Automatic, multiple-column gas chromatographic analysis of methanol

Charles R. Warner , M.Charles Johnson , David G. Prue , B.T. Kho. Journal of Chromatography A 1973 82 (2), 263-268. Article Options. PDF (496 KB)...
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An Automatic, Multiple-Column Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Methanol Synthesis Reaction Mixtures Robert L. Burnett Chewon Research Co., Richmond, Calif. 94802 A multiple-column automatic process chromatographic analysis is described for handling the diverse products encountered during the synthesis of methanol by CO hydrogenation. The required separations present a rather complex analytical problem, because the reaction mix samples may contain CO, C 0 2 , light paraffins, lig htolefins, alcohols, water, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, and esters in major or minor amounts. The technique of column switching and sample fractionation described results in a very satisfactory onstream, one-sample analysis of effluent product.

IN THE SYNTHESIS OF METHANOL by hydrogenation of carbon monoxide, a large variety of products is encountered in addiand CO. Depending upon the selectivity tion to methanol, HP, of the synthesis catalyst employed and the conditions under which it is operated, greater or lesser amounts of the following are produced: water, COZ, light paraffins, light olefins, alcohols heavier than methanol, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, and esters. Gas chromatography offers the opportunity for a rapid, onstream quantitative analysis of most or all of these components; but because of the great diversity in compound type, rather unique combinations of columns are required. An automatic process chromatograph equipped with sample valve, column bypass valves, program reset, and automatic base line zeroing offers the opportunity to construct an analytical separation scheme based upon the use of several columns specific to the critical separations required. The operation of chromatographs, sample valves, and column switching techniques of this type has been discussed by Villalobos and Turner (1-3) and by Nuss ( 4 ) . EXPERIMENTAL

Apparatus. The chromatographic equipment employed consists of a Beckman Model D Process Analyzer, a Beckman Model 520 Programmer, an Aerograph Model 471 Electronic Digital Integrator, and a Leeds and Northrup Speedomax G 1-millivolt recorder. The Model D analyzer houses the chromatographic columns and is equipped with three Beckman six-port Teflon (Du Pont) slider valves. A fourth Teflon slider valve is located in the pilot plant exit gas stream and serves as the sample inject valve. Samples may also be introduced by syringe through a septum for calibration purposes. Nupro Type-S needle valves serve as variable restrictors for matching column pressure drops. The needle valve bodies are located inside the analyzer (1) R. Villalobos and G. S. Turner, ZSA (Znstr. SOC.Amer.) J., 10, 67 (1963). (2) R. Villalobos and G. S. Turner, in “Gas Chromatography,” Instrument Society of America Symposium June 1962, L. Fowler, Ed., Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1963, p 105. (3) G. S. Turner and R. VillaIobos, in “Gas Chromatography,” Instrument Society of America Symposium, June 1961,N. Brenner, J. E. Callen, and M. D. Weiss, Eds., Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1962, p 363. (4) G. R. Nuss, in “Gas Chromatography,” Instrument Society of America Symposium, June 1962, L. Fowler, Ed., Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1963, p 119. 606


7 s - s o r t

t 6-Vo.1 Colunn Val”*

t 6-Port

Cnlur, Y.1“.


t 6Column -Porf Vll”F

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of chromatographic sample stream

oven, but extension handles extending through the oven wall make them adjustable from outside. The Model 520 programmer uses a program of operations which are recorded on a continuous loop magnetic tape. Signals from the tape then allow repetitive analyses to be made, complete with sample injection, for as long as the programmer remains in the automatic mode. Automatic integration is carried out by the digital integrator which receives the chromatographic signal directly. Programmer and integrator reset work together so that integrator peak retention time printout will be reproducible from sample to sample. A recorder with the present chromatograph-integrator combination is not necessary for quantitative purposes. However, the recorder is indispensable for monitoring, calibration, and trouble shooting. Elimination of the recorder would eliminate also the use of the automatic base line zeroing feature of the chromatograph. Columns. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram indicating the sample flow pattern and the location of each column employed. The four columns are listed below, along with the purpose of each. The columns are maintained at a temperature of 155 “C, and the hydrogen carrier gas flow rate is 50 ml per minute. Hydrogen was employed in order to eliminate the hydrogen peak which would otherwise be present due to the large HPconcentration in the process stream. COLUMN P. P is a 10-foot by 3/16-inch 0.d. (316 stainless steel tubing) column containing 10% Carbowax 6000 on 35/60 mesh Teflon-6. Its purpose is to retard water and alcohols beyond the permanent gases and lighter hydrocarbons. Teflon is used as support for the polar Carbowax in order to minimize the tailing of water. All components in the sample pass through this column as there is no bypass provided. COLUMN A. A is a 5-foot by 3/16 inch 0.d. copper tubing column containing 10 tetracyanoethylated pentaerythritol on 60180 mesh Porapak T. Its purpose is to spread the portion


