition (UPD) layer (typically Cu or Pb) of atomic thickness is formed electrochemically and then replaced by a more noble metal. These steps are repeated to form thicker films.27−30 SLRR using hydrogen UPD to deposit Pt was recently reported as the first example of this technique with a nonmetal sacrificial layer.31 The lattice-expanded, β-phase PdH (PdHβ) has a H/Pd ratio in the bulk of the material of ∼0.65, and the hydride species are mobile enough to react at the surface. Formation of PdHβ either electrochemically32 or by exposure to pure H2,33 followed by galvanic replacement of the hydride with metal salts, has been previously reported. The latter reference bears a procedural resemblance to the work described here; however, such reactions are far from being surface-limited. Except in films a few nanometers thick, the amount of hydride in the bulk is much greater than the amount on the surface. This reaction has been shown to form dendrites rather than a conformal layer.32 Such dendritic growth has been prevented in the present case by limiting the H2 partial pressure, avoiding formation of PdHβ. In the more dilute α-phase PdH (PdHα), the amount of bulk hydride is much lower and can be controlled so that it is comparable to or less than the amount of surface hydride. The reaction is thus essentially surface-limited. Such conditions allow formation of a conformal overlayer having a thickness from one to a few monolayers. Reductive deposition of very dilute salts of Pd and Rh as atomic-scale films on single crystal Pt by exposure to H2/Ar gas mixtures has been demonstrated previously.34,35 In the present work, this general strategy is modified for large-scale application to polycrystalline powders with much greater surface area and more robust control of thickness. Further, in the case of hydrogen absorbing substrates such as Pd, the controlled partial pressure of H2 gas, demonstrated herein, is necessary for the reasons discussed above. The cyclic exposure of substrate to reagent gas, followed by doses of metal salt under static pressure, is a more effective means of large-scale conformal deposition of many adlayers and precludes formation of nanoparticles (NP). Herein, we demonstrate a means of atomic-layer electroless deposition (ALED) of Rh and Pt metal on Pd powder (PdPt, PdRh). This process is carried out by suspending the powder in an electrolyte solution and cycling between chemical hydride formation using dilute hydrogen gas in nitrogen and addition of salts of the metals to be deposited. As the number of cycles increases, the thickness of the surface layer increases, as shown by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Changes to the cyclic voltammetry (CV) of PdPt and PdRh powders demonstrate kinetic enhancement of hydrogen desorption after formation of the adlayer, as has been observed in the case of nanofilms.13,36 A growth model is presented that is based on energy-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ERXPS), is consistent with high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) measurements, and suggests a conformal layer forms during the course of ALED. Some threedimensional growth is indicated, but large-scale island and dendrite formation does not occur. To establish relevance to applications that involve supported catalysts, we also demonstrate that this technique can be carried out on commercially obtained palladium on carbon (Pd/C).
plasma to some surface sites could be blocked, would present difficulties. A solution-phase process known as electrochemical atomic layer deposition (E-ALD) has also been utilized for the formation of nanofilms on a variety of substrates.25 This process is carried out under ambient conditions, in condensed phases, and allows conformal deposition with tunable thickness. Despite these advantages, deposition is confined to the surface of an electrode that must be in electrical contact with an external instrument. The amount of current supplied by the instrument and also by a counter electrode scales with the surface area of the substrate. This is problematic in the case of metal structures with high surface areas, such as nanoporous metals, fine powders, and catalysts supported on insulating substrates, such as silica or alumina. In the approach presented here, layer-by-layer deposition of elements more noble than PdH was carried out by charging Pd powders with a controlled partial pressure of H2 gas to chemically form a surface hydride. After terminating the flow of reagent gas, the hydride was used for controlled reduction of an adlayer of a different metal at the surface of the particles, with repetition of these two steps as needed to obtain a desired thickness (Scheme 1). This approach has many of the same Scheme 1
