Author Index: 2001 A-Page Author Index - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Author Index: 2001 A-Page Author Index. Anal. Chem. , 2001, 73 (23), pp 702 A–703 A. DOI: 10.1021/ac0126756. Publication Date (Web): December 1, 200...
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a-page index

2001 A-Page Articles Bioanalytical Detecting DNA Hybridization and Damage. Emil Palec˘ek and Miroslav Fojta. 73: 74 A–83 A Chromatographic Immunoassays. David S. Hage and Mary Anne Nelson. 73: 198 A–205 A Investigating Protein Structure and Dynamics by Hydrogen Exchange MS. John Engen and David Smith. 73: 256 A–265 A Prefractionation Techniques in Proteome Analysis. Pier Giorgio Righetti, Annalisa Castagna, and Ben Herbert. 73: 320 A–326 A Systematic LC/MS Metabolite Identification in Drug Discovery. Nigel J. Clarke, Diane Rindgen, Walter A. Korfmacher, and Kathleen A. Cox. 73: 430 A–439 A Better Brain Imaging with Chemometrics. Han Witjes, Arjan Simonetti, and Lutgarde Buydens. 73: 548 A– 556 A

Data Handling Extracting Information from the Literature by Text Mining. Ronald Kostoff and Ronald DeMarco. 73: 370 A–378 A Remote Experimentation over the Net: Our First Year with MALDI. Murray Johnston, Frederick J. Cox, Gregory J. Forte, Dean C. Nairn, Richard S. Sacher, Anita Z. Schwartz, and Akos Vertes. 73: 440 A–445 A Better Brain Imaging with Chemometrics. Han Witjes, Arjan Simonetti, and Lutgarde Buydens. 73: 548 A– 556 A

Electroanalytical Calixarenes: Designer Ligands for Chemical Sensors. Dermot Diamond and Kieaan Nolan. 73: 22 A–29 A Detecting DNA Hybridization and

Damage. Emil Palec˘ ek and Miroslav Fojta. 73: 74 A–83 A Tracing the History of Selective Ion Sensors. Richard Buck and Ernö Lindner. 73: 88 A–97 A Centennial Retrospective on Chemical Sensors. Jir˘í Janata. 73: 150 A–153 A Ion Chromatography Retrospective. Paul Haddad. 73: 266 A–273 A Charge Transfer Reactions at the Liquid/Liquid Interface. Biao Liu and Michael V. Mirkin. 73: 670 A–677 A

Environment Microwave-Enhanced Chemistry. Robert Richter, Dirk Link, and H. M. “Skip” Kingston. 73: 30 A–37 A Environmental Tool Chest. Laura Ruth. 73: 416 A–419 A

Mass Spectroscopy Investigating Protein Structure and Dynamics by Hydrogen Exchange MS. John Engen and David Smith. 73: 256 A–265 A

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Systematic LC/MS Metabolite Identification in Drug Discovery. Nigel J. Clarke, Diane Rindgen, Walter A. Korfmacher, and Kathleen A. Cox. 73: 430 A–439 A Remote Experimentation over the Net: Our First Year with MALDI. Murray Johnston, Frederick J. Cox, Gregory J. Forte, Dean C. Nairn, Richard S. Sacher, Anita Z. Schwartz, and Akos Vertes. 73: 440 A–445 A

S. Hage and Mary Anne Nelson. 73: 198 A–205 A Monolithic LC Columns. Nobuo Tanaka, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kazuki Nakanishi, Horoyoshi Minakuchi, and Norio Ishizuka. 73: 420 A–429 A GC/MS Analyses of Chemical Vapor Deposition Precursors. Michael Bartram. 73: 534 A–539 A Hadamard Transformation CE. Takashi Kaneta. 73: 540 A–547 A Zirconia Stationary Phases for Extreme Separations. Christopher J. Dunlap, Clayton V. McNeff, Dwight Stoll, and Peter W. Carr. 73: 599 A–607 A Nonlinear Effects in LC and Chiral LC. Torgny Fornstedt and Georges Guiochon. 73: 608 A–617 A Decoding Complex Multicomponent Chromatograms. Attila Felinger and Maria Chiara Pietrogrande. 73: 619 A–626 A

Spectroscopy Microscale Microfluidics: Controlling Fluids in Small Places. Nolan Polson and Mark Hayes. 73: 312 A–319 A Miniaturization of Enantioselective Detectors. Thomas J. Edkins and Donald R. Bobbitt. 73: 488 A–496 A