Breadth o f Total Peak










I ,
















Figure 2. Retention times in finished analysis

of the total sample which passes through it so that several subsequent cuts may be made. COLUMN B. B is a 4-fOOt by 3/16-inch 0.d. (copper tubing) 60/80 mesh Porapak Q column whose purpose is twofold: It brings about the separation of water and alcohols, and separates the lightest materials sufficiently so that a cut may be made between ethane and propane. COLUMN C. C is a 12-foot by 3/16-inch 0.d. copper column containing 60/80 mesh activated carbon. Its purpose is t o bring about the separation of CO, COS,methane, ethane, and ethylene. Analysis Plan. Putting together the retention time data for each of the four columns, the following plan of analysis was devised. The nomenclature employed t o identify sample fractions denotes by letter the sequence of columns through which each portion passes. The number after a letter identifies a fractionation within that column. Columns P B C are initially in the carrier gas stream when the sample is injected (Column A is bypassed). COLUMN P FRACTIONATIONS. The sample is separated into four fractions, P-1, P-2, P-3, and P-4 in Column P. Fraction P-1. This fraction is passed directly to Column B, where it becomes Fraction P-1-B. Fraction P-2. After P-1 has passed into Column B, Column A is switched back into the carrier gas stream t o receive Fraction P-2 (which now becomes P-2-A). C is bypassed shortly after this to store the lightest materials from P-1-B in C. This stored fraction now becomes P-1-B-1-C. The heavier materials, P-1-B-2, are allowed t o pass from B t o the detector when C is bqpassed and are the first components to appear on the chromatogram. Fraction P-3. When P-2 has cleared Column P, Column A is bypassed so that P-3 may pass directly to B, becoming Fraction P-3-B. Fraction P-2-A is meanwhile stored in A. C is still being bypassed a t this point. Fraction P-4. After P-3 has cleared Column P, Column B is bypassed (in addition to A and C) so that Fraction P-4 may pass directly to the detector. The system is so arranged that, at this point, water, which was least retained from Fraction P-3-B, has just passed through the detector (as Fraction P-3-B-1); but n-propanol from the same fraction has not yet emerged from Column B. Thus, the remainder of Fraction P-3-B, now designated P-3-B-2, is stored in B. P-B SEQUENCE FRACTIONS. Four fractions pass in sequence from Column P to Column B. Fraction P-1-B-1. This fraction contains CO, etc., and is stored in Column C after emerging from Column B. This stored fraction, now P-1-B-1-C, is brought out of C right after P-4 passes over the detector.

+ +

Table I. Abbreviations Used for Component Peak Identification

Peak T i p



MeOH EtOH iPrOH nPrOH secBuOH iBuOH tBuOH nBuOH iC,OH nC nC,OH C3 iC4 nC4 iC nC 5 nC6 nC 7 nC8 nC9 DME DEE EA PrA iBuA nBuA DMK MEK

Methyl alcohol Ethyl alcohol Isopropyl alcohol Normal propyl alcohol Secondary butyl alcohol Isobutyl alcohol Tertiary butyl alcohol Normal butyl alcohol Isoamyl alcohol Normal amyl alcohol Normal hexyl alcohol Propane Isobutane Normal butane Isopentane Normal pentane Normal hexane Normal heptane Normal octane Normal nonane Dimethyl ether Diethyl ether Ethylaldehyde (acetaldehyde) Propylaldehyde (propionaldehyde) Isobutyraldehyde Normal butyraldehyde Acetone (dimethyl ketone) Methyl ethyl ketone

Table 11. Alcohol Analysis Automatic Program Switch position no.

