Authenticity of Caffeine Containing Beverages - ACS Publications

This paper deals with the authentication of tea and coffee and the ... Issues in the authentication .... It was hypothesized that the result (”spect...
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Chapter 16

Authenticity of Caffeine Containing Beverages Downloaded by UCSF LIB CKM RSCS MGMT on November 19, 2014 | Publication Date (Web): November 17, 2011 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2011-1081.ch016

Ulrich H. Engelhardt* Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute of Food Chemistry, Schleinitzstr. 20, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany *E-mail: [email protected]

This paper deals with the authentication of tea and coffee and the beverages made from. Issues in the authentication of tea are the discrimination of the geographic origin and the differentiation of the type of tea (black, green, oolong, and white). For coffee, the differentiation of the varieties C. arabica and robusta is relevant, which can be achieved by the determination of 16-O-methylcafestol in both roasted and green coffee. Other possibilities are the area of growth which might be detected using the chlorogenic acid pattern in green coffee beans. Other approaches, such as isotope ratios, NIR spectroscopy, and determination of volatiles have been also employed. The authentication of instant coffee is possible using the determination of carbohydrates and the ratio of xylose to glucose. Other carbohydrates might additionally be used for that purpose.

Introduction Tea and coffee are the most relevant caffeine containing beverages according to their consumption figures. Other beverages, such as guarana or the caffeinated softdrink are not covered in this chapter. The authentication of tea and tea products was already discussed in the 2005 symposium on the authentication of foods and wine (1). Therefore in this case only more recent developments and still unsolved problems are discussed. One trend in the field of tea products are special extracts having a completely different pattern of compounds, e.g. a tea extract with very high amounts of theanine and theogallin (2). White tea authentication is still kind of a problem as no international accepted definition for this type of teas exists.

© 2011 American Chemical Society In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

In case of coffee, the other relevant methylxanthin containing beverage, there are a few issues to be mentioned. The differentiation of C. arabica and robusta is an issue as well as the detection of the geographic origin of the samples. It is claimed that it is possible for a trained person to identify sensorically a Robusta or an Arabica sample, however, in a roast and ground sample this will not always work. Another sensory approach is tasting where trained people also are thought to be able to find out whether or not Robusta in relevant amounts is in the samples.

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Authentication of Tea For the discrimination of green and black tea an international data collection using validated standard methods has been completed and is ready to be published (3). Those standards have been used to determine the total phenolics content by a Folin-Ciocalteu assay and the catechins along with caffeine and gallic acid by an HPLC procedure (4, 5). In the data collection all participating labs worldwide used this methodology. Moreover, the data collection was combined with ring test so non-complying labs could be excluded and their results are not in the database. The database contains more than 600 green and black teas. In most cases a clear discrimination between green and black teas is obtained. There are quite a few exceptions mostly caused by Darjeeling samples which have a quite high catechin contents. Moreover, the proportion of the catechins to total phenolic is more than 0.5 (50%) in case of nearly all Darjeeling samples. It is possible to determine also other compounds such as theogallin, gallocatechin, theobromine, and epimers such as gallocatechin gallate and catechin gallate, however, this was not specified in the original standard and consequently most participating laboratories did not do it (Engelhardt 2010, unpublished results). White teas are a special issue as no generally accepted definition exists (6). Recently, the ISO working group on tea discussed a technical document which proposed a manufacture based definition of white tea (7). A differentiation of green and white tea by the catechin and total phenolic contents or ratios is not possible (8). Looking for a marker compound for white teas led to the identification of a myricetin triglycoside (Figure 1) which had not been identified before in tea (9). Later it has been shown that most of the green teas and also some of the black teas analyzed contained small amounts of this triglycoside. Also there is no significant difference between green and white tea in the content or the pattern of flavonol glycosides (8).