Retrospectives Tracing the History of Selective Ion Sensors. Ernö Lindner and Richard Buck. 73: 88 A–97 A Centennial Retrospective on Chemical Sensors. Jir˘í Janata. 73: 150 A–153 A NMR Spectroscopy: Past and Present. Dallas Rabenstein. 73: 214 A–223 A Ion Chromatography Retrospective. Paul Haddad. 73: 266 A–273 A Great Ideas of a Decade. Judith Handley and Cheryl M. Harris. 73: 660 A–666 A

Separations Calixarenes: Designer Ligands for Chemical Sensors. Dermot Diamond and Kieaan Nolan. 73: 22 A–29 A Molecular Micelles: Novel Pseudostationary Phases for CE. Shahab A. Shamsi, Christopher P. Palmer, and Isiah Warner. 73: 140 A–149 A Chromatographic Immunoassays. David

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Tunable Deep Blue Light for Laser Spectrochemistry. Kay Niemax, Alexander Zybin, and David Eger. 73: 134 A–139 A Imaging Spectrometry from Nature’s Own Atomic Lenses. J. Wayne Rabalais. 73: 206 A–213 A NMR Spectroscopy: Past and Present. Dallas Rabenstein. 73: 214 A–223 A Rainbow Stars: A Spectrum of Possibilities. Sandra Katzman and Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 357 A–359 A FTIR Images. Jack Koenig, Shi-Qing Wang, and Rohit Bhargava. 73: 360 A–369 A Pulsed Glow Discharge: Temporal Resolution in Analytical Spectroscopy. W. W. Harrison, Chenglong Yang, and Eric Oxley. 73: 480 A–487 A

Peter Tobiessen, and Karen Lou. 73: 84 A–87 A Analytical Chemistry for Nonchemistry Science Majors. John Schaumloffel and Mary Kate Donais. 73: 275 A–277 A Teaching the Essential Principles Miguel Valcárcel. 73: 333 A–335 A Remote Experimentation over the Net: Our First Year with MALDI. Murray Johnston, Frederick J. Cox, Gregory J. Forte, Dean C. Nairn, Richard S. Sacher, Anita Z. Schwartz, and Akos Vertes. 73: 440 A–445 A Problem-Based Learning: In Need of Supporting Materials. Thomas J. Wenzel. 73: 501 A–502 A Ohio Crime Solvers. Robert Q. Thompson and Paul L. Edmiston. 73: 678 A–684 A

Product Reviews Mixing Electrochemistry with Microscopy. James Smith. 73: 39 A–42 A Top-of-the-Line MS. Gerald Keller. 73: 99 A–101 A High-Resolution NMR Gets Even Better. James Smith and Vicki HinsonSmith. 73: 155 A–158 A Quartz Crystal Microbalances. Judith Handley. 73: 225 A–229 A XPS Up Close. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 279 A–283 A DNA Sequencers Rely on CE. James Smith and Vicki Hinson-Smith. 73: 327 A–331 A. Proteomics Systems Emerge. Judith Handley. 73: 379 A–383 A Finding the Right Robot for MALDI. Cheryl M. Harris. 73: 447 A–451 A CE: Finding a Niche. Laura DeFrancesco. 73: 497 A–499 A

A/C Webworks What Did One Cell Say to the Other? Laura Ruth. 73: 159 A–161 A Looking for Spin in All the Right Places. Steve Miller. 73: 563 A–564 A Microarray Spots. Laura Ruth. 73: 689 A–690 A

Education The Limits of Written Tests. Thomas J. Wenzel. 73: 43 A–44 A The Water Project. T. C. Werner,

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Chiral Stationary Phases for HPLC. Daniel W. Armstrong and Bo Zhang.

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73: 557 A–561 A Saga of AFM. Cheryl M. Harris. 73: 627 A–635 A Photoacoustic Spectroscopy. Judith Handley. 73: 685 A–688 A

Government and Society British Polymer Scientists Get Enhanced Service. David Bradley. 73: 72 A Connecting the Dots: Standards for DNA Microarrays. Laura Ruth. 73: 130 A–131 A New BSE Tests Evaluated. David Bradley. 73: 131 A–132 A Do Pacts Pay? David Bradley. 73: 191 A–192 A New Bioengineering Institute at the NIH. Paul D. Thacker. 73: 192 A Business and Academia. Wilder D. Smith. 73: 194 A–197 A Microarray Standards Adopted. Laura Ruth. 73: 309 A NACLA Steps Forward. Judith Handley. 73: 310 A Fresenius Gets a New Identity. Hanns-J. Neubert. 73: 310 A ACS To Vote on New Division. Wilder D. Smith. 73: 356 A An “Udder” Milk Safety Test. Laura Ruth. 73: 356 A