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8

Functions A Out

B In C In Input short Auto zero Blank Sample inject Blank


A In c out

11 12 13 14 15 16

A Out B Out C In C Out, B in B Out, A in B In


Time from inject, minutes - 2.8) - 2.7 > -



2.51 2.41



Purpose Ready columns for sample injection Zero recorder base line


0.50 1.30 1.IO 3.25 6.45 24.00 36.50 52.00 55.30

Return sample value to fill position Cut between P-1 and P-2 Cut between P-1-B-1 and P-1-B-2 Cut between P-2 and P-3 Cut between P-3 and P-4 Bring P-1-B-1-Cout of C Bring P-3-B-2 out of B Bring P-2-A-1 out of A Cut between P-2-A-1 and P-2-A-2, bring latter through B

Fraction P-1-B-2. This fraction contains C3, DME, iC4, and nC4. It is the first portion of the sample to pass over the detector, as indicated above. Fraction P-3-B-1. This fraction contains only water and follows P-1-B-2 out of B and over the detector. Fraction P-3-B-2. This alcoholic fraction is brought directly from B to the detector following the elution of P-1-B-1-C. P-A SEQUENCE FRACTIONS. Fraction P-2-A-1. This fraction, which has been stored in A for some time, is passed from A to the detector following the elution of Fraction P-3-B-2. Methanol is included in this fraction. Fraction P-2-A-2. When methanol (from Fraction P-2-A-1) has emerged from A (and through the detector), Column B VOL. 41, NO. 4, APRIL 1969


Figure 3. Automatic reaction mix sample with integrator tape

is switched into the carrier gas stream to accept Fraction P-2-A-2. These are the last components to appear in the chromatogram (as Fraction P-2-A-2-B). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Finished Analysis. Figure 2 charts the resultant analysis, giving the location with respect to time of each emerging peak. Table I lists the component abbreviations used. Location of fractions as they are listed above is also given in Figure 2. (Paraffins above nC4 have not been included as they have not been observed.) Few serious overlaps are encountered. One of the worst such cases is with isobutyraldehyde and t-butanol. However, because the latter is not formed during methanol synthesis, this is not a problem. Table I1 presents a timetable of the program functions as they occur. A stepping switch advances one position every time it is triggered by a pulse from the magnetic tape timer in the chromatographic programmer. The positions on the stepping switch are wired electrically to the various operations as listed. Figure 3 is a reproduction of an actual chromatogram of the alcohol synthesis reactor effluent. Indicated thereon are peak identifications. The peaks with the flat tops (CO, C 0 2 , MeOH) have gone offscale, as the sample was run at a low enough attenuation to permit seeing the smaller peaks. The digital integrator receives the chromatographic signal directly and has such a wide dynamic range that no signal attenuation is necessary. The resolution between CO and CHd in Figure 3 is not as good as that indicated possible in Figure 2. The reason for this is that CO is very much larger than any other peak, as the methanol synthesis is operated at low per pass conversions. In order to keep the smaller peaks large enough to integrate accurately, it is necessary to run such large Table 111. Determination of Relative Molar Area Response of Carbon Monoxide and Methanol (rmr for CO = 100, hydrogen carrier gas) urmr % MeOH rmriUeo€ia (% of value) 2.81






70.0 72.8 75.0

1.3 1.7 0.7

10.5 12.8 22.6 a


Weighted mean value of rmXfeOH = 73.3. u of weighted mean = 1.3%. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