Figure 1. Myricetin-3-O-rhamnodiglucoside. 228 In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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If it holds true that a possible definition of white tea is based on manufacture it might be hypothesized that a determination of remaining enzyme activity might be useful as no enzyme deactivation seems to be involved in white tea processing (10). Analysis of metal content was always used as a tool to identify the origin of tea. Often LDA was employed for a classification (11). Recently, a combination of isotope ratio (δN, δD) and trace elements (49Ti, 53Cr, 59Co, 60Ni, 65Cu, 71Ga, 85Rb, 88Sr, 89Y, 93Nb, 111Cd, 133Cs, 138Ba, 139La, 140Ce, 141Pr, 153Eu, 203Tl, 208Pb and 209Bi) contents using LDA led to a correct identification of nearly 98 % of the samples. Around 100 samples from Asian tea growing areas were included in the study (12). Moreover, for selected samples from Nilgiri growing area it was possible to identify the estates. Neither chemical analysis nor tea tasters are currently able to assess instant teas in terms of origin. It is also not possible to differentiate between an instant green and white tea. The latter is in part due to the lack of an accepted definition. Based on compositional data for caffeine, theobromine, theanine, and polyphenols, the authenticity of tea products, such as ice teas and instant teas, were analyzed (13). Average figures for the analytes in green and black teas were calculated and stated that one third failed to meet the legal limits in selected European countries. It has to be mentioned that for cream treatment in black tea a number of processes are employed (e.g. alkaline treatment) which are known to modify the composition of the instant tea (1). It has to be mentioned that theanine is not a real useful marker for tea authenticity. The theanine concentration is strongly influenced by shading which gives a higher concentration of theanine. Moreover, the stability of theanine in ready-to-drink beverages is not quite clear.

Special Tea Extracts Due to their use in nutraceuticals, special tea extracts are increasingly sold. There are products on the market since a few years with very high concentrations of catechins (e.g. 60 %). As tea is one of the best natural sources of catechins and contains typical galloylated compounds such as epigallocatechin gallate, authentication of those special extracts is not a problem. The same is true for products containing higher amounts of theaflavins (normally the sum of the major theaflavins does rarely exceed 2.5%). Tea is the only relevant source of theaflavins. The qualification of theaflavins is not a problem due to the characteristic spectra in the visible and UV region and also due to their mass spectra. The quantification might be a problem as theaflavins tend to degrade in diluted solutions. It is also true that no relative response factors as for the catechins have been established. Currently no reference compounds are commercially available to our best knowledge. Consequently, there are not too many data available in the open literature for theaflavin content. There is also no standardized validated method available.