advantages as the electroless process known as successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction.26 In that technique, metal chalcogenide thin films are deposited using controlled formation and precipitation of adlayers of ions. Advantages of this process include ambient operating conditions that are amenable to temperature-sensitive substrates, scalability to large amounts of high-surface-area materials, and tolerance to polycrystalline substrates with rough surfaces that would be useful on an industrial scale. The strategy presented herein also bears similarity to an implementation of E-ALD known as surface-limited redox replacement (SLRR), in which a sacrificial, underpotential
EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Materials. The palladium powder used in this study was obtained from Engelhard. Rhodium(III) chloride, ammonium
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PdRh powder particles were sectioned in accordance with literature procedures40,41 so that the compositional distribution of Rh could be imaged with STEM. The powder was encapsulated in an epoxy formulation that cured at room temperature (Struers). The epoxy was then sectioned with a diamond knife at room temperature using a Leica EM UC6 ultramicrotome. The resulting samples were electron-transparent and suitable for compositional analysis, which was performed using a probe-corrected FEI Titan G2 80-200 with a large-area silicon drift EDS detector (ChemiSTEM). EDS spectrum images were acquired with an EDS spectrum at every image pixel. Quantitative compositional analysis was performed using the Cliff−Lorimer k factor method.42 Spectral reference shapes for Pd and Rh were measured from pure materials and used in multiple least-squares fits of background-subtracted spectra of unknown composition. The k factor was measured from a known reference material (8 at. % Rh−Pd), whose composition was verified by calibrated X-ray fluorescence measurements. Preparation of Surface-Modified Powders. For deposition experiments, a 3-neck flask (100 mL) was used, with a gas inlet capable of bubbling either N2 gas or reagent gas (1% H2 in N2) through the electrolyte. The flask also contained reference, counter, and working electrodes, and a stir bar. A schematic of the cell used is shown in Figure S1 of the Supporting Information. Prior to use, the WE was laminated with polypropylene, exposing 2 cm, to ensure that a consistent surface area was in contact with the electrolyte solution before and after deposition experiments. The cell was filled with 30 mL of 0.1 M H2SO4 that was purged with N2 gas prior to the initial CV. The cell was then charged with a known quantity of Pd powder (250 to 300 mg), and the gas flow was switched to the reagent gas. The OCP was then monitored with time until it stabilized (−0.2 V vs Ag/AgCl). The reagent gas bubbling was then discontinued, leaving the cell under static pressure, and N2-purged RhCl3 or (NH4)2(PtCl4) salts (∼10 mM in 0.1 M H2SO4) were added by syringe to prepare PdRh and PdPt. Aliquots (0.1 to 1.0 mL) containing from 0.36 to 44 mmol metal salt per mol Pd were used in various deposition experiments. This procedure of purging under reagent gas until a stable OCP was reached, followed by addition of metal salt aliquots, was repeated for up to eight cycles. After deposition, the modified powder was removed from the cell, filtered, rinsed several times with deionized water, and dried overnight at room temperature under reduced pressure. A sample of PdPd was prepared for control experiments by addition of 4.8 mmol (NH4)2(PdCl4) per mol Pd powder using the above procedure. A sample of PdRh in which Pd/C was used as a substrate was prepared in a similar manner, with an aliquot (2.0 mL, 50 mM) of RhCl3 added to the suspended, finely divided powder (250 mg, 0.24 mmol Pd) in one cycle of ALED.
tetrachloropalladate, and Pt wire were purchased from Alfa Aesar. Ammonium tetrachloroplatinate was obtained from City Chemicals. Reagent gas (1% hydrogen, 99% nitrogen) was obtained from Matheson Tri-Gas. Pd wire was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. Pd/C (10% Pd) was obtained from Strem Chemicals. Physical Methods. All electrochemistry was carried out using a Bio-Logic SP-200 potentiostat. Open-circuit potential (OCP) experiments were carried out by monitoring the potential of the Pd working electrode (WE) over time, with no applied current or potential, during ALED cycles. Ag/AgCl reference (3.5 M KCl) and Pt wire (0.5 mm diameter) counter electrodes were used to measure the CV of the Pd wire (0.25 mm diameter), with 0.1 M sulfuric acid electrolyte and a scan rate of 150 mV/s. To measure the CV of the ALED samples subsequent to deposition, a working electrode was made by pressing a known quantity of powder into a flat cake on a piece of gold-coated silicon wafer. The sample was covered with a porous polypropylene membrane (Celgard 3501) and assembled into a “plate material evaluating cell” (BASi) with Ag/AgCl reference (3.5 M KCl) and Pt wire (0.5 mm diameter) counter electrodes and 0.1 M sulfuric acid electrolyte. Measurements were performed with the cell under N2 purge. XPS experiments on powder samples were conducted using an Al Kα source (Omicron model DAR400) using photons of 1490 eV. Photoelectrons with kinetic energies between 1127 and 1490 eV were detected using a Physical Electronics model 10-360 electron energy analyzer. At this photon energy, the photoelectrons from the 3d orbitals of Pd and Rh have mean free paths (MFPs) of 2.0 and 1.6 nm, respectively, and those from the 4f orbitals of Pt have a MFP of 1.7 nm.37 The powder samples were pressed into an alloy foil (Pb92.5Sn5Ag2.5) obtained from Indium Corporation for mounting. Prior to analysis, samples were exposed to H2 gas (7 Pa) at room temperature to remove surface oxide that had formed adventitiously during sample preparation and storage. Further XPS experiments on these samples using varied incident photon energies for depth-profile experiments were conducted at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (XPS endstation at beamline 9.3.2).38 Spectra were collected at X-ray photon energies of 450 and 850 eV. The resultant photoelectrons from the 3d orbitals of Pd and Rh have MFPs of 0.5 and 0.4 nm, respectively, at 450 eV and 1.1 and 0.9 nm, respectively, at 850 eV.37 Photoelectrons originating from the Pt 4f orbitals have MFPs of 0.7 and 1.1 nm using 450 and 850 eV X-ray photons, respectively.37 The software program SESSA (Simulation of Electron Spectra for Surface Analysis) was used to simulate spectra at the three incident photon energies used in the XPS experiments.39 Integration of experimental and simulated spectra was carried out with the software program CasaXPS after background correction, using the scaling factors included with the program. BET surface area measurements of the Pd starting material were made using a Micromeritics ASAP 2020 porosimeter. Nitrogen gas at 77 K was used as the adsorptive, and samples were degassed for 15 h at 50 °C prior to analysis. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was carried out using a JEOL JSM 7600F field-emission electron microscope with the powder samples embedded in carbon paint. Ultraviolet−visible spectroscopy was carried out on a Shimadzu UV-3600 UV−vis−NIR spectrometer.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ALED of Pt and Rh on Pd Powder. Exposure of a suspension of Pd powder in electrolyte to hydrogen/nitrogen gas mixtures should have the following consequences: (i) reduction of oxide present at the surface of the Pd particles,43 (ii) formation of a surface hydride due to the large enthalpy of chemisorption of hydrogen on Pd,44 and (iii) formation of dilute, bulk, α-phase palladium hydride (PdH α).45 By controlling the partial pressure of H2 in the gas mixture, this third step can be precisely tuned, given that the stoichiometry 4822 | Langmuir 2014, 30, 4820−4829
of PdHα as a function of H2 partial pressure is well known.45 Notably, at 30 °C, the maximum solubility of PdHα is 0.015 H/ Pd, and this value is reached at 2.4 kPa of H2 pressure.46 Above this pressure, PdHα is converted to PdHβ, so this represents an upper limit on the H2 pressure to be used at this temperature. Under these temperature and partial pressure conditions, when considering films and fine powders, the equilibrium amount of hydride in the bulk is less than or similar to the amount on the surface. Electroless deposition of metals can then be carried out by exposing the hydrided substrate to the corresponding metal ions in solution. The partial pressure of hydrogen gas is an important factor in controlling the amount of bulk PdHα formed during charging. The surface area of the Pd powder used in these investigations was measured to be 1.0 m2 g−1, so we expect from 2.6 to 2.3 mmol of surface atoms per mol Pd. These upper and lower bounds for the polycrystalline powder are estimated using the number of atoms in a unit area of (111) and (100) fcc Pd (assuming a lattice parameter of 3.89 Å), along with the surface area of the powder and the atomic mass of Pd.46 For the purposes of identifying experimental samples discussed here, we define a dose unit (DU) as consisting of 2.6 mmol metal salt per mol Pd. Upon exposure of this Pd powder to a partial pressure of 1.0 kPa H2, PdHα should form and dissolve in the Pd at a ratio of ∼8.5 × 10−3 H/Pd, which is from 3.3 to 3.7 surface equivalents based on the upper and lower bounds calculated above.45 Further, even at extremely low H2 pressure, a surface hydride would form and provide an additional reducing equivalent for surface deposition.44 Using Rh as an example, since deposition of a single monolayer (ML) of atoms at the surface