AUTHOR INDEX - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Chem. , 1967, 39 (4), pp 6A–6A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60248a706. Publication Date: April 1967. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 39, 4, 6A-6A. Note...
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New from BIO-RAD B i o - G e l A , spherical agarose for gel filtration

AUTHOR INDEX i l l [II ! IIIII! II [ 1111! ! 11II III Hill] !1 ! II11! [1111! [ IIΙΠIIIIIIIIIIH lit II! [IIIII11

Allred, J. B., 5 4 7 Amundson, C. H., 551 A y l w a r d , G. H., 4 5 7

Extends the range of aqueous gel filtration to 150,000,000 molecular weight. Bio-Gel A is agarose in spherical bead form, produced by Bio-Rad's own unique process. There are six gels in the series which give an overall operating range from 10,000 to 150,000,000 molecular weight. This range means that Bio-Gel A is applicable for use with viruses, large proteins and other macromolecules that have not been separable up to now by gel filtration techniques. This is illustrated in the curve below, which shows the separation of a mixture that ranges in molecular weight from Tobacco Mosaic Virus at approximately 30,000,000 down to Cytochrome C at 13,000. Techniques and Applications Bio-Gel A is used in columns for the separation of materials by differences in their molecular weights. It operates essentially the same as other aqueous gel filtration media, including Bio-Gel P, Bio-Rad's poly'acryl amide gel series. Availability Bio-Gel A is supplied fully hydrated in buffer, in 500 ml and liter quantities. Each gel is available in two particle sizes: 50-100 mesh beads for maximum flow rate and 100-200 mesh beads for maximum resolution.

Barson, J. L, 5 3 0 Beaman, D. R., 4 1 8 Borda, P., 5 4 8 Brame, E. G., Jr., 5 1 7 Brand, V. T., 512 Bruckenstein, S., 4 8 1 Burke, D. E., 5 4 4 Butterfield, R. O., 4 9 7

Chung, Ο. Κ., 5 2 5 Cunningham, A. F., 4 3 3

Deering, J. R., 5 1 2 Dutton, H. J., 4 9 7

Bio-Gel A-5m, 100-200 mesh Buffer: Tris-NaCI, pH 7.3

McAdie, H. G., 5 4 3 McCarthy, W . J., 4 3 6 Mansfield, J. M., 4 3 6 Mattocks, A. R., 4 4 3 M e a d e , C. F., 5 1 2 Meloan, C. E., 5 2 5 , 5 3 4 Metwally, M. M. E., 551 Moore, F. L., 4 9 4 Morris, M. D., 4 7 6 Mostyn, R. Α., 4 3 3

N a p p , D. T., 4 8 1 Nursten, H. E., 521

Ohnesorge, W . E., 4 6 0 Osman, S. F., 5 3 0

Parsons, M. L., 4 3 6 Pearson, C. D., 5 4 0 Perdijon, J., 4 4 8 Petronio, J. N., 4 6 0 Phillips, S. L., 5 3 6 Plank, C. Α., 5 4 4

Column- 2 X 94.3 cm Flow rate: 24 ml/hr







3 -β

~Λ Cytochrome C

Human >^

^^~**^ Gamma Globulin



""-Ν Bovine "*"


Virus _


"" —* Tobacco M osa

Sample: 1ml

bo &0

Fassel, V. Α., 4 6 6 Ferguson, R. C , 5 1 7 Frank, C. W., 5 3 4 Freund, G., 5 4 5 Frischmann, J. K., 5 0 7 Fritz, Κ. Μ., 5 2 7

Garnett, J. L, 4 5 7 Golightly, D. W., 4 6 6



Elution Volume — ml

Dept. A-27

BIO-RAD Laboratories

Bio-Rad Laboratories, 32 & Griffin Avenues, Richmond, Calif. Gentlemen : Please send my free copy of your new Bulletin BG-5, which describes Bio-Gel A for aqueous gel filtration of macromolecules. NAME

St. John, P. Α., 5 0 0 Saunders, R. M., 5 5 0 Schrenk, W . G., 5 3 4 Schwarz, H. P., 550 Sharp, J. H., 4 5 7 Silas, R. S., 5 4 0 Smith, H., 5 3 8 Stenger, V. Α., 5 0 3 Stewart, J. C , 5 5 0

H a y w a r d , L. D., 5 4 8

Full technical information and details of the reasonable pricing are given in a new bulletin, BG-5, now ready for distribution. For your free copy please fill out the coupon below and return it to Bio-Rad.


Richardson, T., 551


Jennings, W . G., 521 Johnson, D. C , 4 8 1 Jurriaanse, Α., 4 9 4

Thilliez, G., 4 2 7 Thomas, G . J., Jr., 5 1 7 Timnick, Α., 5 0 7 Tjarks, C. K., 4 9 7 Twitty, B. L., 5 2 7

Key worth, D. Α., 5 1 2

Van Hall, C. E., 5 0 3 Vogel, G., 5 4 9

Langer, S. H., 5 2 4 Lingane, P. J., 4 8 5 , 541 Livingston, H. D., 5 3 8

W a l l a c e , J. E., 531 Williams, G. C , 5 4 4 Winefordner, J. D., 4 3 6 , 500


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