U.S. Science Funding Shortfall. Kris Christen. 73: 447 A Promoting British Analytical Chemistry. Maria Burke. 73: 477 A–478 A Advancing Chemical Sciences in Developing Countries. Rachel Petkewich. 73: 592 A Ranking Analytical Chemistry by Country. Maria Burke. 73: 595 A–597 A The Most Cited Books in Analytical Chemistry. Tibor Braun, András Schubert, and Gábor Schubert. 73: 667 A–669 A

Book and Software Reviews Practical Capillary Electrophoresis. Robert Weinberger. Reviewed by Jonathan Sweedler, Jason Page, and Xin Zhang. 73: 162 A Flow Injection Analysis: Instrumentation and Applications. Mark Trojanowicz. Reviewed by Jaromir Ruzicka. 73: 385 A Clinical and Forensic Applications of CE. Edited by John R. Petersen and Amin A. Mohammad. Reviewed by Hassan M. E. Azzazy and Robert H. Christenson. 73: 637 A Analytical Mass Spectrometry: Strategies for Environmental and Related Applications. William L. Budde. Reviewed by Farida Saleh. 73: 691 A

Science News Mercury Micropumps. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 11 A–12 A Four-Decay DNA Sequencing. Jim Kling. 73: 12 A–13 A Chip-Based Mosaic Immunoassays. Sandra Katzman. 73: 14 A–15 A Trace Atmospheric Gases on a Shoestring. Gerald Keller. 73: 15 A DNA Diagnostic Business Growing. Laura Ruth. 73: 16 A Packard Plunges Deeper into Life Sciences. Wilder D. Smith. 73: 16 A MALDI Chip Shot. James Kling. 73: 68 A–70 A Collaboration Pays Off for NCSR. David Bradley. 73: 70 A–72 A Stacking Extra-Long Samples in Capillaries. James P. Smith and Vicki Hinson-Smith. 73: 126 A NIR Observes Infants’ Brains. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 128 A New Tricks from an Old Sol. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 128 A–129 A Finding Fossils in the Brain. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 129 A–130 A With Applera, PE Corp. Finds an Identity. Wilder D. Smith. 73: 132 A Single Molecule Imaging Sheds Light on Chromatography. Teresa Calafut. 73: 185 A “Matchsticks” for MALDI. Jim Kling. 73: 186 A Gradients from a Microfluidic “Christmas Tree”. Judith Handley. 73: 187 A–188 A HPCE Continues To Reinvent Itself.

Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 188 A Multiphase Flow on Chip. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 188 A Chips To Clear Out Crime Backlog. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 188 A ISAS Regroups. David Bradley. 73: 190 A Profiling Enzymes To Diagnose Genetic Disease. Jim Kling. 73: 250 A Quantitative Proteomics Goes Global. Zelda Ziegler. 73: 251 A Blood-Based Prion Test. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 252 A ESI Quantifies Glycan Moieties. Judith Handley. 73: 252 A Thermo Electron Paints New Orleans Red. Wilder D. Smith. 73: 253 A Richard Kniss Calls It Quits. Wilder D. Smith. 73: 253 A Varian “Bears” It All at Pittcon. Wilder D. Smith. 73: 253 A 900-MHz NMR is Here. Steve Miller. 73: 253 A–254 A ECL for Near-Field Imaging. James P. Smith and Vicki Hinson-Smith. 73: 305 A Multipurpose Nanopore Sensors. Jim Kling. 73: 306 A Putting a Fine Point on ESI. Laura DeFrancesco. 73: 307 A Flexible Immunoassays on a Chip. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 308 A Classifying Enzyme Inhibitors Using MS. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 308 A Assessing Carcinogen Exposure with MS. Jim Kling. 73: 353 A Detecting Living Cryptosporidium. Alka Agrawal. 73: 354 A Extreme Electrochemistry. Zelda Ziegler. 73: 355 A Detection in the Danger Zone. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 410 A LED Source Becomes a Sensor. Cheryl M. Harris. 73: 411 A Octamer Clusters Break the Symmetry

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Barrier. Judith Handley. 73: 412 A Heartfelt Capillary LC/Dual Microelectrode System. Cheryl M. Harris. 73: 413 A Fiber-Packed Column for CEC. Cheryl M. Harris. 73: 413 A–414 A Black Dust—Better than Gold. Judith Handley. 73: 414 A Novel MS Agents. Judith Handley. 73: 414 A Virtual 2-D Proteomics. Zelda Ziegler. 73: 473 A Electroporating Single Cells. Alka Agrawal. 73: 474 A CD Optode Detects Ions. Cheryl M.

