Automatic Fraction Collector

STOCKHOLM 12 -. SWEDEN. Agents throughout the world. Sole US Distributors: Ivan Sorvall. Inc.. P. O. Box 230. Norwalk. Conn. For further information, ...
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Automatic Fraction Collector • Easily set up • Reliable and safe in operation • Sturdily


A versatile collector designed as an assembly of separately available sub-units. The number of units required depends upon the complexity of the collecting operations; a simple and inexpensive initial assembly may later be adapted to more complicated techniques by the use of additional subunits. Immediately available for time and volume controlled collection; a drop counting attachment will soon be added to the range of sub-units.

KB-PRODUKTER LKB L Fabriksaktiebolag The RadiRac Tube Rucks enable 24 tubes to be simultaneously loaded or removed fo* batch processing.

P. O. BOX 12035 — STOCKHOLM 12 — SWEDEN Agents throughout the world Sole US Distributors: Ivan Sorvall. Inc.. P. O. Box 230. Norwalk. Conn. For further information, circle number 38 A Dn Readers' Service Card, page 85 A

38 A

· ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY For further information, circle number 37 A on Readers' Service Card, page 85 A