7J .I#n

Figure 4. Chromatogram of mixed alcohol sample, manually injected Unlabeled base line deviations are switching transients and pressure pulses samples (in this case, 2 ml at 350 O F and atmospheric pressure) that the column tends to be overloaded with CO. Resolution with nearby peaks, therefore, suffers. Figure 3 also includes a reproduction of the digital integrator tape. Area printouts not identified are due to column switching transients and do not interfere with the proper area determination of real peaks. Figure 4 is a chromatogram of a qualitative liquid blend of all C1 to Caalcohols plus iso- and normal pentanol, normal heptanol, and water. Not all of these are formed during methanol synthesis, but all are nicely separated by this analysis. Figure 5 is a similar manually injected sample of a qualitative blend with some of the possible lighter components. Figure 6 is a chromatogram of some of the possible nonalcoholic products which may be formed during methanol synthesis. It will be noted that a small piece of propionaldehyde elutes earlier than the major portion of that component. This is due to the fact that the cut between Fractions P-A-1 and P-A-2 was made slightly late. This was necessary in order to include all of the methanol in one peak in the reaction mix samples because methanol was present in large amounts and tended to tail out. In our reaction mix samples, propionaldehyde is not present in detectable quantities. The foregoing examples show that while all components are not completely resolved, the separations achieved are sufficient to allow a very good monitoring of product quality and extent of reaction. The total time of analysis is 72 minutes. Calibration. In converting a set of chromatographic area data to component concentrations, the method of internal

rz mi“ S I nm j e lcet

Figure 5. Manually injected sample of mixed gases normalization is most conveniently employed. It is necessary, however, to have relative thermal conductivity detector response information available for each component. While such data are fairly plentiful in the literature for the case where helium is the carrier gas (5-9, response data are rather scarce when hydrogen is used as carrier gas (8-10). (5) D. M. Rosie and R. L. Grob, ANAL.CHEM.,29, 1263 (1957). (6) A. E. Messner, D. M. Rosie, and P. A. Argabright, ibid., 31, 230 (1959). (7) W. A. Dietz, J. Gas Chromatogr., 5, 68 (1967). (8) R. Kaiser, “Gas Phase Chromatography,” Vol. 111, Butterworths, Washington, D.C., 1963, p 92. (9) F. van de Craats, “Gas Chromatography, 1958,” D. H. Desty, Ed., Butterworths, Washington, D.C., 1958, p 248. (10) E. G. Hoffman, ANAL.CHEM.,34, 1216 (1962).

Figure 6. Manually injected sample of some possible nonalcoholic products of alcohol synthesis process Because of the sparse information available, a set of relative molar responses was determined for most of the substances to be analyzed using the specific columns to be employed. The components determined comprise two groups : those normally gaseous and those normally liquid. The gas component molar responses (relative to CO) were determined by injecting constant volume samples of each pure component with the aid of a gas sample valve. The liquid component relative molar responses were determined by syringe injection of a series of weighed mixtures, each of which included methanol as the common reference. In order to relate the response data for one of the above groups to that of the other, one gas and one liquid component were compared. This was accomplished for CO and methanol

Table IV. Relative Molar Area Response for Components Encountered in Alcohol Synthesis Reaction Mix


Liquid H2O MeOH EtOH iPrOH nPrOH tBuOH secBuOH iBuOH nBuOH nC,OH nC,OH DEE Acetone MEK EA PrA BuA

Molecular weight

This paper H, carrier gas

28 44 16 28 30 44 58 58 46

100 119 88 138 145 176 204 231 178

18 32 46 60 60 74 74 74 74 88 102

56 73 97 109 112 127 125 130 136 152 165

74 58 72 44 58 72 a Estimated, rather than experimentally determined.