Harris. 73: 475 A HPLC Gets Steamed Heat. Judith Handley. 73: 476 A Save that Mouse! Judith Handley. 73: 476 A Internet Algorithm Tracks Microorganisms. Judith Handley. 73: 531 A PEBBLEs Measure O2 in Living Cells. Cheryl M. Harris. 73: 532 A Counting Bugs. Laura Ruth. 73: 533 A An Unfolding Protein Tale. Zelda Ziegler. 73: 588 A Elusive Membrane Proteins: The Next Chapter. Judith Handley. 73: 589 A Researchers Brainstorm New Microdial-

ysis Method. Cheryl M. Harris. 73: 590 A MS for Carbohydrates. Alka Agrawal. 73: 591 A Tasty Plastic Beats Glass. Zelda Ziegler. 73: 656 A Beyond the Cellular Cookbook. Elizabeth Zubritsky. 73: 657 A Researchers Turn Up the Heat in ICPMS Method. Cheryl M. Harris. 73: 658 A Waiting to Exhale. Cheryl M. Harris. 73: 658 A–659 A Why Is It a Pleasure to Drink Coffee? Veronika R. Meyer. 73: 659 A

2001 A-Page Authors Agrawal, Alka 73: 354 A; 73: 474 A; 73: 591 A Armstrong, Daniel W. 73: 557 A–561 A Azzazy, Hassan M. E. 73: 637 A Bartram, Michael 73: 534 A–539 A Bhargava, Rohit 73: 360–369 A Bradley, David 73: 70 A–72 A; 73: 72 A; 73: 131 A–132 A; 73: 190 A; 73: 191 A–192 A Bobbitt, Donald R. 73: 488 A–496 A Braun, Tibor 73: 667 A–669 A Buck, Richard P. 73: 88 A–97 A Burke, Maria 73: 477 A–478 A; 73: 595 A–597 A Buydens, Lutgarde 73: 548 A–556 A Calafut, Teresa 73: 185 A Carr, Peter 73: 599 A–607 A Castagna, Annalisa 73: 320 A–326 A Christen, Kris 73: 447 A Christenson, Robert H. 73: 637 A Clarke, Nigel J. 73: 430 A–439 A Cox, Frederick J. 73: 440 A–445 A Cox, Kathleen A. 73: 430 A–439 A DeFrancesco, Laura 73: 307 A; 73: 497 A–499 A DeMarco, Ronald 73: 370 A–378 A Diamond, Dermot 73: 22 A–29 A Donais, Mary Kate 73: 275 A–277 A Dunlap, Christopher J. 73: 599 A–607 A Edkins, Thomas J. 73: 488 A–496 A

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Edmiston, Paul L. 73: 678 A–684 A Eger, David 73: 134 A–139 A Engen, John R. 73: 256 A–265 A Felinger, Attila 73: 619 A–626 A Fojta, Miroslav 73: 74 A–83 A Fornstedt, Torgny 73: 608 A–617 A Forte, Gregory J. 73: 440 A–445 A Guiochon, Georges 73: 608 A–617 A Haddad, Paul 73: 266 A–273 A Hage, David S. 73: 198 A–205 A Handley, Judith 73: 187 A–188 A; 73: 225 A–229 A; 73: 252 A; 73: 301 A; 73: 379 A–383 A; 73: 412 A; 73: 414 A; 73: 476 A; 73: 531 A; 73: 589 A; 73: 660 A–666 A; 73: 685 A–688 A Harris, Cheryl M. 73: 411 A; 73: 413 A; 73: 413 A–414 A; 73: 447 A–451 A; 73: 475 A; 73: 532 A; 73: 590 A;