229 In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Coffee Authenticity What are the relevant issues in coffee authentication? In coffee one of the issues is the detection whether or not Coffea canephora (Robusta coffee) has been used, especially if the on-pack claim states that there is only Arabica in the blend. A German standard method (DIN 10779) uses the determination of 16-O-methylcafestol (16-OMC) to detect C. robusta (14). According to the available literature 16-OMC is only present in Robusta. The methodology specifies a working range between 50-300 mg kg-1. Unfortunately there was no legal limit set and consequently small amounts (below 50 mg) always make problems. Moreover, some people do treat the concentration of 16-OMC in Robusta samples as constant which is not the case by far. According to early papers by Speer et al. (15) the amount varies between 680 - 1540 mg/kg, which is a factor of around 2.5. The methodology is kind of tedious but the separation of 16-OMC is quite good. According to Kölling-Speer et al. (16) this methodology also enables the detection of Robusta in instant coffees which is not within the scope of the original standard method, however, this has not been validated by a ring test as yet. The availability of the reference compound used to be a problem but in the past few years - at least in part due to new isolation procedures (17) this has been overcome. Currently a reference compound is also commercially available. Numerous other approaches have been published for the same purpose. In coffee currently more than 40 hydroxycinnamic acid esters with quinic acid have been detected and a hierarchical scheme for the identification by HPLC-ESI-MSn has been published (18–20). Hydroxycinnamic acid amides and glycosides have also been found in coffee (21). During roasting, the chlorogenic acids are degraded. A part of the chlorogenic acids is converted into lactones (22, 23) which are believed to contribute to the bitter taste of coffee brews (24, 25). In green coffee the chlorogenic acid pattern might serve for the authentication of green coffee (21). In that study more than 100 coffee samples (50 Arabicas and 57 Robustas) of known geographic origin were included, and statistical analysis (LDA: linear discriminant analysis and PLS-DA: partial least square discriminant analysis) have been employed for the classification of samples, which was correct in most cases (21). This concept will probably not be successful for the authentication of roasted coffee samples or instant products because as mentioned above chlorogenic acids are degraded during roasting yielding breakdown products such as simple acidic compounds and also chlorogenic acid lactones (23). If one wants to apply this for roasted coffee samples more data are necessary to check the influence of different roasting conditions. Figure 2 shows a chromatogram of chlorogenic acids and lactones of an instant coffee (Kaiser and Engelhardt 2010, unpublished results). A comparison of different approaches (elements, chlorogenic acids, and fatty acids) was carried out with respect to Arabica genotypes (traditional vs. ingressed) and terroir. Elements determination gave quite good results in terms of geographic origin but was completely useless in genotype determination, while chlorogenic acids and fatty acids gave around 70-80% correct results for the genotype (26). 230 In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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A number of papers deal with the detection of geographic origin by stable isotope analysis using IRMS (isotope ratio mass spectrometry) and discriminant analysis. Multivariate analysis of the isotope ratios of the means (δ13C VPDB, δ15N VAIR and δ18O VSMOW) and elemental analysis (carbon and nitrogen) enabled to classify a number of green coffee samples (27). Recently, isoflavones have been claimed to be more abundant in Robusta compared to Arabica, however, the number of samples was very limited in that study (28). Especially the content of formononetin was much higher in Robusta coffee compared to Arabica. According to that study the amount of isoflavones decreased during roasting while the extractability increased (28). RAMAN spectroscopy in connection with chemometrics has been employed to assess coffee traceability for Arabica and Robusta samples. The methodology was based on the lipid fraction, namely kahweol. It was claimed that the methodology can be used for the authentication of high grown coffee (29). Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy has also been used for a discrimination of Arabica and Robusta coffees using direct orthogonal signal correction (30, 31). The authors state that not only pure Arabica and Robusta samples can be analyzed but also blends. Another paper also employed NIRS to discriminate between coffee varieties. It was hypothesized that the result (”spectral signature”) were affected by environmental factors (32). A special type of coffee (Kona coffee from Hawaii) could be differentiated from other coffees using FTIR-ATR and PLS for both ground coffee and coffee brews (33). However, this is a very special application. A headspace solid-phase microextraction was used as clean-up procedure for a GC-TOF-MS analysis of coffee volatiles to verify the geographic origin of coffee. More than 100 volatile compounds were used for this purpose in combination with statistical analysis; foremost principal component analysis and the result were promising (34). One problem mentioned by the authors is the limited stability at least of some of the volatiles. Similar approaches were used by other researchers (35) with less volatiles included in the statistical analysis for Arabica and Robusta detection. Some papers make use of PCR techniques. It has been claimed that PCRgrade DNA can be obtained from roasted coffee as well as from instant coffee samples (36). Using PCR-RFLP, adulteration of Arabica with Robusta beans could be detected (37). For soluble coffee authenticity methods do exist. The authentication is accomplished by the determination of carbohydrates, foremost total glucose and xylose (38). International standards are in place using HPLC with pulsed amperometric detection (ISO 11292, AOAC method 995.13). More recently, a statistical approach was applied leading to a conclusion that a soluble coffee is adulterated when a value of 2.6% for total glucose and 0.45% for total xylose is exceeded (39). More recently a capillary zone electrophoresis method has been employed for the same purpose (40). There is a typical carbohydrate pattern in coffee. Consequently, deviations from that give rise to the assumption that there has been an adulteration. 231 In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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232 Figure 2. Chromatogram (354 nm) of a roast coffee sample. CQA: caffeoylquinic acid, FQA: feruloylquinic acid, CQL: caffeoylquinic acid lactone, FQL: feruloylquinic acid lactone, FCQA: feruloylcaffeoylquinic acid, CouQA: p-coumaroylquinic acid.

In Progress in Authentication of Food and Wine; Ebeler, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Conclusions Concepts and analytical methods for the authentication of tea and tea products are available. However, there is still a lack of data for most of the phenolic compounds. The authenticity of special products like white teas is currently a problem. NMR-profiling, SIRA (stable isotope ratio analysis) and minerals have been employed but did not yield generally accepted concepts. Future needs are the use of these methods on one hand and on the other hand accumulation of more data for phenolic compounds to have a more solid basis for the ratio concepts. For coffee authenticity a number of approaches have been employed. The detection of geographic origin might be more important in the future and consequently a more general accepted method might be useful. To differentiate between Arabica and Robusta samples 16-OMC is a very useful tool. Legal limits would be very helpful if small amounts of 16-OMC are detected. For both tea and coffee authentication more data are necessary to improve authentication. It is necessary to agree to analytical methods and include those into the routine work in industrial and governemental labs.

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