Automatic-Recording Ultraviolet Photometer for Laboratory and Field

(possibly in- frared) and photocell combination may permit the testing of practically all dark products. Table III. Aniline Point of Dark-Colored Petr...
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December, 1946



No. A B


Aniline Point of Derk-Colored Petroleum Products Sample Color. Lmibmd (500 Amber Series), 0.25-Inoh Cell Diluted with kerosene As is 9 to 1 350 ... 450


700 >75n ,750


... ... 95


Results Proposed Automatic, 0


82.2 110.8


8+ 8+ 8+


104.4 81.3

Figure 2 shows the general setup. Figure 3 pictures the sample container plus jacket, &e., and Figure container in position between light Source and photocell. The clip which prevents the thermometer from d i p ping through the glass sleeve m the stopper is replaced by a tightfitting ruhher sleeve when testing samples whose aniline points are helaw room temperature. Figure 5 pictures sample container, U-tube, stirrer, and thermometer disassembled. Tentative steps are under way far the manufacture of this a p paratus by the Precision Scientific Company, Chicago, Ill. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The author wishes to extend his appreciation to J. L. Koehler and A. Herzog far determining the A.S.T.M. aniline paints, to J. H. Lange for obtaining the electric-eye apparatus, and to R. Work for making the glass apparatus. LITERAIURE CITED Figure 5.

Sample Container Disassembled

Tahles I and I1 show the reproducibility TT-ith the apparatus and the close aereement with results obtained hv the A.S.T.M. procedure. Table 111 covers a few tests which indicate the adautahilitv of this apparatus to dark petroleum products. The samples cover the A.S.T.M. color range from -7 to very much darker than 8. Incidentally, while there is no doubt a limit of sample color beyond which this apparatus may not function, changes in sample container design and a more sensitive light source (possibly infrared) and photocell combination may permit the testing of practically all dark products ~

Am. SOC. Testing Materials, “Standards on Petroleum Products and Lubriomts”, D61144T,p. 41 (September, 1945). Cam, B. B.. and Apruss. M . S., IND.ENQ.CHEM..ANAL.ED., 14, 105 (1942). Donn, Leon, Ibid., 9, 202 (1937). Geddes, B. W., Wileox, L. Z., and MoArdle, E. H., Ibid., 15, 487 (1943). Madsen, Niels, Refiner, 12, 530 (1945). Matteson, Robert, Zeitfuohs. E. A,.and Eldredge. X. R.. IND. ENC:CAEM..ANAL.ED.,13, 394 (1941). Ormandy. W. R., and Craven, E. C.. J . Inst. Petroleum Tech., 12, 89 (1926). Van Wijk, W. R., and Boelhouwer, J. M. W., Ibid., 24, 598 ll0lPI

Williams, A. A,, and Dean, E. W., IND.ENG.CXBM..ANAL Eo., 14,63 (1942).

A n Automatic-Recording Ultraviolet Photometer Laboratory and Field Use