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73: 627 A–635 A; 73: 658 A; 73: 658 A–659 A; 73: 660 A–666 A Harrison, W. W. 73: 480 A–487 A Hayes, Mark 73: 312 A–319 A Herbert, Ben 73: 320 A–326 A Hinson-Smith, Vicki 73: 126 A; 73: 155 A–158 A; 73: 305 A; 73: 327 A–331 A Ishizuka, Norio 73: 420 A–429 A Janata, Jir˘ í 73: 150 A–153 A Johnston, Murray 73: 440 A–445 A Kaneta, Takashi 73: 540 A–547 A Katzman, Sandra 73: 14 A–15 A; 73: 357 A–359 A Keller, Gerald 73: 15 A; 73: 99 A–101 A Kingston, H. M. “Skip” 73: 30 A–37 A Kling, James 73: 12 A–13 A; 73: 68 A–70 A; 73: 186 A; 73: 250 A; 73: 306 A; 73: 353 A Kobayashi, Hiroshi 73: 420 A–429 Koenig, Jack 73: 360 A–369 A Korfmacher, Walter A. 73: 430 A–439 A Kostoff, Ronald 73: 370 A–378 A Lindner, Ernö 73: 88 A–97 A Link, Dirk 73: 30 A–37 A Liu, Biao 73: 670 A–677 A Lou, Karen 73: 84 A–87 A McNeff, Clayton V. 73: 599 A–607 A Meyer, Veronika R. 73: 659 A Miller, Steve 73: 253 A–254 A;

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73: 563 A–564 A Minakuchi, Horoyshi 73: 420 A–429 A Mirkin, Michael 73: 670 A–677 A Nairn, Dean C. 73: 440 A–445 A Nakanishi, Kazuki 73: 420 A–429 A Nelson, Mary Anne 73: 198 A–205 A Neubert, Hanns-J. 73: 310 A Niemax, Kay 73: 134 A–139 A Nolan, Kieaan 73: 22 A–29 A Oxley, Eric 73: 480 A–487 A Page, Jason 73: 162 A Palec˘ek, Emil 73: 74 A–83 A Palmer, Christopher P. 73: 140 A–149 A Petkewich, Rachel 73: 592 A Pietrogrande, Maria Chiara 73: 619 A–626 A Polson, Nolan A. 73: 312 A–319 A Rabalais, J. Wayne 73: 206 A–213 A Rabenstein, Dallas 73: 214 A–223 A Richter, Robert C. 73: 30 A–37 Az Righetti, Pier G. 73: 320 A–326 A Rindgen, Diane 73: 430 A–439 A

Ruth, Laura 73: 16 A; 73: 130 A–131 A; 73: 159 A–161 A; 73: 309 A; 73: 356 A; 73: 416 A–419 A; 73: 533 A; 73: 689 A–690 A Ruzicka, Jaromir 73: 385 A Sacher, Richard S. 73: 440 A–445 A Saleh, Farida 73: 691 A Schaumloffel, John 73: 275 A–277 A Schubert András 73: 667 A–669 A Schubert Gábor 73: 667 A–669 A Schwartz, Anita 73: 440 A–445 A Shamsi, Shahab A. 73: 140 A–149 A Simonetti, Arjan W. 73: 548 A–556 A Smith, David 73: 256 A–265 A Smith, James P. 73: 39 A–42 A; 73: 126 A; 73: 155 A–158 A; 73: 305 A; 73: 327 A–331 A Smith, Wilder D. 73: 16 A; 73: 132 A; 73: 194 A–197 A; 73: 253 A; 73: 356 A Stoll, Dwight 73: 599 A–607 A Sweedler, Jonathan 73: 162 A Tanaka, Nobuo 73: 420 A–429 A

Thacker, Paul D. 73: 192 A Thompson, Robert Q. 73: 678 A–684 A Tobiessen, Peter 73: 84 A–87 A Valcárcel, Miguel 73: 333 A–335 A Vertes, Akos 73: 440 A–445 A Wang, Shi-Qing 73: 360 A–369 A Warner, Isiah 73: 140 A–149 A Wenzel, Thomas J. 73: 43 A–44 A; 73: 501 A–502 A Werner, T. C. 73: 84 A–87 A Wijtes, Han 73: 548 A–556 A Yang, Chenglong 73: 480 A–487 A Zhang, Bo 73: 557 A–561 A Zhang, Xin 73: 162 A Ziegler, Zelda 73: 251 A; 73: 355 A; 73: 473 A; 73: 588 A; 73: 656 A Zubritsky, Elizabeth 73: 11 A–12 A; 73: 128 A; 73: 128 A–129 A; 73: 129 A–130 A; 73: 188 A; 73: 252 A; 73: 279 A–283 A; 73: 308 A; 73: 357 A–359 A; 73: 410 A; 73: 657 A Zybin, Alexander 73: 134 A–139 A

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