of Pd metal by reduction of Rh3+ ions requires 3 equiv of PdH, each cycle of hydride formation under these conditions would provide reducing equivalents necessary for deposition of 1.3 to 1.7 ML. Solution-phase hydrogen does not contribute significantly to the number of reducing equivalents, especially since the reagent gas bubbling is stopped, and the cell is under static pressure during deposition of the metal salt. The solubility of H2 in the aqueous phase is on the order of 10 μM at a gas partial pressure of 1 kPa, so approximately 0.3 μmol is dissolved in the aqueous phase.47 This is small compared with the ∼5 μmol of Pd surface atoms present. A few tens of micromoles of H2 are also present in the headspace, but evidence suggests that this gas does not reduce the metal salt on the experimental time scale. It is left in the vessel in an attempt to keep hydrogen near equilibrium among all phases present, although it would be sensible to reduce the headspace volume in future designs. The partial pressure used in this example is close to the upper limit that is advisable when using a Pd substrate at room temperature. Powder exposed to >1.6 kPa of H2 at 22 °C would undergo transformation to PdHβ, with a corresponding increase in volume, leading to formation of undesirable dendrites rather than a conformal surface layer.32,48 In contrast to conventional ALD, in which adlayer growth is limited to the surface by the adsorption of the precursor, in the present case, two important conditions are necessary to control adlayer growth. First, by using a low partial pressure of H2 and keeping the cell under static pressure during the deposition phase of each cycle, the reducing agent present is limited to surface hydride and dilute PdHα that can migrate to the surface. Second, for many cycles of deposition, the dose of metal salt should be limited to the amount of reducing agent present from the hydride forming phase. A presence of excess metal salt in
solution during subsequent hydride forming phases may affect growth. A strategy to mitigate this in future implementations would be to make use of a flow cell to introduce the metal salt in a controlled fashion and remove excess metal salt between cycles.28,36 The polycrystalline Pd substrate particles before and after ALED of Rh are shown in SEM micrographs in Figure 1. The aggregated spheroids had diameters ranging from several hundred nanometers to 1 μm. At this scale, the particles exhibited no changes due to the deposition process.
Figure 1. SEM images of Pd powder used as the substrate for ALED, before (a) and after (b) Rh deposition.
As the Pd particles, suspended in electrolyte, were exposed to 1% H2/N2 gas, the OCP between the Pd working and Ag/AgCl reference electrodes immersed in the reaction cell was measured (Figure 2). An immediate, steep drop in potential
Figure 2. Change in open-circuit potential over time (regions A−H) as Pd powder suspended in H2SO4 (0.1M) is alternately exposed to 1% H2/N2 gas and aliquots of RhCl3 (12.8 mM) with volumes of 0.10 mL (*) and 0.25 mL (+).
was observed due to changes at the surface of the Pd WE (region A, Figure 2). The OCP decreased more slowly from ∼0.3 to ∼0.1 V (region B, Figure 2). The shallower slope in region B is likely due to the gradual reduction of an oxide layer on the powder particles. This potential range is slightly below the observed surface oxide reduction peak in the CV of the bare Pd wire taken prior to experiments, at ∼0.4 V. In the absence of stirring, we have observed that the OCP decreases much more quickly and then increases back to the range of region B. With stirring, the presence of oxide on the powder led to consumption of local H2 and prevented the test wire potential from decreasing further until the surface of the powder was completely reduced. XPS of the Pd powder prior to the 4823 | Langmuir 2014, 30, 4820−4829
reaction confirmed that an oxide layer was present before the ALED process, but not after (Figure S2 in Supporting Information). This suggests that, through intermittent contact between PdO on the surface of the powder and the wire, and by their effects on the solution composition, an equilibrium between the PdO on the powder particles and the wire was reached. These results underscore the need for effective stirring to ensure potential equilibrium between the Pd wire and the Pd particles. Subsequently, the cell voltage dropped, and a plateau was observed near −0.2 V (region C, Figure 2), which is the expected value for a Pd hydride electrode. At this point, the reagent gas bubbling was terminated (region D, Figure 2). The H2 partial pressure used is insufficient to cause PdHα to convert to PdHβ at room temperature.48 At this stage of the reaction, hydrogen would be present in the system only as a surface hydride and as dilute PdHα in the bulk. The