130a 1loa 120a 95a 1l o a 130a

rmr van de Craats (9), H, carrier gas 100

121 92 122 130 160 181 187 -

Messner et al. (6), He carrier gas 100 114 86 114 121 155 195 202 -

50 131 171 198 202 228 231 -

226 -

281 262 205 233 -

VOL. 41, NO. 4, APRIL 1969


by mixing the two substances in the vapor phase prior to sampling through the gas sample valve in the pilot plant reactor effluent. Known rates of each were metered into the reactor which served as the mixing chamber ahead of the sample valve. The reactor contained only inert alundum, and the temperature of 350 O F at 1000 psig served to vaporize the methanol (in the concentration employed) without bringing about chemical reaction. The pressure of this mixed stream was reduced to atmospheric before entering the gas sample valve. Table I11 summarizes the results for a series of several CO-MeOH concentrations. Standard deviations determined from 8-20 replications at each concentration are included as an estimate of precision. The lower methanol concentrations were achieved at lower methanol injection rates and resulted in somewhat greater variations in efficiency of mixing. Table IV lists those substances whose relative molar response factors have been evaluated in the above manner. Added to this list are several additional components (which always appeared in the analysis in very small amounts) not determined in this work. Molar response factors for these latter substances were estimated from the alcohol data, based on molecular weight. Because CO is the major component in the reaction mix samples, it was assigned the value of 100 for its relative molar response. For comparison, Table IV also includes molar responses referred to CO taken from Messner, Rosie, and Argabright (6)and van de Craats (9). Values from the former cannot be compared with those of this paper in a meaningful way, as the carrier gas is not the same. The data of van de Craats, unfortunately, do not include any alcohols. Those of Hoffman (IO) do not include CO or hydrocarbons below pentane. In comparing one set of empirical data of this type with another, it is difficult to account for differences between them. In spite of the difference in carrier gas, the data of Messner (6) suggests that perhaps the alcohol values determined in the present work are low. However, Kaiser (8) shows for a limited quantity of data that differences in response for light compounds in hydrogen carrier gas as compared with helium are appreciable when the molecular weight of the substance is low. (For CO, the relative molar response in hydrogen is given as 1.3 times that in helium.) As the molecular weight approaches 86, the hydrogen and helium response factors become more nearly equal and are essentially the same above that level. Because CO has been chosen as the reference in this paper, the relative molar responses for the heavier alcohols might, therefore, be expected to be somewhat lower in hydrogen than in helium. On the other hand, Hoffman (IO), also on the bais of a limited amount of data, states that the same factors may be used for H2 as well as He as carrier gases without essential loss of accuracy. Column factors may also enter into the differences between this work and Messner’s. Water and the alcohols are notorious for tailing ; and Porapak and Teflon-supported columns available now but not at the time of Messner’s work are superior in this respect.



Precision and Accuracy. Because this analysis was performed on a complex reaction mixture subject to change at any time due to fluctuating process variables or to catalyst activity decline, precision and accuracy are difficult to evaluate. Consecutive samples from the process stream agreed quite well with one another, the percentage concentration of all components being within 5 or less of the amount present from one sample to the next. Methanol and CO, the two highest in concentration, reproduced within 1 of the amount present. Checks for accuracy on a complete reaction mixture by some other analytical method were not possible. The best indication of reliability of results was a carbon balance done over all components in the product with the knowledge that all carbon originated with the CO. Such carbon balance calculations always resulted in closures within 5 or less when the set of hydrogen area-response factors determined for this work was employed. Early carbon-balance calculations employing the helium factors of Messner resulted in closures as poor as * 2 0 z and prompted the calibration work discussed above.




RECEIVED for review November 7,1968. Accepted January 21, 1969.

Correction Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Silver(1) The development of a spectrophotometric method for the determination of trace amounts of silver(1) was recently reported in this journal [M. T. El-Ghamry and R. W. Frei, ANAL.CHEM.,40, 13 (1968)l. The procedure utilized the ternary complex formed by silver(I), 1,IO-phenanthroline, and tetra bromo (R) fluorescein. In the meantime it has been brought to the authors’ attention that the investigation of ternary complexes involving silver-1 ,lo-phenanthroline and a number of anionic dyestuffs has been reported elsewhere (B. W. Bailey, Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, 1967). In the latter study, systems utilizing fluorescein and halogenated fluoresceins were investigated. It was determined that all halogenated fluoresceins undergo a bathochromic shift on complexing with silver-1 ,lo-phenanthroline and the various complexes have similar chemical and physical properties. The most sensitive color reactions were observed with the use of tetra chloro (P) tetra iodo (R) fluorescein. The behavior of the complex in both aqueous and organic media and the structure were investigated. This correction acknowledges the previous contribution to the analytical uses of ternary complexes and the silver-phenanthroline-fluorescein complexes in particular.