small amount of H2 dissolved in the electrolyte under static pressure is insufficient to reduce the metal salt, as shown in separate control experiments (Figures S3 and S4 in the Supporting Information). Exposing 0.1 M H2SO4 to 1% H2/N2 gas in the absence of Pd powder, followed by addition of RhCl3 or (NH4)2(PtCl4), showed no decrease in metal salt concentration on the time scale of the deposition cycles described below. Sequential additions of small aliquots of RhCl3 without gas bubbling are marked in region E of Figure 2. With each addition, the OCP increased. This suggests galvanic replacement of PdH at the surface with Rh. After four aliquots totaling 1.4 DU, a larger jump in OCP was observed, suggesting residual RhIII was present in solution (the formal potential of the Rh/ RhCl63− redox couple is 0.23 V). A 300 mV increase was observed upon a subsequent addition of RhCl3, suggesting that all hydride present in the system had been consumed. The slight downward drift of the potential after each aliquot was likely due to transport of H2 from the headspace into the solution and reduction of excess RhIII, but this process was slow compared to the potential jumps corresponding to each dose. Charging the Pd powder with H2 a second time (region F, Figure 2) by again bubbling the 1% H2/N2 gas into the suspension, gave rise to a decrease in OCP to about −0.2 V. The gas bubbling was then stopped (region G, Figure 2). Small increases in OCP were observed as each of several aliquots of RhCl3 was added (region H, Figure 2), with the largest increase observed after the fifth aliquot, corresponding to a cumulative dose of 1.3 DU. An increase in OCP of ∼300 mV was observed upon subsequent addition, similarly to the first cycle. The Pd wire, acting as a probe of the potential of the Pd powder in suspension, suggests that PdH reducing equivalents sufficient to reduce between 1 and 2 DU of metal salt were formed while charging the cell with the dilute H2 gas. This could be repeated by forming surface hydrides with either the Rh overlayer or with exposed Pd and by forming dilute PdHα as previously described. Polycrystalline films,49 single crystals,50 and NP51 of Rh have all been demonstrated to adsorb hydrogen, with a coverage of 1.68 reported at 298 K and 1.2 Pa in the first case.51 Furthermore, it seems reasonable to expect that near its surface, Pd with one to a few monolayers of Rh deposited would exhibit properties similar to PdRh alloys, which absorb hydrogen at much lower pressure than pure Rh. XPS Characterization of Surface-Modified Powders. XPS spectra of PdRh and PdPt samples that were prepared by addition of varying amounts of metal salt to Pd powder substrates are shown in Figure 3. Deposits formed with a single-
Figure 3. XPS spectra showing the PdRh 3d region (a) and the PdPt 4f region (b) with varying deposit thickness. The Pd 3d peaks in parts a and b for samples with varying deposit thickness were normalized. Samples shown are submonolayer deposition (black), and after one (red), four (blue), and eight (green) cycles of ALED. Insets show XPS quantitation of atomic percent Rh (a) and Pt (b) relative to Pd. Incident photon energy was 1490 eV.
cycle deposition of 97% of that measured during the hydrogen-loading phase. As the CV data suggest, the initial current was higher for samples of PdRh and PdPt compared with PdPd, and the effect was more pronounced with larger doses. The kinetic improvements suggested by these data for surface-modified Pd are generally consistent with observations reported for Rh-modified Pd nanofilms grown using SLRR36 and nanostructured Pd with adsorbates or submonolayer Pt deposits.13 Modification of surface hydride energetics resulting from the Rh or Pt overlayers is a likely explanation for this behavior, given the similarity between the PdPd control and the PdRh and PdPt samples, which differed only in the identity of the adlayer metal used during ALED.
Corresponding Author
*Address: Sandia National Laboratories, PO Box 969, Mail Stop 9292, Livermore, CA, USA. Phone: 925-294-6613. E-mail: Author Contributions
The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript. Notes
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sandia National Laboratories is a multiprogram laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. 4827 | Langmuir 2014, 30, 4820−4829
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Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. The Advanced Light Source is supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Support for J.L.S. was in part provided by the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, Grant No. 1006747. The authors also thank Mark Homer for STEM sample preparation and David M. Benson for his comments during manuscript preparation.
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